Sort pagination - laravel

Basically I want to sort them based on the highest - lowest avg rating but I can't do it since I've already fetched the data (paginate(12)).
Adding sortBy in the if else section is not possible since I do not have yet the avg_rating data. I tried it after foreach but keeps throwing error.
Any workarounds here so I can dynamically sort it out?
public function render()
$recipe_default = Recipe::where('is_approved', 1);
$recipe_default = $recipe_default->orderBy('id', 'asc')->paginate(12);
elseif($this->name_atoz == true)
$recipe_default = $recipe_default->orderBy('recipe_name')->paginate(12);
elseif($this->name_atoz == false)
$recipe_default = $recipe_default->orderBy('recipe_name', 'desc')->paginate(12);
foreach($recipe_default as $key => $value)
$recipe_default[$key]->avg_rating = Feedback::where('recipe_id', $value->id)->avg('rating');
$recipe_default[$key]->feedback_count = Feedback::where('recipe_id', $value->id)->count();
$recipe_default[$key]->tag_name = Taggable::where('taggable_id', $value->id)->where('taggable_type', 'recipe')->value('tag_name');
return view('livewire.content-management', [
'recipes' => $recipe_default


If clauses between where composition to laravel collect

$post_1 = 'john';
$post_2 = 30;
$arr = array(['name'=>'john','number'=>70],['name'=>'clark','number'=>50]);
$collection = collect($arr);
if($post_1 == 'john')
if($post_2 == 70)
But this doesn't work. I want to include filters but it depends on the post parameters to exist.
I think you can use when
$result= $collection->when(($post_1=="john"), function ($collection)use($post_1) {
return $collection->where('name',$post_1);
})->when(($post_2 == 70), function ($collection)use($post_2) {
return $collection->where('number',$post_2);
$collection->when(($post_1=="john"), function ($collection)use($post_1) {
return $collection->where('name',$post_1);
})->when(($post_2 == 70), function ($collection)use($post_2) {
return $collection->where('number',$post_2);

How to skip blank rows in a csv file during import in Laravel

During the import of a CSV file, my import function creates a database record for every row of the import file. This means that if a user has left a blank row in the file then the import process creates a blank record in the database. How does one develop it so that the importer identifies blank/null rows in the CSV file, skips those blank/null rows, and only creates a record and imports a row if the row contains data?
Here is the Controller for the Import function:
public function process(Request $request)
$filename = $request->input('filename', false);
$path = storage_path('app/csv_import/'.$filename);
$hasHeader = $request->input('hasHeader', false);
$isAddingNewReligiousBackground = $request->input('is_adding_new_religious_background', false);
$fields = $request->input('fields', false);
$fields = array_flip(array_filter($fields));
$modelName = $request->input('modelName', false);
$model = 'App\\'.$modelName;
$reader = new SpreadsheetReader($path);
$insert = [];
$update = [];
$tags = [];
$team_id = $request->input('church_id');
$custom_fields = CustomField::where('created_by_team_id', $team_id)->get();
foreach ($reader as $key => $row) {
if ($hasHeader && $key == 0) {
$tmp = [];
$meta = [];
foreach ($fields as $header => $k) {
$tmp[$header] = $row[$k];
$tmp['created_by_id'] = auth()->user()->id;
$tmp['created_by_team_id'] = $team_id;
$tmp['created_at'] = now();
if ($modelName == 'Interest') {
$this->translateReligiousBackgroud($tmp, $isAddingNewReligiousBackground);
$meta = $this->processInterestMeta($tmp, $custom_fields);
$existing = Interest::matchingInterest((object) $tmp, $request->input('church_id'));
if ($existing) {
$update[] = $existing;
$tagsArr = array_filter((array) $request->input('interest_tags'));
foreach (\DB::table('interest_tag')->where('interest_id', $existing->id)->get() as $tag) {
$tagsArr[] = $tag->tag_id;
if (! empty($meta)) {
} else {
$tmp['meta'] = $meta;
$insert[] = $tmp;
} else {
$insert[] = $tmp;
$for_insert = array_chunk($insert, 10000); // this was 100, but the chunking was causing the system to only import the first 100 records, even though the success message said it imported all of them - LW 1/25/2019
foreach ($for_insert as $insert_item) {
if ($modelName == 'Interest') {
foreach ($insert_item as $item) {
$interest = new $model;
foreach ($item as $field => $value) {
if ($field != 'meta') {
$interest->$field = $value;
$interest->created_by_id = auth()->user()->id;
$interest->created_by_team_id = $request->input('church_id');
// For some reason, created_by_team_id was null on initial save, do it again
$interest->created_by_team_id = $request->input('church_id');
// deal with tags
$interest->interest_tags()->sync(array_filter((array) $request->input('interest_tags')));
// deal with custom fields
if (! empty($item['meta'])) {
} else {
$rows = count($insert);
$updates = count($update);
$table = Str::plural($modelName);
$redirect = $request->input('redirect', false);
return redirect()->to($redirect)->with('message', trans(($updates > 0 ? 'global.app_imported_rows_to_table_with_updates' : 'global.app_imported_rows_to_table'),
['rows' => $rows, 'updates' => $updates, 'table' => $table]
I do not believe this is the proper way and I hope someone comes along and gives the proper answer but this here is my dirty hack. In my dataset, I have a column for lastname and all the records to have any functional purpose must have a last name so I put an -if- statement if (!empty($interest['lastname'])) checking that the 'lastname' not be empty before save.
$for_insert = array_chunk($insert, 10000); // this was 100, but the chunking was causing the system to only import the first 100 records, even though the success message said it imported all of them - LW 1/25/2019
foreach ($for_insert as $insert_item) {
if ($modelName == 'Interest') {
foreach ($insert_item as $item) {
$interest = new $model;
foreach ($item as $field => $value) {
if ($field != 'meta') {
$interest->$field = $value;
$interest->created_by_id = auth()->user()->id;
$interest->created_by_team_id = $request->input('church_id');
if (!empty($interest['lastname']))
// For some reason, created_by_team_id was null on initial save, do it again
$interest->created_by_team_id = $request->input('church_id');
if (!empty($interest['lastname']))
So in this manner, the system goes through the process of importing all the rows in the csv whether they have data or not but it only saves those records that have a lastname value. This accomplishes what I need but I know there must be a cleaner way to do it.
I believe there should be a method of doing this in which a record should be skipped only if all the values in a row/record is empty. So if one value is in place it will insert and create an entry but if all the values in a row are empty it will skip entry. Hopefully, someone will come along sometime and provide that more eloquent solution.

How to update row which have unique id in Codeigniter

I have a table which has a field of customer_number, some numbers repeat many times but I want to get only that number which is unique in filed.
public function set_unique()
$e = $_POST['e'];
if($e == 1)
$one = $this->db->get('calls_details');
foreach($one->result() as $data) {
$two = $this->db->where('Customer_Number', $data->Customer_Number)
if($two->num_rows() == 1) {
foreach($two->result() as $data2) {
$three = $this->db->where('Customer_Number', $data2->Customer_Number)
->update('calls_details', ['unique_id'=>1]);
// defining array in which we get form values
$dataDB = ['first_name' => $this->input->post('first_name'),
'second_name' => $this->input->post('second_name'),
'email' => $this->input->post('email'),
// load model
//set record id, which we need to be updated
$this->Customer->id = $uniqueCustomerIDNumber;
//save record

Yii2: How to validate relation?

I have a model with the relation called "reviews":
class ReportStructure extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
const REVIEW_LIST_NAME = 'reviews';
public function getReviewList()
return $this->hasOne(FileIndexList::className(), ['id_owner' => 'id_report'])
->where('list_name = :list_name', [':list_name' => self::REVIEW_LIST_NAME]);
public function getReviews()
return $this->hasMany(FileIndex::className(), ['id_file_index' => 'id_file_index'])->via('reviewList');
In View, the reviews are displayed by GridView widget. The user can add or delete reviews by the other View. The user should specify at least one review. I added the validation rule to the model:
public function rules()
return [
['reviews', 'checkReviews'],
public function checkReviews($attribute)
if (count($this->reviews) === 0) {
$this->addError($attribute, 'You should add at least one review');
But it seems that rule even not fired.
public function actionIndex($idSupply, $restoreTab = false) {
$this->initData($idSupply, $report, $reestrData, $structure, $elements);
$ok = $report->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) &&
$reestrData->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) &&
Model::loadMultiple($elements, Yii::$app->request->post());
if($ok) {
$ok = $report->validate() &&
$reestrData->validate() &&
Model::validateMultiple($elements) &&
if($ok) {
$report->id_status = Status::STATUS_VERIFIED;
$this->saveData($report, $reestrData, $structure, $elements);
return $this->redirect(['supplies/update', 'id' => $idSupply]);
return $this->render('index', [
'structure' => $structure,
'report' => $report,
'reestrData' => $reestrData,
'elements' => $elements,
'restoreTab' => $restoreTab
That's how the data is initialized. $elements are the objects of one class, I use tabular input for them.
private function initData($idSupply, &$report, &$reestrData, &$structure, &$elements) {
$report = \app\models\Reports::findOne($idSupply);
$reestrData = \app\models\ReestrData::findOne($report->id_reestr_data);
$structure = \app\models\report\ReportStructure::findOne($report->id_supply);
$elements = [
'titleIndex' => FileIndex::getInstance($structure->id_title_index, $structure->getAttributeLabel('id_title_index')),
'abstractIndex' => FileIndex::getInstance($structure->id_abstract_index, $structure->getAttributeLabel('id_abstract_index')),
'technicalSpecificationIndex' => FileIndex::getInstance($structure->id_technical_specification_index, $structure->getAttributeLabel('id_technical_specification_index')),
'contentsIndex' => FileIndex::getInstance($structure->id_contents_index, $structure->getAttributeLabel('id_contents_index')),
'imageListIndex' => FileIndex::getInstance($structure->id_image_list_index, $structure->getAttributeLabel('id_image_list_index'), false),
'tableListIndex' => FileIndex::getInstance($structure->id_table_list_index, $structure->getAttributeLabel('id_table_list_index'), false),
'textAnnexListIndex' => FileIndex::getInstance($structure->id_text_annex_list_index, $structure->getAttributeLabel('id_text_annex_list_index'), false),
'graphAnnexListIndex' => FileIndex::getInstance($structure->id_graph_annex_list_index, $structure->getAttributeLabel('id_graph_annex_list_index'), false),
'glossaryIndex' => FileIndex::getInstance($structure->id_glossary_index, $structure->getAttributeLabel('id_glossary_index'), false),
'reportIntroductionIndex' => FileIndex::getInstance($structure->id_report_introduction_index, $structure->getAttributeLabel('id_report_introduction_index')),
'reportMainPartIndex' => FileIndex::getInstance($structure->id_report_main_part_index, $structure->getAttributeLabel('id_report_main_part_index')),
'reportConclusionIndex' => FileIndex::getInstance($structure->id_report_conclusion_index, $structure->getAttributeLabel('id_report_conclusion_index')),
'bibliographyIndex' => FileIndex::getInstance($structure->id_bibliography_index, $structure->getAttributeLabel('id_bibliography_index')),
'metrologicalExpertiseIndex' => FileIndex::getInstance($structure->id_metrologicalexpertise_index, $structure->getAttributeLabel('id_metrologicalexpertise_index')),
'patentResearchIndex' => FileIndex::getInstance($structure->id_patent_research_index, $structure->getAttributeLabel('id_patent_research_index')),
'costStatementIndex' => FileIndex::getInstance($structure->id_cost_statement_index, $structure->getAttributeLabel('id_cost_statement_index')),
And tht's how the data is saved:
private function saveData($report, $reestrData, $structure, $elements) {
foreach ($elements as $element) {
$structure->id_title_index = $elements['titleIndex']->id_file_index;
$structure->id_abstract_index = $elements['abstractIndex']->id_file_index;
$structure->id_technical_specification_index = $elements['technicalSpecificationIndex']->id_file_index;
$structure->id_contents_index = $elements['contentsIndex']->id_file_index;
$structure->id_image_list_index = $elements['imageListIndex']->id_file_index;
$structure->id_table_list_index = $elements['tableListIndex']->id_file_index;
$structure->id_text_annex_list_index = $elements['textAnnexListIndex']->id_file_index;
$structure->id_graph_annex_list_index = $elements['graphAnnexListIndex']->id_file_index;
$structure->id_glossary_index = $elements['glossaryIndex']->id_file_index;
$structure->id_report_introduction_index = $elements['reportIntroductionIndex']->id_file_index;
$structure->id_report_main_part_index = $elements['reportMainPartIndex']->id_file_index;
$structure->id_report_conclusion_index = $elements['reportConclusionIndex']->id_file_index;
$structure->id_bibliography_index = $elements['bibliographyIndex']->id_file_index;
$structure->id_metrologicalexpertise_index = $elements['metrologicalExpertiseIndex']->id_file_index;
$structure->id_patent_research_index = $elements['patentResearchIndex']->id_file_index;
$structure->id_cost_statement_index = $elements['costStatementIndex']->id_file_index;
I eventually decided not to use validation for the relation at all and simply check reviews count in the controller:
if (count($structure->reviews) === 0) {
$ok = false;
Yii::$app->session->setFlash('danger', 'You should add at least one review!');
I think it's better to check it in beforeDelete method.
you can add this method to your model, and check, if it's the only review, then returns false.
public function beforeDelete()
if (!parent::beforeDelete()) {
return false;
if(self::find()->count() >1)
return true;
return false;

How to parse data on the backend

I am using Angular2 for my frontend and laravel for my back end and I'm having trouble saving the data to the database
Each of the keys in the Order[] (ex prodName, prodDesc) are the same as the column names in the database so I was trying to loop the request and save the data but its not working
public function Order(Request $request) {
$input = $request->all();
$order = new Order;
foreach ($input as $key => $value) {
if (array_key_exists($key, $input) && !empty($value)) {
$order->$key = $value;
if($order->save()) {
return response()->json(['order' => $order], 201);
export interface Order {
prodName: string;
prodDesc: string;
Adding the item to the order
orders = [] as Order[];
saveItem(): void {
this.orders.push({prodName: this.prodName, prodDesc: this.prodDesc}); => {
How each item is stored in storage
save(data : Order[]): Promise<any> {
return this.getData().then((products: any[]) => {
if (products) {
products = products.concat(data);
return'products', products);
return'products', data);
How I retrieve the order from storage
private order = [] as Order[];
constructor(public dataService: OrderStorage, public OrderService: OrderService) {
this.dataService.getData().then((products) => {
if (products) {
this.order = products;
onSubmit() {
Posting the data to the back end
submit(order: Order[]): Observable<any> {
return, order)
(response: Response) => {});
Structure of the order data being sent
Retrieving the data on the backend
public function Order(Request $request) {
$input = $request->all();
the var_dump output
It's actually foreach ($input as $key => $arr), then you can use your loop:
foreach ($input as $arr) {
foreach ($arr as $key => $value) {
if (array_key_exists($key, $arr) && !empty($value)) {
$order->$key = $value;
The first set of elements you will encounter in your loop are arrays, then you can loop the property off of your array.
