Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: e is not a function - p5.js

I cannot seem to diagnose any issue in my code yet after 9 epochs of training I get the error in the title.
Here is the code that stores values inside the posenet listener callback
if (poses.length > 0) {
pose = poses[0].pose;
skeleton = poses[0].skeleton;
let inputs = [];
if (isCapturing) {
for (let keypoint of pose.keypoints) {
let x = keypoint.position.x;
let y = keypoint.position.y;
if (targetSwitch == 1) { poses1.push(inputs); }
if (targetSwitch == 2) { poses2.push(inputs); }
and here is where i add the data to the neural net
if (key == 't') {
for (var i = 0; i < poses1.length; i++){
input = poses1[i];
output = poses2[i];
brain.addData(input, output);
//each pose is stored with 34 values (x and y values for each landmark)
brain.train({epochs:34, batchsize:68})
Trying to create a regression model in ml5.js that takes a 2d array of posenet landmark coordinates as inputs and another of the same type as outputs.


Grouping points after cut plane three js

I found all intersection points between the object and plane, as in this great example. But now I want to connect these points between themselves (dividing into separate arrays) where the plane passes and connect them again. I tried to connect them by distance, but this does not give an effective result
var pointsArray = []; //point after intersection
var sortedPoints = [];
var sortedPointsDis = [];
sortedPoints.push( pointsArray.pop() );
while( pointsArray.length ) {
var distance = sortedPoints[sortedPoints.length - 1].distanceTo( pointsArray[0] );
var index = 0;
for(var i = 1; i < pointsArray.length; i++) {
var tempDistance = sortedPoints[sortedPoints.length - 1].distanceTo( pointsArray[i] );
if( tempDistance < distance ) {
distance = tempDistance;
index = i;
sortedPoints.push( pointsArray.splice(index, 1)[0] );
sortedPointsDis.push( distance );
var result = [[]];
for(var i = 0; i < sortedPoints.length; i++) {
var lastArr = result[result.length - 1];
if( lastArr.length < 3 ) {
lastArr.push( sortedPoints[i] );
} else {
var distance = lastArr[0].distanceTo( sortedPoints[i] );
if( distance < sortedPointsDis[i - 1] ) {
lastArr = result[result.length - 1];
Ideas? Examples? Thank in advance for your replies!
So, yes, this answer based on that one and extends it. The solution is rough and can be optimized.
I've used modified .equals() method of THREE.Vector3() (I hope it (or something similar) will be a part of the core one day as it's a very useful feature), taken from here:
THREE.Vector3.prototype.equals = function(v, tolerance) {
if (tolerance === undefined) {
return ((v.x === this.x) && (v.y === this.y) && (v.z === this.z));
} else {
return ((Math.abs(v.x - this.x) < tolerance) && (Math.abs(v.y - this.y) < tolerance) && (Math.abs(v.z - this.z) < tolerance));
The idea:
When we're getting points of intersection, to each point we add information about which face a point belongs to. It means that there are always pairs of points with the same face index.
Then, we recursively find all the contours our points form.
Also, all points mark as unchecked (.checked = false).
Find first unchecked point. Add it to the array of the current contour.
Find its pair point (with the same face index). Add it to the array of the current contour.
Find an unchecked point, the closest one to the point found last. Makr it as checked .checked = true.
Find its pair point (with the same face index). Mark it as checked .checked = true.
Check, if the last found point equals (with some tolerance) to the first found point (the beginning of the contour)
5.1. If no, then just add the last found point in the array of the current contour and go to step 3.
5.2. If yes, then clone the first point of the current contour and add it to the array of the current contour, add the contour to the array of contours.
Check, if we have have all points marked as checked.
6.1. If no, then go to step 1.
6.2. If yes, we finished. Return the array of contours.
Modified function of setting a point of intersection:
function setPointOfIntersection(line, plane, faceIdx) {
pointOfIntersection = plane.intersectLine(line);
if (pointOfIntersection) {
let p = pointOfIntersection.clone();
p.faceIndex = faceIdx;
p.checked = false;
How to get contours and how to draw them:
var contours = getContours(pointsOfIntersection.vertices, [], true);
contours.forEach(cntr => {
let cntrGeom = new THREE.Geometry();
cntrGeom.vertices = cntr;
let contour = new THREE.Line(cntrGeom, new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({
color: Math.random() * 0xffffff
function getContours(points, contours, firstRun) {
console.log("firstRun:", firstRun);
let contour = [];
// find first line for the contour
let firstPointIndex = 0;
let secondPointIndex = 0;
let firsPoint, secondPoint;
for (let i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
if (points[i].checked == true) continue;
firstPointIndex = i;
firstPoint = points[firstPointIndex];
firstPoint.checked = true;
secondPointIndex = getPairIndex(firstPoint, firstPointIndex, points);
secondPoint = points[secondPointIndex];
secondPoint.checked = true;
contour = getContour(secondPoint, points, contour);
let allChecked = 0;
points.forEach(p => { allChecked += p.checked == true ? 1 : 0; });
console.log("allChecked: ", allChecked == points.length);
if (allChecked != points.length) { return getContours(points, contours, false); }
return contours;
function getContour(currentPoint, points, contour){
let p1Index = getNearestPointIndex(currentPoint, points);
let p1 = points[p1Index];
p1.checked = true;
let p2Index = getPairIndex(p1, p1Index, points);
let p2 = points[p2Index];
p2.checked = true;
let isClosed = p2.equals(contour[0], tolerance);
if (!isClosed) {
return getContour(p2, points, contour);
} else {
return contour;
function getNearestPointIndex(point, points){
let index = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < points.length; i++){
let p = points[i];
if (p.checked == false && p.equals(point, tolerance)){
index = i;
return index;
function getPairIndex(point, pointIndex, points) {
let index = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
let p = points[i];
if (i != pointIndex && p.checked == false && p.faceIndex == point.faceIndex) {
index = i;
return index;
jsfiddle example r87.

How to create all possible variations from single string presented in special format?

Let's say, I have following template.
Hello, {I'm|he is} a {notable|famous} person.
Result should be
Hello, I'm a notable person.
Hello, I'm a famous person.
Hello, he is a notable person.
Hello, he is a famous person.
The only possible solution I have in mind - full search, but it is not effective.
May be there is a good algorithm for such kind of job but I do not know what task about. All permutations in array is very close to this but I have no idea how to use it here.
Here is working solution (it's part of object, so here is only relevant part).
generateText() parses string and converts 'Hello, {1|2}, here {3,4}' into ['Hello', ['1', '2'], 'here', ['3', '4']]]
extractText() takes this multidimensional array and creates all possible strings
generateText: function(text) {
var result = [];
var state = this.STATE_TEXT;
var length = text.length;
var simpleText = '';
var options = [];
var singleOption = '';
var i = 0;
while (i < length) {
var symbol = text[i];
switch(symbol) {
case '{':
if (state === this.STATE_TEXT) {
simpleText = simpleText.trim();
if (simpleText.length) {
simpleText = '';
case '}':
if (state === this.STATE_INSIDE_BRACKETS) {
singleOption = singleOption.trim();
if (singleOption.length) {
singleOption = '';
if (options.length) {
options = [];
state = this.STATE_TEXT;
case '|':
if (state === this.STATE_INSIDE_BRACKETS) {
singleOption = singleOption.trim();
if (singleOption.length) {
singleOption = '';
if (state === this.STATE_TEXT) {
simpleText += symbol;
} else if (state === this.STATE_INSIDE_BRACKETS) {
singleOption += symbol;
return result;
extractStrings(generated) {
var lengths = {};
var currents = {};
var permutations = 0;
var length = generated.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if ($.isArray(generated[i])) {
lengths[i] = generated[i].length;
currents[i] = lengths[i];
permutations += lengths[i];
var strings = [];
for (var i = 0; i < permutations; i++) {
var string = [];
for (var k = 0; k < length; k++) {
if (typeof lengths[k] === 'undefined') {
currents[k] -= 1;
if (currents[k] < 0) {
currents[k] = lengths[k] - 1;
strings.push(string.join(' '));
return strings;
The only possible solution I have in mind - full search, but it is not effective.
If you must provide full results, you must run full search. There is simply no way around it. You don't need all permutations, though: the number of results is equal to the product of the number of alternatives in each template.
Although there are multiple ways to implement this, recursion is among the most popular approaches. Here is some pseudo-code to get you started:
string[][] templates = {{"I'm", "he is"}, {"notable", "famous", "boring"}}
int[] pos = new int[templates.Length]
string[] fills = new string[templates.Length]
recurse(templates, fills, 0)
void recurse(string[][] templates, string[] fills, int pos) {
if (pos == fills.Length) {
} else {
foreach option in templates[pos] {
fills[pos] = option
recurse(templates, fills, pos+1);
It seems like the best solution here is going to be n*m where n=the first array and m= the second array . There are nm required lines of output, which means that as long as you are only doing nm you aren't doing any extra work
The generic running time for this is where there is more than 2 arrays with options, it would be
n1*n2...*nm where each of those is equal to the size of the respective list
A nested loop where you just print out the value for the current index of the outer loop along with the current value for the index of the inner loop should do this properly

Swift: How to declare a 2d array (grid or matrix) in Swift to allow random insert

I need to be able to store information about cells in a 2d matrix or grid. Data is not contiguous so I may need to store data at 5,5 when there is no data at lower rows and columns.
My first thought was an array of arrays dynamically sized. But Swift arrays have bounds that do not grow automatically. If I attempt to place something at index 5 and thats beyond its current size it fails with out of bounds exception.
Is there a collection class in Swift or Cocoa which supports random access to a grid. NSArray doesn't support it either.
Another thought was to store the elements in a dictionary and use a tuple of row, column as the key. However, tuples are not hashable and can't be used as the key to a dictionary.
My current approach is to preinitialize the array with a set size filled with nulls.
Is there a better way?
Here is a very basic implementation, using Dictionary as backend storage:
struct Matrix2D<KeyElem:Hashable, Value> {
var _storage:[KeyElem:[KeyElem:Value]] = [:]
subscript(x:KeyElem, y:KeyElem) -> Value? {
get {
return _storage[x]?[y]
set(val) {
if _storage[x] == nil {
_storage[x] = [:]
_storage[x]![y] = val
var matrix = Matrix2D<Int, String>()
matrix[1,2] = "foo"
as DictionaryLiteralConvertible:
extension Matrix2D:DictionaryLiteralConvertible {
typealias Key = (x:KeyElem, y:KeyElem)
init(dictionaryLiteral elements: (Key, Value)...) {
for (key, val) in elements {
self[key.x, key.y] = val
var matrix:Matrix2D = [(1,2):"foo", (2,3):"bar"]
Array backend version
struct Matrix2D<T> {
var _storage:[[T?]] = []
subscript(x:Int, y:Int) -> T? {
get {
if _storage.count <= x {
return nil
if _storage[x].count <= y {
return nil
return _storage[x][y]
set(val) {
if _storage.count <= x {
let cols = [[T?]](count: x - _storage.count + 1, repeatedValue: [])
if _storage[x].count <= y {
let rows = [T?](count: y - _storage[x].count + 1, repeatedValue: nil)
_storage[x][y] = val

Algorithms find shortest path to all cells on grid

I have a grid [40 x 15] with 2 to 16 units on it, and unknown amount of obstacles.
How to find the shortest path to all the units from my unit location.
I have two helper methods that we can consider as O(1)
getMyLocation() - return the (x, y) coordinates of my location on the grid
investigateCell(x, y) - return information about cell at (x,y) coordinates
I implemented A* search algorithm, that search simultaneously to all the directions. At the end it output a grid where each cell have a number representing the distance from my location, and collection of all the units on the grid. It performs with O(N) where N is the number of cells - 600 in my case.
I implement this using AS3, unfortunately it takes my machine 30 - 50 milliseconds to calculate.
Here is my source code. Can you suggest me a better way?
package com.gazman.strategy_of_battle_package.map
import flash.geom.Point;
* Implementing a path finding algorithm(Similar to A* search only there is no known target) to calculate the shortest path to each cell on the map.
* Once calculation is complete the information will be available at cellsMap. Each cell is a number representing the
* number of steps required to get to that location. Enemies and Allies will be represented with negative distance. Also the enemy and Allys
* coordinations collections are provided. Blocked cells will have the value 0.<br><br>
* Worth case and best case efficiency is O(N) where N is the number of cells.
public class MapFilter
private static const PULL:Vector.<MapFilter> = new Vector.<MapFilter>();
public var cellsMap:Vector.<Vector.<int>>;
public var allys:Vector.<Point>;
public var enemies:Vector.<Point>;
private var stack:Vector.<MapFilter>;
private var map:Map;
private var x:int;
private var y:int;
private var count:int;
private var commander:String;
private var hash:Object;
private var filtered:Boolean;
public function filter(map:Map, myLocation:Point, commander:String):void{
filtered = true;
this.commander = commander;
this.map = map;
this.x = myLocation.x;
this.y = myLocation.y;
cellsMap[x][y] = 1;
while(stack.length > 0){
var length:int = stack.length;
for(var i:int = 0; i < length; i++){
var mapFilter:MapFilter = stack.shift();
public function navigateTo(location:Point):Point{
throw new Error("Must filter before navigating");
var position:int = Math.abs(cellsMap[location.x][location.y]);
if(position == 0){
throw new Error("Target unreachable");
while(position > 2){
if(canNavigateTo(position, location.x + 1, location.y)){
else if(canNavigateTo(position, location.x - 1, location.y)){
else if(canNavigateTo(position, location.x, location.y + 1)){
else if(canNavigateTo(position, location.x, location.y - 1)){
position = cellsMap[location.x][location.y];
return location;
throw new Error("Unexpected filtering error");
private function canNavigateTo(position:int, targetX:int, targetY:int):Boolean
return isInMapRange(targetX, targetY) && cellsMap[targetX][targetY] < position && cellsMap[targetX][targetY] > 0;
private function excecute():void
papulate(x + 1, y);
papulate(x - 1, y);
papulate(x, y + 1);
papulate(x, y - 1);
private function isInMapRange(x:int, y:int):Boolean{
return x < cellsMap.length &&
x >= 0 &&
y < cellsMap[0].length &&
y >= 0;
private function papulate(x:int, y:int):void
if(!isInMapRange(x,y) ||
cellsMap[x][y] != 0 ||
hash[x + "," + y] != null ||
// we already checked that is not block
// checking if there units
cellsMap[x][y] = count;
cellsMap[x][y] = -count;
if(map.isAlly(x,y, commander)){
hash[x + "," + y] = true;
allys.push(new Point(x,y));
else {
hash[x + "," + y] = true;
enemies.push(new Point(x,y));
private function addTask(x:int, y:int):void
var mapFilter:MapFilter = PULL.pop();
if(mapFilter == null){
mapFilter = new MapFilter();
mapFilter.commander = commander;
mapFilter.hash = hash;
mapFilter.map = map;
mapFilter.cellsMap = cellsMap;
mapFilter.allys = allys;
mapFilter..enemies = enemies;
mapFilter.stack = stack;
mapFilter.count = count + 1;
mapFilter.x = x;
mapFilter.y = y;
private function init():void
hash = new Object();
cellsMap = new Vector.<Vector.<int>>();
for(var i:int = 0; i < map.width;i++){
cellsMap.push(new Vector.<int>);
for(var j:int = 0; j < map.height;j++){
allys = new Vector.<Point>();
enemies = new Vector.<Point>();
stack = new Vector.<MapFilter>();
count = 2;
You can use Floyd Warshall to find the shortest path between every pair of points. This would be O(|V|^3) and you would not have to run it for each unit, just once on each turn. It's such a simple algorithm I suspect it might be faster in practice than running something like BFS / Bellman Ford for each unit.

Attempt at Circular Buffer - Javascript

Right! Here is my attempt at a circular buffer (For use in a graphing program, using the canvas element). Have yet to get round to testing it out.
Question is - Can anyone see any flaws in my logic? Or bottlenecks?
* A circular buffer class.
* #To add value -> bufferObject.addValue(xValue, yValue);
* #To get the First-in value use -> bufferObject.getValue(0);
* #To get the Last-in value use -> bufferObject.getValue(bufferObject.length);
var circularBuffer = function (bufferSize) {
this.bufferSize = bufferSize;
this.buffer = new Array(this.bufferSize); // After testing on jPerf -> 2 x 1D array seems fastest solution.
this.end = 0;
this.start = 0;
// Adds values to array in circular.
this.addValue = function(xValue, yValue) {
this.buffer[this.end] = {x : xValue, y: yValue};
if (this.end != this.bufferSize) this.end++;
else this.end = 0;
if(this.end == this.start) this.start ++;
// Returns a value from the buffer
this.getValue = function(index) {
var i = index+this.start;
if(i >= this.bufferSize) i -= this.bufferSize; //Check here.
return this.buffer[i]
// Returns the length of the buffer
this.getLength = function() {
if(this.start > this.end || this.start == this.bufferSize) {
return this.xBuffer.length;
} else {
return this.end - this.start;
// Returns true if the buffer has been initialized.
this.isInitialized = function() {
if(this.end != this.start) return true;
else return false;
Please feel free to reuse this code.
Updated twice (and tested!).
Update: Found another implementation Circular buffer in JavaScript
Made class variables private, corrected old xBuffer reference. Will do more edits tonight.
* A circular buffer class.
* #To add value -> bufferObject.addValue(xValue, yValue);
* #To get the First-in value use -> bufferObject.getValue(0);
* #To get the Last-in value use -> bufferObject.getValue(bufferObject.length);
var circularBuffer = function (buffer_size) {
var bufferSize = buffer_size;
var buffer = new Array(bufferSize); // After testing on jPerf -> 2 x 1D array seems fastest solution.
var end = 0;
var start = 0;
// Adds values to array in circular.
this.addValue = function(xValue, yValue) {
buffer[end] = {x : xValue, y: yValue};
if (end != bufferSize) end++;
else end = 0;
if(end == start) start++;
// Returns a value from the buffer
this.getValue = function(index) {
var i = index+start;
if(i >= bufferSize) i -= bufferSize; //Check here.
return buffer[i];
// Returns the length of the buffer
this.getLength = function() {
if(start > end || start == bufferSize) {
return buffer.length;
} else {
return end - start;
// Returns true if the buffer has been initialized.
this.isInitialized = function() {
return (end != start) ? true : false;
I implemented Vogomatix's code above, and got a few bugs. The code writes off the end of the buffer, expanding the buffer size automatically, and the addValue function is bound to a particular type. I've adjusted the code to work with any object type, added some private subroutines to simplify, and added a function to dump the contents out to a string, with an optional delimiter. Also used a namespace.
What's missing is a removeValue() but it would be just a check of count to be greater than zero, then a call to _pop().
This was done because I needed a rolling, scrolling text buffer for inbound messages, that did not grow indefinitely. I use the object with a textarea, so I get behaviour like a console window, a scrolling text box that does not chew up memory indefinitely.
This has been tested with expediency in mind, in that I am coding quickly, posted here in the hope that fellow OverFlow-ers use and anneal the code.
// Use double quotes in JavaScript
// Global Namespace for this application
var nz = nz || {};
nz.cbuffer = new Object();
// Based on...
// Vogomatix http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20119513/attempt-at-circular-buffer-javascript
// But re-written after finding some undocumented features...
* A circular buffer class, storing any type of Javascript object.
* To add value -> bufferObject.addValue(obj);
* To get the First-in value use -> bufferObject.getValue(0);
* To get the Last-in value use -> bufferObject.getValue(bufferObject.length);
* To dump to string use -> bufferObject.streamToString(sOptionalDelimiter); // Defaults to "\r\n"
nz.cbuffer.circularBuffer = function (buffer_size) {
var bufferSize = buffer_size > 0 ? buffer_size : 1; // At worst, make an array of size 1
var buffer = new Array(bufferSize);
var end = 0; // Index of last element.
var start = 0; // Index of first element.
var count = 0; // Count of elements
// 'Private' function to push object onto buffer.
this._push = function (obj) {
buffer[end] = obj; // Write
end++; // Advance
if (end == bufferSize) {
end = 0; // Wrap if illegal
// 'Private' function to pop object from buffer.
this._pop = function () {
var obj = buffer[start];
if (start == bufferSize) {
start = 0; // Wrap
return obj;
// Adds values to buffer.
this.addValue = function (obj) {
if (count < bufferSize) {
// Just push
else {
// Pop, then push
// Returns a value from the buffer. Index is relative to current notional start.
this.getValue = function (index) {
if (index >= count || index < 0) return; // Catch attempt to access illegal index
var i = index + start;
if (i >= bufferSize) {
i -= bufferSize;
return buffer[i];
// Returns the length of the buffer.
this.getLength = function () {
return count;
// Returns all items as strings, separated by optional delimiter.
this.streamToString = function (delim) {
delim = (typeof delim === "undefined") ? "\r\n" : delim; // Default syntax; Default to CRLF
var strReturn = "";
var once = 0;
var index = 0;
var read = index + start;
for (; index < count; ++index) {
if (once == 1) strReturn += delim.toString();
strReturn += buffer[read].toString();
if (read >= bufferSize) read = 0;
once = 1;
return strReturn;
