Retrieve all NFT transfers and sales data on Solana - solana

I'm trying to retrieve all the transfers and sales data on Solana.
I used ethereum-etl to get Ethereum data, it gets logs for each transaction and extracts the data for ERC-721 Transfer and ERC-1155 TransferSingle events.
How would I go about getting the same data for NFT transfers and sales on Solana?
Thank you


Is there any way to track how much rent was paid given by an account address and timestamp in solana?

I'm new to solana. Currently, I'm working on an app that supports user to track their wallet historical balance and transactions.
For example, given by an account and time period range, the app will calculate the opening and closing balance and how much sol were sent and recevied during the time range.Since the rpc dose not support such features, I fetch all the historical transactions of an account and instead of using prebalance and postbalance directly returned by rpc, I try to calculate the historical balance by every transcations.(I use the absolute value of the subtraction of the prebalance and postbalance to get the transfer amount in every transaction, so that I can get the sent and the received value.) I found that in solana the rent does not show in the transaction, which will cause the balance calculation error.
I'd like to know if there is any way to track how much rent was paid given by an account address and timestamp in solana? I tried googling it and didn't find a solution.
Any comments and suggestions will be appreciated.
Unless I'm misunderstanding the question, the rent-exempt balances are included in transactions. For example, here's a transaction creating a USDC account:
There, you'll see that the new token account 2XBTsdaRTYdmsqLXRjjXonbVHCwvvGfHjBRfTXPcgnsS received 0.00203928 SOL, and the funding account 4SnSuUtJGKvk2GYpBwmEsWG53zTurVM8yXGsoiZQyMJn lost 0.00204428 SOL, which is higher since it paid for the transaction.
Roughly speaking, if you go though all a wallet's transactions, you can see if a payment was for rent-exemption if the destination account had 0 SOL to start, and the wallet paid for it. Note that this isn't perfect, since a lot of balances can move in a transaction!

On-chain poof for staking rewards payout

I am trying to find out how the rewards are sent to the validators account/delegation contract. Where is that information stored and how can it be retrieved from the RPC nodes?

Where in the stack to best merge analytical data-warehouse data with data scraped+cached from third-party APIs?

Background information
We sell an API to users, that analyzes and presents corporate financial-portfolio data derived from public records.
We have an "analytical data warehouse" that contains all the raw data used to calculate the financial portfolios. This data warehouse is fed by an ETL pipeline, and so isn't "owned" by our API server per se. (E.g. the API server only has read-only permissions to the analytical data warehouse; the schema migrations for the data in the data warehouse live alongside the ETL pipeline rather than alongside the API server; etc.)
We also have a small document store (actually a Redis instance with persistence configured) that is owned by the API layer. The API layer runs various jobs to write into this store, and then queries data back as needed. You can think of this store as a shared persistent cache of various bits of the API layer's in-memory state. The API layer stores things like API-key blacklists in here.
Problem statement
All our input data is denominated in USD, and our calculations occur in USD. However, we give our customers the query-time option to convert the response just-in-time to another currency. We do this by having the API layer run a background job to scrape exchange-rate data, and then cache it in the document store. Individual API-layer nodes then do (in-memory-cached-with-TTL) fetches from this exchange-rates key in the store, whenever a query result needs to be translated into a specific currency.
At first, we thought that this unit conversion wasn't really "about" our data, just about the API's UX, and so we thought this was entirely an API-layer concern, where it made sense to store the exchange-rates data into our document store.
(Also, we noticed that, by not pre-converting our DB results into a specific currency on the DB side, the calculated results of a query for a particular portfolio became more cache-friendly; the way we're doing things, we can cache and reuse the portfolio query results between queries, even if the queries want the results in different currencies.)
But recently we've been expanding into also allowing partner clients to also execute complex data-science/Business Intelligence queries directly against our analytical data warehouse. And it turns out that they will also, often, need to do final exchange-rate conversions in their BI queries as well—despite there being no API layer involved here.
It seems like, to serve the needs of BI querying, the exchange-rate data "should" actually live in the analytical data warehouse alongside the financial data; and the ETL pipeline "should" be responsible for doing the API scraping required to fetch and feed in the exchange-rate data.
But this feels wrong: the exchange-rate data has a different lifecycle and integrity constraints than our financial data. The exchange rates are dirty and ephemeral point-in-time samples attained by scraping, whereas the financial data is a reliable historical event stream. The exchange rates get constantly updated/overwritten, while the financial data is append-only. Etc.
What is the best practice for serving the needs of analytical queries that need to access backend "application state" for "query result presentation" needs like this? Or am I wrong in thinking of this exchange-rate data as "application state" in the first place?
What I find interesting about your scenario is about when the exchange rate data is applicable.
In the case of the API, it's all about the realtime value in the other currency and it makes sense to have the most recent value in your API app scope (Redis).
However, I assume your analytical data warehouse has tables with purchases that were made at a certain time. In those cases, the current exchange rate is not really relevant to the value of the transaction.
This might mean that you want to store the exchange rate history in your warehouse or expand the "purchases" table to store the values in all the currencies at that moment.

Is it possible to write multiple blobs in a single request?

We're planning to use Azure blob storage to save processing log data for later analysis. Our systems are generating roughly 2000 events per minute, and each "event" is a json document. Looking at the pricing for blob storage, the sheer number of write operations would cost us tons of money if we take each event and simply write it to a blob.
My question is: Is it possible to create multiple blobs in a single write operation, or should I instead plan to create blobs containing multiple event data items (for example, one blob for each minute's worth of data)?
It is possible ,but isn't good practice ,it take long times to multipart files to be merge, hence we are trying to separate upload action from entity persist operation by passing entity id and update doc[image] name in other controller
Also it keeps you clean upload functionality .Best Wish
It's impossible to create multiple blobs in a single write operation.
One feasible solution is to create blobs containing multiple event data items as you planned (which is hard to implement and query in my opinion); another solution is to store the event data into Azure Storage Table rather than Blob, and leverage EntityGroupTransaction to write table entities in one batch (which is billed as one transaction).
Please note that all table entities in one batch must have the same partition key, which should be considered when you're designing your table (see Azure Storage Table Design Guide for further information). If some of your events have large data size that exceeds the size limitation of Azure Storage Table (1MB per entity, 4MB per batch), you can save data of those events to Blob and store the blob links in Azure Storage Table.

Can I capture Performance Counters for an Azure Web/Worker Role remotely...?

I am aware of the generation of the Performance Counters and Diagnosis in webrole and worker-role in Azure.
My question is can I get the Performance Counter on a remote place or remote app, given the subscription ID and other certificates (3rd Party app to give performance Counter).
Question in other words, Can I get the Performance Counter Data, the way I use Service Management API for any hosted service...?
What are the pre-configurations required to be done in Server...? to get CPU data...???
Following is the description of the attributes for Performance counters table:
EventTickCount: Stores the tick count (in UTC) when the log entry was recorded.
DeploymentId: Id of your deployment.
Role: Role name
RoleInstance: Role instance name
CounterName: Name of the counter
CounterValue: Value of the performance counter
One of the key thing here is to understand how to effectively query this table (and other diagnostics table). One of the things we would want from the diagnostics table is to fetch the data for a certain period of time. Our natural instinct would be to query this table on Timestamp attribute. However that's a BAD DESIGN choice because you know in an Azure table the data is indexed on PartitionKey and RowKey. Querying on any other attribute will result in full table scan which will create a problem when your table contains a lot of data.
The good thing about these logs table is that PartitionKey value in a way represents the date/time when the data point was collected. Basically PartitionKey is created by using higher order bits of DateTime.Ticks (in UTC). So if you were to fetch the data for a certain date/time range, first you would need to calculate the Ticks for your range (in UTC) and then prepend a "0" in front of it and use those values in your query.
If you're querying using REST API, you would use syntax like:
PartitionKey ge '0<from date/time ticks in UTC>' and PartitionKey le '0<to date/time in UTC>'.
You could use this syntax if you're querying table storage in our tool Cloud Storage Studio, Visual Studio or Azure Storage Explorer.
Unfortunately I don't have much experience with the Storage Client library but let me work something out. May be I will write a blog post about it. Once I do that, I will post the link to my blog post here.
Since the performance counters data gets persisted in Windows Azure Table Storage (WADPerformanceCountersTable), you can query that table through a remote app (either by using Microsoft's Storage Client library or writing your own custom wrapper around Azure Table Service REST API to retrieve the data. All you will need is the storage account name and key.
