Management of fftw threaded / non-threaded wisdom - fftw

I'm using FFTW's wisdom feature to speed up my FFTs and it's working well. Next I'd like to enable FFTW threading using OMP to achieve an additional speed-up on large FFTs (I'm taking FFTs of very large (image-sized) objects, so I hope the speed-up should be worth the overhead.
I'm unsure about how to handle wisdom though. The FFTW documentation states: "if you save wisdom from a program using the multi-threaded FFTW, that wisdom cannot be used by a program using only the single-threaded FFTW", but it doesn't say anything about how to manage threaded and non-threaded wisdom on the same system, and some other programs on the system (and in fact some other parts of the program I'm working on) may use single-threaded FFTW plans, so there is the possibility of ending up with wisdom from both threaded and non-threaded plans.
Do I need to do anything to manage this, for example ensuring that threaded and non-threaded wisdom files are kept separate, or can I just save everything to a single wisdom file and assume FFTW will manage the appropriate wisdom for threaded and non-threaded FFTs itself?
On a similar note, is it safe to mix fftw and fftwf (and, I guess, fftwq) wisdom in the same file or should they be separated? The line entries start with fftw_ and fftwf_ respectively so it looks like it should be okay but I'd be happy of confirmation.

You can simply pass a different filename to fftw_export_wisdom_to_filename() and fftw_import_wisdom_from_filename(), depending whether you use multithreading or not. That way you keep the wisdom separate. This is the way I handled the issue in the past. Saving and loading the wisdom to the same file will not work properly.


Most effective method to use parallel computing on different architectures

I am planning to write something to take advantages of the many devices that I have at home.
Basically my aim is to use the laptop to execute calculations, and also to use my main desktop computer to add more power (and finish the task quicker). I work with cellular simulation and chemical interactions, so to me would be great to take advantage of all that I have available at home.
I am using mainly OSX, so I need something that may work with that OS. I can code in objective-C, C and C++.
I am aware of GCD, OpenCL and MPI, but I am not sure which way to go.
I was planning to not use the full power of my desktop but only some of the available cores (in this way I can continue to work on the desktop doing other tasks that are not so resource intensive). In particular I would love to use the graphic card power (it is an ATI card, so no CUDA), since all that I do mainly is spreadsheet, word and coding with Xcode, and the graphic card resources are basically unused in that scenario.
Is there a specific set of libraries or API, among the aforementioned 3, that would allow me to selectively route tasks, and use resources on another machine without leaving the control totally to the compiler? I've heard that GCD is great but it has very limited control on where the blocks are executed, while MPI is on the other side of the spectrum....OpenCL seems to be in the middle.
Before diving in one of these technologies I would like to know which one would most likely suit my needs; I am sure that some other researcher has already used successfully parallel computing to achieve what I am trying to achieve.
Thanks in advance.
MPI is more for scientific computing large scale many processors many nodes exc not for a weekend project, for what you describe I would suggest using OpenCl or any one the more distributed framework of AMQP protocol families, such as zeromq or rabbitMQ, or a combination of OpenCl and AMQP , or even simpler consider multithreading , i would suggest OpenMP for that. I'm not sure if you are looking for direct solvers or parallel functions but there are many that exist as well for gpu's and cpu's which you can find on the web
Sorry, but this question simply cannot be meaningfully answered as posed. To be sure, I could toss out a collection of buzzwords describing various technologies to look at like GCD, OpenMPI, OpenCL, CUDA and any number of other technologies which allow one to run a single program on multiple cores, multiple programs on different cooperating computers, or a single program distributed across CPU and GPU, and it sounds like you know about a number of those already so I wouldn't even be adding much value in listing the buzzwords.
To simply toss out such terms without knowing the full specifics of the problem you're trying to solve, however, is a bit like saying that you know English, French and a little German so sure, by all means - mix them all together in a single paragraph without knowing anything about the target audience! Similarly, you can parallelize a given computation in any number of ways, across any number of different processing elements, but whether that parallelization is actually a win or not is going to be entirely dependent on the nature of the algorithm, its data dependencies, how much computation is expected for each reasonable "work chunk", and whether it can be executed on a GPU with sufficient numeric precision, among many other factors. The more complex the technology you choose, the more those factors matter and the greater the possibility that the resulting code will actually be slower than its single-threaded, single machine counterpart. IPC overhead and data copying can, and frequently do, swamp all of the gains one might realize from trying to naively parallelize something and then add additional overhead on top of that, resulting in a net loss. This is why engineers who can do this kind of work meaningfully and well are in such high demand. :)
Without knowing anything about your calculations, I would move in baby steps. First try a simple multi-processor framework like GCD (which is already built in to OS X and requires no additional dependencies to use) and figure out how to factor your code such that it can effectively use all of the available cores on a single machine. Once you've learned where the wins are (and if there even are any - if multi-threading isn't helping, multi-machine parallelization almost certainly won't either), try setting up several instances of the calculation on several machines with a simple IPC model that allows for distributing the work. Having already factored your algorithm(s) for multiple threads, it should be comparatively straight-forward to further generalize the approach across multiple machines (though it bears noting that the two are NOT the same problem and either way you still want to use all the cores available on any of the given target machines, so the two challenges are both complimentary and orthogonal).

Fastest math programming language?

I have an application that requires millions of subtractions and remainders, i originally programmed this algorithm inside of C#.Net but it takes five minutes to process this information and i need it faster than that.
I have considered perl and that seems to be the best alternative now. was slower in testing. C++ may be better also. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
You need a compiled language like Fortran, C, or C++. Other languages are designed to give you flexibility, object-orientation, or other advantages, and assume absolutely fastest performance is not your highest priority.
Know how to get maximum performance out of a single thread, and after you have done so investigate sharing the work across multiple cores, for example with MPI. To get maximum performance in a single thread, one thing I do is single-step it at the machine instruction level, to make sure it's not dawdling about in stuff that could be removed.
Some calculations are regular enough to take profit of GPGPUs: recent graphic cards are essentially specialized massively parallel numerical co-processors. For instance, you could code your numerical kernels in OpenCL. Otherwise, learn C++11 (not some earlier version of the C++ standard) or C. And in many cases Ocaml could be nearly as fast as C++ but much easier to code with.
Perhaps your problem can be handled by scilab or R, I did not understand it enough to help more.
And you might take advantage of your multi-core processor by e.g. using Pthreads or MPI
At last, the Linux operating system is perhaps better to deal with massive calculations. It is significant that most super computers use it today.
If execution speed is the highest priority, that usually means Fortran.
Try Julia: its killing feature is being easy to code in a high level concise way, while keeping performances at the same order of magnitude of Fortran/C.
PARI/GP is the best I have used so far. It's written in C.
Try to look at DMelt mathematical program. The program calls Java libraries. Java virtual machine can optimize long mathematical calculations for you.
The standard tool for mathmatic numerical operations in engineering is often Matlab (or as free alternatives octave or the already mentioned scilab).

When not to use MPI

This is not a question on specific technical coding aspect of MPI. I am NEW to MPI, and not wanting to make a fool of myself of using the library in a wrong way, thus posting the question here.
As far as I understand, MPI is a environment for building parallel application on a distributed memory model.
I have a system that's interconnected with Infiniband, for the sole purpose of doing some very time consuming operations. I've already broke out the algorithm to do it in parallel, so I am really only using MPI to transmit data (results of the intermediate steps) between multiple nodes over Infiniband, which I believe one can simply use OpenIB to do.
Am I using MPI the right way? Or am I bending the original intention of the system?
Its fine to use just MPI_Send & MPI_Recv in your algorithm. As your algorithm evolves, you gain more experience, etc. you may find use for the more "advanced" MPI features such as barrier & collective communication such as Gather, Reduce, etc.
The fewer and simpler the MPI constructs you need to use to get your work done, the better MPI is a match to your problem -- you can say that about most libraries and lanaguages, as a practical matter and argualbly an matter of abstractions.
Yes, you could write raw OpenIB calls to do your work too, but what happens when you need to move to an ethernet cluster, or huge shared-memory machine, or whatever the next big interconnect is? MPI is middleware, and as such, one of its big selling points is that you don't have to spend time writing network-level code.
At the other end of the complexity spectrum, the time not to use MPI is when your problem or solution technique presents enough dynamism that MPI usage (most specifically, its process model) is a hindrance. A system like Charm++ (disclosure: I'm a developer of Charm++) lets you do problem decomposition in terms of finer grained units, and its runtime system manages the distribution of those units to processors to ensure load balance, and keeps track of where they are to direct communication appropriately.
Another not-uncommon issue is dynamic data access patterns, where something like Global Arrays or a PGAS language would be much easier to code.

Are there any resources for language independent performance tips?

I work with many people that program video games for a living. I have a quite a bit of knowledge in C++ and I know a number of general performance strategies to utilize in day to day programming. Like using prefix ++/-- over post fix.
My problem is that often times people come to me to give them tips on general optimizations they can do on a regular basis when programming, but often times these people program in all sorts of languages. Some use C++, C#, Java, ActionScript, etc.
I am wondering if there are any general performance tips that can be utilized on a day by day programming basis? For example, I would suggest prefix ++/-- over postfix for people programming in another language, but I am just not sure if that is true.
My guess is that it is language specific and the best way to go about general optimizations is to make sure you are not using majorly bloated algorithms, but maybe someone has some advice.
Without going into language specifics, or even knowing whether this is embedded, web, CAD, game, or iPhone programming, there isn't much that can be said. All we know is that there's multiple languages involved, and for some unknown reason performance is always slower than desirable.
First, check your algorithms. A slow algorithm can cause horrible performance. Read up on algorithms and their complexity.
Second, note if there are any really slow operations, such as hitting a database or transmitting information or moving a robot arm. See if the program is doing more of those than it should.
Third, profile. If there's a section of code that's taking 5% of the time, no optimization will make your program more than 5% faster. If a section of code is taking a lot of the time, it's worth looking at.
Fourth, get somebody who knows what they're doing to make any specific optimizations. Test them when they're done to make sure they actually speed up performance. When performance was an issue, I've improved it with some counterintuitive measures, like rolling up loops.
I don't think you can generalize optimization as such. To optimize execution time, you need to dig deep into the language and understand how things work in detail. Just guessing or making assumptions on experiences with other languages won't work! For example, writing x = x << 1 instead of x = x*2 might be a big benefit in C++. In JavaScript it will slow you down.
With all the differences between all the languages it's hard to find generic optimization tips. Maybe for some languages which are similar (f.ex. C# and Java). But if you add both JavaScript and Python to that list I'm pretty sure not many common optimization techniques will be left over.
Also keep in mind that premature optimization is often considered bad practice. Developer-hours are much more expensive than buying additional hardware.
However, there is one thing which comes to mind. Over the past decade or so, Object Relational Mappers have become quite popular. And hence, they emerge(d) in pretty much all popular languages. But you have to be careful with those. It's easy to load tons of data into memory that you will never use in your code if not properly configured. Keep that in mind. Lazy loading might be of some help here. But your mileage will vary.
Optimization depends on so many things that answering such a generic question would make this post explode into a full-fledged paper. In my opinion, optimization should be regarded on a project-by-project basis. Not only Language-by-Language basis.
I think you need to split this into two separate questions:
1) Are there language-agnostic ways to find performance problems? YES. Profile, but avoid the myths around that subject.
2) Are there language-agnostic ways to fix performance problems? IT DEPENDS.
A general language-agnostic principle is: do (1) before you do (2).
In other words, Ready-Aim-Fire, not Ready-Fire-Aim.
Here's an example of performance tuning, in C, but it could be any language.
A few things I have learned since asking this:
I/O operations are usually the most expensive to performance. This holds especially true when you are doing disk or network I/O (which is usually the most expensive because if you have to wait for a response from the other host you have to wait for all processing and I/O operations the remote host does). Only do these operations when absolutely necessary and possibly consider using a cache when possible.
Database operations can be very expensive because of network/disk I/O and the translation time to and from SQL. Using in-memory DB or cache can help reduce I/O issues and some (not all) NoSQL databases can reduce SQL translation time.
Only log important information. Using logging libraries like log4j can help because you can put logging to your hearts desire in your application but you set each message to a certain log level. Whichever log level you set the application to it will only log messages at that level or higher. This way if you need to troubleshoot functionality you only have to change a quick config and restart you application to give you additional messages. Then when you are done just turn you application back to the default level so that you do not log too often.
Only include functionality that is needed. Additional functionality may be nice to have but can increase processing time, provide additional locations for the application to fail, and costs your team development time that could be spent on more important tasks.
Use and configure your memory manager correctly. Garbage collection routines can kill performance if they are not configured correctly. If every minute you application freezes for a second or two for garbage collection your customer probably will not be happy.
Profile only after you have discovered a performance issue. Profilers will make the applications performance look worse than it is because you have your application and the profiler running on the same host, consuming the same hardware resources.
Do not prematurely do performance tuning. There are general practices you can take that should be better on performance in each language, but starting performance tuning in the middle of application development can cost you a lot on development because there is still functionality to be added.
This is not necessarily going to help performance but keep class dependency to a minimal. When you get into performance tuning there is good chance you will have to rewrite whole portions of code, which if there is a lot of dependencies on the section you are performance tuning the greater chance you will break the code. It can often be a domino affect because after fixing the performance issue than you have to fix all the dependencies, and possibly dependencies of the original dependencies. A performance tuning exercise estimate for a few hours can quickly turn into months with an application that has a lot of dependencies.
If performance is a concern do not use interpreted languages (scripting languages).
Only use the hardware you need. Having a system with a 64 core processor may seem cool but if you only have two or three threads running in your application than you are getting little benefit from having 64 cores. In fact, in rare instances having overly excessive hardware can sometimes hurt performance because the chips have to be wired to handle all the hardware which can cause your application to spend more time switching between cores or processors than actually being processed.
Any timing metrics you report make as granular as possible. Currently, you may only need to be worried about the number of milliseconds a process takes but in the future as you make your application faster and faster you may need more granular timings. If version A uses milliseconds and version B uses microseconds, how can you compare performance if version B is taking about the same number of milliseconds. Version B may be better but you just can't tell because version A did not use granular enough metrics.

Does the advent of MultiCore architectures affect me as a software developer?

As a software developer dealing mostly with high-level programming languages I'm not sure what I can do to appropriately pay attention to the upcoming omni-presence of multicore computers. I write mostly ordinary and non-demanding applications, nevertheless I think it is important to know if I need to change any programming paradigms or even language to master the future.
My question therefore:
How to deal with increasing multicore presence in day-by-day hacking?
Herb Sutter wrote about it in 2005: The Free Lunch Is Over: A Fundamental Turn Toward Concurrency in Software
Most problems do not require a lot of CPU time. Really, single cores are quite fast enough for many purposes. When you do find your program is too slow, first profile it and look at your choice of algorithms, architecture, and caching. If that doesn't get you enough, try to divide the problem up into separate processes. Often this is worth doing simply for fault isolation and so that you can understand the CPU and memory usage of each process. Also, normally each process will run on a specific core and make good use of the processor caches, so you won't have to suffer the substantial performance overhead of keeping cache lines consistent. If you go for a multi process design and still find problem needs more CPU time than you get with the machine you have, you are well placed to extend it run over a cluster.
There are situations where you need multiple threads within the same address space, but beware that threads are really hard to get right. Race conditions, especially in non-safe languages, sometimes take weeks to debug; often, simply adding tracing or running under a debugger will change the timings enough to hide the problem. Simply putting locks everywhere often means you get a lot of locking overhead and sometimes so much lock contention that you don't really get the concurrency advantage you were hoping for. Even when you've got the locking right, you then need to profile to tune for cache coherency. Ultimately, if you want to really tune some highly concurrent code, you'll probably end up looking at lock-free constructs and more complex locking schemes than those in current multi-threading libraries.
Learn the benefits of concurrency, and the limits (e.g. Amdahl's law).
So you can, where possible, exploit the only route for higher performance that is going to be open. There is a lot of innovative work happening on easier approaches (futures and task libraries), and old work being rediscovered (functional languages and immutable data).
The free lunch is over, but that does not mean that there is nothing to exploit.
In general, become very friendly with threading. It's a terrible mechanism for parallelization, but it's what we have.
If you do work with .NET, look at the Parallel Extensions. They allow you to easily accomplish many parallel programming tasks.
To benefit from more that just one core you should consider parallelizing your code. Multiple threads, immutable types, and a minimum of synchronization are your new friends.
I think it will depend on what kind of applications you're writing.
Some kind of apps benefit more of the fact that they're run on a mutli-core cpu then others.
If your application can benefit from the multi-core fact, then you should be ready to go parallel.
The free lunch is over; that is: in the past, your application became faster when a new cpu was released and you didn't have to put any effort in your application to get that extra speed.
Now, to take advantage of the capabilities a multi-core cpu offers, you've to make sure that your application can take advantage of it. That is: you've to see which tasks can be executed multithreaded / concurrently, and this brings some issues to the table ...
Learn Erlang/F# (depending on your platform)
Prefer immutable data structures, their use makes software easier to understand not only in concurrent programs.
Learn the tools for concurrency in your language (e.g. java.util.concurrent, JCIP).
Learn a functional language (e.g Haskell).
I've been asked the same question, and the answer is, "it depends". If your Joe Winforms, maybe not so much. If your writing code that must be performant, yes. One of the biggest problem I can see with parallel programming is this: if something can't be parallized, and you lie and tell the run-time to do in parallel anyways, it's not going to crash, it's just going to do things wrong, and you'll get crap results and blame the framework.
Learn OpenMP and MPI for C and C++ code.
OpenMP also applies to other languages as well like Fortran I suppose.
Write smaller programs.
Other code languages/styles will let you do multithreading better (though multithreading is still really hard in any language) but the big benefit for regular developers, IMHO, is the ability to execute lots of smaller programs concurrently to accomplish some much larger task.
So, get in the habit of breaking your problems down into independent components that can be run whenever you want.
You'll build more maintainable software too.
