How to update Abp Permission Cache for each application - caching

I have multiple services (Administration.Api, Project.Api)
Administration service is managing permissions (create,update).
But i have a problem about caching, when i update permissions through Administration.Api, Project api's cache Permission grant don't change immediately(it's grant change after 20minutes, when cach removed automatically)
I want to change all permission cache under different cache prefixes immediately. How can i fix this?

You really need a true distributed cache service (like Redis) to do this properly. That way a cache-dump for one affects all services.
There are other solutions you could try, but really they are just bandaids, and more work with potential other sideeffects.
use a message bus to notify all services of the permission change and to dump their in-memory cache
use a new shared db table to add a new row with "LastUpdated". The permission service would need to write the updated time when permissions changed. Each service would need to query this table to check for a newer updated time (on each request), and dump in-memory cache if exists.

You can use AbpDistributedCacheOptions to change default cache settings and add prefix to your application for caching.
Configure<AbpDistributedCacheOptions>(options =>
options.GlobalCacheEntryOptions = new DistributedCacheEntryOptions()
AbsoluteExpiration = //20 mins default
options.KeyPrefix = "MyApp1";
You can also extend override permission management providers, such as RolePermissionManagementProvider and handle cache invalidation.
Docs about permission management providers:

One application has ONE ABP default cache (we are not talking about global caches like Redis now). So to have a single control of different applications caches, you can use RabbitMQ: you have a RabbitMQ queue in each application, named something like "abp-cache[appName]". In RabbitMQ receiver, you send messages to EACH of these queues. In the RabbitMQ receiver of the specific app, you handle the received message. I've already implemented this mechanism to update ABP permission cache for all my apps. Everything is easily wrapped inside Extensions Nuget package.


KStream disable local state strore

I am using Kafka Stream with Spring cloud Stream. Our application is stateful as it does some aggregation. When I run the app, I see the below ERROR message on the console.
I am running this app in a Remote Desktop Windows machine.
Failed to change permissions for the directory C:\Users\andy\project\tmp
Failed to change permissions for the directory C:\Users\andy\project\tmp\my-local-local
But when the same code is deployed in a Linux box, I don't see the error. So I assume it an access issue.
As per our company policy, we do not have access to the change a folder's permission and hence chmod 777 did not work as well.
My question is, is there a way to disable creating the state store locally and instead use the Kafka change log topic to maintain the state. I understand this is not ideal, but it only for my local development. TIA.
You could try to use in-memory state stores instead of the default persistent state stores.
You can do that by providing a state store supplier for in-memory state stores to your stateful operations:
StateStoreSupplier storeSupplier = Stores.inMemoryKeyValueStore("in-mem");
StreamsBuilder builder = stream("input-topic")
From Apache Kafka 3.2 onwards, you can set the store type in the stateful operation without the need for a state store supplier:
StreamsBuilder builder = stream("input-topic")
Or you can set the state store type globally with:
props.put(StreamsConfig.DEFAULT_DSL_STORE_CONFIG, StreamsConfig.IN_MEMORY);

Is it possible to make a runtime db connection and use it in Schema, DB and models without effecting configs?

I want to use dynamic databases on runtime without effecting config/database.php because of concurrent users.
I have a main db with a table that contains reference to several other dbs. Now at runtime I need to not only connect to those dbs but also may want to run migrations on them.
I am aware that this is possible by having a second connection entry in config.database.connections but I have a feeling that if two users hit the server at the same time, the physical config file changes may create a conflict.
I also read (and also experimented) that you can edit the second connection using below code at runtime:
\Config::set('database.connections.mysql2.database', 'somedynamicdb');
But I fear that if it persists changes for different users, then it may conflict for concurrent users. And if it does not persist changes, then it wont work for migrations.
I want to understand/know two things specifically:
What is the scope of this above code (i.e. Config::set() call)? Does it persist over different user calls to the server?
If I call migrations using Artisan::call('migrate') with a --database=connectionname clause, right after I change the db name in connectionname, will that use the dynamically set database or the physical config value?
Also worth noting that a call to Artisan::call('migrate') with a --database=connectionname, will make the new connection persist for the rest of your app call.
See here for details:
Config::set will only apply for the request for which it was set, won't apply to any other requests, and will not persist beyond the request. If you're not processing a request (e.g. a CLI command) then it won't affect anything beyond the current PHP process.
As for Item #2, if you're invoking from the command line, you can just do DB_CONNECTION=connectionname php artisan migrate. If you need to invoke the artisan command from code, using Config::set is still the right way to go.
We use connection created on the fly here all time and works very well. We setup this on Middleware that we included after authentication and is only valid on the user current user request based on login information.

Disabling/Pause database replication using ML-Gradle

I want to disable the Database Replication from the replica cluster in MarkLogic 8 using ML-Gradle. After updating the configurations, I also want to re-enable it.
There are tasks for enabling and disabling flexrep in ML Gradle. But I couldn't found any such thing for Database Replication. How can this be done?
ml-gradle uses the Management API to handle configuration changes. Database Replication is controlled by sending a PUT command to /manage/v2/databases/[id-or-name]/properties. Update your ml-config/databases/content-database.json file (example that does not include that property) to include database-replication, including replication-enabled: true.
To see what that object should look like, you can send a GET request to the properties endpoint.
You can create your own command to set replication-enabled - see
I'll also add a ticket for making official commands - e.g. mlEnableReplication and mlDisableReplication, with those defaulting to the content database, and allowing for any database to be specified.

How to change Infinispan cache settings after it is created?

In my application i'm using Infinispan 5.3 version and I want to change setting after cache is initialized. Default settings will be loaded from xml file and some of the settings ( ex : eviction maxEntries, lifespan, etc ) should be able to change any time of application running (This is changed by sysadmin). Is there way to changed settings of already created cache ?
I tried EmbeddedCacheManager.defineConfiguration(String cacheName, Configuration configurationOverride); but this has no effect on already created cache.
Please, take into account that in the Infinispan version 5.3 there is no possibility to change cache configuration "on the fly". You need to restart your service with new configuration in case of any wanted change.
This is something the community might want to work on in the future. However, such a task is not easy because you need to figure out how to correctly deal with affected data immediately after the configuration change.
Feel free to raise new feature request:

Windows azure cache error - "Cache referred to does not exist. Contact administrator or use the Cache administration tool to create a Cache."

I have one application on Windows Azure cloud and I'm using Windows Azure Co-Located Cache.
Some times, when I publish the website/webservice, this error appears when I call the DataCacheFactory.GetCache method:
Cache referred to does not exist. Contact administrator or use the Cache administration tool to create a Cache.
This problem can go away after few moments, but some times it never fix, then I need to publish projects again.
The stacktrace is:
Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.DataCache.ThrowException(ErrStatus errStatus, Guid trackingId, Exception responseException, Byte[][] payload,
EndpointID destination) at Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.DataCacheFactory.EstablishConnection(IEnumerable`1 servers, RequestBody request, Func`3
sendMessageDelegate, DataCacheReadyRetryPolicy retryPolicy) at Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.SocketClientProtocol.Initialize(IEnumerable`1 servers)
at Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.DataCacheFactory.GetCache(String cacheName, CreateNewCacheDelegate cacheCreationDelegate,
DataCacheInitializationViaCopyDelegate initializeDelegate)
See this link whether it can help you...
we were missing the required blob storage container on local
devstorage. After creating the following container :
'cacheclusterconfigs' everything seems to be working now
'cacheclusterconfigs' container will be created by the service may accidentally deleted that.
Note: IMO please verify the cache name. By default you will be using the cache named 'default'.
