Avoid Entering Password for key for each pod - terminal

I am trying to downloads pods for my Xcode project (there are many) and it is wanting me to enter my passphrase for almost every pod. How can I just enter my password once?

When you generated id_rsa pair you have used a password. Now it can't be used without password. It is located in ~/.ssh folder.
You can delete this key and recreate it.
But you lose all access to services where you use it.
Here is documentation how to create new pair (pub and priv keys)
Also you can try to change password with ssh-keygen -p
When you use blank password, it will not prompt to you each time.


How do I create a bash script to allow me to log into multiple clients on a network without having me enter the password everytime?

I'm on my network but want to be able to quickly log onto multiple clients on it without having to type SSH username#ipaddress everytime and then be prompted for a password. They all have the same password, is there a way for this to be automated? tips and knowledge are greatly appreciated
will create your public/private key pair in the ~/.ssh directory. You can enter for every prompt. Please be aware that you should not share ~/.ssh/id_rsa (the generated private key) with anyone. Consider it your password.
The following command will upload your public key to each host in question:
ssh-copy-id username#ipaddress
The above command copies your ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub (the public key) to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file on the remote box. You will be prompted for your password, but that should be the last time.
Once you have copied your public key, you should be able to log in after that without a password.
ssh username#ipaddress

Why does ec2 asks for password when i use an identity file?

I use the following command and i got the code from http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/AccessingInstancesLinux.html
ssh -i my-key-pair.pem ec2-user#ec2-198-51-100-1.compute-1.amazonaws.com
I'm not sure if it's because I lost the .pem file and recreated it or what is going on here, but no matter if I use the user ubuntu, root, or ec2-user the terminal asks me for a password.
Your local private key must be shrouded as it should be. It can be disabled with key management tools if you really want, but not advised.
Double-check the file permissions on your key file. Do:
chmod 400 my-key-pair.pem
and try again.
It is also likely that the key file is just the wrong one.
You have to terminate the instance and copy it with a new ssh key. If a key is lost then access to the server is also lost.

GitHub still asking for login even after ssh key exchange

my machine setup is as follows:
windows 7, Git for windows,Git Bash, openSSH 1.6 installed via cygwin.
I followed the instructions on https://help.github.com/articles/generating-ssh-keys
But I still have to login in everytime I push something.
I guess my setup is messed up... any help is very much appreciated.
To be able to use key-based authentication (instead of HTTP basic-auth), you have to use the SSH-Protocol. On Github, the URLs look like this:
Once you use key authentication, you can use the common SSH tools to manage the connections. One of these tools is the SSH agent which will decrypt your private key once after loading and keep it in main memory while it is running. This allows new SSH sessions to use this key without having to bother you with a password-question.
You can add a private key to the current SSH agent session by running
ssh-add /path/to/key
If you want to remove the passphrase and it annoys you then enter:
ssh-keygen -p
enter the old passphrase and when asks for the new one, just leave it empty.
I now got it working kinda...
At first I uninstalled the ssh package from cygwin since git for windows ships with ssh.
like Holger said I had to add the key to the ssh-agent but from the git bash I was not able to add it. It worked like this:
eval 'ssh-agen.exe'
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
After this I was able to push without entering a passphrase.
The only problem got left is that I have to add the key after every system reboot...
ANy ideas how to fix this?
These instructions are for Windows 7 and above.
Create a filename named .bashrc in your home directory (so full file path is C:\Users\XYZ\.bashrc where XYZ is your windows user name
In the file add these two lines. Note: change location of private key file if not at ~/.ssh/id_rsa
eval `ssh-agent`
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Open Git Bash application and you should be prompted with asking for your key's password

Git Always Prompts for Passphrase

I've followed the following guide to setup SSH keys on Mac OS 10.7.4.
But for some reason it continually prompts me for my passphrase. It doesn't prompt me if I don't specify a passphrase, but that isn't desired. Is there a way to cache my passphrase so that I won't be prompted for every pull/push?
You have to add your key file in the ssh-add
ssh-add ~/.ssh/you_key_rsa
After that, it's not will ask any more.
You might need to edit the .git/config file in your git repo and change the url value to use something like user#host:path-to-git-repo.git
The SSH password is used to authenticate users connecting to GIT repositories.
If you're working localy, git shouldn't ask for passwords, obly when doing remote operation, such as clone, push, pull,etc.
If the password annoys you, you can just input a blank password when creating the SSH key, password is not mandatory, however I advise you to use password for extra protection.
I am using Windows 10, and I have found two ways to eliminate the passphrase prompting.
Make sure the ssh agent is started and you have added your key
$ eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
The second command will prompt you for your passphrase, and then you will not be prompted for any other git commands run in this session.
You will need to run these commands again for every new bash session
Remove the passphrase from you key file:
$ ssh-keygen -p -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa
When prompted, just strike enter key for the new passphrase.
Option 2 will permanently remove the passphrase for all git commands. Of course it also makes you key file "unsecured"
Note: If you are using git desktop GUI ( Version 1.04+) Option 2 is required for the GUI to work.

Mac Terminal Keeps Asking for Password When Using PPK with SSH

I am attempting to connect to an Amazon EC2 Server via Mac Terminal. I have a PPK file that does not have a password attached to it, but when I try to connect I get a popup box that says "Enter the password for the SSH Private Key."
So we tried creating a PPK that has a password - but it does not accept the password, it still rejects the connection.
I have a Windows user who is able to connect using the same PPK on Putty.
Has anyone experienced this issue?
The mac is looking for a .pem key. The ppk is generated specifically for putty. If you don't have the original ppk key.
Download puttygen.exe from http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html Then go to conversions -> export OpenSSH key. Save the output as a .pem file and try using that with the mac.
If this doesn't work can you post the command you're running from mac. Its possible you've got some extra parameter or something.
Maybe your problem is with permissions for your key. I know in linux its required to change the permissions.
Taken from the website http://om4.com.au/ssh-rsa-key-pairs-passphrases-leopard/
Clear the contents of your ~/.ssh directory and set the directory permissions to 700 (directories need to be "executable")
$ rm ~/.ssh/*
$ chmod 700 ~/.ssh
Generate your rsa key pair (there are variations for this, but this is the version I used):
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa
Set the permissions for all files in ~/.ssh to 600
$ chmod 600 ~/.ssh
Copy your id_rsa.pub key to your server’s .ssh/authorized_keys file
Add your passphrase to your keychain using this command:
$ ssh-add -K
(you will see Enter passphrase for [your system]/.ssh/id_rsa: )
The error Enter your password for the SSH key x can result from using a key of the wrong format (such as a ppk key) in ssh or sftp. This is because it is interpreted as an encrypted ssh key and so prompts for the passphrase, when actually there is no passphrase.
In OS X I was able to simulate this error by simply typing the following into the command line:
sftp -o IdentityFile=randomtextfile mysftpserver.com
The solution is to convert the file using puttygen as suggested by bwight.
In addition to the other answers, the issue might come from the fact you haven't specified which user you want to connect as.
For example ssh -i francky.pem will ask you for your password on Mac, whereas ssh -i francky.pem root# shouldn't. Note that on Linux you don't specify the user.
I was running into the exact same problem in MAC, I found a quite simple way of getting rid of it.
Instead of using ssh -i IP address, use the following>
ssh user#IP
Hope you already found the answer after this long time :)
In my case, the problem was the file's break type. Try this:
1.- Open the .pem file with TextWrangler
2.- At Bottom of app, verify if the Break Type is "Windows(CRLF)".
This issue had me pulling my hair out for 20 min or so. Realized that I was able to connect successfully from another terminal window. In my case I just had to close out the current terminal window and use another or new window. Very strange, but may help you out.
