Color and formatting of Rstudio console output - rstudio

How can I get console output like this:
Currently my console looks like this:
I have tried installing cli, crayon packages but it does not work.

Using R version 4.2.2 it now works after installing the crayon-package from CRAN.
Console is nicely formatted:


Sublime Text 2 - CodeIntel - Ruby Gem Completion

I was going through Ruby autocompletion for Sublime Text 2 (Mac OSx).
I've installed a cool package Sublime Codeintel that I found very usefull.
It works properly for Ruby standard library (if we can call it like that) but I cannot configure it to work with functions/classes/modules coming from Gem I've installed in my project. I've googled and I found that I need to modify the codeintel_language_settings in the Sublime Codeintel settings with something like:
"Ruby": {
"ruby": "/usr/bin/ruby",
"rubyExtraPaths": []
but it doesn't work. I've also tried to use the rbenv path (since I'm using rbenv) but whit no success.
Anyone could help on this?
As far as I'm aware, this cannot be done. It looks like an old bug, going back to CodeIntel in Komodo, and more recently it's been an open issue on the ST2 version.

Problems with new command on Rails.vim

I've installed a plain instalation of Ruby on Windows (using Ruby Installer, so Ruby 2.0) and Rails. Also, I've installed GVim, and, using Pathogen, the plugin Rails.vim.
But, when I try to create a new application, using Vim, the following error occurs:
:Rails new MyApp
Error detected while processing Function rails#new_app_command
E118:Too many arguments for function: s:sub
E15: Invalid expression s:sub(&shellpipe, '%s', temp, 'g')
In command prompt the application is created without problems.
I already tried to create an empty .vimrc, with only pathogen command.
Also, I acess the plugin documentation throug gVim without problems.
What I'm doing wrong?
Thanks in advance!
As mentioned in comments (by romainl and Peter Rincker), it is a bug of the latest version of the plugin.
The Issue was posted and solved. An update of my local version solved the problem. Now, everything works fine.

Java 8 Nashorn: Console pretty unusable

I am using Java 8 build 1.8.0-b132 on OSX 10.9.2.
I am playing with Nashorn the new JavaScript runtime in Java 8.
I am using Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/jjs but unfortunately jjs is pretty unusable in interactive mode since cursor left/right does not work:
jjs> var x =^[[D
The above output (^[[D) is the result of pressing 'cursor left'. Is there a way to fix that behavior and using cursor left/right in the jjs console?
Thanks to #assylias for pointing me to rlwrap.
I installed rlwrap via homebrew:
brew install rlwrap
Then I defined an alias in my .zshrc (would be the same for bash in .bashrc)
alias jjs='rlwrap /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/jjs'
Now I can use jjs on the commandline and the <- and -> keys are working as expected.

Integrate Jekyll to run into WebStorm on Windows

Is it possible to run Jekyll as External Tool into WebStorm? (same for RubyMine, IntelliJ IDEA, ...)
The most obvious thing is to run the jekyll.bat file:
...but this doesn't work.
I haven't found any solution so after some trial+error I discover this working configuration:
In this example I am using: RubyInstaller + gem install jekyll.
If you prefer using straight Ruby+DevKit then Program and Parameters paths must be changed according.

why doesn't 'which identify' work for ImageMagick on Windows machine?

I'm trying to get paperclip and ImageMagick to work on a Windows 7 machine using Ruby 1.9.2 and rails 3.0.7. ImageMagick appears to have installed fine, since I did the imdisplay command that the ImageMagick installer told me to do, and it worked. A basic paperclip attachment also works fine, as long as I'm not trying to resize it. Once I do try to resize, I get the "...[image path] is not recognized by the 'identify' command" error. There are several posts about this, here are the things I've done from reading those:
ImageMagick is installed in a directory w/out spaces - C:\ImageMagick-6.5.6-Q8
ImageMagick is on my PATH - I can do identify -version and get the version info.
I've added the following to my config/environments/development.rb :
Paperclip.options[:command_path] = "C:/ImageM~1"
I also tried that with the full path, until another post suggested the ~ abbreviation.
