Reuse table parameters - asciidoc

in my document I have 2 different kinds of tables. Each of these is formated differently.
[frame="none", grid = "none", stripes=none]
[frame="topbot", grid = "rows", options="header"]
Width und cols I want to define for each table individually.
Is there a way to define there format beforehand and just refer to this definitions?

Yes, you can use an attribute to define table parameters:
= Document
Lorem ipsum...
:table1: frame="none", grid = "none", stripes=none
:table2: frame="topbot", grid = "rows", options="header"
[{table1}, cols="a,a"]
| A
| B
| A
| B
| A
| B
[{table2}, cols="a,a,a"]
| A
| B
| C
| A
| B
| C
| A
| B
| C
That should look like:


Delete column and Add column with default value Amplify graphql DynamoDB Appsync

I want to delete the whole column at once if there 1000's of data deleting one by one is time consuming so is there any best way to do it
Deleting this column
And my next question is I need to add new column with default value aftering deleting
i.e :
id | x | y | z
| A | B | C
| A | B | C
| A | B | C
| A | B | C
If above is the the table with thousands of data , I want to delete "z" and add "newColumn" with default value of "D" as below
id | x | y | newColumn
| A | B | D
| A | B | D
| A | B | D
| A | B | D

Powerquery: split text from different columns to same rows

I have:
column1 | column2 | colum3
a;b;c | x;y;z | door;house;tree
Desired result using Excel powerquery:
a | x | door
b | y | house
c | z | tree
I tried with:
Text.Split([column1],";") and expand to new lines, obtaining:
However when tried the same with other values, new lines are created instead to use the existent ones.
You may use this code:
Source = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="Table"]}[Content],
rec = Table.ReplaceValue(Source,0,0,(a,b,c)=>Text.Split(a,";"),{"column1", "column2", "column3"}){0},
table = #table(Record.FieldNames(rec),List.Zip(Record.FieldValues(rec)))

<blockquote> tag inserted when using image in cell of RST table?

When I use the following code:
| A | B | C |
| Merchant Rating | Ad Extension | Star ratings plus number of reviews for the advertiser/merchant. |
| | | |
| | |.. image:: /images/merchant-rating.png |
The text preceding the image in column C gets wrapped in <blockquote> tags in the HTML output. Is there any way to avoid this?
To avoid the blockquote tag in the first paragraph of the third column, you could try using this:
| A | B | C |
| Merchant Rating | Ad Extension | Star ratings plus number of reviews for the advertiser/merchant. |
| | | |
| | | |img| |
.. |img| image:: /images/merchant-rating.png
Instead, you'll get two paragraphs.
Use a substitution and remove the separating line so that Sphinx interprets the content as a single block of text.
| A | B | C |
| Merchant Rating | Ad Extension | Star ratings plus number of reviews for the advertiser/merchant. |
| | | |img| |
.. |img| image:: /images/merchant-rating.png

RST/Sphinx create inline target markup inside array

I have an array in sphinx / rst, and I would like to reference a line or cell from other part of my documentation.
How can I create an inline markup reference target in the array?
The array looks like this:
| e | c | p |
| e1 | c1 | p1 |
| e2 | c2 | p2 |
I did not think this was possible, but this worked for me.
| e | c | .. _my-reference-label: |
| | | |
| | | p |
| e1 | c1 | p1 |
| e2 | c2 | p2 |
and then the link to the target would be:
:ref:`Link title <my-reference-label>`.
The formatting makes the targeted cell larger than it should be, but you can fiddle with the other column widths to get percentage widths close enough.

Rails ActiveRecord use join or includes instead of find_by_sql to get attributes of two tables

The following gets me the results I want but I am trying to figure out if I could have done this with a join or includes instead.
#items = Item.find_by_sql("SELECT *
FROM items_with_metadata
FULL OUTER JOIN items ON = items_with_metadata.item_id")
The result should be that I get all attributes from both tables and the attributes are null wherever the items_with_metadata did not match an item in the items table.
ALSO, I do not have any associations between the two tables, the id of some items just happens to be in both tables
So for example if I have
items table with
id | name | active
123 | a | 0
456 | b | 1
and items_with_metadata has
color | usable | location | item_id
red | yes | north | 123
the result of the query will be
id | name | active | color | usable | location | item_id
123 | a | 0 | red | yes | north | 123
456 | b | 1 | | | |
I was hoping there was a way to do this using ActiveRecord's joins or includes or any other ActiveRecord method that is not find_by_sql
How about:
Item.joins('FULL OUTER JOIN items_with_metadata ON = items_with_metadata.item_id')
You could also use:
#items = Item.includes(:items_with_metadata)
This will return only Item models, but will also load all relevant ItemWithMetadata models to the memory which will make them available via:
The last statement won't cause a DB query, but load the item metadata from the memory.
