Laravel: Sum column based on relationship condition - laravel

Let's say we have two tables:
Payment Reasons
Payment for something
Discount for something
I'd like to query payments table and sum amount column based on its relationship payment_reasons.is_discount value:
How to achieve this?

If you want to get the data in one db-request, I don't think there is a clean laravel-way to solve this. I've been trying out some raw mysql to get it into a working query and it would look like this:
sum(if(pr.is_discount = 0, p.amount, 0)) as total_received,
sum(if(pr.is_discount = 1, p.amount, 0)) as total_discounted
from payments p
join payment_reasons pr on = p.reason_id
The if statement will render if discount needs to be used per row and the sum wil simply sum all the end-results together.
Doing this in laravel with a model does not really make sence, since there are no fields in the result which your model could use anyway. In this case, using eloquent would be more (unmaintainable) code than a simple Query Builder:
$data = DB::select('
sum(if(pr.is_discount = 0, p.amount, 0)) as total_received,
sum(if(pr.is_discount = 1, p.amount, 0)) as total_discounted
from payments p
join payment_reasons pr on = p.reason_id
If you don't mind doing multiple queries to fetch the data, models make more sense:
$totalReceived = Payment
::whereHas('paymentReason', fn($q) => $q->where('is_discount', 0))
$totalDiscounted = Payment
::whereHas('paymentReason', fn($q) => $q->where('is_discount', 1))
Please note that this example will perform 4 queries, 2 on payments, and 2 on payment_reasons


Laravel Database filter total greater than and using distinct

How can I filter out only one results when total payment is greater than bill?
I tried 3 ways like this but still didn't work
Thank you
1.trial to one (not working)
$paid_off= Instalments::distinct()->whereRaw('bills >= payments ')->get();
2.second try (not working)
$paid_off = DB::table('instalments')
->selectRaw('count(*) as badanusaha_id, badanusaha_id')
->where(('Sum(bills )'), '>=', ('Sum([payments][1] )'))
3.third try (not working)
$pem1 = Instalments::distinct(DB::raw("CAST(SUM(bills) as int) as pem1"));
$pem2 = Instalments::select(DB::raw("CAST(SUM(payments ) as int) as pem2"));
if($pem1 >= $pem2){
$paid_off = Instalments::distinct()->select('*')->get();
from this image, only show one data that is PT Mandiri because total payments grather than total bills
I don't know what you're trying to achieve here. but from the last statement you mentioned
only show one data that is PT Mandiri because total payments grather
than total bills
this query will work as expected:
$instalments = Instalments::query()
->whereRaw('payments >= bills')
array:1 [▼
0 => {#1357 ▼
+"id": 1
+"badanusaha_id": 45
+"bills": "100.00"
+"payments": "100.00"

DAX - RANKX Using Two Calculations -

I have a data table that contains transactions by supplier. Each row of data represents one transaction. Each transaction contains a "QTY" column as well as a "Supplier" column.
I need to rank these suppliers by the count of transactions (Count of rows per unique supplier) then by the SUM of the "QTY" for all of each supplier's transactions. This needs to be in 1 rank formula, not two separate rankings. This will help in breaking any ties in my ranking.
I have tried dozens of formulas and approaches and can't seem to get it right.
See below example:
Suppliers ABC and EFG each have 4 transactions so they would effectively tie for Rank 1, however ABC has a Quantity of 30 and EFG has a QTY of 25 so ABC should rank 1 and EFG should rank 2.
Can anyone assist?
Welcome to SO. You can create a new calculated column -
Rank =
var SumTable = SUMMARIZE(tbl, tbl[Supplier], "CountTransactions", COUNT(tbl[Transaction Number]), "SumQuantity", SUM(tbl[Quantity]))
var ThisSupplier = tbl[Supplier]
var ThisTransactions = SUMX(FILTER(SumTable, [Supplier] = ThisSupplier), [CountTransactions])
var ThisQuantity = SUMX(FILTER(SumTable, [Supplier] = ThisSupplier), [SumQuantity])
var ThisRank =
[CountTransactions] >= ThisTransactions &&
[SumQuantity] >= ThisQuantity)
Here's the final result -
I'm curious to see if anyone posts an alternative solution. In the meantime, give mine a try and let me know if it works as expected.

Wrong total pagination with select distinct in Laravel 6

I use Laravel 6.12, I have this request :
$queryJob = DB::table('jobs as j')->join('job_translations as jt', '', 'jt.job_id')
->select('', 'j.short_name', 'j.status', DB::raw("case when j.short_name = '{$request->short_name}' then 0 else 1 end"))
$jobs = $queryJob->paginate($qtyItemsPerPage);
The results displays an error for the total :
The total = 3, but as you can see the data contains only 2 elements.
I read here that when using a distinct, I must be clear on which column the total must be calculated: distinct() with pagination() in laravel 5.2 not working
So I modified my query like that:
$jobs = $queryJob->paginate($qtyItemsPerPage, ['j.*']);
But without success, the total is still wrong.
Hoping that I don't misunderstand your DB and relations structure and purpose of your query perhaps this will avoid using distinct or groupBy altogether?
$shortname = $request->input('short_name');
$queryJob = Job::with('job_translations')->select('id','short_name',
'status', DB::raw("case when short_name = '" . $shortname . "'
then 0 else 1 end")
Pagination can be easily manually added with skip and take in case you need to use groupBy
$queryJob->skip(($page - 1) * $qtyItemsPerPage)->take($qtyItemsPerPage)->get();
The solution for me was to pass a field name to the distinct() method.
With your example:
$queryJob = DB::table('jobs as j')
// joins, where and other chained methods go here
Solution taken from

DAX IF measure - return fixed value

This should be a very simple requirement. But it seems impossible to implement in DAX.
Data model, User lookup table joined to many "Cards" linked to each user.
I have a measure setup to count rows in CardUser. That is working fine.
<measureA> = count rows in CardUser
I want to create a new measure,
<measureB> = IF(User.boolean = 1,<measureA>, 16)
If User.boolean = 1, I want to return a fixed value of 16. Effectively, bypassing measureA.
I can't simply put User.boolean = 1 in the IF condition, throws an error.
I can modify measureA itself to return 0 if User.boolean = 1
measureA> =
FILTER ( User.boolean != 1 )
This works, but I still can't find a way to return 16 ONLY if User.boolean = 1.
That's easy in DAX, you just need to learn "X" functions (aka "Iterators"):
Measure B =
SUMX( VALUES(User.boolean),
IF(User.Boolean, [Measure A], 16))
VALUES function generates a list of distinct user.boolean values (1, 0 in this case). Then, SUMX iterates this list, and applies IF logic to each record.

How can I increase my python-code speed?

I have a dataframe, df1, that reports courses students have taken, where ID is the student’s id, COURSES is a list of courses taken by the student, and TYPE and MAJOR are student attributes. The dataframe looks like this:
1 ['Intr To Archaeology', 'Statics', 'Circuits I…] Freshman EEEL
2 ['Signals & Systems I', ‘Instrumentation’…] Transfer EEEL
3 ['Keyboard Competence', 'Elementary … ] Freshman EEEL
4 ['Cultural Anthro', 'Vector Analysis’ … ] Freshma EEEL
I created a new dataframe, df2, that reports a dissimilarity measure for each pair of students based on the courses they’ve taken. df2 looks like this:
I created using the following script, but it runs very slowly (there are thousands of students). Can someone suggest a more efficient way to create df2?
One major problem is that the script below calculates the distance between (student 1 and student 2) and (student 2 and student 1), which is redundant since the distances are the same. However, the condition I created to prevent this:
if (id1 >= id2):
doesn't work.
Entire script:
for id1, student1 in df.iterrows():
for id2, student2 in df.iterrows():
if (id1 >= id2):
ID_1 = student1["ID"]
ID_2 = student2["ID"]
# courses as list strings
s1 = student1["COURSES"]
s2 = student2["COURSES"]
# courses as sets
courses1 = set(ast.literal_eval(s1))
courses2 = set(ast.literal_eval(s2))
distance = float(len(courses1.symmetric_difference(courses2)))/(len(courses1) + len(courses2))
# Some strings seem to have a different format
distance = -1
ID_1_Transfer = 1 if student1["TYPE"] == "Transfer" else 0
ID_2_Transfer = 1 if student2["TYPE"] == "Transfer" else 0
df2= df2.append({'ID_1': ID_1,'ID_2': PIDM_2,'Distance': distance, 'ID_1_Transfer': ID_1_Transfer, 'ID_2_Transfer': ID_2_Transfer}, ignore_index=True)
