Sublime Text sidebar initial view scrolled to end of longest filename - sublimetext

When I open Sublime Text, the sidebar view is scrolled-right to the maximum-length filename in the sidebar file tree.
Previously, the sidebar view always opened to the default view of left-alignment.
This is a recent phenomenon; neither my user settings nor packages (and their user-settings) have changed.
How can I restore the "default" left-aligned sidebar view?
Sublime Text
Stable channel, build 4143


Paste multiple lines of text into NSScrollView

I would like to be able to paste multiple lines of text into a control in a MacOS Cocoa application (written in Objective C) running on Catalina using XCode 12.3. I have added an NSScrollView control from the Library and created an outlet of type NSTextView. I can type multiple lines of text, with line breaks inserted with enter key, and retrieve the text in code via the string property of the outlet. However, if I click in the control and try to paste multiple line data copied to the clipboard using (AppleSymbol)C, no text is pasted. Is it possible to paste multiple line data into NSScrollView?
The problem is that copy/paste functions are not supported by default. However, there is a simple fix described in one of the responses from Alex pointed to by Willeke
Create a menu (e.g. "Edit") which contains your Cut / Copy / Paste menu items
Add the KeyEquivalent for the CMD key to your "Edit" menu
Add the KeyEquivalents to these menu items (CMD + X and so on)
Link the FirstResponder's cut: copy: and paste: functions to your corresponding menu items.
The linking of the First Responder functions to the menu items is done by right-clicking on Placeholders->First Responder (shown in viewing the interface resource - eg MainMenu.xib). This shows a long list of functions, including the ones you have just added. Drag this to one side and then click on the Objects-> Main Menu-> and select Edit->Menu and then one of the menu items you have added. This will show the new menu as it appears in the application within the interface window. The linking is done by selecting + for the first responder function for cut, paste or copy and ctrl-dragging onto the corresponding interface menu item in the interface window. A blue line appears to link them.

Changing the app name text next to "Run" button in XCode

I am trying to change the text next to the run button. I have changed the app name by changing bundle identifier and also the project name. But I am not able to change the text near run button. You can find an image showing the text I state.
This is actually a much more difficult process than it should be.
To change the name in the toolbar, you need to change the name of your scheme. In the menu bar, head to Product > Scheme > Manage Schemes... Now, select the name of the scheme that you want to change (the name that you wish to change in the toolbar). After you have selected it, press return and the text will become editable. If you change this text, it should change the name in the toolbar.

Enterprise Architect - simple UI Tab Control

Is it possible to change number of tabs and tabs name in simple UI Tab Control? How to do it? (user interface diagram)
I'm using EA 11.
No. Tab 1 | Tab 2 | Tab 3 is part of the element's image and you can't change them. There is a workaround which works visually, but won't help if you're looking to generate code out of your models.
Create a Text element (in the Common toolbox), and give it the name of your GUI's first tab.
Set a different default fill and text color for the Text element (Right-click and select Appearence - Default Appearance).
Pick the Fill and Border Color for the Text element that best matches the Tab Control's foreground, either in the diagram toolbar or the Text element's context menu.
Move and resize the Text element to cover Tab 1.
Repeat as necessary for the other tabs, using the appropriate color.
The Text elements are local to the diagram they're in and are not shown in the project browser (they are diagram objects but not proper model elements), but they move with the Tab Control so it works visually.
By making several copies of the Tab Control and varying which Text element has the foreground color, you can use this technique to show the different panes.
You can change number of tabs and selected tab this way (at least in EA 13):
Open Properties of the Tab Control;
In "General" select "Wireframing" tab. You'll see "Tabs" property with a value "Tab1";
Select this "Tabs" property and click on "Notes" menu. An editor appears;
In this editor you can change number of names of tabs;
Close editor and for "Tabs" property choose selected Tab;

In Xcode, can I keep keyboard focus in code window when performing searches and selecting files?

After interacting with the Project Navigator, or Search Navigator (The "folder" and "magnifying glass" tabs in the vertical pane on the left), is there a way to send keyboard focus to the code window-pane without clicking in the pane? Clicking has the side-effect of de-selecting selected text and moving the cursor position which in some cases is undesirable. The usual tab-stop mechanism doesn't seem to include the code pane in Xcode.
This is most frustrating when clicking project-wide search-results (which opens the file and selects the matching text for you, but doesn't put keyboard focus there) or clicking on files to temporarily look at a different file. In the latter case I may wish to preserve my cursor position and any already selected text in each file.

assign file extension to color scheme in Sublime 2

How can I link .scss files to be automatically use css color scheme?
There are two ways to do this.
The first way is to open a css file and then go to Preferences > Settings - More > Syntax Specific - User to open a file called CSS.sublime-settings. add the following code there:
{ "extensions": [ "scss"] }
The second way to do this is to click on the file-type button in the bottom right corner of the editor (on the status bar). At the top of the menu you'll find Open all with current extension as... click on it and then choose css from the list (This will basically add the same code as above to your css.sublime-settings file).
