Maven doesn't download a slf4j dependency slf4j-log4j12 - spring

I try to use
library, but maven doesn't download the jar. My local .m2 repository shows
enter image description here
I'm using Apache Maven 3.5.4 with Java version: 11.0.15. The dependencies in pom.xml:
What could be the problem? I'm behind corporate firewall and use JFrog antifactory.
I added maven2 repo to pom.xml. Tried Invalidate Cache in IntelliJ and other cleanup I could think of.


How to stop Maven from downloading all historical versions of aws-java-sdk?

I am using Maven to download aws-java-sdk dependency for version 1.11.23, though in Maven repository I find all historical versions till most recent ones; i.e. aws-java-sdk-sqs downloaded versions (1.9.0 to 1.11.642) any idea why is that and how can I limit to only the version specified for aws-java-sdk artifact?
This "dependency loop" is a problem with some older versions of aws-lambda-java-events, which is probably a dependency of your dependency.
Try updating or your dependencies to the latest, or overriding aws-lambda-java-events to at least 2.2.7:
For me, After specifying the BOM of AWS SDK in the dependencyManagement section & the version I would like to use, The historical downloads were stopped. Below are my dependencies.
I created a project (with Maven 3.5.4) with just:
<project ... >
All of ~/.m2/repository/com/amazonaws/* (as declared in aws-java-sdks POM) contain just the sub-directory /1.11.23.
To exclude dependencies of your dependencies see Introduction to the Dependency Mechanism, Transitive Dependencies:
Excluded dependencies - If project X depends on project Y, and project Y depends on project Z, the owner of project X can explicitly exclude project Z as a dependency, using the "exclusion" element.

Maven Dependency's dependency

In my project I have slf4j-log4j12
This version uses log4j 1.2.17. The log4j latest update is 2.11.1.
How can I make my maven project to force use the latest log4j i.e. 2.11.1 version?
Be aware that log4j version 2 is completely incompatible with log4j version 1. You cannot replace like that those version.
To use log4j-2 as backend for slf4j, you will need to replace this dependency by another.
From the page in log4j 2 site, the dependency is linked to the version of slf4j
In your use case, (sf4j 1.7) it is this one:
for slf4j 1.8+ it will be this one:

Eclipse plugin- Maven transitive dependency issue

I am facing issue with velocity jar issue. As one of the eclipse plugin dependent on CXF bundle.
jar dependency defined in pom.xml as below,
another eclipse plugin dependent on custom bundle jar which has
jar dependency defined in pom.xml as below,
On runtime I am geting issue as,
Could not find Velocity template file: org/apache/cxf/tools/wsdlto/frontend/jaxws/template/build.vm
To identify the issue I run the command,
mvn dependency:tree -Dverbose
This shows maven omitting velocity jar from cxf as it loads another velocity in classpath.
How to resolve this jar dependency ?
use the <exclusions> tag for the dependency you not want:

Stop downloading jar form Repository Maven

In my Maven Project I have dependency for
But the downloaded jar is corrupted or it has problem so my application fails. I have a working jar in my hard. So I want to add that instead of downloading form repo. I used this to do that,
But didn't work :(

slf4j-log4j12 not packaged by maven with "runtime" scope

I have a project managed by maven with slf4j-api-1.5.8 and log4j-1.2.14 dependencies.
At runtime, slf4j needs slf4j-log4j12-1.5.8.jar to "bridge" output to log4j.
So in pom.xml , I add this dependency :
After building (war:war) , log4j-1.2.14.jar and slf4j-api-1.5.8.jar are both added to WEB-INF/lib directory , but I cannot find slf4j-log4j12-1.5.8.jar within!
I then use "Dependency Hierarchy" to check the resolved dependencies , but cannot find slf4j-log4j12 (so it's not packaged into WEB-INF/lib)
What's going wrong here?
environment : maven 3.0-beta1 , m2-eclipse-
The dependency management section is a mechanism for centralizing dependency information, adding a dependency in the dependency management section doesn't make it a dependency of your project by itself, you still need to declare it as dependency:
