How to include an array of weights to adjust importance of observed data in sm.tsa.UnobservedComponents? - filter

I have used the following 5 lines to achieve a kalman filter with your work for a smoothed pricing model, and it worked great.
mod = sm.tsa.UnobservedComponents(obs, 'local level')
lm = sm.OLS(obs, xlm, missing='drop').fit()
obs_noise = abs(lm.resid).mean()
params = [obs_noise, obs_noise / obs_noise_level]
mod_filter, mod_smooth = mod.filter(params), mod.smooth(params)
However currently I would like to adjust the filtering smoothness at certain time, for example, when unemployment rate or interest rate made a big surge, I would like to make the output (Kalman filtered/smoothed) value closer to the observed value, while in most other time I will keep the what it is from the model. So, I have created an array, while a few items greater than 1, and the others will be exactly 1.
e.g.: ir_coeff = np.array([1,1,1,1,1.345,1.23,1.78,1,1,1])
What could be the best approach to achieve this? Thank you a lot in advance.
I have tried to include it in the output file with a dot product operation, however it is not reasonable to do this.


Limiting BART HuggingFace Model to complete sentences of maximum length

I'm implementing BART on HuggingFace, see reference:
Here is the code from their documentation that works in creating a generated summary:
from transformers import BartModel, BartTokenizer, BartForConditionalGeneration
model = BartForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained('facebook/bart-large-cnn')
tokenizer = BartTokenizer.from_pretrained('facebook/bart-large')
inputs = tokenizer([ARTICLE_TO_SUMMARIZE], max_length=1024, return_tensors='pt')
# Generate Summary
summary_ids = model.generate(inputs['input_ids'], num_beams=4, max_length=25, early_stopping=True)
return [tokenizer.decode(g, skip_special_tokens=True, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=False) for g in summary_ids][0]
I need to impose conciseness with my summaries so I am setting max_length=25. In doing so though, I'm getting incomplete sentences such as these two examples:
EX1: The opacity at the left lung base appears stable from prior exam.
There is elevation of the left hemidi
EX 2: There is normal mineralization and alignment. No fracture or
osseous lesion is identified. The ankle mort
How do I make sure that the predicted summary is only coherent sentences with complete thoughts and remains concise. If possible, I'd prefer to not perform a regex on the summarized output and cut off any text after the last period, but actually have the BART model produce sentences within the the maximum length.
I tried setting truncation=True in the model but that didn't work.

(Using Julia) How can I reduce my data matrix by averaging values from the same hour?

I am trying to reduce the size of my data and I cannot make it work. I have data points taken every minute over 1 month. I want to reduce this data to have one sample for every hour. The problem is: Some of my runs have "NA" value, so I delete these rows. There is not exactly 60 points for every hour - it varies.
I have a 'Timestamp' column. I have used this to make a 'datehour' column which has the same value if the data set has the same date and hour. I want to average all the values with the same 'datehour' value.
How can I do this? I have tried using the if and for loop below, but it takes so long to run.
Thanks for all your help! I am new to Julia and come from a Matlab background.
======= CODE ==========
for j in uniquedatehour
for i in 1:length(datehour)
if datehour[i]==j
There are several layers to optimizing this code. I am assuming that your data is sorted on datehour (your code assumes this).
Layer one: general recommendation
Wrap your code in a function. Executing code in global scope in Julia is much slower than within a function. By wrapping it make sure to either pass data to your function as arguments or if data is in global scope it should be qualified with const;
Layer two: recommendations to your algorithm
Statement like [] creates an array of type Any which is slow, you should use type qualifier like index=Int[] to make it fast;
Using vcat like index=vcat(index,i) is inefficient, it is better to do push!(index, i) in place;
It is better to preallocate avedata with e.g. fill(NA, length(uniquedatehour), size(alldata, 2)) and assign values to an existing matrix than to do vcat on it;
Your code will produce incorrect results if I am not mistaken as it will not catch the last entry of uniquedatehour vector (assume it has only one element and check what happens - avedata will have zero rows)
Line rows=convert(Array{Float64,2},rows) is probably not needed at all. If alldata is not Matrix{Float64} it is better to convert it at the beginning with Matrix{Float64}(alldata);
You can change line rows=alldata[index,:] to a view like view(alldata, index, :) to avoid allocation;
In general you can avoid creation of index vector as it is enough that you remember start s and end e position of the range of the same values and then use range s:e to select rows you want.
If you correct those things please post your updated code and maybe I can help further as there is still room for improvement but requires a bit different algorithmic approach (but maybe you will prefer option below for simplicity).
Layer three: how I would do it
I would use DataFrames package to handle this problem like this:
using DataFrames
df = DataFrame(alldata) # assuming alldata is Matrix{Float64}, otherwise convert it here
df[:grouping] = datehour
agg = aggregate(df, :grouping, mean) # maybe this is all what you need if DataFrame is OK for you
Matrix(agg[2:end]) # here is how you can convert DataFrame back to a matrix
This is not the fastest solution (as it converts to a DataFrame and back but it is much simpler for me).

ROC on multiple test sets in h2o (python)

I had a use-case that I thought was really simple but couldn't find a way to do it with h2o. I thought you might know.
I want to train my model once, and then evaluate its ROC on a few different test sets (e.g. a validation set and a test set, though in reality I have more than 2) without having to retrain the model. The way I know to do it now requires retraining the model each time:
train, valid, test = fr.split_frame([0.2, 0.25], seed=1234)
rf_v1 = H2ORandomForestEstimator( ... )
rf_v1.train(features, var_y, training_frame=train, validation_frame=valid)
roc = rf_v1.roc(valid=1)
rf_v1.train(features, var_y, training_frame=train, validation_frame=test) # training again with the same training set - can I avoid this?
roc2 = rf_v1.roc(valid=1)
I can also use model_performance(), which gives me some metrics on an arbitrary test set without retraining, but not the ROC. Is there a way to get the ROC out of the H2OModelMetrics object?
You can use the h2o flow to inspect the model performance. Simply go to: http://localhost:54321/flow/index.html (if you changed the default port change it in the link); type "getModel "rf_v1"" in a cell and it will show you all the measurements of the model in multiple cells in the flow. It's quite handy.
If you are using Python, you can find the performance in your IDE like this:
rf_perf1 = rf_v1.model_performance(test)
and then print the ROC like this:
print (rf_perf1.auc())
Yes, indirectly. Get the TPRs and FPRs from the H2OModelMetrics object:
out = rf_v1.model_performance(test)
fprs = out.fprs
tprs = out.tprs
roc = zip(fprs, tprs)
(By the way, my H2ORandomForestEstimator object does not seem to have an roc() method at all, so I'm not 100% sure that this output is in the exact same format. I'm using h2o version

Query Pandas DataFrame distinctly with multiple conditions by unique row values

I have a DataFrame with event logs:
eventtime, eventname, user, execution_in_s, delta_event_time
The eventname e.g. can be "new_order", "login" or "update_order".
My problem is that I want to know if there is eventname == "error" in the periods between login and update_order by distinct user. A period for me has a start time and an end time.
That all sounded easy until I tried it this morning.
For the time frame of the 24h logs I might not have a pair, because the login might have happened yesterday. I am not sure how to deal with something like that.
delta_event_time is a computed column of the eventtime minus the executions_in_s. I am considering these the real time stamps. I computed them:
event_frame["delta_event_time"] = event_frame["eventtime"] - pandas.to_timedelta(event_frame["execution_in_s"], unit='s')
I tried something like this:
events_keys = numpy.array(["login", "new_order"])
users = numpy.unique(event_frame["user"])
for user in users:
event_name = event_frame[event_frame["eventname"].isin(events_keys) & event_frame["user" == user]]["event_name"]
But this not using the time periods.
I know that Pandas has between_time() but I don't know how to query a DataFrame with periods, by user.
Do I need to iterate over the DataFrame with .iterrows() to calculate the start and end time tupels? It takes a lot of time to do that, just for basic things in my tries. I somehow think that this would make Pandas useless for this task.
I tried event_frame.sort(["user", "eventname"]) which works nicely so that I can see the relevant lines already. I did not have any luck with .groupby("user"), because it mixed users although they are unique row values.
Maybe a better workflow solution is to dump the DataFrame into a MongoDB instead of pursuing a solution with Pandas to perform the analysis in this case. I am not sure, because I am new to the framework.
Here is pseudocode for what I think will solve your problem. I will update it if you share a sample of your data.
grouped = event_frame.groupby('user') # This should work.
# I cannot believe that it didn't work for you! I won't buy it till you show us proof!
for name, group in grouped:
group.set_index('eventtime') # This will make it easier to work with time series.
# I am changing index here because different users may have similar or
# overlapping times, and it is a pain in the neck to resolve indexing conflicts.
login_ind = group[group['eventname'] == 'login'].index
error_ind = group[group['eventname'] == 'error'].index
update_ind = group[group['eventname'] == 'update_order'].index
# Here you can compare the lists login_ind, error_ind and update_ind however you wish.
# Note that the list can even have a length of 0.
# User name is stored in the variable name. So you can get it from there.
Best way might be to create a function that does the comparing. Because then you can create a dict by declaring error_user = {}.
Then calling your function inside for name, group in grouped: like so: error_user[name] = function_which_checks_when_user_saw_error(login_ind, error_ind, update_ind).

SSRS 2008: Using StDevP from multiple fields / Combining multiple fields in general

I'd like to calculate the standard deviation over two fields from the same dataset.
MyFields1 = 10, 10
MyFields2 = 20
What I want now, is the standard deviation for (10,10,20), the expected result is 4.7
In SSRS I'd like to have something like this:
=StDevP(Fields!MyField1.Value + Fields!MyField2.Value)
Unfortunately this isn't possible, since (Fields!MyField1.Value + Fields!MyField2.Value) returns a single value and not a list of values. Is there no way to combine two fields from the same dataset into some kind of temporary dataset?
The only solutions I have are:
To create a new Dataset that contains all values from both fields. But this is very annoying because I need about twenty of those and I have six report parameters that need to filter every query. => It's probably getting very slow and annoying to maintain.
Write the formula by hand. But I don't really know how yet. StDevP is not that trivial to me. This is how I did it with Avg which is mathematically simpler:
found here:
Btw. I know that it's odd to make such a calculation, but this is what my customer wants and I have to deliver somehow.
Thanks for any help.
CTDevP is standard deviation.
Such expression works fine for me
=StDevP(Fields!MyField1.Value + Fields!MyField2.Value) but it's deviation from one value (Fields!MyField1.Value + Fields!MyField2.Value) which is always 0.
you can look here for formula:
standard deviation (wiki)
I believe that you need to calculate this for some group (or full dataset), to do this you need set in the CTDevP your scope:
=StDevP(Fields!MyField1.Value + Fields!MyField2.Value, "MyDataSet1")
