Spring Boot: Load security roles from yaml file - spring

I have a Spring Boot application that has got method level security with #RollsAllowed('NAME_OF_THE_ROLE') The situation I have got is that when the application goes from dev to higher environment and from there to production the names of the security groups change. Any ideas on how I can inject name of the security in #RollsAllowed() based on what environment I am deploy the application to?

Solution 1: Multiple tolerance
If the name of your role does not change in time and there is no name conflict between environments, you can use the #Secured annotation with the different groups depending on the environment.
For example #Secured({ "DEV_VIEWER", "ALPHA_VIEWER", "PRD_VIEWER"})
Solution 2 : Hand made
Otherwise, if you want something, you can switch to the #PreAuthorize annotation with a Custom PermissionEvaluator.
Baeldung made a rather complete guide on the subject https://www.baeldung.com/spring-security-create-new-custom-security-expression


Spring Boot: Handle configuration in multitenant application

I am implementing a Spring Boot application which will be providing a multitenant environment. That is achieved in my case by using a database schema for each customer. Example see this project.
Now I am wondering how to implement tenant-specific configurations. I am using #ConfigurationProperties to bundle my property values, but these are getting instantiated once and not for each tenant.
What if I would like to use Spring Cloud Config with multiple tenant specific git repository as an configuration backend. Would it be possible when using a jdbc backend for Spring Cloud Config?
Is there any way with default Spring mechanisms or do I have to implement a database based configuration framework myself?
Edit: For example I have two tenants called Tenant1 and Tenant2. Both are running over the same application in the same context and are writing in the database schemes tenant_1 and tenant_2.
Identification of tenants is happening over keycloak (see Spring Keycloak multi tenant example). So I identify the tenantId from the jwt token and select the database connection like described here.
But now I would need the same mechanism for #Configuration beans. Since #Configuration beans are as far as I know Singletons, so there is always ONE configuration per application scope, and not ONE configuration per tenant.
So using Spring Cloud Config Tenant1 is using https://git-url/tenant1, Tenant2 is using Hashicorp Vault as backend and perhaps Tenant3 will be using a jdbc based configuration backend. And all of that in ONE (of course scalable) application.
In case your application uses tenant specific files (html templates etc), the following can be applied. As I have used the below approach for handling many tenants and works fine and easy to maintain.
I would suggest that you maintain a consistent configuration source (JDBC) for all of your tenant configurations. This helps you have a single source that is cacheable and scalable for your application. Also, you could have your tenants navigate to a configuration page to manage their settings and alter them to suit their needs at any point of time on the fly. (Example Settings: Records Per Page, Theme, Logo, Filters etc...)
Having the tenant configuration in files in git will be a difficult task when you wanted to auto-provision tenant's when they sign-up as it will involve couple of distributed services. Having them in a TenantSettings table with the tenantId as a column could help you get the data in no time and will be easy.
You can use Spring Cloud Config for your scenario and it is adoptable. It is easily configurable and provides out of the box features. For your specific scenario, you can have any number of microservices running yet all controlled by one Spring Cloud Config Server which is connected to one Git Repository. Your all microservices are asking configuration properties from Spring Cloud Config Server and it is directly fetching properties from Git Repository. That repository can have multiple property files. It can hold common properties for all the microservices or specific service based configuration properties. If you want to keep confidential properties more securely, that is also made possible via HashiCorp vault. I will leave an image below for you to get a better idea about this concept.
In the below image, you can see the Git Repository with common configuration property files and specific configuration property files for different services yet in same repository.
I will add another image for you to get a better idea how does this can be arranged with application profiles as well.
Finally I will add something additional to show the power of Spring Cloud Config and out of the box features it allows us to play with. You can automatically refresh configuration properties in running application as well. You can configure Spring Cloud Config to do that. I will add an architectural diagram to achieve that.
References for this answer is taken from Spring in Action, Fifth Edition
Craig Walls

Any way to split Spring Boot configuration into multiple properties files without having to specify an environment variable/system property

New to Spring Boot here, long-time Spring Framework user though.
I'm looking for a way to split my externalised configuration into multiple .properties files, for better readability and manageability.
I already saw this SO answer: having the ability to specify a list of configuration file names in spring.config.name (which, by the way, doesn't seem to be mentioned in Boot reference documentation, correct me if I'm wrong) would solve my problem perfectly, however that configuration property can be specified only via system properties or environment variables. If I try to specify it inside my application.properties file, it gets ignored. The same happens for spring.config.additional-location. I understand this happens because, when application.properties is read, it's too late to tell Spring Boot to search for different externalised configuration file names. However this is not a proper solution, because the way I split my configuration should be an "implementation detail" that the consumer of my application shouldn't be aware of, so I don't expect the consumer to specify an external parameter otherwise my application breaks out-of-the-box.
I think that a way to do this should be provided. Perhaps some import mechanism for .properties files or the ability to specify spring.config.name even in application.properties (some known and reasonable limitations would be acceptable).
The best I could find out is to use #PropertySource, but this is not profile aware: unless you use some ugly nested class hack, or you put spring.profiles.active variable in the resource name (which will break if multiple profiles have been activated), you won't get the benefit you have for application.properties profile-specific files.
I was not able to find an "official way" to do this, apart from some statements from Spring Boot devs that say that they're rather promoting the use of a single (possibly giant...) externalised configuration file. It seems like this position is not so popular, judging from the post reactions on GitHub, and IMHO it really seems to be a basic feature missing. I have been working with multiple properties files in Spring Framework (using XML configuration) for years and I never felt that having an only huge file would have been better.
If I understand it right, in Boot 1.x this was in some way possible using the location attribute of #ConfigurationProperties, which is however missing in Boot 2.x.
Any suggestion?
Have you tried with Spring Profile?
What you can do is create application-file1.properties/yml, application-file2.properties/yml and put it in config location and then add spring.profile.active=<your env profiles>,file1,file2.
It will load the files.
This profile entry can be in bootstrap.yml, or JVM args to application, in Manifest-<env>.yml in case of Pivotal Cloud Foundry. Not sure on AWS and other cloud provider.
Hope this will help.

Including profiles via a Spring Boot starter

I'm having issues with a custom Spring Boot starter. How can a starter cause a profile to be included and pull related configuration from a config server?
Perhaps my use case is unique, because I haven't found any helpful information online. I'm working in an enterprise environment and this starter is for use by my team, so we're able to control some things (like profile names) that perhaps wouldn't make sense in the open source world.
Here is the scenario: We have a Spring Cloud Config Server running to provide configuration. Across our Spring Boot projects, we have standardized on certain profile names such as "prod" and "nonprod" to control configuration in our different environments. I am trying to create a starter to provide reusable functionality. For example purposes, let's say I'm creating a starter that provides an interface to an appliance that performs cryptographic work for us. This starter will need the IP address of the appliance and various other configuration which differs between production and non-production.
Within the config repo, I will have files such as application.yml, application-nonprod.yml, application-nonprodEncryption.yml, etc.
My goal is to have the custom encryption starter automatically include the nonprodEncryption profile when that starter is included in an application. By doing this, apps which don't need encryption do not load the encryption related properties.
Here are my experimental findings so far:
Within an application's bootstrap.yml, I can put a block such as
spring.profiles: nonprod
- nonprodEncryption
and that produces the desired result (i.e. the application-nonprodEncryption.yml file is loaded from the config server and used), but this is an undesirable solution as every app that uses my custom starter would need to include this boilerplate configuration.
When I move the above configuration to the starter's bootstrap.yml, it seems to have no effect.
When I move the above configuration to the starter's application.yml, it seems to be applied (i.e. it shows up in the The following profiles are active: list), but it is too late in the lifecycle to cause the appropriate configuration to be pulled from the config server.
Other things I've considered:
Why not just put all of the configuration into the main profile config file (e.g. application-nonprod.yml)? From a separation of concerns and maintenance standpoint, I'd like to keep configuration for individual starters isolated from each other. Also, some configuration data is more sensitive than other config data, so I don't like the idea of exposing all of the configuration to all apps, since many apps won't need some of the more sensitive configuration. Yes, they could get to it, but why load it into their memory if they don't need it?
Why not just specify the extra profiles when we launch the app? These apps will be running on a cloud platform. The platform will specify either "prod" or "nonprod" as the profile based on which tier the app is running in. I want to manage that at the platform level rather than the app level, so I want the list of profiles provided at app launch to be uniform across all apps (add adding, for example, nonprodEncryption to the list just gets me into the same situation as above - all apps would have all of the configuration, so I might as well just put it all in a single file).
We are currently using Spring Boot 1.5.10.
Any thoughts on how to achieve what I'm trying to do?
I finally found a solution (in case anyone else finds themselves in the same spot).
Step 1: Add a configuration class like this to your starter:
package com.company.bootstrap;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.context.ConfigurableApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Profile;
public class BootstrapNonprod {
public BootstrapNonprod(ConfigurableApplicationContext ctx) {
This will conditionally add a profile. In this example, whenever the "nonprod" profile is active, this class will add the "nonprodEncryption" profile.
Step 2: In your starter's spring.factories file, add a line such as this:
It seems like it is just that simple.

Facing issue while integrating CustomSpringUtilityJar in SpringBootApplication

I am having two spring applications and the details as follows:
1). Application One: This is a utility jar and its purpose is for CRUD operations on a specific table. We are using spring data jpa and hibernate for achieving the same. Since it is an utility this will not run alone
and it will be incuded as dependency to other applications. In this case we are using Application2 for that.
2) Application Two: This is a web service application made of Spring boot using yml configuration and also using Application One for CRUD operations on that table.
Issue: While running application Two(i.e. Spring Boot Application) , I am getting the error message related to the the components, repositories and entities of Application one,
as the bean is not registered in the configuration. Following are the approaches I used to solve thes:
Approach 1: In application 2, along with #SpringBootApplication annotation:
added Component Scan, Enity Scan and Enable JPA repositories and in these three annotations we have to include the package of both Application1 and Application2.
This scenario is working fine.
Note: I am not using Approach 1 as I have to make these three changes in every service applications which is going to use this utility jar. So decided to proceed with Approach2
Approach 2: Created an custom annotation like #UtilJar annotation and configuration class in Application1 and in that configuration class, added the three
annotations along with the configuration annotation.
In this case, while adding the custom annotation(created from Application1) in Application2, all the components and repositories registered in Application1 is registered and error is
showing related to the repositories registered in Application 2 . The only way I can solve on this is to give EnableJPARepository in Application2 which again similar to
So the root cause what I understood is because of #EnableJPARepository annotation given in the Application1 prompted for this error in Application2. Can anyone suggest me how to proceed on this.

Can I duplicate a web service for testing?

I have a REST web service exposed at http://server:8080/my-production-ws by JBoss (7). My spring (3.2) configuration has a datasource which points to a my-production-db database. So far so good.
I want to test that web service from the client side, including PUT/POST operations but I obviously don't want my tests to affect the production database.
Is there an easy way to have spring auto-magically create another web service entry point at http://server:8080/my-test-ws or maybe http://server:8080/my-production-ws/test that will have the exact same semantics as the production web service but will use a my-test-db database as a data source instead of my-production-db?
If this is not possible, what is the standard approach to integration testing in that situation?
I'd rather not duplicate every single method in my controllers.
Check the spring Profiles functionality, this should solve the problem. With it its possible to create two datasources with the same bean name in different profiles and then activate only one depending on a parameter passed to the the JVM.
