What can you do with the teams-js startCall param source? - microsoft-teams

I have not been able to find a example of the startCallParam source in action and I can't figure out what it does and how it works. Does someone have a example for me?
I cant seem to find what giving a source inside of the startCall function actually does and the documentation is rather lacklustre:


problem with sythetic control from https://github.com/OscarEngelbrektson/SyntheticControlMethods;

i wanted to use this method with my own data, but it doesnt work...
Hopefully anyone know this problem and can tell how to easily solve it.
Always Error: (AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'T')
I tried to add more data because the example on the website works until I delete most of the data set german_reunification.
Best regards

Putting groovy gorm code in config file error?

I am using this, Saving-User-last-login-Time-in-Grails, simple tutorial to add lastLoginTime to User. So, everytime a user logs in, the last signed in date/time is saved to database. I followed the steps, provided in the tutorial, exactly. But end-up getting this error.
No signature of method: groovy.util.ConfigObject.withTransaction() is
applicable for argument types: (Config$_run_closure3_closure11)
values: [Config$_run_closure3_closure11#12fab25]
Looks like the Gorm code, in Config.groovy file, is not respected. Does anyone know, where else should I move the code to solve this problem?
Any help is much appreciated. Thanks.
Try application.groovy, instead. For details, refer registeringCallbackClosures.
For more insight, and other approaches to achieve similar behaviour, see Events.

Where do I find the contents of $this->getAbsoluteFooter() Magento

I'm struggling to find what this calls '$this->getAbsoluteFooter()' or where it's contents are.
Is it a template file?
The reason I ask is because my site was hacked with a js injection in the footer. Disabling $this->getAbsoluteFooter() removed the injection so I'm anxious to find the source.
I've Googled it and the only thing I can find is someone asking the same question.
You've been hacked which means this could be anywhere, so keep that in mind when this doesn't work for you.
The getAbsoluteFooter method is normally defined in the following file.
#File: app/code/core/Mage/Page/Block/Html.php
public function getAbsoluteFooter()
return Mage::getStoreConfig('design/footer/absolute_footer');
In a normal system, the getStoreConfig method will return the value stored in core_config_data for the passed in path (design/footer/absolute_footer).
Of course, since you're hacked, the actual class file $this refers to in your template could be anywhere on the server (depending on the severity of your hack). Give the following a try to find the real file on your specific system
$r = new ReflectionClass($this);
That should reveal the actual filename, which may be app/code/core/Mage/Page/Block/Html.php, or may be something else.
Good luck!
I found out that a code was injected in the database on the core_config_data table with path 'design/footer/absolute_footer';
More on https://magento.stackexchange.com/a/42529/57576

Ruby viewpoint with EWS

I am trying to get started using viewpoint against EWS within Ruby, and it's not making a lot of sense at the moment. I am wondering where I can get some good example code, or some pointers? I am using 1.0.0-beta.
For example: I know the name of the calendar folder I want to use, so I could search for it, but how to access methods in that folder once I find it? What are the appropriate parameters, etc...
Any advice?
If you haven't read it yet I would recommend the README file in the repository. It has a couple of examples that should put you on the right path. Also, the generated API documentation should give you enough to work with.
At a very basic level you can get all of your calendar events with the following code:
calendar = client.get_folder :calendar
events = calendar.items
I hope that gives you a little more to get started with.
Again, I would point you to the API docs for concrete methods like #items. There are however dynamically added methods depending on the type that you can fetch with obj.ews_methods. In the case of CalendarItem one of those methods is #name so you can call obj.name to get the folder name. The dynamic methods are all backed by a formatted Hash based on the returned SOAP packet. You can see it in its raw format by issuing obj.ews_item

Sorting a view by dropdown

Hey, i've been looking around for a ajax dropdown sorter for my Views in Drupal.
Unfortunatly, i haven't found alot of usefull information about this subject.
Can anyone tell me if theres a solution already available or can help me started on a custom module by telling me which hooks i should use?
I had a similar issue. Unfortunately I wasn't able to sort the data from the database which is by far the best way. I was however able to take the data and sort it with PHP using a preprocessor function. Depending on the name of your view, setup a function similar to the following:
function templatename_preprocess_name_of__view(&$vars)
//Super sweet sorting code goes here
The name of your view needs to follow the name of the template file that it is driven by, if there isn't on you should create one. Make sure to change dashes to underscores in your function name. Hope this is helpful. If you find a way to do it from the DB I'm all ears because that would be super awesome.
