Is there a way I can run scripts in an opendaylight controller without using the GUI? - opendaylight

I have a Mininet network and have connected it to an ODL controller. I want to add flows in the controller (and not through Mininet) to be able to get pings and monitor traffic in the network.
What I've seen online, suggested that I connect to the GUI of the controller and create flows there, but I want to know if I can implement/modify flows in the controller itself. I want to run an ODL script without using the GUI. Any help will be much appreciated (links, suggestions etc.).
(I am using ODL 16.02)
Can't find any solutions.

I am also new to ODL. It seems the ODL GUI is no longer supported and the only way to add flows is through RESTCONF. In order to do this, you will need an API testing software. You can use curl and I have seen that Postman is very popular, but there are other alternatives.
This link shows a video where they demonstrate how to configure flows using Postman. I wish there were more information for beginners about how to configure flows and features, since I am also having problems understanding how to use ODL.


Fuchsia: how to use a built-in capability in a component

I'm trying to learn and use Fuchsia for fun, and a pretty basic concept is keeping me from progressing.
I thought that, as a learning experience, I could write a simple HTTP client that prints the content of some random URL to the log. Really nothing fancy.
As I understand, using the network (in my case I'd like to utilize is a capability, which has to be granted to a running component. Makes sense, that's pretty much the core of the OS.
I also understand that the initiating component, the one that runs my component, needs to grant this capability to my component. That's fair.
What I don't understand, and I'd very much appreciate any additional information (pretty please!) is how I can grant this to my component?
Specifically all demos and examples I saw had a custom client & server under a realm, which talked to each other. That's a good practice, but it doesn't bring in any capability that's built in.
What am I missing? Thanks in advance!
I'm trying to learn and use Fuchsia for fun, and a pretty basic concept is keeping me from progressing.
Thanks for your interest in Fuchsia! First of all, if you haven't already gone through Fuchsia Fundamentals I would strongly suggest that as a starting point for many of the foundational concepts.
Specifically all demos and examples I saw had a custom client & server under a realm, which talked to each other. That's a good practice, but it doesn't bring in any capability that's built in.
This is primarily because there's isn't necessarily a concept of any set of components or capabilities being "built in" to the system. The capabilities available to components in the system are entirely dependent on the rest of the components in a particular product build and how they are organized (this is called the component topology).
I thought that, as a learning experience, I could write a simple HTTP client that prints the content of some random URL to the log. Really nothing fancy.
The answer has a few sharp edges to it at the moment, as Fuchsia is a rapidly evolving open source project. Hopefully some of the details below will help you move forward.
Determine the capability routes
So you'll have to do a bit of work to figure out where the capability you need is provided and routed. In fact, one of the components exercises shows you how to do this for the capability. Knowing where a capability is offered/used allows you to determine where your component would need to be instantiated to obtain the necessary capability.
You might also find some of the content in the Connect components developer guide useful in accessing the capability.
Run the component
Knowing where a capability is routed allows you to determine how to run your component. The most straightforward way of instantiating a component in the topology is to do so dynamically using ffx component. However, this requires a collection somewhere on the system with the capabilities you need. The ffx-laboratory realm where most examples are run has a very limited set of capabilities that does not include
You'll likely need to add your component statically to the topology using a core realm shard so that the necessary routes can be declared explicitly between the components that offer and your component. With the component included statically in your product build, you can execute it using ffx component commands.
For more details on component execution, check out the Run components developer guide as well.
Run a CLI binary
Since this is a learning exercise, another option is to build your code as a binary that runs within the context of a component that already has the capabilities you need vs. creating and running an entirely new component. This is commonly used for CLI tools. With the ffx component explore command you can run your code as a binary inside the existing component that provides the HTTP capability you are looking for using the --tools argument, without the need to work through all the capability routing pieces described above.
For more details on ffx component explore, see Explore components.

How to effectively monitor http in Jenkins

Is there some way effectively monitor http in Jenkins master? Monitor plugin provides some graphs and tables but it is really hard to understand how the end user ‘feels’ while working on the Jenkins web page. Is there any page freezes? What is the maximum delay? Maybe I don’t use the Monitor plugin correctly, so is there any way to harvest such a data from provided graphs?
The monitoring plugin is the one that I use. It tells me which pages are taking the longest time to load/hang/etc. I"m not sure if there is something else out there that can do something like this. Maybe a third party tool like newrelic perhaps.

Using opendaylight to document networks

I am facing a task to analyze, document and visualize a rather large global network (more than 200 sites, various technologies) and wonder if opendaylight might help me with this. The documentation should mainly focus on Layer 3 and Layer 4 but may partially also include L2 topology. There is no need to actually use a controller to configure devices through southbound APIs, but I would like to use the benefits of a structured, consistent description (e.g. YANG) and a visualization (DLUX, NeXt) which ODL provides.
So here's my question: Is there any way to manually add a topology (nodes, links) through a graphical editor to ODL?
From the general project description and from the last 20 seconds of this video, NeXt in general seems to be able to add/modify topology information. How far does the NeXt integration with ODL go? Would I need to write my own app (which could use NeXt) which would need to use the RESTCONF APIs to add information to the topology? Or should I maybe create a virtual topology of the real network using mininet? Any other ideas?
I understand that an sdn controller is probably not the right kind of tool for this task, but other alternatives (e.g. Net2Plan, Visio, yEd) are basically local solutions, a bit too complicated or provide no standardized DSL for topologies. Besides that, the documentation covering ODL and NeXt integration is very limited - couldn't get a grasp of how that integration should work (I'll try harder).

Can I use meteor for this?

I'm looking for a way to create an app which has a realtime web interface as well as an API which can be called by a node.js client while sharing most of its code.
I'd like to be able to manage data, monitor and execute tasks inside of my app via browser, but also have an automation/scheduling program which connects to my web app and tells it to run various tasks and get results of each task.
Unfortunately it doesn't look like I can connect to Meteor from the server, so I'm wondering if there's another approach? Is what I described even possible using Meteor?
I have done some testing using and I think I may be able to do it this way, but Meteor seems like it'd be really great for the realtime user interface.
Yes, you can use npm packages to do what you want. Just like standard Node.js programming.
There might be one error you run into when calling Meteor between external code, but it is easy to solve.
I guess in your case you could set up a TCP server that way and make it update a collection, then you could get the clients to update through the reactive collection publishing mechanism.

What is the simplest way for me to use Google's APIs?

Currently, I'm trying to get a list of advertisers (See with my relationship status from Google's API.
I'm using Ruby and the 'google-api-client' gem and I'm writing this as an automated task. I've suddenly been thrust in to their world of browser windows, shell scripts, and every nut and bolt of OAuth2. I think I'm using the solution for a much different problem - accessing the data of people coming to your website. I just want MY data. Surely there's a much simpler way for me to get it?
Many other affiliate networks give me a REST service (or butchering thereof) and secret params/headers for auth.
I've registered myself as user of my 'device'. My app can now access my data!
I followed the instructions here:
Is this the correct/best way to do it? I am unsure.
