Visual Studio not installing extensions, even when all instances are closed - visual-studio

I am trying to install an extension from the Visual Studio 2022 Manage Extension window.
It says I have to close all Visual Studio windows, which I did, but it is still not installing.

What extension did you install? You can try to download the extension from the MarketPlace.

I fixed this the bad way
I basically just reinstalled Windows (I would not recommend you to do this, you should always search for a different solution first). I backed everything up, of course.


Unity Could not find any supported Visual Studio installations

Problem picture
Windows10 Professional Visual Studio 2017 Unity 2017.4.12f1
I changed the default installation path of Visual Studio 2017 and installed it successfully.
The install path as follows:
However, in the Build setting of Unity, it still can't find my Visual Studio 2017.
How can I solve the problem? Thanks~
Go to Edit > Preferences, and select your Visual Studio to be the preferred external editor. Use Browse if Visual Studio is not listed. More info here.
You need to install windows 10 SDK
Here's a third answer. I just bumped in to this, and checked that yes VS was the preferred editor, so I went to open up VS to try uninstalling and reinstalling the GameDevWithUnity workflow, but VS popped up a dialog saying I needed to reboot my computer before installation could complete. So it seems like VS was stuck in the middle of an upgrade, which makes it reasonable that Unity couldn't find an appropriate version. I rebooted and everyone is happy.

How can I fix PreEmptive Dotfuscator (VS2013)?

I have Visual Studio 2013 which included "PreEmptive Dotfuscator and Analytics".
It's always worked fine for me until recently.
Suddenly it will not open from Visual Studio, icon or commandline.
Even when I manually open it, it does not show up in the task manager.
It simply does nothing.
There's nothing in the Event Viewer logs.
Visual Studio shows no error.
Basically, I can't even begin to find the problem.
I tried to find a download to attempt to reinstall it but all I've seen on the website for this version is that it's included in VS2013.
There's other sites in search results which claim to have the installer but none I trust.
Has anyone had this issue in the past?
It's Visual Studio 2013 Professional on Windows 8.1.
I'm not sure how to address this so I would greatly appreciate any possible input.
Thanks in advance!
You can try uninstalling, wiping the settings, and reinstalling. Dotfuscator Community Edition is uninstallable via the Windows control panel. Once uninstalled, delete %LOCALAPPDATA%\PreEmptive Solutions. You may be able to reinstall it as a component via the Visual Studio installer. If not, it is actually a standalone installer, so if you have a Visual Studio disc or .iso, it will be in \packages\Dotfuscator.

i have visual studio 2013 running on my pc ,i want to install visual basic6 side by side .is it possible?

I want to install vsiual studio as i have also running same pc visual studio-2013 professional edition.I am seeking help for finding is there any problem to install this.
Yes, it's possible, and no, you don't have to do anything special; the two IDEs are entirely separate, you just install each of them. Of course, the Visual Basic 6 IDE has been end-of-lifed for years now.
Actually the question is not silly. Installing VB6 used to break previously installed versions of Visual Studio and usually required them to be reinstalled (and depending on the direction of the wind might require some registry hacking as well). Since VS2010 you can safely install VB6 after Visual Studio.

Uninstall Visual Studio 2010 while keeping 2012

I'd like to make some room on my drive, and to uninstall Visual Studio 2010.
I don't use it anymore because I have the 2012, and I'd obviously like to keep using 2012, that is, is it safe to completely delete an older version of VS?
Will my 2012 continue to work straight after this uninstall?
From the docs
If you uninstall a version of Visual Studio on a computer that has
more than one version installed, the file associations for Visual
Studio are removed for all versions. You can remap these file
associations by using the Restore File Associations button on the
Environment, General page of the Options dialog box
Other than this maybe nothing changes, but its for you to find out. Of all the softwares Im generally happy with the install/uninstall system of VS, because of its predictability and documentation.

Is it true, visual studio can't handle fonts installed after it was?

I was trying to solve my XNA Font problem, when I found this here:
Visual Studio doesn’t recognize any
fonts you add after it is up and
Is there a way to use fonts installed after Visual Studio?
After finding out that is was the Font file why would the tutorial mention something like that ?
I have successfully installed a PROGGY font. It was usable after I restarted VC6.
I suspect they are talking about restarting your visual studio, instead of reinstalling your visual studio.
I've had issues with VS recognizing fonts that were installed while VS was open. Restarting VS and the machine didn't resolve the issue. The fix was closing VS, uninstalling the fonts, then re-installing them while VS was not running.
You should close Visual Studio and open it again. If it doesn't work, than you might need to uninstall the font (if from a program) and install it once Visual Studio is closed. But, I doubt this is necessary, maybe rebooting your machine in the last resort but closing VS and opening it again should do the job,
I'd imagine this is only true until you restart the IDE. Easy enough to test, isn't it?
I was trying to install the Source Code Pro font, and found that Visual Studio would only display TTF fonts in the dropdown. I had been installing the ODF version and spent a lot of time restarting the computer and Visual Studio in various combinations. Finally I tried the TTF and it was instantly recognized.
