Is there compatibility between Uni<> and Reactor's Mono<>? - spring-boot

I'm trying to connect Hibernate Reactive and Spring WebFlux(Project Reactor most).
The problem is that Uni<>(Hibernate Reactive type) replaces Mono<> (Reactive type from Project Reactor), and from now, behaviour is not such obviously, as Project Reactor provides without other reactive types.
Is there are some tools for compatibility between Uni<> and Reactor's Mono<>/Flux<>?
Already Investigated GitHub repos, tried to connect reactive types via custom spring starters.

Yes, there is support to convert between the two type systems.
Add the following dependency...
...and use the following code:
Mono<T> monoFromUni = uni.convert().with(UniReactorConverters.toMono());
You can find detailed documentation here:


How to fix org.projectreactor vulnerabilities on Spring dependencies?

I discovered some vulnerabilities in a Spring project that use dependencies:
The only related import I have in the pom.xml file is:
After some research, I found that there is no new version for this dependency on MavenRepository, but that there is another dependency with the same name (projectreactor).
The difference is that this dependency starts with .io instead of .org.
Can you help me to understand the difference between .io and .org in this case?
And what is the best way to update this to prevent these vulnerabilities?
Have you found a vulnerability (as in security research) or do you get eg. tooling reporting a known vulnerability?
Both Spring projects and Reactor follow VMware security policy. If you've found vulnerabilities, this is the channel through which you should report them.
The reactor-netty artifacts are part of the 3rd generation of Project Reactor (the current one, with io.projectreactor base groupId).
The org.projectreactor groupId is for the 2nd generation. Reactor 2 is long discontinued (early 2015) and unsupported since then. Reactor 2 and 3 can basically be considered two entirely different libraries.
It is very weird that you'd have an application which uses reactor-netty-* and reactor-spring at the same time. If you are dealing with a Spring Framework 5 application, you can probably simply drop that dependency.

Get multipart/form-data parts with IAttachment

I try to implement a microservice client to receive multipart form-data. I'm using Eclipse Microprofile and Openliberty. Therefore, I used the example sketched on
In the example I see a method having a parameter with type IAttachment. However, I don't have a library providing this interface in my workspace (Eclipse).
How do I need to configure my pom.xml to get this interface?
Which library should provide this interface?
The IAttachment class is a WebSphere/Liberty-specific interface, so you'd need to add this dependency to your pom.xml:
In future versions of the Jakarta REST specification, you will be able to use a spec-defined interface, making your app more portable. See for more details.

baseline-on-migrate with Flyway and Spring Boot

I have seen this posted before but I had already implemented the solutions offered and so I am asking again with more detail to my specific situation. I am trying to integrate Flyway in my SpringBoot app (using H2). I have added the following to the pom.xml:
and to I have tried both:
but I consistently get the error:
Found non-empty schema(s) "PUBLIC" without schema history table! Use baseline() or set baselineOnMigrate to true to initialize the schema history table.
I have tried a variety of other solutions I've seen posted, including adding Flyway as a plugin and not just dependency in the POM, but nothing seems to be working. Does anyone know what I'm missing? Thanks!
I know it is a bit old question, but in Spring boot 2.x you should use spring.flyway.baseline-on-migrate = true instead

does springboot jpa work with netezza database?

I am trying to connect my springboot app to my netezza database but no luck. I am trying to use the tutorial at:
I replaced the spring.datasource.url with my netezza database url but no luck. How can I connect to netezza please?
Next to properly configuring spring.datasource.url, you also have to add the Netezza JDBC driver to your classpath. According to this article on the IBM Knowledge Center, you should be able to download the client tools for the right environment:
Netezza client installation packages for the supported client
operating systems. The IBM Netezza client packages are available for a
common group of operating system environments such as:
nz-linuxclient-version.tar.gz for Linux on Intel/AMD, includes ODBC/JDBC and Netezza command line utilities
Additionally to this, you also have to properly configure the dialect. As far as I'm aware, Hibernate (the default JPA provider within Spring boot) has no support for the Netazza dialect. You can find a full list of supported dialects on their Javadoc.
However, since Netazza is based on PostgreSQL 7.x, you might be able to get it to work using one of the PostgreSQL dialects, though there are two remarks:
Hibernate no longer comes with a dialect supporting PostgreSQL 7.x
Netazza didn't maintain backwards compatibility, so it may not work
So to answer your question, it's not officially supported by Hibernate, so it probably won't work. The alternatives are:
Writing your own Hibernate dialect for Netezza. This requires some work, but will allow you to use your dialect for re-use in other projects.
Using the more low-level JdbcTemplate. This means you'll have to work with SQL itself and you may have to do things by yourself.
For the lazy ones like myself,
1) You'll need to install the jar on your machine first, this SO answer explains that.
2) Add the dependencies
3) Netezza custom dialect. Please note, these are the data types that were required for my use case. For any additional data types, you'll have to add them explicitly.
import org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect;
import org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes;
public class NetezzaDialect extends PostgreSQLDialect {
public NetezzaDialect() {
registerHibernateType(Types.CHAR, StandardBasicTypes.STRING.getName());
registerHibernateType(Types.VARCHAR, StandardBasicTypes.STRING.getName());
registerHibernateType(Types.NVARCHAR, StandardBasicTypes.STRING.getName());
registerHibernateType(Types.BIGINT, StandardBasicTypes.LONG.getName());
registerHibernateType(Types.SMALLINT, StandardBasicTypes.SHORT.getName());
registerHibernateType(Types.DATE, StandardBasicTypes.DATE.getName());
4) The properties for spring boot
# Netezza properties
spring.datasource.url=jdbc:netezza://{host}:{port}/{db/ catalog}

Spring Roo NoClassDefFoundError

my primary attempt is to build a CRUD app using Roo, following the example here:
I am using Roo 1.2.5, Maven 3.1.1, and Spring 3.2.6 on JRE7.
This has been the best tutorial I have found so far. If anyone has a better example, please share!
However, when I execute the project in my Tomcat environment things still break. The primary error from there is:
HTTP Status 500 -
type Exception report
description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/springframework/util/MimeType
I have built multiple projects using Roo over the past few days, either from this tutorial or 10 others that all start with the reverse engineer command, and all give me the same type of a NoClassDefFoundError, either with this class or another. I understand this means that my pom.xml is more than likely incorrect, but I am hoping this is an issue with my configuration rather than something all Roo developers have simply accepted as manual maintenance.
Any advice would be tremendous... is it possible that the version of Roo combined with Spring and Maven I am using is simply buggy? I would love to use this framework/toolkit, but am nearing the point where manually writing the scaffolding by hand may be more straightforward.
.... UPDATE:
By adding the following dependency manually, I was able to run the project. However, I want to leave the question open to see if anyone further knows whether this missing jar is a known bug given the version of Spring Roo I am using, or otherwise:
The best examples are those included in Roo: clinic.roo, pizzashop.roo, etc
Just run Roo and execute any of them as follows:
/_/ |_|\____/\____/ 1.2.4.RELEASE [rev 75337cf]
Welcome to Spring Roo. For assistance press TAB or type "hint" then hit ENTER.
roo> script --file clinic.roo
On the other side, the reference doc is a good starting point:
Finally, about java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/springframework/util/MimeType note MimeType class was included in Spring 4 and Roo sets up your project for Spring 3, so you must customize the pom.xml as needed.
