How to create modified app of BGMI or PUBG - apk

I have seen many of person promises that they have modified the original app. Is it possible for someone to decompile the app and recompile it again.
If this is possible, what is the best way to play around?


Can i create scenes (menu, highscore and game) without using the Composer library?

I am working to a simple mobile game (the github link is below).
I copied most of the game mechanism from a blog and tried to edit it to make it prettier. Now i would like to add scenes but in Corona tutorial it looks like you have to edit all the code hence i can't do that because i don't know what many functions do. Is there a way to create scenes without editing the code but simply adding a few lines?
P.S. if there is a good good Samaritan here and he want to edit it for me i leave my github link
as far as I know, you can do this in native android or iOS but it will be harder for you to do that because it needs more knowledge on Corona, if you tell me what you want to add or edit, maybe I can help you

How do I archive/validate a Swift App that uses a framework in Xcode

I have an App that uses Admod and Firebase from Google. Since I am using Swift they want me to use frameworks when loading them from CocoaPods. When I try to archive/validate the App I get the error:
No suitable application records were found. Verify your bundle identifier 'org.cocoapods.GoogleToolboxForMac'
What is the correct way to provision an app that uses someone else's frameworks so it can be uploaded to iTunes Connect? I tried to find something in Apple's documentation but I haven't found anything.
I previously had answered my own question, since I had thought I had found a solution. My reply was:
Problem Solved. Turns out I was using an App-ID that I am having Apple look into as being corrupt. I had already created a new App-ID to prove the one I want to use is not working and retried with that and it Validates. This required a lot of help from the Google Ads Mobile SDK team. Thanks.
So the correct answer is: Now Incorrect
You should not get this error unless you are using a Bundle-ID that is not already registered on iTunes Connect, but, you should never be able to create an archive that does not have a Bundle-ID that is not already registered on iTunes Connect. So this is caused by an abnormal situation.
This is no longer true
I used my new working project and got 4 whole builds out of it and into iTunes Connect. In the process I was trying to clean up the mess caused by trying to solve this problem, like loosing my git history. I tried to modify my old App to get it to work and without modifying my new working project, But my new project started failing with the above error. I even used my time machine and went back to the directory as it was when I made the last build, but no help. So, any answers?
Further Update:
I pulled all the code related to Google Firebase and Admob out of the code and removed the cocoaPods and Archived/Validated and now I get the error:
You must supply a CFBundleIdentifer for this request.
Which is the error message I was getting with my other App-ID that tracked that App-ID in iTunesConnect. This time it does not track the App-ID so it must be something in my project. Will report what I find.
I think Apple has been modifying their code for validation at the same time I was trying different things. At one point it told me I was using CFBundleSignature instead of CFBundlePackageType set to APP and I fixed this and got the code to validate. Understand I am copying complete projects and renaming everything to debug this problem, so this must have come from the original program. I ended up with a project that was renamed from my original but archived/validated but when I went to compile for Test I got errors that I debugged until I got lots of Mach-O link errors. I decided to complete the loop and go back to my original code and try using the new Bundle-ID which points to the new App-ID, the one that works, and add all the knowledge I have learned. But when I get it done I have an project that can test but does not validate. The only difference is this project has the old identifier which has the same name as the suffix of the App-ID that has a bug.
Am I missing something?
Final UpDate?
On a whim I renamed the Scheme file to be the same as my Suffix to the Bundle-ID and I got my original Project to Validate! I have worked on this for over a month and you might not believe the astonishment I feel in this.
Back to Unit Test!
I have come to the conclusion that the Identity of the App, the name at the far top of the right side Utilities window, has something to do with the way iTunes Connect validates the App. This is the name in the left hand column of the Organizer window. It is like it overrides the suffix of the Bundle-ID and since I can't use that Identifier because the associated App-ID is corrupt. Or the name of the Scheme.

Logic tests for OS X using Xcode 6

I want to implement unit testing in my Xcode project, and would like to run tests without requiring the application to be started.
Reasons for this are, I have a core data based document app, that also uses a cvdisplay link to control continuous rendering in a background thread.
It strikes me that I do not need a running application to test core data datamodel functionality, this should be distinct from view stuff anyway. Also I would like to isolate and performance test my background rendering processes, something that seems very difficult with the app running, but could easily do without the application running, just getting the right classes and feed it the correct data.
I've seen other questions that have answers for Xcode versions before six, but the answers don't seem to work for the current version.
The docs now make a distinction between application and library tests. Library tests are run against library targets.
I'm not sure i want to reorganise my code into distinct libraries at the moment, and would prefer to avoid it or fake it somehow.
I saw somewhere an openradar relating to this in ios, but I'm interested in osx.
Has anyone any insight into this?
EDIT : Learning to cope with the existing setup for now, testing with full app running, I can run some checks on that, then I close all documents and shut down the display link.
I can then run tests creating my own persistent store coordinator, in memory datastore and context, as well as testing my rendering classes without fear of conflict with the other display thread.
I'm now running into troubles with linking sources, I just can't seem to get it right, I fiddle with settings, it seems to work for a bit, then suddenly stops building again with Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: errors, either that or problems linking with 3rd party private frameworks. I look through the web, change a few things, it starts working again. Then I add some tests, importing more of my classes, things stop working again.,.. Infuriating
EDIT 2: Pretty much all sorted now, but maybe not terribly efficient. For each test case class, I either open or close documents and start or stop the display link in the +(void)setup method. I don't do anything in the +(void)tearDown, and let the setup decide how to proceed based on the current state.
Although this means it's possible to flow from one test class to another minimizing document opens and closes, there doesn't seem to be a way to order the tests so that I could group them together.
BTW, I also solved my mentioned linking troubles (XCode 6 Testing Target Troubles), not really relevant to this question though.
It sounds like you landed on the standard solution: Give your app a way to tell when it's being stood up for testing rather than use, and then have applicationDidFinishLaunching: not do any of your usual launch-time behaviors, but leave it to specific tests to provide any setup they need.
You might benefit from creating multiple test suites to deal with different expected conditions, like all the tests that work around a specific document being open.

The resulting API analysis is too large when upload app to mac store

I am going to upload my first mac app to Apple Store
And fixed all validation bugs of icon,category...
But after then I passed validation with warning :
The resulting API analysis file is too large. We were unable to validate your API usage prior to delivery. This is just an informational message.
And my upload be rejected with the reason : "Invalid binary"
Is there anyone has experience of this case ?
UPDATE : this warning is not the reason of rejecting, it maybe the app archiving problem. I successfully released my app to store.
So, we can safely ignore that.
Apple forbids using private or undocumented APIs in iOS apps. Any calls you make to methods that have the same name as private or undocumented API methods will be flagged as a private API use, even if the method being called is something you have defined yourself.
App Loader does an initial scan, checking for method names, instance variable access, and even #selector usage with private method names. App Loader doesn't always do a great job, and the more source files you have the more likely it is to give you the warning that the API analysis file it has generated is "too large".
Fortunately, you can still submit your application, despite of the warning. Apple will check it internally, and if something gets kicked back because of overlapping names, you'll have to wade through the review process again.
Erika Sadun tried to make an app called API Kit that would do the scanning for you, but she appears to have abandoned her work and removed any trace of the application from her website.
Chimp Studios created App Scanner to do the same thing, but it hasn't been updated since 2011. Unfortunately, for large projects -- and this includes projects with a lot of extra pods from CocoaPods -- there is no current (2014) good way of solving this problem other than proactively naming things such that they won't conflict with private API method and instance names.
You can proactively learn about Apple's Cocoa Naming Conventions and try to anticipate. That will reduce future headaches. Until Apple introduces something like namespaces, however, we may continue to run into this problem from time to time.
The "invalid binary" error can come from a number of causes, but it is entirely unrelated to the API analysis document created by App Loader.
You should know that even with the scanning, there are still ways to get around the prohibition on using private/undocumented APIs. :)
After hitting this issue for the first time on my first Swift project, it looks like the most common answer to this question is now:
If you use Swift 2.x and XCode 7, you'll get this error. Just ignore it.
[UPDATE: XCode 7.3 & iOS 9.3 rollout seems to have fixed this issue!]
Here is an easy way to get around them... store the selector name in reverse, like "dlroWolleH", then reverse the string before you call the method.
If Apple gets wise to that then you can encrypt them.

Organizing methods in a file using drag&drop in the structure view

Coming from eclipse, I am used to be able to move methods around in a file by simply dragging them around in the structure view (called overvew in eclipse).
I have noticed that it is not possible in RubyMine by default. Is there a way to enable it?
If not, is there a feature request for this?
All I have found yet is this:, which considers only moving methods between classes,
Thank you
disclaimer: This started a copy of my attempt to get an answer on the JetBrains forum.
As #LazyOne said in his comment, there is an open feature request for drag&drop inside the structure view :
It has been created in Feb 2005 and is not scheduled for any upcoming version, with only 11 votes so far, so no need to get your hopes up.
