bWAPP installation gone wrong returning localhost cant handle the request - xampp

This is the issue.
I click install and
I gave all file permission chmod 777 all that stuff then I tried changing the mysql credentials and stuff no use.


How to solve the problem of accessing the storage in Laravel folder

Faced a problem accessing the storage folder. A symbolic link was created, but when I try to access any file in the storage folder, I get an error 403 "You do not have permission to access this object. The file is not readable, or the server cannot read it." I have a second project on a local machine, everything works fine there. I tried to give 777 permissions to the storage folder, but this causes the "Permisson denied" error. I will be glad to any help!
Macos catalina
Laravel Permissions
first change ownership of the laravel directory to our web group.
sudo chown -R :www-data /var/www/laravel
Next we need to give the web group write privileges over our storage directory so it can write to this folder.
sudo chmod -R 775 /var/www/laravel/storage
where laravel is the name of the root

Laravel project folder permission

I have a problem with my Laravel project on VPS. Locally everything works fine, but on VPS sometimes folder permission changes and web site stops to work. I don't know what causes this problem and what should I do?
Every time I have to fix with this code:
sudo chown -R user:user /data/web/
There may be some script which is rewriting the permissions for your folder. Go with the .htaccess file that will definately work.

"Unable to write to the configuration file." Error with Magento Connect Manager

After migrating my Apache server from Ubuntu 14.04 to CentOS 7, I started experiencing these permission errors.
On the Magento Connect Manager login page, I'm hit with an error message and unable to login:
Unable to write to the configuration file.
The error remained even after I set the permission for every file and folder to 0777.
I then deleted the .cfg files in the "downloader" folder. Now the error message has become:
Settings has not been loaded. Used default settings Config file does not exists please save Settings Unable to write to the configuration file.
After login/logout, restarting the Apache server and even the entire host, the error remained. The error logs did not record anything at all.
On Debian 8.6 with Magento- the chown following command:
chown www-data:www-data var/brute-force.ini
enable right to write and unlock the access to Magento Connect Manager
SELinux was preventing Apache from writing to the directory.
I used the following command to enable it:
chcon -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t /var/www/html -R

Laravel 5.3 Cannot Find File Error

I've setup a project more than a month ago and all of a sudden (this afternoon) I started getting the following error:
ErrorException in Filesystem.php line 111: file_put_contents(/var/www/html/project/api/storage/framework/cache/d8/00/d800874b5dc22b961e0ee92f8d1c5a09c24ee911): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
I've done research and tried the following with no success:
php artisan cache:clear
chmod -R 777 storage (I know this is not ideal)
composer update
Nothing is working. Before the chmod I was getting a permission error. I'm tapped out of ideas. Does anyone know what is causing this and how to resolve it?
You gave 777 to /storage folder but did you also make sure it's in same group as apache server is running?
Generally apache is in www-data group, add storage and bootstrap folder to be written by this group:
chgrp -R www-data /storage /bootstrap
Assign current user and group permission to read and write:
chmod -R ug+rw /storage /bootstrap
I'm 99% sure this will do it.
My server runs CentOS 7 and somehow Selinux was set to enforcing which breaks Laravel for some reason. I remember changing it when I first set up Laravel, but somehow it reverted back.
So setting it to permissive or disabled fixed it for me.

Enabling CodeIgniter logging in Ubuntu

I'm trying to enable logging for CodeIgniter in Ubuntu. However, nothing seems to be written in my application/logs directory. Here's what I've done so far...
In the controller login.php, I have the following lines:
public function index(){
log_message("error", "Logging sanity check.");
I set it to error just to make sure it gets logged no matter what. Then, in my config.php, I set log_threshold to 3 (just to be safe).
Then, in the terminal running as superuser, I do chmod 666 logs and chown root logs.
Now no matter how many times I visit index.php/login, nothing seems to get logged. I've tried that both in a browser ran as superuser and as normal user. All I get in application/logs is an index.html which displays "Directory access is forbidden." I've even tried resetting XAMPP. What have I missed?
Apache on ubuntu doesn't run as root, that's for one. Secondly, directory permissions must be rwx, which equals to 7. So you have two options:
1) Relax writing permissions for everyone on the logs dir with chmod 777 logs, or
2) chown the directory to the user that's running apache (apache)
