Issue with alias in graphql requests - graphql

when I execute a request with an hexadecimal alias, i have an error message
query infosTokenAddress {
00007659311B67BAA83A952944B75F09142DA1D554EBDD6F88E9C9FCF9BD365F0BB3: transaction(address: "00007659311B67BAA83A952944B75F09142DA1D554EBDD6F88E9C9FCF9BD365F0BB3") {
... TransactionFields
fragment TransactionFields on Transaction {data { content } }
Syntax Error GraphQL request (2:4) Invalid number, unexpected digit after 0: "0".
1: query infosTokenAddress {
2: 00007659311B67BAA83A952944B75F09142DA1D554EBDD6F88E9C9FCF9BD365F0BB3: transaction(address: "00007659311B67BAA83A952944B75F09142DA1D554EBDD6F88E9C9FCF9BD365F0BB3") {
3: ... TransactionFields
if i add a alphanumeric prefix, it works but i need to keep the hexa value.


GraphQL doesn't consider dynamic arrays of strings valid strings

I have a query that works when manually typed:
queryName(where: { ids: ["1234567890123456789", "1234567890123456790"] }, offset: 0, max: 10) {
but when the same values are passed in a variable:
const idArr = ["1234567890123456789", "1234567890123456790"];
queryName(where: { ids: ${idArr} }, offset: 0, max: 10) {
I get the error:
Uncaught GraphQLError: Syntax Error: Expected Name, found Int "1234567890123456789"
Can anyone explain this?
Using string interpolation like that will result in the following value being inserted inside your string:
This is not valid GraphQL syntax and so results in a syntax error. Instead of using string interpolation, you should use GraphQL variables to provide dynamic values along with your query:
query ($idArr: [ID!]!) {
queryName(where: { ids: $idArr }, offset: 0, max: 10) {
Note that the type of the variable will depend on the argument where it's being used, which depends on whatever schema you're actually querying.
How you include the variables along with your request depends on the client you're using to make that request, which is not clear from your post. If you're using fetch or some other simple HTTP client, you just include the variables alongside the query as another property in the payload you send to the server:
"query": "...",
"variables": {

I get a GraphQL error when running this query using the apollo server. Anyone one knows what is the problem with it?

I am trying to fetch some data from the GitHub GraphQL but I get a GaphQLError. I have tried the same query on the developer section of github and it works. Anyone know what is the problem with it?
issueQuery = gql`
query search(first: 10, type: ISSUE, query: "repo:angular/angular is:issue state:open") {
edges {
node {
... on Issue {
comments(first: 10) {
nodes {
Error Stack Trace:
"GraphQLError: Syntax Error: Expected $, found Name "first"
at syntaxError (http://localhost:4200/vendor.js:70270:10)
at expect (http://localhost:4200/vendor.js:75154:67)
at parseVariable (http://localhost:4200/vendor.js:73984:3)
at parseVariableDefinition (http://localhost:4200/vendor.js:73970:15)
at many (http://localhost:4200/vendor.js:75222:16)
at parseVariableDefinitions (http://localhost:4200/vendor.js:73959:82)
at parseOperationDefinition (http://localhost:4200/vendor.js:73926:26)
at parseExecutableDefinition (http://localhost:4200/vendor.js:73881:16)
at parseDefinition (http://localhost:4200/vendor.js:73845:16)
at many (http://localhost:4200/vendor.js:75222:16)"
New Error Stack Trace when adding $ before the parameters:
"GraphQLError: Syntax Error: Expected Name, found Int "10"
at syntaxError (http://localhost:4200/vendor.js:70270:10)
at expect (http://localhost:4200/vendor.js:75154:67)
at parseName (http://localhost:4200/vendor.js:73809:15)
at parseNamedType (http://localhost:4200/vendor.js:74385:11)
at parseTypeReference (http://localhost:4200/vendor.js:74364:12)
at parseVariableDefinition (http://localhost:4200/vendor.js:73971:83)
at many (http://localhost:4200/vendor.js:75222:16)
at parseVariableDefinitions (http://localhost:4200/vendor.js:73959:82)
at parseOperationDefinition (http://localhost:4200/vendor.js:73926:26)
at parseExecutableDefinition (http://localhost:4200/vendor.js:73881:16)"
Don't confuse the operation with the actual field being queried. The syntax should look like this:
operationType [operationName] [variableDefinitions] {
where operationType is one of query, mutation or subscription, operationName is an arbitrary name for your operation used in debugging, variableDefinitions are type definitions for any variables you reference inside the operation, and selectionSet is one or more fields you're actually querying.
In this case, search is a field we're querying, so it should not be proceeded by the query keyword. This works fine, provided you're authenticated:
query OptionalName {
search(first: 10, type: ISSUE, query: "repo:angular/angular is:issue state:open") {
edges {
# more fields
If the operation type is query, you can omit the query keyword altogether. This is called "query shorthand":
search(first: 10, type: ISSUE, query: "repo:angular/angular is:issue state:open") {
edges {
# more fields
If you use variables, define them inside parentheses beside your operation. Variable names are arbitrary, but by convention we use the input field names they will be used in:
query OptionalName ($first: Int, type: SearchType!, $query: String! ) {
search(first: $first, type: $type, query: $query) {
edges {
# more fields

Using SyntaxHighlightRules for Syntax validation

I've built some new Ace Editor Modes for my custom language (JMS Message representations) with a sophisticated state machine. Now it would be great to reuse that syntax highlighting also to create the errors. Is that possible ?
In other words, let's say my syntax highlighting creates 'invalid' tokens and I want to use the line number of that token to flag an error and then do something like this:
The simplest format is the HEX format:
this.$rules = {
"start": [
{ regex: /[!#].*$/, token: "comment" },
{ regex: /^0x[0-9a-f]+:/, token: "constant" }, // hex offset
{ regex: /(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{4} |[0-9a-fA-F]{2} )/, token: "constant.numeric" }, // hex value
{ regex: /[\S ]{1,16}$/, token: "string" }, // printable value
{ regex: "\\s+", token: "text" },
{ defaultToken: "invalid" }
And let's say the editor created this state with an invalid token in line 4:
Is there a (preferably easy) way to get to the line numbers of my invalid tokens ? Or to reuse my $rules state machine for syntax checking ?
Found it - I must admin, Ace Editor is really good stuff. Always works as expected.
What works for me, after computing the tokens of the document with the rules state machine, I iterate through all tokens and find the once that are 'invalid' and then set annotations on those lines. Initially simply 'Syntax error' but different types of 'invalid' could mean different things in the future. This way I only have to write the validation syntax validation once.
aceEditor.session.on('change', function(delta) {
var sess = aceEditor.session;
var invalids = [];
for( var row=0;row<sess.getLength();row++ ) {
var tokens = sess.getTokens(row);
if( !tokens ) continue;
for( var t=0;t<tokens.length;t++ ) {
if( tokens[t].type==="invalid" ) {
invalids.push({ row: row, column: 0, text: "Syntax error", type: "error" });
sess.setAnnotations( invalids );
There might be a smarter way to do this (maybe an onToken(type,row,column) function somewhere ?), but above works for me.

Resolving query type with promise in bucklescript

I've got this query im trying to test with with the reason graphql_ppx library. code gist
This is a screenshot of the editor type annotations:
Using the #mhallin/graphql_ppx library, i've got the following query set up:
module FilmQuery = [%graphql
allFilms {
films {
exception Graphql_error(string);
/* Construct a "packaged" query; FilmQuery takes no arguments: */
let filmQuery = FilmQuery.make();
/* Send this query string to the server */
let query = filmQuery##query // type string
I get an the following error when i send the query to the server it returns the following error.
{ errors: [ { message: 'Must provide query string.' } ] }
But if you Js.log(query) you see its being constructed which works on
query films($first: Int) {
allFilms(first: $first) {
films {
If you Js.log(filmQuery) you get:
{ query: 'query {\nallFilms {\nfilms {\nid \ntitle \nreleaseDate \n}\n}\n}',
variables: null,
parse: [Function: parse] }
If your run the same query in Altair and you check the query that was sent in the devtools network tab you see:
{"query":" query films($first: Int) {\n allFilms(first: $first) {\n films {\n id\n title\n releaseDate\n }\n }\n }\n","variables":{}}
The editor is provided this type error:
"- error
This has type:
But somewhere wanted:
Js.t({.. query : string, variables : Js.Json.t })
How do I get this promise/unit type resolved? Thank you.
So the new question is: Why isn't the sendQuery() function recognizing the filmQuery##parse key?
Your sendQuery method is expecting a type in the shape of what is returned from FilmQuery.make(), but you are passing it just the query property, which is a string.
You can fix this by passing filmQuery as into sendQuery instead of just the query property from filmQuery that is referenced by the query variable.

GraphQL Type Error for Union Type when trying to run a query ([Error: Unknown type ...])

I have set up a graphql schema where one of the fields ('items') is a list of objects which are a Union Type i.e. the list items can be one of two object types (in this case they are called 'packageOfferItem' and 'tileItem').
var searchResultItemType = new graphql.GraphQLUnionType({
name: 'SearchResultItems',
types: [ packageOfferItem, tileItem ],
resolveType: function (value) {
if (value.type === 'packageOffer') {
return packageOfferItem;
} else if (value.type === 'tile') {
return tileItem;
} else {
return null;
var searchResultItemsType = new graphql.GraphQLList(searchResultItemType);
The items field is then of type searchResultItemsType.
In my tests I have a query which requests data from items filed using the notation:
items {
...on packageOfferItem {
In my test I get an error [Error: Unknown type "packageOfferItem".] message: 'Unknown type "packageOfferItem".' } ]
Where is this error coming from?? packageOfferItem is a graphql NamedType so I don't understand why there is an error in the query response.
Introspection of the schema does not throw any errors so the schema itself is syntactically valid.
