Use whereHas and query pivot table - laravel

I have 3 table: tasks, users, group, and a pivot table group_user.
A task has user_id, group_id
A group_user pivot table has user_id, group_id
I want to query the tasks if the task belongs to a group of the user.
I don't want tasks from groups that the user doesn't belong to.
What I have so far:
public function index()
$userId = Auth::user()->id;
return TaskResource::collection(
->whereHas('group', function($query) use($userId) {
$query->where('group_id', '=', $userId); // = is wrong
This gives me empty results, I tried to think about it but my head hurts

You want to get the tasks that are related to the group (or groups) of a user.
I supposed the relation name between the user table and the group table is 'users', in the Group model.
$userId = auth()->id();
$tasks = Task::latest()
->whereHas('group', function($query) use ($userId) {
$query->whereHas('users', function($query) use ($userId) {
$query->where('user_id', $userId);

Ive not tested this but i imagine you could nest the where has and use something like this in your whereHas block:
$query->whereHas('user', function($q2) use ($userId) {
$q2->where('user_id', $userId);


Laravel - Many To Many return child records filtered

I have a User model which has a M:M relationship with Role model (I use roles_user intermediate table for M:M relationship)
The intermediate table has a column "Active" which defines which of the multiple roles assigned to a User is the active one.
So, I'm trying to retrieve a User with all the relationships it has an also only the active role.
For that, I'm executing the following code
public function index()
$users = User::whereHas('roles', function (Builder $query) {
$query->where('active', true);
foreach ($users as $user) {
return view('pages.admin.users.index', compact('users'));
When I dd the collection, I have the 5 records in intermediate table and not just the active one which I'm filtering:
What I am doing wrong?
You need to specify how you want to load the relationship:
This gets users that have atleast one "active" role
$users = User::whereHas('roles', function (Builder $query) {
$query->where('active', true);
However, this line loads all roles regardless of their status.
What you need is to get all users that have atleast one active role, and load only active roles on that user:
$users = User::whereHas('roles', function (Builder $query) {
$query->where('active', true);
->with(['roles' => function($query) {
$query->where('active', true);

Grouping related models by pivot

I'm trying to group related model by pivot data, but this returns only one record of the related for each group. How can I group quiz records by column parent, which is saved in pivot table?
$user = User::where('id', $id)
->with(['quiz' => function($query) use ($md) {
Try this and let me know what did you got
$user= User::where('id', $id)->whereHas('quiz', function($query)
$query->where('md_id', '=', $md)-

Laravel, where, orwhere in main table an pivot table

I have two tables with belongsToMany relation: message_topics and users
The pivot table is message_topics_users and contains 2 columns: message_id and user_id.
In table message_topics, I have a field called sender_id
I'm trying to write the correct eloquent syntax to get all the records:
where message_topics.sender_id = $user_id
OR Message_topics_users.receiver_id = $user_id
I tried many things, like for instance:
$topics = MessageTopic::where('sender_id', $user_id)
->wherePivot('receiver_id', $user_id)->orderBy('sent_at','desc')->get();
Any idea?
You can use the whereHas method (or in this case the orWhereHas method):
$topics = MessageTopic::where('sender_id', $user_id)
->orWhereHas('users', function ($query) use ($user_id) {
$query->where('id', $user_id);
->orderBy('sent_at', 'desc')
I'm assuming you have two relationships from the topics? Since it's too arbitrary to use both columns and the same relationship... Like this
//On your MessageTopic model
public function sender(){
return $this->belongsToMany('App\User', 'message_topics_users', 'message_id', 'sender_id');
public function receiver(){
return $this->belongsToMany('App\User', 'message_topics_users', 'message_id', 'receiver_id'));
Then you can use whereHas and orWhereHas like this:
//Again assuming you have your User model loaded as $user
$topics = App\Topic::whereHas('sender', function($q) use($user){
$q->where('sender_id', '=', $user->id);
->orWhereHas('receiver', function($q) use($user){
$q->where('receiver_id', '=', $user->id
whereHas and orWhereHas both query the model (MessageTopic in this case) checking for the existence of the specified relationship (App\Topic::whereHas('sender')...). They also allow you to pass the constraint that you're looking for (function($q) use($user){ $q->... })
So it is basically saying "Give me ONLY the MessageTopics that have a Sender or Receiver with the id $user->id"

eloquent where id in from many to many

I would like to query all users with specific roles.
e.g. get all users that have the role 'admin'
So, you can use the whereHas from Eloquent
$users = User::whereHas('roles', function($query) {
$query->where('name', 'admin');
See here for reference
There is also the option to go at the relationship from the other direction:
Role::where('name', 'admin')->firstOrFail()->users;
If you know role ID, do this:
User::whereHas('roles', function ($q) use($roleId) {
$q->where('id', $roleId);
If you know only name or title of the role, do this:
User::whereHas('roles', function ($q) use($roleTitle) {
$q->where('title', $roleTitle);

How to query a table using result of many-to-many relation with Eloquent ORM?

here is link to my database schema:
How can I get all topics from the blogs to which the user is subscribed using his id? I use Eloquent ORM.
I have added the following lines to my User model:
public function blogs()
return $this->belongsToMany('Blog', 'blog_subscriptions');
And then requested in the controller
User::find(1)->blogs; // User id is hardcoded
With that I got all blogs to which the user is subscribed.
And now I am stuck on how to get the topics of those blogs.
Assuming relations:
// User
belongsToMany('Blog', 'user_subscriptions')
// Blog
belongsToMany('User', 'user_subscriptions')
// Topic
1 My way, that will work with any relation, no matter how deeply nested:
User::with(['blogs.topics' => function ($q) use (&$topics) {
$topics = $q->get()->unique();
2 Eloquent standard methods:
$topics = Topic::whereHas('blog', function ($q) use ($userId) {
$q->whereHas('users', function ($q) use ($userId) {
$q->where('', $userId);
// or
$user = User::find($userId);
foreach ($user->blogs as $blog)
$blog->topics; // collection of topics for every single blog
3 Joins:
$topics = Topic::join('blogs', 'topics.blog_id', '=', '')
->join('user_subscriptions as us', function ($j) use ($userId) {
$j->on('us.blog_id', '=', '')
->where('us.user_id', '=', $userId);
Mind that last solution will rely on your pivot data consistency. That said, if you can't be sure, that there are no redundant entries in user_subscriptions (eg. blog or user has been deleted but the pivot entry remains), then you need to further join users as well.
I am new to laravel and I don't have the possibility of test this, but I had a similar need and solved it with something like this:
DB::Query('topics')->join('blogs', '', '=', 'topics.blog_id')
->join('blog_subscriptions', '', '=', 'blog_subscriptions.blog_id')
->where('blog_subscriptions.user_id', '=', $user_id);
