Sharing entity with other microservice - spring

There is a microservice in Spring with PostgreSQL database responsible for some Product entity.
As there is a lot of Product's and they are still growing exponentially we want to archive this data to other database (also PostgreSQL as we have best knowledge about it and we are limited by support of some other tool). In our main microservice (Product) is already happening lot of things so we want to extract archiving data to other job/microservice. We use migration tool in main microservice which is responsible for Product table changes.
Question: how to keep our Product entity synced with this new technical (archiving) microservice to let this new microservice always be able to get data from DB and push it in same state to other DB with same schema?

The point of microservices is that each service has a narrow, clearly defined set of responsibilities, allowing them to be deployed independently of each other.
If you do this then your entity code will have two sets of responsibilities, and changes that might help it do something in one service might be unneeded or even cause issues in another. It complicates deployment and testing.
Better to keep separate code bases, allow the two services to evolve independently, and live with some duplication.
There is also the question of why an archive job would need jpa entities, this sounds more like a job for a bulk copy tool or replication service than jpa. Very likely this isn't the right technical choice, you'll have a very slow archive process that will end up getting rewritten to not use jpa and this effort to reuse the entity will have been wasted.


How do I access data that my microservice does not own?

A have a microservice that needs some data it does not own. It needs a read-only cache of data that is owned by another service. I am looking for guidence on how to implement this.
I dont' want my microserivce to call another microservice. I have too much data that is used in a join for this to be successful. In addition, I don't want my service to be dependent on another service (which may be dependent on another ...).
Currently, I am publishing an event to a queue. Then my service subscribes and maintains a copy of the data. I am haivng problem staying in sync with the source system. Plus, our DBAs are complaining about data duplication. I don't see a lot of informaiton on this topic.
Is there a pattern for this? What the name?
First of all, there are couple of ways to share data and two of them you mention.
One service call another service to get the data when it is required. This is good as you get up to date data and also there is no extra management required on consuming service. Problem is that if you are calling this too many times then other service performance may impact.
Another solution is maintained local copy of that data in consuming service using Pub/Sub mechanism.
Depending on your requirement and architecture you can keep this in actual db of consuming service or some type of cache ( persisted cache)
Here cons is consistency. When working with distributed architecture you will not get strong consistency but you have to depends on Eventual consistency.
Another solution is that and depends on your required you can separate out that tables that needs to join in some separate service. It depends on your use case.
If you still want consistency then at the time when first service call that update the data and then publish. Instead create some mediator component and that will call two service in sync fashion. Here things get complicated as you now try to implement transaction over distributed system.
One another point, when product build around Microservice architecture then it is not only technical move, as a organization and as a team your team needs to understand something that work in Monolith, it is not same in Microservices. DBA needs to understand that part and in Microservices Duplication of data across schema ( other aspect like code) prefer over reusability.
Last but not least, If it is always required to call another service to get data, It is worth checking service boundary as well. It may possible that sometime service needs to merge as business functionality required to stay together.

Data seeding of microservices

In order to perform testing in feature branches, sometimes it's needed to recreate data from scratch, e.g:
An experimental branch irreversibly transforms data on some testing environment, so before testing another branch it's needed to refill the databases/buckets
When testing, one microservice calls other microservice api and changes "that other" service data, so we want to always start testing on clean environment.
In case of monoliths, usually it's as easy as:
Create a dump
When needed, drop the database and apply the dump after (or in the middle of, depending on the dump last migration) migrations
But it's getting much harder when we're talking about microservice architecture:
Each microservice uses its own database(s).
It means we have N databases with some denormalized data.
Some microservices have links to entities of another microservice, so it's important that all the dumps are coherent and consistent.
Different teams own different services, so it's much harder to agree on how and when to update the initial data dumps so that dumps are consistent across the services.
I'm looking for some best practices on this. Do we have anything better than trying to make snapshots of all databases at once?

spring boot multiple microservices with one database

I know there are many questions like this and almost all answers are No. And the reason is a single microservice should be independent of another one. And if there is a change in a table, all microservices using that table need to be changed.
But my question is, if my database structure is fixed (hardly there will be any change in the table structure) will it be a good idea of creating multiple microservices pointing to same database.
Okay... here is my project.
We are going to a migrate struts 1.3/EJB 2.0 project to Angular/microservices. This project has 5 different modules and each module is a huge one. And this project is there in production since past 13 years. So there is very little chance of changing the table structures.
The reason I want to make different microservices is, since each modules are huge and complicated, and we still get requirements to add/change the business logics. So in that case, I can deploy only one microservice.
Any suggestions please.
I suggest creating a new service that access that database and all other services communicate with this service instead of directly to the database.
If you don't want to create a new service, at least access the DB using some database
abstraction layer.
For example, in SQL server use views and store procedures instead of directly access the tables.

Microservice architecture - is database shared across all instances of the service?

I understand that microservice architecture suggests that each service should have its own private database. But when such a service is scaled, then is it one db per service instance or one db shared by all service instances?
Your first statement may be misleading to some: "each service should have its own private database."
Your architecture should be careful about sharing a single set of tables across multiple services-- that sharing frequently leads to a shared schema dependency, which creates a tight coupling that makes it difficult to update the schema without updating many of the services that share that schema at the same time.
However, sharing a single database instance (or database cluster) doesn't mean your services are accessing the same tables or even the same schema within the database. And if they aren't accessing the same tables, they aren't coupled. (Relying on the same database instance isn't coupling any more than relying on the same network. Don't confuse coupling with shared infrastructure.)
Frequently, multiple instances of the same service share the same database. In my opinion, there is nothing inherently wrong with this, but there are some things to be aware of. If you go this route, you need to be very careful when making changes to the data schema. Because multiple versions of that service may be accessing the data at the same time during updates, any schema changes need to compatible to at least any two adjacent versions. If you add a column or table, that's fine. The older version won't attempt to use it, so there will be no problem. (Note too, that the older version won't populate it either.) Removing a column or table is another problem entirely and to make that kind of breaking change, you will likely need to do it in several smaller steps to ensure that the older version of the service isn't broken. It can be done, it's just tougher.
A general rule of microservice development is that each microservice
should manage its own data. In an ideal world, the data managed by
each service would be completely independent. There would be no need
to propagate data changes made in one service to other services.
In the real world, however, complete data independence is impossible.
There will always be overlaps between the data used in different
services, Consequently, as an architect, you need to think carefully about
sharing data and managing data consistency. You need to think about
the microservices as an interacting system rather than as individual
This means:
You should isolate data within each system service with as little
data sharing as possible.
If data sharing is mavoidable, you should design microservices so
that most sharing is read-only, with a minimal number of
services responsible for data updates.
If services are replicated in your system, you must include a
mechanism that can keep the database copies used by replica
services consistent.
Good question indeed. I would answer it like: "at least a database per microservice (not instance)"
A concern is the scalability of the databse itself, i.e. can service instances outscale the database?
If so, you could opt for e.g. an in-memory database or a sidecar for your microservice. The database would be ephemeral and you would need to populate it after the pod/container (re)starts. So the state not really lives in the database.
Apache Kafka is a tool that fits this spot, as it would allow you to populate the database after the service comes up and also provides the tooling to synchronize state for all currently running and future instances. But successfully implementing a Event-Sourcing with Kafka is not a trivial task, but you could come the conclusion that you don't need databases at all.
So the question remains, can service instances really outscale the database?
The answer would be "no" more often than not.
So by having a database instance per microservice (physically or logically) already gives you a lot in terms of "loose coupling and cohesive behaviour" as you don't share databases.
Another concern are breaking changes to the database between versions of the microservice. If things go wrong you could find yourself being unable to rollback. An ephemeral database could sync itself up in a compatible way.
Some say they change database technologies throughout the lifetime of a microservice, I never had the neccessity to do so, but an in-memory/sidecar approach would fit here very well.
I presume you share one database with all instances of one microservice. So that one update is available for every instance of the same microservice immediately. You may use one database instance per microservice instance to avoid the database as a single point of failure. But you would have to keep in sync every database which, it seems like an unnecesary overload for the database and application. I assume the database is able to keep a group of db instances in sync (every insert,update, delete is properly propagated).

Microservices and isolated persistence - how should the data be stored/fetched?

At my company, we're about to move to the micro services architecture. I read a lot about it, and there are tons of obscure areas where it's specific to the project built, but one area seems to get everyone to agree, microservices need to have isolated persistence or another way to say it, they need to have they own database.
Now I love the idea, that means every microservice has its own database schema, its own domain objects and is 100% independent of any other microservice data structure.
There are things I don't quite understand though.
The "Customer Service" is obviously central to the application, and we can see that basically any other microservice will need some data about the user at some point. Whether it'd be the user's credit amount, its ID, or its name.
But since other microservices can't directly read into the Customer Service database, they'll need to query this service over and over again. This is fine (I guess) for simple stuff like getting the name of current logged user, but when we need to display 60 users on a page and we can't do any SQL join, it feels like we're missing something. This is even worse when microservices depend upon tons of microservices.
So I found out that some people actually queried microservices X times a day to get data into their own microservices.
So if microservice "Search" needs data from "Product", "Customer", it'll actually query these microservices and will persist the data with its own data structure.
The question I have is should it be "Search" that queries "Product" and "Customer", or should "Product" and "Customer" send data to "Search" ?
The first option looks a bit easier to do, we only need to have this logic on one side, and that's where the data is needed. But we'll only get static freshness of data which is not very smart, but could definitely work.
The second option looks a bit more difficult but more scalable too, because we could have very fresh data when we need it, since the data changed where it's sent, it could also be more granular.
I think you correctly identified downsides to the microservices approach! And there are no elegant solutions to these specific problems. You will have to eat the additional work and architecture deterioration that this brings.
Concretely addressing your question now:
The question I have is should it be "Search" that queries "Product" and "Customer", or should "Product" and "Customer" send data to "Search" ?
You seem to be looking for a data synchronization service. You want to decide between push and pull. You are concerned about data freshness and logic duplication.
The key point here is that the source service cannot know about its consumers. This is to prevent an unwanted reverse dependency. This would break architectural isolation. Any data sync process that maintains this is fine. You can do what is most convenient.
For example, you could make the data source expose two APIs:
An API to get the whole data set. This would be called periodically by the destination (e.g. nightly). It can also be used to seed the destination at will and to fix data errors there.
A feed of changes in the source database keyed by the date and time the change occurred. The destination can now poll that change feed very frequently (e.g. every few seconds or minutes) and apply the small delta that occurred.
You can even build a realtime change feed through a publish-subscribe middleware. Many message queue softwares can do that. The source would just send out changes to the middleware.
Building all of this is conceptually simple but takes a lot of work. It also creates lots of ongoing work and increases the potential for bugs. Debugging becomes much harder. I have worked on systems like that.
I'm going to add a subjective note: Microservices are not well understood by many teams. The downsides are often ignored. You identified a few of the downsides correctly and they are nasty! Given what I read on the web I believe many teams do not realize the mess they are getting themselves into. Managing disparate data stores can be a nightmare. This is not a one-time "mess" but an ongoing one.
As an alternative I'd recommend using a common data store and building services simply as classes or projects that live in the same process. This gives you the microservices code structuring with the convenience of normal development. It also leaves a few of the upsides of microservices on the table.
your identification of the problem is correct.
But the solution to your problem will depend on use case to use case.
In your example of search service , product service and customer service should publish their events on kafka or similar messaging and search service listen to them and updates it.
In case of lets say in order service while creating an order for a customer , you want to check customer exists , then you might do it by calling the sync api of customer service , but for that also there are variour other approaches , i have answered here linking Microservices and allowing for one to be unavailable
From my perspective sync communication between services should be avoided , and there are way around for this , above link would help
You can use domain driven design philosophy to correctly break your services and their contract
