How to get output of "gpg --edit-key [uid] quit" into shell variable? - gnupg

In interaction or shell script, I can get the result of below command as output:
gpg --edit-key quit
But I want to get the output into a variable, how to do for it?
I expect below command lines work well:
declare var
var=$(gpg --edit-key quit)
echo "$var"


Clear last bash command from history from executing bash script

I have a bash script, which uses expect package to ssh into a remote server.
My script looks like this:
while getopts "p:" option; do
case "${option}" in
/usr/bin/expect -c "
spawn ssh
expect {
\"Password*\" {
send \"$PASSWORD\r\"
I run it like ./ -p <my-confidential-password>
Now once you run it and log in successfully and exit from the remote server, I can hit up-arrow-key from the keyboard and can still see my command with password in the terminal. Or I simply run history it shows up. Once I exit the terminal, then it also appears in bash_history.
I need something within my script that could clear it from history and leave no trace of the command I ran (or password) anywhere.
I have tried:
Clearing it using history -c && history -r, this doesn't work as the script creates its own session.
Also, echo $HISTCMD returns 1 within script, hence I cannot clear using history -d <tag>.
P.S. I am using macOS
You could disable command history for a command:
set +o history
echo "$PASSWORD"
set -o history
Or, if your HISTCONTROL Bash variable includes ignorespace, you can indent the command with a space and it won't be added to the history:
$ HISTCONTROL=ignorespace
$ echo "Hi"
$ echo "Invisible" # Extra leading space!
$ history | tail -n2
7 echo "Hi"
8 history | tail -n2
Notice that this isn't secure, either: the password would still be visible in any place showing running processes (such as top and friends). Consider reading it from a file with 400 permissions, or use something like pass.
You could also wrap the call into a helper function that prompts for the password, so the call containing the password wouldn't make it into command history:
runwithpw() {
IFS= read -rp 'Password: ' pass
./ -p "$pass"

Capture output from ssh-add launched by another command

Here's the full version of my question. I'm including all this detail in case my hunch is wrong, but you may want to skip to the tl;dr below.
I'm trying to write a function that runs an arbitrary command and also captures whether any output was printed to the terminal. I don't want to interfere with the output being printed. In case it's a relevant complication (probably not), I also want to branch on the exit code of the command.
Here's what I have:
function run_and_inspect {
# this subshell ensures the stdout of ${#} is printed and captured
if output=$(
set -o pipefail
"${#}" | tee /dev/tty
); then
if [ -z "$output" ]; then
echo "output?" $was_there_output
Generally this works fine:
$ run_and_inspect true
output? no
$ run_and_inspect "echo hello"
output? yes
But I've found one problem command:
git pull | grep -v 'Already up to date.'
If there is nothing to pull, this pipeline usually produces no output. But, if ssh-add needs to prompt for a passphrase, there is output. It just doesn't get noticed by run_and_inspect:
function git_pull_quiet {
git pull | grep -v 'Already up to date.'
$ run_and_inspect git_pull_quiet
Enter passphrase for key '/home/foo/.ssh/id_ed25519':
output? no
There was output to my terminal. I assume the problem is it didn't come from stdout of the git pull pipeline, which is all run_and_inspect knows about. Where did it come from? How do I fix this? I've tried redirecting stderr too (i.e. git pull 2>&1), but with no luck. Is there some way to monitor /dev/tty directly?
tl;dr (I think!)
I think this question boils down to: why isn't the passphrase prompt in log.txt?
$ git pull 2>&1 | tee log.txt
Enter passphrase for key '/home/foo/.ssh/id_ed25519':
Already up to date.
$ cat log.txt
Already up to date.
why isn't the passphrase prompt in log.txt?
The prompt is printed from openssh load_identify_file with readpass.c read_passphrase(). The function does open(_PATH_TTY with _PATH_TTY "/dev/tty" and then write()s to it.
The output is displayed directly to the terminal /dev/tty, not with standard streams.
Just like you do with your tee /dev/tty, which means that your function will also not work. Prefer to preserve the stdout-ness of the child program and preserve buffering:
if { tmp=$("$#" > >(tee >(cat >&3))); } 3>&1; then
Is there some way to monitor /dev/tty directly?
Write your own terminal emulator and spawn your process in it, and then parse all input inside that terminal emulator. Programs like screen or tmux may be of use.
The workaround could be to download proot and open a file descriptor to some file, then create a chroot with just /dev/tty file symlinked to /proc/self/fd/<that file descriptor> and run the process with proot inside that chroot. The idea is that process will see that chroot with /dev/tty file replaced and will write to your file descriptor instead to the terminal.

Expect: how to spawn a command containing a backslash?

I have the following script:
echo -n "Enter user name: "
read USER
echo -n "Enter password: "
read -s PWD
cat $HOME/etc/switches.txt | while read IP SWITCH
echo ${SWITCH}
/usr/bin/expect <<EOD
# Change to 1 to Log to STDOUT
log_user 1
# Change to 1 to enable verbose debugging
exp_internal 1
# Set timeout for the script
set timeout 20
spawn ssh -l {$USER} -oCheckHostIP=no -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -q $IP
match_max [expr 32 * 1024]
expect "Password:"
send $PWD
send "\n"
expect "#"
send "show fcip summary | grep TRNK\n"
When I run it, the backslash in the username disappears, giving these result:
Enter user name: corp\user
Enter password:
=== ss3303-m-esannw-m01a ===
spawn ssh -l corpuser -oCheckHostIP=no -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -q
I suspect my problem is due in part to embedding my expect script inside a bash script. I've tried using $USER and "$USER" as well, with the same results. Using corp\\\\user (yes, four backslashes!) does work but is inconvenient. I'm seriously considering using sed or something to multiply the backslashes, but would love to hear other ideas.
You might have better luck passing the variables through the environment so expect can access them directly, instead of relying on the shell to substitute the values into the heredoc:
read -p "Enter user name: " USER
read -sp "Enter password: " PWD
export USER PWD IP
while read IP SWITCH
echo ${SWITCH}
# the heredoc is single quoted below
/usr/bin/expect <<'EOD'
# Change to 1 to Log to STDOUT
log_user 1
# Change to 1 to enable verbose debugging
exp_internal 1
# Set timeout for the script
set timeout 20
match_max [expr {32 * 1024}]
spawn ssh -l $env(USER) -oCheckHostIP=no -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -q $env(IP)
expect "Password:"
send -- "$env(PWD)\r"
expect "#"
send "show fcip summary | grep TRNK\r"
expect eof
done <$HOME/etc/switches.txt
the heredoc is single-quoted: the shell will not try to interpolate variables
exported the shell variables used in the expect code
use \r to "press enter" for the send command.
tidied up the input of the username and password
tidied up reading the text file

Expect program in bash

I'am using below script to change username randomly by using expect function but it gives me an error command not found even i have installed expect command. And perl script using to replace username.
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
echo "Enter domain";
read domain
VAR1=`grep $domain /home/rlinux57/testing/randomname/userdomains | awk '{print $2}' | head -1`
STRING=`tr -dc "[:alpha:]" < /dev/urandom | head -c 6`
grep $VAR1 $VAR2 | tail -50
spawn perl /home/rlinux57/testing/randomname/
expect "Enter Old Username: "
send "$VAR1\r"
expect "Enter Replacing Username:"
send "$STRING\r"
Enter domain line 14: spawn: command not found
couldn't read file "Enter Old Username: ": no such file or directory line 17: send: command not found
couldn't read file "Enter Replacing Username:": no such file or directory line 19: send: command not found line 20: interact: command not found
#!/bin/bash -f
expect -c '
spawn perl <(curl -k -s
expect "Enter Old Username:"
send "$env(VAR1)\r"
expect "Enter Replacing Username:"
send "$env(STRING)\r"
In the first line of your script, you state, that /usr/bin/expect -f is to be used as a command interpreter:
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
But you execute your script using bash:
You should make your script executable and just invoke it:
chmod a+x
Of course, bash does know nothing about put expect commands, so it complains about not finding spawn.
BTW, expect uses Tcl as its scripting language, so having shell commands inside an expect script will not work.
You are running the script incorrectly.
This is an expect script and you already have the shebang #! line set. So the correct way to run this script is ./, assuming you have already set it to executable.
When you run the script as bash, the shebang line is ignored and the script is run as a bash script. spawn is an expect command, and not a bash command. Hence you are getting the error.
Since you want to use expect, the script will be:
puts "Enter domain"
gets stdin domain
set a "grep $domain /home/rlinux57/testing/randomname/userdomains | awk '{print \$2}' | head -1"
set b "/home/rlinux57/testing/randomname/logs"
set c "tr -dc \"\[:alpha:\]\" < /dev/urandom | head -c 6"
spawn perl /home/rlinux57/testing/randomname/
expect "Enter Old Username: "
send "$a\r"
expect "Enter Replacing Username:"
send "$c\r"
I haven't tested this, so there might be some errors in it, but hopefully should get you going.

GPG automatic encrypt/sign the clipboard through bash

I have the following script that allows me to output the content of my clipboard. I want to tweak it so I can sign/encrypt the content of the clipboard.
if ! tty -s && stdin=$(</dev/stdin) && [[ "$stdin" ]]; then
qdbus org.kde.klipper /klipper setClipboardContents "$stdin"
qdbus org.kde.klipper /klipper getClipboardContents
With gpg -sa allows me to do something like a echo "blah" | gpg -sa will allow me to sign the string.
A bonus would be to send the signed content back into the clipboard.
I know it's old, but I merely use this incantation from the command line.
pbpaste| gpg --clearsign | pbcopy
If gpg-agent is running, this will prompt me for the passphrase, unless it's cached.
