Graphql mocking schema apollo client - graphql

import { ApolloClient,gql } from '#apollo/client';
export const typeDefs = gql`
type Rocket {
firstName: String
extend type Rocket {
middleName: String
export const cacheDef = {
typePolicies: {
Rocket: {
fields: {
middleName: {
read() {
// Read function for Rocket.description
return 'Placeholder rocket description';
new ApolloClient({
cache: new InMemoryCache(cacheDef)
I am creating apolloClient as per above code. I am trying to mock schema. But, my graphql queries are configured on server side(Java). I am using Altair to see all graphql queries. I am not able to mock middleName in Altair.


How to run a mutation in ApolloServer using the GraphQL Playground?

I'm using node.js, express and apollo-server-express. With the following code:
const express = require('express');
const { ApolloServer, gql } = require('apollo-server-express');
const typeDefs = gql`
type Book { title: String author: String }
type Query { books: [Book] }
type Mutation { change_title(new_title: String): Book }
const books = [
{ title: 'The Awakening', author: 'Kate Chopin', },
{ title: 'City of Glass', author: 'Paul Auster', },
const resolvers = {
Query: { books: () => books, },
Mutation: {
change_title: (parent, args) => {
books[0].title = args.new_title
return books[0]
const server = new ApolloServer({ typeDefs, resolvers, });
const app = express();
server.applyMiddleware({ app });
app.listen({ port: 4000 }, () =>
console.log(`Server ready at http://localhost:4000${server.graphqlPath}`)
When I enter the mutation in the GraphQL Playground, like so:
change_title(new_title: "Something") {
I get the following error: "Cannot query field "change_title" on type "Query"."
My goal is to be able to run mutations. If I should be doing it another way or if there's eror, please let me know. Thanks!
GraphQL playground treats all types as queries unless otherwise specified.
mutation {
change_title(new_title: "Something") {

Apollo nodejs server; How to get mutation/query schema path in the request context when writing a plugin?

I'm writing an Apollo server plugin for node.js, and my goal is to improve my teams debugging experience. My plugin currently looks something like this:
export function eddyApolloPlugin(): ApolloServerPlugin {
return {
requestDidStart(requestContext) {
// Set requestId on the header
const requestId = (requestContext?.context as EddyContext)?.requestId;
if (requestId) {
requestContext.response?.http?.headers.set('requestId', requestId);
return {
willSendResponse(context) { // <== Where do I find the "path" in the schema here?
// Inspired by this:
// and the official documentation here:
// handle all errors
for (const error of requestContext?.errors || []) {
handleError(error, context);
I would like to know if I can access the path in the schema here? It's pretty easy to find the name of mutaiton/query with operation.operationName, but where can I get the name of the query/mutation as defined in the schema?
export function eddyApolloPlugin(): ApolloServerPlugin {
return {
requestDidStart(requestContext) {
// Set requestId on the header
const requestId = (requestContext?.context as EddyContext)?.requestId;
if (requestId) {
requestContext.response?.http?.headers.set('requestId', requestId);
return {
didResolveOperation(context) {
const operationDefinition = context.document
.definitions[0] as OperationDefinitionNode;
const fieldNode = operationDefinition?.selectionSet
.selections[0] as FieldNode;
const queryName = fieldNode?.name?.value;
// queryName is what I was looking for!
Your requirement is not very clear. If you want to get the name of the query/mutation to distinguish which query or mutation the client sends.
You could get the name from in willSendResponse event handler.
import { ApolloServer, gql } from 'apollo-server';
import { ApolloServerPlugin } from 'apollo-server-plugin-base';
import { parse, OperationDefinitionNode, FieldNode } from 'graphql';
function eddyApolloPlugin(): ApolloServerPlugin {
return {
requestDidStart(requestContext) {
return {
didResolveOperation(context) {
const obj = parse(context.request.query!);
const operationDefinition = obj.definitions[0] as OperationDefinitionNode;
const selection = operationDefinition.selectionSet.selections[0] as FieldNode;
console.log('operationName: ', context.request.operationName);
console.log(`${context.operation!.operation} name:`,;
willSendResponse(context) {
console.log('operationName: ', context.request.operationName);
console.log(`${context.operation!.operation} name:`, Object.keys(!)[0]);
const typeDefs = gql`
type Query {
hello: String
type Mutation {
update: String
const resolvers = {
Query: {
hello() {
return 'Hello, World!';
Mutation: {
update() {
return 'success';
const server = new ApolloServer({ typeDefs, resolvers, plugins: [eddyApolloPlugin()] });
const port = 3000;
server.listen(port).then(({ url }) => console.log(`Server is ready at ${url}`));
GraphQL Query:
query test {
the logs of the server:
operationName: test
query name: hello
operationName: test
query name: hello
GraphQL Mutation:
mutation test {
the logs of the server:
operationName: test
mutation name: update
operationName: test
mutation name: update

local state management for graphql vue apollo

I am trying to make local state management with vue apollo, but even after following the docs I am getting no result. There is no error in the console so I am not sure what is wrong.
Here is my setup:
// main.js file the initializing part
const client = new ApolloClient({
link: ApolloLink.from([
connectToDevTools: true,
// resolvers file
import gql from 'graphql-tag';
import { todoItemsQuery } from './task.queries';
export const typeDefs = gql`
type Item {
id: ID!
text: String!
done: Boolean!
type Mutation {
changeItem(id: ID!): Boolean
deleteItem(id: ID!): Boolean
addItem(text: String!): Item
export const resolvers = {
Mutation: {
checkItem: (_, { id }, { cache }) => {
const data = cache.readQuery({ query: todoItemsQuery });
console.log('data res', data);
const currentItem = data.todoItems.find(item => === id);
currentItem.done = !currentItem.done;
cache.writeQuery({ query: todoItemsQuery, data });
return currentItem.done;
//queries file
import gql from 'graphql-tag';
export const todoItemsQuery = gql`
todoItems #client {
export const checkItemMutation = gql`
mutation($id: ID!) {
checkItem(id: $id) #client
// component where I call it
apollo: {
todoItems: {
query: todoItemsQuery
checkItem(id) {
mutation: checkItemMutation,
variables: { id }
.then(({ data }) => {
console.log("CACHE", data);
I get empty todoItems, no errors.
Please let me know what am I missing, I am not grasping some concept I think, and if there is a way to use vuex with apollo then I can do that too.
Foreword: I'm not an Apollo specialist, just starting to use it.
Just in case, these thoughts may help you. If they don't, well, I'm sorry.
In main.js: Apollo documentation provides a slightly different set up when using Apollo Boost ( Just in case, this is how I have set up my implementation so far.
import VueApollo from 'vue-apollo'
import ApolloClient from 'apollo-boost';
import { InMemoryCache } from 'apollo-cache-inmemory';
const cache = new InMemoryCache();
const apolloClient = new ApolloClient({
//...whatever you may already have,
clientState: {
// "defaults" is your initial state - if empty, I think it might error out when your app launches but is not hydrated yet.
defaults: {
todoItems: [],
typeDefs: {...yourTypeDefs},
resolvers: {...yourResolvers},
const apolloProvider = new VueApollo({
defaultClient: apolloClient,
In your typeDefs: I can not see a Query Type for your todoItems:
type Query {
todoItemsQuery: [Item]
In your component: my own implementation was not working until I added an update method to the apollo request:
apollo: {
todoItems: {
query: todoItemsQuery,
update: data => data.todoItems

#client Apollo GQL tag breaks query

I have a vue-apollo (using nuxt) query that is supposed to have a local client field show. However, when I have the show #client line included in the query the component does not render. For some reason it also seems to fail silently.
query myAccounts {
accounts: myAccounts {
calendars {
show #client
I am extending the Calendar type in an extensions.js file (pasted below) with two mutations.
import gql from 'graphql-tag'
export const typeDefs = gql`
extend type Calendar {
show: Boolean
type Mutation {
showCalendar(id: ID!): Boolean
hideCalendar(id: ID!): Boolean
Here is the resolver that sets the value, along with the Apollo config:
import { InMemoryCache } from 'apollo-cache-inmemory'
import { typeDefs } from './extensions'
import MY_ACCOUNTS_QUERY from '~/apollo/queries/MyAccounts'
const cache = new InMemoryCache()
const resolvers = {
Mutation: {
showCalendar: (_, { id }, { cache }) => {
const data = cache.readQuery({ query: MY_ACCOUNTS_QUERY })
const found = data.accounts
.flatMap(({ calendars }) => calendars)
.find(({ id }) => id === '1842')
if (found) { = true
cache.writeQuery({ query: todoItemsQuery, data })
return true
export default context => {
return {
httpLinkOptions: {
credentials: 'same-origin'
along with the nuxt config:
apollo: {
defaultOptions: {
$query: {
loadingKey: 'loading',
fetchPolicy: 'cache-and-network',
errorHandler: '~/plugins/apollo-error-handler.js',
clientConfigs: {
default: '~/apollo/apollo-config.js'
Querying local state requires the state to exist (i.e. it should be initialized) or for a local resolver to be defined for the field. Apollo will run the resolver first, or check the cache directly for the value if a resolver is not defined. There's not really a good way to initialize that value since it's nested inside a remote query, so you can add a resolver:
const resolvers = {
Calendar: {
show: (parent) => !!,
// the rest of your resolvers
See the docs for additional examples and more details.

Hello world example for Apollo Client 2 + React?

Im trying to return a string with React and GraphQL but I'm getting stuck at the first stage. Here is my attempt:
import { makeExecutableSchema } from 'graphql-tools';
const typeDefs = `
type Query {
author: Person
type Person {
name: String
const resolvers = {
Query: {
author: { name: 'billy' },
const schema = makeExecutableSchema({
createApolloServer({ schema });
And this is my understanding of that code:
In my schema I've defined a Query called author which should return a Person.
A Person has a name field which is a string.
My resolver has a Query called author which should return an object with a name field of value 'billy'
However in my Graphicool browser tools this query:
query {
Returns this:
"data": {
"author": null
Resolvers are functions which GraphQL will call when resolving that particular field. That means your resolvers object should look more like this:
const resolvers = {
Query: {
author: () => ({ name: 'billy' }),
Or, alternatively,
const resolvers = {
Query: {
author() {
return { name: 'billy' }
You can check out the docs for more information.
import { createApolloServer } from 'meteor/apollo';
import { makeExecutableSchema } from 'graphql-tools';
import merge from 'lodash/merge'; // will be useful later when their are more schemas
import GroupsSchema from './Groups.graphql';
import GroupsResolvers from './resolvers';
const typeDefs = [GroupsSchema];
const resolvers = merge(GroupsResolvers);
const schema = makeExecutableSchema({
createApolloServer({ schema });
In ./Groups.graphql:
type Query {
hi: String
groups: [Group]
group: Group
type Group {
name: String
In './resolvers':
export default {
Query: {
hi() {
return 'howdy';
groups() {
return [{ name: 'one', _id: '123' }, { name: 'two', _id: '456' }];
// return Groups.find().fetch();
group() {
return { name: 'found me' };
In a React component:
const mainQuery = gql`
groups {
export default graphql(mainQuery)(ComponentName);
