Canceling request with browser.webRequest.onBeforeRequest also cancels previous pending tab requests - firefox

The following code is used in an add-on to cancel all main-frame requests and re-initiates them in a new tab:
{urls: ['<all_urls>'], types: ['main_frame']},
function filterRequest(details) {
const match = details.url.match(/\/container$/);
if (!match) {
return {};
browser.tabs.create({url: details.url.replace(/\/container$/, '')});
return {cancel: true}
However, if the initial tab had a heavy web-page loading, it stops when the new request is cancelled. I thought that since the request is cancelled, it would be like it was never initiated, so that previous web-page would continue to load. Why is that happening and how can I allow the web-page to finish loading?

Save the created tab's id in a global list and check it at the beginning:
const tabIds = new Set();
function filterRequest(details) {
if (tabIds.has(details.tabId)) {
} else {
browser.tabs.create({url: details.url})
.then(tab => tabIds.add(;
return {cancel: true};


endOfConversation not a function

My bot right now is using local memory, the goal is whenever a conversation end. I want to delete everything from local memory about this user. So I tried this onEndOfConversation.
Apparently this error shows up saying that onEndOfConversation is not a function.
This is my code :
const { CardFactory } = require('botbuilder');
const { DialogBot } = require('./dialogBot');
const WelcomeCard = require('./resources/welcomeCard.json');
class DialogAndWelcomeBot extends DialogBot {
constructor(conversationState, userState, dialog) {
super(conversationState, userState, dialog);
this.onMembersAdded(async (context, next) => {
const membersAdded = context.activity.membersAdded;
for (let cnt = 0; cnt < membersAdded.length; cnt++) {
if (membersAdded[cnt].id !== {
//const welcomeCard = CardFactory.adaptiveCard(WelcomeCard);
//await context.sendActivity({ attachments: [welcomeCard] });
await, conversationState.createProperty('DialogState'));
// By calling next() you ensure that the next BotHandler is run.
await next();
this.onEndOfConversation(async (context, next) => {
await conversationState.delete(context);
await userState.delete(context);
module.exports.DialogAndWelcomeBot = DialogAndWelcomeBot;
So how should I do this? If onEndOfConversation isn't recognize, what alternatives I can do to clear user and conversation from the memory after a dialogue ends.
The endOfConversation activity handler is used internally when a bot is also coupled with a skill. When a conversation is ended by the user, the bot then sends this activity type to the skill notifying it that the conversation has ended with the user.
There are different ways you could attack this. The method I use is component dialogs. Modeled after the cancelAndHelpDialog design, when a user types "cancel" or "quit", the user is brought to an exit dialog where feedback is gathered, etc.
As part of the exiting process, you could call conversationState.delete() within the dialog followed by cancelAllDialogs(true).
Hope of help!

publisher initiates twice, one proper one only to self

for some reason my publisher initiates twice when I create a new a new session. However the 2nd one, isn't in the div where it's supposed to be. Also if you connect to the session you'll get the same so it only show for yourself.
I'm trying to find out why it's appearing. Here's some snippets:
var getApiAndToken, initializeSession;
getApiAndToken = function() {
var apiKey, customer_id, sessionId, token;
if (gon) {
apiKey = gon.api_key;
if (gon) {
sessionId = gon.session_id;
if (gon) {
token = gon.token;
if (gon) {
customer_id = gon.customer_id;
initializeSession = function() {
var publishStream, session;
session = OT.initSession(apiKey, sessionId);
session.connect(token, function(error) {
if (!error) {
} else {
console.log('There was an error connecting to the session', error.code, error.message);
$('#audioInputDevices').change(function() {
$('#videoInputDevices').change(function() {
return publishStream = function(loadDevices) {
var publisherOptions;
publisherOptions = {
audioSource: $('#audioInputDevices').val() || 0,
videoSource: $('#videoInputDevices').val() || 0
OT.initPublisher('publisherContainer', publisherOptions, function(error) {
if (error) {
} else {
if (loadDevices) {
OT.getDevices(function(error, devices) {
var audioInputDevices, videoInputDevices;
audioInputDevices = devices.filter(function(element) {
return element.kind === 'audioInput';
videoInputDevices = devices.filter(function(element) {
return element.kind === 'videoInput';
$.each(audioInputDevices, function() {
$.each(videoInputDevices, function() {
it also asks me for device access twice.
I see two general problems in the code you provided:
The variables api_key, session_id, and token inside the getApiAndToken() function are scoped to only that function, and therefore not visible inside initializeSession() where you try to use them.
The goal of the publishStream() function is not clear and its use is not consistent. Each time you invoke it (once the session connects and each time the dropdown value changes) this function creates a new Publisher. It also does not return anything, so when using it in the expression session.publish(publishStream(true)), you are effectively just calling session.publish() which results in a new Publisher being added to the end of the page because there is no element ID specified. That last part is the reason why you said its not in the <div> where its supposed to be.
It sounds like what you want is a Publisher with a dropdown to select which devices its using. I created an example of this for you:,js,output.
Briefly, the following is how it works. It first initializes a dummy publisher so that the browser can prompt the user for permission to use the camera and microphone. This is necessary for reading the available devices. Note that if you use a page served over HTTPS, browsers such as Chrome will remember the permissions you allowed on that domain earlier and will not have to prompt the user again. Therefore on Chrome, the dummy publisher doesn't cause any prompt be shown for a user who has already run the application. Next, the dummy publisher is thrown away, and OT.getDevices() is called to read the available devices and populate the dropdown menu. While this is happening, the session would have also connected, and on every change of the selection in either of the dropdowns, the publish() function is called. In that function, if a previous publisher existed, it is first removed, and then a new publisher is created with the devices that are currently selected. Then that new publisher is passed into session.publish().

Firefox file downloading process structure figure

For my project, I need to study some info like "FireFox/Gecko file downloading structure overview"(if any), or somewhat "file downloading process flow chart of FireFox/Gecko". I couldn't find something like that in the Internet so far. Is there any info about it? Thanks a lot.
PS: It must include the paths about all file downloading through FireFox browser, which are via the network connection info APIs and file handling APIs, just like "httpOpenRequest" or "DoFileDownload" API(if any).
What would be the Firefox downloading process API paths?? Is there any figure or chart?
Please help me...
You are probably going to need to look at the code to get the information you desire. You will need to build the flowchart yourself.
There are a couple of different ways downloading is done in the code.
If you are talking about a Firefox add-on performing a download, then it is probably being done using Downloads.jsm (although there is an older method for doing so). The source code for that JavaScript module is at resource://gre/modules/Downloads.jsm (This URL is only valid in Firefox). There appear to be several files all located in the jsloader\resource\gre\modules directory within the zip format file called omni.ja in the root of the Firefox distribution. You can just copy that file and change the name to and access it as a normal .zip file.
If you are wanting to know how Firefox saves a page when it is requested by the user: It is defined in the context menu with the oncommand value being gContextMenu.saveLink();. saveLink() is defined in: chrome://browser/content/nsContextMenu.js. It does some housekeeping and then calls saveHelper() which is in the same file.
The saveHelper() code is the following:
// Helper function to wait for appropriate MIME-type headers and
// then prompt the user with a file picker
saveHelper: function(linkURL, linkText, dialogTitle, bypassCache, doc) {
// canonical def in nsURILoader.h
const NS_ERROR_SAVE_LINK_AS_TIMEOUT = 0x805d0020;
// an object to proxy the data through to
// nsIExternalHelperAppService.doContent, which will wait for the
// appropriate MIME-type headers and then prompt the user with a
// file picker
function saveAsListener() {}
saveAsListener.prototype = {
extListener: null,
onStartRequest: function saveLinkAs_onStartRequest(aRequest, aContext) {
// if the timer fired, the error status will have been caused by that,
// and we'll be restarting in onStopRequest, so no reason to notify
// the user
if (aRequest.status == NS_ERROR_SAVE_LINK_AS_TIMEOUT)
// some other error occured; notify the user...
if (!Components.isSuccessCode(aRequest.status)) {
try {
const sbs = Cc[";1"].
const bundle = sbs.createBundle(
const title = bundle.GetStringFromName("downloadErrorAlertTitle");
const msg = bundle.GetStringFromName("downloadErrorGeneric");
const promptSvc = Cc[";1"].
promptSvc.alert(doc.defaultView, title, msg);
} catch (ex) {}
var extHelperAppSvc =
var channel = aRequest.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIChannel);
this.extListener =
extHelperAppSvc.doContent(channel.contentType, aRequest,
doc.defaultView, true);
this.extListener.onStartRequest(aRequest, aContext);
onStopRequest: function saveLinkAs_onStopRequest(aRequest, aContext,
aStatusCode) {
// do it the old fashioned way, which will pick the best filename
// it can without waiting.
saveURL(linkURL, linkText, dialogTitle, bypassCache, false,
doc.documentURIObject, doc);
if (this.extListener)
this.extListener.onStopRequest(aRequest, aContext, aStatusCode);
onDataAvailable: function saveLinkAs_onDataAvailable(aRequest, aContext,
aOffset, aCount) {
this.extListener.onDataAvailable(aRequest, aContext, aInputStream,
aOffset, aCount);
function callbacks() {}
callbacks.prototype = {
getInterface: function sLA_callbacks_getInterface(aIID) {
if (aIID.equals(Ci.nsIAuthPrompt) || aIID.equals(Ci.nsIAuthPrompt2)) {
// If the channel demands authentication prompt, we must cancel it
// because the save-as-timer would expire and cancel the channel
// before we get credentials from user. Both authentication dialog
// and save as dialog would appear on the screen as we fall back to
// the old fashioned way after the timeout.
// if it we don't have the headers after a short time, the user
// won't have received any feedback from their click. that's bad. so
// we give up waiting for the filename.
function timerCallback() {}
timerCallback.prototype = {
notify: function sLA_timer_notify(aTimer) {
// set up a channel to do the saving
var ioService = Cc[";1"].
var channel = ioService.newChannelFromURI(makeURI(linkURL));
if (channel instanceof Ci.nsIPrivateBrowsingChannel) {
let docIsPrivate = PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate(doc.defaultView);
channel.notificationCallbacks = new callbacks();
let flags = Ci.nsIChannel.LOAD_CALL_CONTENT_SNIFFERS;
if (bypassCache)
flags |= Ci.nsIRequest.LOAD_BYPASS_CACHE;
if (channel instanceof Ci.nsICachingChannel)
flags |= Ci.nsICachingChannel.LOAD_BYPASS_LOCAL_CACHE_IF_BUSY;
channel.loadFlags |= flags;
if (channel instanceof Ci.nsIHttpChannel) {
channel.referrer = doc.documentURIObject;
if (channel instanceof Ci.nsIHttpChannelInternal)
channel.forceAllowThirdPartyCookie = true;
// fallback to the old way if we don't see the headers quickly
var timeToWait =
var timer = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer);
timer.initWithCallback(new timerCallback(), timeToWait,
// kick off the channel with our proxy object as the listener
channel.asyncOpen(new saveAsListener(), null);

How to prevent additional page requests after response sent

I have configured a listener on kernel.request which sets a new response with redirect when the session time has reached a certain value. The listener works fine and redirects to a certain page, on the next request, after the session has ended. But my problem is on the page I have many links and if I press multiple times the same link, the initial request with the redirect is cancelled/stopped and a new request is made with the last link pressed and so it passes my redirect even though the session has ended and is destroyed. So, my question is how to prevent additional requests/link presses after the firs request is made?
Here is my code:
public function onKernelRequestSession(GetResponseEvent $event)
$request = $event->getRequest();
$route = $request->get('_route');
$session = $request->getSession();
if ((false === strpos($route, '_wdt')) && ($route != null)) {
$time = time() - $session->getMetadataBag()->getCreated();
if ($route != 'main_route_for_idle_page') {
if (!$session->get("active") && $route == 'main_route_for_site_pages') {
$session->set("active", "1");
} else {
if ($time >= $this->sessionTime) {
$event->setResponse(new RedirectResponse($this->router->generate('main_route_for_idle_page')));
} else {
if ($session->get("activ")) {
Thak you.
Idea #1: Simple incremental counter
Each request sends sequence number as param which is being verified as expected at the server.
Server increments the number and sends it back via response
the new number is used in future requests
Basically, if server expects the SEQUENCE number to be 2 and client sends 1 the request is to be rejected.
Idea #2: Unique hash each time
Similar to the idea above, but uses unique hashes to eliminate predictive nature of incremental sequence.
I resolved the issue using JQuery: when a link was pressed I disabled the other ones and so only one request is made from the page:
var isClicked = false;
$(".menu-link").click(function(e) {
if(!isClicked) {
isClicked = true;
} else {

Multiple ajax get requests of same route but different query string

I have had this for a couple of days now.
I have a simple search form. When form is submitted the server searches for some data from another server and return data to the screen. When the submit completes it gets some javascript from the server based on the results returned from the search. the javascript then makes multiple concurrent jquery get requests, lets say 4, to the mvc3 webapp.
I have demonstrated that all the get requests fire at the same time in Firebug but when debugging my app with VS the breakpoints only get hit once the previous request completes.
The actions are the same but the querys are different; ie
So these are different URLs and, from what i found out, FF should treat them differently.
So my questions are:
Am I missing something obvious?
Does IIS have some funny blocking on the same route?
Is it a session cache issue? I am locking lock (lockobject){} on writes to the common session variables.
Im not using ViewBag or TempData.
The page load times, even when everything is cached in the Session, are still noticeably synchronous.
Windows Server 2008 R2
Using IIS 7.5
VS2010 Chrome or FF browser
I have my routes set up as follows:
"Default", // Route name
"{controller}/{action}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index" } // Parameter defaults
routes.MapRoute("Details", "{controller}/{action}/{id}/{booking}", new { id = UrlParameter.Optional, booking = UrlParameter.Optional});
Nothing special there as you can see.
Sample code from one of the blocked routes:
public ActionResult Details(string id, bool booking = false)
if (booking)
return BookingDetails(id, true);
Dictionary<string, FlightDetails> detailDic;
string scenarioInput;
lock (DetailsLock)
if (Session["DetailDic"] == null)
Session["DetailDic"] = new Dictionary<string, FlightDetails>();
detailDic = (Dictionary<string, FlightDetails>)Session["DetailDic"];
if (detailDic.ContainsKey(id))
return PartialView("Details", detailDic[id]);
lock (GuidLock)
if (Session["DetailGuids"] == null)
Session["DetailGuids"] = new Dictionary<string, string>();
scenarioInput = ((Dictionary<string, string>)Session["DetailGuids"])[id];
// query results list
string queryText = string.Format("<View><Query><Where><Eq><FieldRef Name=\"Title\" /><Value Type=\"Text\">OUT {0}</Value></Eq></Where></Query></View>", scenarioInput);
ListItemCollection oList;
int counter = 0;
oList = SharepointHelper.GetListFromSharepoint("ListName", queryText, ClientContext);
} while (oList.Count == 0 && counter <= Timeout);
if (oList.Count == 0)
return PartialView("Details", (object)null);
var item = oList[0];
FlightDetails flightDetails = CreateFlightDetails(id, scenarioInput, item);
lock (DetailsLock)
detailDic.Add(id, flightDetails);
return PartialView("Details", flightDetails);
when using session object in server-side your async calls wait for session object released by other request. Becuase of this async ajax calls act like sync. You have to use session as readonly in that action.
Add this attribute to action you call if you dont write anything to session.
