Cosmos DB Trigger is not working after upgrading WebJobs.Extensions.CosmosDB and WebJobs.Extensions.Storage to latest version - botframework

Error is showed after upgrading Cosmos DB and storage in web jobs extension .
We have upgraded the project to .NET 6 and upgraded azure functions sdk to latest version.


What is the best way to upgrade Abp Framework 4.1.0 to latest version 6.3.1?

What is the best way to upgrade Abp Framework 4.1.0 to latest version 6.3.1? And does it upgrades EF core version and .Net core version?
Update the .net framework to the latest version
You can update the nuget packages related to abp to the latest version
Add a migration (update the database), this because there are changes in the properties of the framework entities
The UI theme was also changed to AdminLte, although this should not be a problem.

How do I Deploy to Google Store via VS 2019 using Version 3 of the Google API

Up until recently, we've been archiving and deploying to the Google Play store via Visual Studio 2019. Google recently deprecated v1 and v2 of the deployment APIs. Now when I try to deploy from VS, it says 'This API has been deprecated and is no longer available. [410]'
Is there a configuration file somewhere I can use to change to version 3 of the API? Or is there something in Google Play where I have to create a new set of credentials that specifically targets v3 of the deployment API? We are running 16.4 with all the latest updates.
Update to Visual Studio 16.4.2 and it is now back to working.

Choose Laravel LTS or latest version?

I want to start a new Laravel project, this project is a platform which may be we should develop and maintain for several years.
Now, I'm wondered to choose the correct Laravel version.
In the Laravel Support Policy page, Laravel said the 5.5 version will support until Aug 2020, but the 5.7 version will support until Sep 2019!
Which version I should choose for the new project?
Should I choose the latest version or long-term support version?
I would go with the latest version.
Laravel is a robust framework, but its LTS is kind of a joke.
Just as an example, if you go with any laravel version below 5.7, you can't have a working version of Socialite out of the box, due to the latest Google changes.
This is just an example as Socialite is not Laravel and only Laravel is LTS, it's still part of the ecosystem though.
So choose wisely as the migration process is not always very easy when you have the project in production.

Azure SDK 2.0 Upgrade button not available

I installed the latest Azure SDK 2.0 on my development machine, but can't find the "Upgrade" button to upgrade my current project to the latest SDK. Googling how to upgrade show that previous upgrades had an "upgrade" button when going to the Cloud Project -> Properties -> Application Tab and the upgrade button will be next to the Windows Azure Tools Version: October 2012.
Why wouldn't I see the Upgrade button? If I want to manually upgrade my project, what would the process of doing so be?
The current version of the SDK used is SDK 1.8
It turns out when I opened the Web Platform Installer to install the latest SDK, the item that said "...SDK... - Latest" wasn't the latest, but the February 2013 (1.8.1) update instead of the 2.0 SDK. I ended up uninstalling all Azure SDK's, restarted the machine and tried again.
This solved the issue and I was presented with a new option to install the 2.0 SDK. The trick was to uninstall all (including any PowerShell cmd's) Azure related products I could find in Product and Features (Win 8).

How long can I use prior versions of Azure SDK once a new version ships?

Currently the newest version of Azure SDK is 1.5, but I'm using 1.4 and don't want to waste time upgrading right now.
Will I face any problems deploying a package built against version 1.4 onto live cloud? How long (approximately) can I continue building against version 1.4?
Other than the pre-PDC CTP SDK, all RTM versions of the SDK are supported and continue to be supported. Before I left MSFT, there were customers still on v1.0 and it had literally been > year. I can't find any official documentation on SDK support windows, but we used to say the support window was very long and that you would be given a lot of warning if things were going to be deprecated (like CTP SDK versions).
