Spring Instantiate a component dynamically inside a method - spring

I'm trying to instantiate a component inside a method, to be more precise inside a rest method. I need a new instance of the component every time the rest method is invoked
public class Test {
public String test() {
// Spring equivalent of
// TestComponent component = new TestComponent();
return component.uuid();
My component is defined like this
public class TestComponent {
private EntityManager entityManager;
private UUID randomUUID;
public TestComponent(EntityManager entityManager) {
this.entityManager = entityManager;
this.randomUUID = UUID.randomUUID();
public String uuid() {
// entityManager transactional stuff
return randomUUID.toString();
I tried to use a factory method but the instance was not transactional, I tried to use ApplicationContext.getBean but the instance was a singleton. How can I instantiate my component dynamically whenever I need it?
I'm using Spring 3.0.0-RC1

You can use different scopes to define the life cycle and visibility of that bean in the context. The default scope is Singleton, which means only one instance is created.
In your particular case, I think that you should choose between:
Prototype - creates a new instance every time a request for that specific bean is made. It can be defined with #Scope("prototype") annotation.
Request - each HTTP request has its own instance, only valid in the context of a web-aware Spring ApplicationContext. It can be defined with #RequestScope annotation.
To find out more details about all supported scopes, check the documentation.


Spring Autowired works before proxies are created

As far as I understood, Spring manages autowiring mechanism with AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor on postProcessBeforeInitialization stage. But how does it inject proxies that ought to be created on postProcessAfterInitialization stage?
Suppose I have this Spring configuration
class RegularBean {
// injected on postProcessBeforeInitialization stage
private TransactionBean tBean;
// invoked in between of postProcessBeforeInitialization and postProcessAfterInitialization
void init() {
class TransactionBean {
// transactional proxy is created on postProcessAfterInitialization stage
public void transactionMethod() { ... }
Transactional proxy is created on postProcessAfterInitialization stage. But #PostConstruct is called right before it. Is injected tBean wrapped with transactional proxy? If it so, then why? Because it should not be. If it is not wrapped, then how transactions are going to be handled in the future?
Suppose that I replace field-injection with constructor-injection. Will it change the behavior somehow?
When you use autowiring on method or field ,Spring Container not always create and inject the required field/attribute instance. Spring internally create smart proxies and inject the proxies to your bean. This smart proxy will resolve the bean at later point and delegate call to actual bean during method invocation. This is a common strategy we use to resolve request and session scoped beans to singleton instance (Say service layer beans) using Scope annotation.
Adding small snippet to show Spring internally create proxies for Object. Consider a classic circular dependency case when we use Constructor injection.
public class CircularDependencyA {
private CircularDependencyB circB;
public CircularDependencyA(#Lazy CircularDependencyB circB) {
System.out.println("CircularDependencyA Ctr ->"+circB.getClass().getName());
this.circB = circB;
public class CircularDependencyB {
private CircularDependencyA circA;
public CircularDependencyB(CircularDependencyA circA) {
System.out.println("CircularDependencyB Ctr ->"+circA.getClass().getName());
this.circA = circA;
#ComponentScan(basePackages = { "com.example.springdemo.cd" })
public class TestConfig {
public class TestCircularDependency {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try(AnnotationConfigApplicationContext context
= new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(TestConfig.class);){
Based on our hints Spring is creating Proxy(using CGLIB) for CircularDependencyB Object and see the op from the CircularDependencyA Constructor
CircularDependencyA Ctr ->com.example.springdemo.cd.CircularDependencyB$$EnhancerBySpringCGLIB$$e6be3b79

Spring #Cachable method within the same class (self-invocation, proxy issue) - What is the best way to solve it?

I'm trying to call a #Cacheable method from within the same class.
And it didn't work. Because of:
In proxy mode (the default), only external method calls coming in through the proxy are intercepted. This means that self-invocation (in effect, a method within the target object that calls another method of the target object) does not lead to actual caching at runtime even if the invoked method is marked with #Cacheable. Consider using the aspectj mode in this case. Also, the proxy must be fully initialized to provide the expected behavior, so you should not rely on this feature in your initialization code (that is, #PostConstruct).
It means, #Cachable(also #Transactional) works by proxy classes which is Spring AOP in. a internal call in the same class make call by 'this' instead of proxy classes.
To solve the problem, I should call a method by proxy or using AspectJ(another AOP).
So, I found 4 solutions.
What is your choice? and why others are not recommended?
Please, share your opinion!
using AspectJ (another AOP)
get the Bean from ApplicationContext and use it
public class UserService implements Service {
private ApplicationContext applicationContext;
private Service self;
private void init() {
self = applicationContext.getBean(UserService.class);
self-autowiring using #Resource //since Spring 4.3
#CacheConfig(cacheNames = "SphereClientFactoryCache")
public class CacheableSphereClientFactoryImpl implements SphereClientFactory {
* 1. Self-autowired reference to proxified bean of this class.
private SphereClientFactory self;
#Cacheable(sync = true)
public SphereClient createSphereClient(#Nonnull TenantConfig tenantConfig) {
// 2. call cached method using self-bean
return self.createSphereClient(tenantConfig.getSphereClientConfig());
#Cacheable(sync = true)
public SphereClient createSphereClient(#Nonnull SphereClientConfig clientConfig) {
return CtpClientConfigurationUtils.createSphereClient(clientConfig);
make the Bean scope of the class as 'prototype' instead of 'singleton'
#Scope(proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
class AService {
private final AService _aService;
public AService(AService aService) {
_aService = aService;
public List<EmployeeData> getEmployeeData(Date date){
..println("Cache is not being used");
public List<EmployeeEnrichedData> getEmployeeEnrichedData(Date date){
List<EmployeeData> employeeData = _aService.getEmployeeData(date);
I'm a newbie in spring :)
Actually, I choose the 4th solution, but I felt it isn't a good way. because I just need to call the caching method by proxy, and it make several beans to achieve it.
After reading articles, I think AspectJ is the best choice. It looks cool, Spring recommends it, and many people also recommend too.
But I don't understand how to AspectJ works (I will study) and I also don't know why others is not recommended.
Spring Cache #Cacheable - not working while calling from another method of the same bean
Spring cache #Cacheable method ignored when called from within the same class

Spring Boot configuration for non-beans [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Injecting beans into a class outside the Spring managed context
(8 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I have some business logic properties in the application.yml file.
They are loaded into the application via a #ConfigurationProperties annotated class.
How could I use these properties in a class which is not a Spring Bean? It cannot be a singleton, because many objects of it must be created during run-time.
business.foo: 2
#Getter // lombok
#Setter // lombok
public class BusinessProperties {
private int foo;
public class TypicalBean {
private final BusinessProperties properties;
public TypicalBean(BusinessProperties properties) {
this.properties = properties;
public void printFoo() {
System.out.println("Foo: " + properties.getFoo()); // "Foo: 2"
public class NonBean {
public void printFoo() {
System.out.println("Foo: ???"); // How to access the property?
Is there some way to create a non-singleton class, which can have access to configuration (or even other Spring beans) but otherwise works the same as a regular java class? Meaning that I can control its creation, it is collected by the garbage collector if not used anymore, etc.
You can still define the NonBean.class as a Component with Scope.Prototype
#Scope(value = BeanDefinition.SCOPE_PROTOTYPE)
public class NonBean {
public TypicalBean(BusinessProperties properties) {
this.properties = properties;
public void printFoo() {
System.out.println("Foo: " + properties.getFoo());
The trick is how you create an instance of NonBean.class. In the code where you'll be creating an instance of NonBean.class, use Spring's ObjectFactory<T>
private final ObjectFactory<NonBean> nonBeanFactory;
NonBean nonBean = nonBeanFactory.getObject();
The instantiated nonBean object will have been autowired.
All spring-beans creates by SpringApplicationContext. Bean - it's simple POJO-object, but created by Spring and saved in his container. If you want to get access to bean from outside of container - see this:
Getting Spring Application Context
Spring beans are really meant to be used within the application context but you might be able to achieve what you want by autowiring the properties to a static field in a Spring bean.
public class BusinessPropertiesUtils {
public static BusinessProperties INSTANCE;
public setBusinessProperties(BusinessProperties properties) {
this.INSTANCE = properties;
And then:
public class NonBean {
public void printFoo() {
System.out.println("Foo: " + BusinessPropertiesUtils.INSTANCE.getFoo());
PS: this is very hacky and definitely not the "Spring way".
You can configure beans with the prototype scope, which will give you a new instance of the bean every time it's requested.
From the Spring documentation:
In contrast to the other scopes, Spring does not manage the complete lifecycle of a prototype bean. The container instantiates, configures, and otherwise assembles a prototype object and hands it to the client, with no further record of that prototype instance.
In some respects, the Spring container’s role in regard to a prototype-scoped bean is a replacement for the Java new operator. All lifecycle management past that point must be handled by the client.
Example of how you can convert the TypicalBean class to a prototype scoped bean:
public class TypicalBean {
Another alternative is to manually instantiate the bean class (or any POJO) and injecting the dependencies (configuration, spring beans, etc.) through the constructor or setter methods, if you have them available or can get them from the Spring Context.
new TypicalBean(properties);

Not able to inject values in a field

#PropertySources({ #PropertySource("classpath:mail.properties") })
public class A implements B {
private String teamAddress;
// has getter and setters .not shown for brevity.
Now when i call the class i get the value of teamAddress as NULL .But in the property file mail.team.address has some value.
My property file is present under src/main/resource folder
Making a call
A a = new A ();
You can not create instance of class by yourself when you want Spring to resolve #Value annotation.
See documentation:
Note that actual processing of the #Value annotation is performed by a BeanPostProcessor which in turn means that you cannot use #Value within BeanPostProcessor or BeanFactoryPostProcessor types. Please consult the javadoc for the AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor class (which, by default, checks for the presence of this annotation).
Simple solution for you: just annotate class with any #Component annotation and let Spring to create an instance of your class.
You can't create (with a "new" keywoard) for spring bean. If you do it like this, spring doesn't participate in the object creation and configuration, which means that there is no autowiring, the bean is not in Application Context, etc. And of course, #Value annotation won't be processed among other things
The better way is to inject the class A to the code that you used in your example:
A a = new A ();
Show become:
public class SomeClass {
private final A a;
public SomeClass(A a) {
this.a = a;
public void foo() {
You should read some basics around spring dependency injection. The class that you have autowired with #Component is scanned via component scanning and its object is created by spring container for you.
that is the reason you should not create the object yourself using new keyword.
wherever in your new class you want to use your class A object you can autowire it as below:
public class TestC{
private A a; // this object will be injected by spring for you

spring boot application - get bean from static context

I have a instance of a class that is created outside of Spring that I'd like to have access to Spring beans so that it may fire an event and be observed by Spring beans. I'm not using Spring web, my application is running from the command-line via spring boot.
The only option you have is to expose the Spring context of your application using a static method so that the object that is not managed by Spring can use it to get references to managed beans it needs.
Start with a wrapper for the context. Create a regular managed bean which required reference to the context in its constructor. The reference is assigned to a static class field, which also has a static getter:
class ContextWrapper {
private static ApplicationContext context;
public ContextWrapper(ApplicationContext ac) {
context = ac;
public static ApplicationContext getContext() {
return context;
Use the static getter to get access to context in the object which is not managed by Spring and get reference to beans using methods available in the context:
SomeBean bean = ContextWrapper.getContext().getBean("someBean", SomeBean.class);
// do something with the bean
Last thing you need is communication channel from Spring beans to non-managed object. For instance, the SomeBean can expose a setter which will accept the non-managed object as a parameter and store the reference in a field for future use. The object mast get references to managed beans using the static context accessor mentioned above and use the setter to make the bean aware of its existence.
class SomeBean {
// ... your bean stuff
private SomeClass someclass;
public void setSomeClass(Someclass someclass) {
this.someclass = someclass;
private void sendEventToSomeClass() {
// communicate with the object not managed by Spring
if (someClass == null) return;
You can inject by constructor that spring beans, something like:
class Bean {
class NotBean {
private Bean bean;
public NotBean(Bean bean) {
this.bean = bean;
// your stuff (handle events, etc...)
