OOO.OM formatting (Y axis) is not provided in superset - d3.js

How could I use OOO.OM formatting in superset?
There is some data like
" timestampA: 11748000,
timestampB: 11724000 "
and Y AXIS FORMAT is "Adaptive formating"
I need to display y axis value like OOO.O, OOO.OO, OOO.OOO ... dynamically.
How to solve it ?

I am not sure if dynamic as you have mentioned in the question is possible. But if you want OOO.OM then you can use .4s and similarly .5s for OOO.OOM and so on..


d3js Multiline ... How can I have the Y values?

I am using this sample that is very nice ...
Partidos followers
or the sample ...
We can see the values of "Y" being updated as we move the mouse. But, I would like to know how to display the legend and values at the top of the chart, for example next to the caption "Day:" or "Year" in the samples ?
In other words, I would like all values of Y in separeted variables.
Well, what I need to change in the multiline.js ?

NVD3 X axis incorrect ordering (dates)

I'm trying to visualize 2 series but when I visualize them together, the dates don't go in sequential order anymore.
Here is the fiddle: Notice the weird x-axis.
Is there a way to fix the x axis on nvd3?
The data looks like this:
data1 = [{
"date": 1396828800,
"impressions": 49145385
}, {
"date": 1396915200,
"impressions": 46704447
} ....
The NVD3 "multiBarChart" uses an ordinal (category) scale, so it will only display the x-values you give it, in the order in which they are added to the scale. Because your two series only partially overlap on the x axis that's causing problems.
Unlike other NVD3 chart types, the multiBarChart doesn't give you the option of setting your own scale -- it needs to use an ordinal scale in order to generate even widths for the bars. However, you can set the x domain (the list of categories to use for each bar), by calling chart.xDomain(arrayOfXValues).
The array will need to be an ordered array of Date values that spans your data. In order to generate it, you'll need the d3 time intervals range functions. You might also need the d3.extent function to find your max and min values.

How to get second attribute level with Selenium's xpath

I'm trying to check in Selenium if an element has a green border or not.
i can use //div[#id="target"]/#style to get the parsed style string applied... and use string search to search for the border... i have to work around some brosers showing the shorthand (border: solid 3px green) and other showing the expanded (border-style: solid; border-color: green....) ...but how could i do that more cleanly?
ideally something like: //div[#id="target"]/#style.borderColor
I also would like to avoid using the contains selector because the syntax is awful. But if it's the only way, so be it. of course.
XPath doesn't know anything about CSS styles, it doesn't understand the attributes and takes them just as simple strings. It would be weird if a XML query language understood CSS styles, right?
Besides, the getAttribute() uses a construct similar to XPath, but not XPath! It also selects the attribute via # sign, right. But consider this locator: "id=target#style". It would work, but it's definitely no XPath.
It would also return the explicitly set style attribute, not it's internal computed value, so it's useless unless there actually is a style attribute on the element. If there is style attribute defined, go for it.
Selenium itself can't give you the right answer (WebDriver has getCssValue(), but there's no counterpart for it in Selenium RC, afaik).
Therefore, the only way to get the computed style (the final value computed from all sources) of an element in Selenium RC is via JavaScript.
The script that has been working for me for ages (after a slight edit) is this (from
function getStyle(id, stylePropJs, stylePropCss) {
var x = document.getElementById(id);
if (x.currentStyle)
var y = x.currentStyle[stylePropJs];
else if (window.getComputedStyle)
var y = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(x,null).getPropertyValue(stylePropCss);
return y;
Note that IE needs a JavaScript name of the property, but every other browser uses CSS names. Also, you can't use the shorthand property and you definitely must use the expanded one. Therefore, in your case:
String script = "var x = document.getElementById('target');" +
"if (x.currentStyle) var y = x.currentStyle['borderTopColor'];" +
"else if (window.getComputedStyle) var y = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(x,null).getPropertyValue('border-top-color');" +
String color = selenium.getEval(script);
This returns the color of the top border (yep, you'll need to call it four times in order to get the whole border) of the target element. But guess what! Every browser returns the color in a different format. Fortunately, at least in Java, there's a Color class that can easily reformat it:
String color = Color.fromString(color).asHex();
Now that you have a hex encoded color stored, you can trivially make check whether it's green or not.

Viewing Part of a figure

I made a simulation of 10000 times and want to view part of simulation between 5000-5200. I am able to view it with the code below, but the x-axis says 0-250. I want the x-axis to display the exact figure of 5000-5200. Also there seems to be a small gap at the end of the figure as the axis runs up to 250 for some reason. I just want to view the figure in for this set time with the x-axis showing the exact labels and without the gap at the end.
N=10000;%Number of simulation
Q = zeros(N,1); %current value of queue
X=zeros(N,1);%simulation data
for Ti=2:N
if X(Ti)< (L)*(Bs)
else if X(Ti) < (L)*(Bs+Bd1)
set (gca,'ylim',[0 400]);
hold on;
set (gca,'ylim',[0 400]);
hold off
Plot expects two inputs, the first depicting the horizontal axis and the second depicting the vertical axis. When you do not supply two inputs, then it computes the length of the single input (in this case that length is 5200-5000 = 200), and it just uses 1 through that length (1:200 in this case) as if it is the values for the horizontal axis variable.
I think you want to issue the command:
plot(5000:5200, X(5000:5200,1), 'r')
Often Matlab will adjust plot axes for better default views, so it's probably showing the axis out to the index 250 just by virtue of some default plotting convention. You can similarly use set(gca, 'xlim', [5000 5200]) if you wish.

Arguments, Plots, Outputs and Lines of best fit in R

I have several questions to do with handling some data in R:
I am using this statement: detailsTable <- read.table(file=commandArgs()[6], header=TRUE, col.names=c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e")) and it seems that the table is not being loaded correctly... but if I specify the path of the file I am loading excplicitly then all goes well. What am I doing wrong?
I plot the data contained in that table mentioned above. How do I save the plot (eg: plot.savePDF("plot.pdf")) to a PDF file?
How could I redirect the output of, for example, cor(detailsTable$a, detailsTable$b) to a file? and how do I write a simple string to a file. eg: "Correlation of the data: " + cor(...)
How do I plot the line of best fit on an existing plot?
All of this is in R.
Many thanks to anyone who can help,
I plot the data contained in that table mentioned above. How do I save the plot (eg: plot.savePDF("plot.pdf")) to a PDF file?
How could I redirect the output of, for example, cor(detailsTable$a, detailsTable$b) to a file? and how do I write a simple string to a file. eg: "Correlation of the data: " + cor(...)
check the write.table manual page (?write.table)
How do I plot the line of best fit on an existing plot?
x <- 1:10
y <- 2 * x + runif(10)
plot (x, y, pch=20)
fit <- glm(y~x)
coefs <- coef(fit)
abline(coefs, lwd=2, col='red')
# Or also, without finding the coefficients
abline(fit, lwd=2, col='red')
You can redirect output using sink().
How to save the plot you're producing depends on which plotting system you're using. Assuming it's base graphics, you need to start a pdf graphics device, then plot to it.
pdf(file = "path/file.pdf", width = 5, height = 5)
#plotting commands here
