Laravel Policies - $this->authorize not working - laravel

Task policy:
class TaskPolicy
use HandlesAuthorization;
public function canSeeTeam()
return true;
class AuthServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
protected $policies = [
'App\Models\Task' => 'App\Policies\TaskPolicy',
Task controller:
public function update(Request $request, Task $task)
Instead of getting Authorized! I get:
"message": "This action is unauthorized.",
"exception": "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\AccessDeniedHttpException",
I'm logged in, and have access to the team, not it matters because canSeeTeam always true.

You also have to pass the task object to the authorize method:
$this->authorize('canSeeTeam', $task);

Please send me error message or replace this:
public function canSeeTeam()
return true; => return false;


My authorize function is always failing in laravel-5.8?

I created one policy inside create function i am checking weather this user can able to create records and i am registering the Model and policy in the AthServiceProvider.php after that i am checking inside the controller by using $this->authorize('create') it's failing always even the user is valid,can you please help me how to resolve this issue
Error:- This Action is unathorized
class RestaurentsController extends Controller
protected $repository;
public function __construct(RestaurentRepository $repository){
$this->repository = $repository;
public function postRestaurent(RestaurentRequest $request){
$data = $request->all();
$data['admin_id'] = $this->getAccountId($request);
$rest = $this->repository->create($data);
return response()->json(fractal($rest,new RestuarentTransformer));
public function create(User $user)
return ($user->admin_id=1) ? true : false;
If you use Request Classes you have to change authorize method return false to true
class RestaurentStoreRequest extends FormRequest
* Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
* #return bool
public function authorize()
return false;

Call to a member function hasAccessOrFail() on null error when using backpack in Laravel

I've been using backpack in Laravel but I want to replace action-domain-responder architecture with MVC.So I've created an Action which my route refers like below:
'as' => 'post.index',
'uses' => 'Core\Post\Actions\ApiGetListOfPostsAction',
'operation' => 'list'
class ApiGetListOfPostsAction extends BaseAction implements IAction
private $service;
public function __construct(ApiGetListOfPostsService $service)
$this->service = $service;
public function __invoke(Request $request): mixed
$data = $this->service->process();
return response()->json($data);
and my service has this code:
class ApiGetListOfPostsService extends CrudController
use ListOperation, CreateOperation, DeleteOperation, UpdateOperation;
public function setup()
CRUD::setRoute(config('backpack.base.route_prefix') . '/post');
CRUD::setEntityNameStrings('post', 'posts');
protected function setupListOperation()
public function process()
return $this->index();
I've extended CrudController in my service class but I've got this error:
Call to a member function hasAccessOrFail() on null
which related to the ListOperation Trait and this code:
public function index()
I need to send all requests to the Service class. How can I pass requests to the service class?
When I deleted middleware from CrudController I have no problem.
$this->middleware(function ($request, $next) {
$this->crud = app()->make('crud');
return $next($request);
I think your Action is missing something.
When using inheritance from a parent class, it might help to put this line in your constructor.
public function __construct(ApiGetListOfPostsService $service)
parent::__construct(); // <- Subclass constructor
$this->service = $service;

Notification fake assertion not working on password reset test?

I was trying to make tests for my auth routes. For password reset route I am trying to make in which I am faking the notification module of laravel and asserting as per the docs.
This is my test file
public function testUserReceivesAnEmailWithAPasswordResetLink()
$user = factory(User::class)->make();
$response = $this->post($this->passwordEmailPostRoute(), [
'email' => $user->email,
$this->assertNotNull($token = DB::table('password_resets')->where('email', $user->email));
Notification::assertSentTo($user, PasswordReset::class);
While I am running this, I am getting notification was not sent error.
My User model is like this:
use Notifiable, HasApiTokens, SoftDeletes, Uuidable, Switchable, ResourceMapper;
public function role()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Role');
public function company()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Company');
public function AauthAccessToken()
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\OauthAccessToken');
public function isRole($role)
return $this->role->uuid == $role;
public function sendPasswordResetNotification($token)
$this->notify(new PasswordReset($token));
public function resource()
return $this->morphTo();
I can't figure whats the exact problem.

Laravel authorization policy not being called

My authorization policy is not being called and I am receiving a 403 error. This is part of an API.
I have tried calling it from the controller by using the 'authorize' helper or via middleware. I have also tried using the auth()->guard('api')->user()->can().
public function view(User $user, Deck $deck)
dd('policy called');
if ($deck->private) {
return false;
return true;
class AuthServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
protected $policies = [
'App\Deck' => 'App\Policies\DeckPolicy'
public function boot()
public function show(Deck $deck)
$this->authorize('view', $deck);
return new DeckResource($deck);
I expect the output to be 'policy called', but all I am receiving is a 403 error page when using Postman.
I would like to understand why the 'authorize()' helper function is not working as expected.

Laravel validation site belongs to user

My User.php
class User extends Authenticatable
public function sites()
return $this->hasMany(Site::class);
My Site.php
class Site extends Model
public function user()
return $this->belongsTo(User::class);
My routes.php
Route::resource('site', 'SiteController');
My SiteController.php
class SiteController extends Controller
public function edit(int $id)
$site = Auth::user()->sites()->find($id);
return view('site.edit', compact('site'));
How can I validate that the site belongs to user? I understand that in my case if site doesn't belong to user, $site variable will be null. But I want more declarative way, something like laravel requests, because I need the same check in show, update, and destroy methods. But I cannot use laravel request, because checking is something like this
$siteId = Route::current()->param('site');
$ids = Auth::user()->sites()->pluck('id')->toArray();
$result = in_array($siteId, $ids);
Can anyone suggest how to achieve my goal?
Since I use laravel 5.2, solution with route filters is deprecated. Instead route filter we should use middleware.
class RestrictPermission
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
$siteId = Route::current()->parameter('site');
if (!Auth::user()->sites()->find($siteId)) {
return $next($request);
class Kernel extends HttpKernel
protected $routeMiddleware = [
'restrict.permission' => RestrictPermission::class,
class SiteController extends Controller
public function __construct()
$this->middleware('restrict.permission', ['except' => [
'index', 'create', 'store',
public function edit(int $id)
$site = Auth::user()->sites()->find($id);
return view('site.edit', compact('site'));
