can nats websocket specify user push? - websocket

I have encountered a need to use nats websocket to specify user push. Does nats websocket support this function? Do you need to customize account services to achieve it?
I have encountered a need to use nats websocket to specify user push. Does nats websocket support this function? Do you need to customize account services to achieve it?


How to establish a websocket connection from a Twilio webhook?

I am trying to create a chat messaging application, which has text functionality. Right now, when a user sends an SMS message from their phone to a Twilio service number, there is a Twilio webhook which redirects to an endpoint in my backend server: sending HTTP POST request.
However, since it is a chat messaging application, I need the Twilio webhook to establish a Websocket connection (upgrading over HTTP) to my backend server, so that it can send websocket events back to my client.
Is there a way to establish a websocket connection using Twilio webhooks, or even Twilio functions? I can't find any resources online to solve this issue.
I tried Twilio Webhooks, and Twilio Functions, it hasn't worked so far.
WebSockets won't help you in this situation, as the webhook timeout limit is 15 seconds. This means you either need to return a TwiML response within 15 seconds or the request will fail.
It sounds like you want to build a stateful WebSocket connection instead of the stateless API callback. To achieve a stateful session, you either need to handle the state management over multiple incoming messages on your own, or you can use a Studio Flow which comes with state management baked in.

Pusher service has allowed_origins?

is there any way to set "allowed_origins" for pusher service
Now anyone that know my "app_key" can connect to my socket server in "app_key" is in socket request address in the browser console so its not secure !
That wouldn't make it more secure. It's probably why Pusher doesn't have a feature like that. A malicious actor could still easily send arbitrary header from any server and subscribe to a channel.
If you are concerned about who can subscribe to a channel (e.g., you are broadcasting sensitive messages), you must use private channels.

With GraphQL is it possible to replace the websocket used for subscription with a message-based approach (e.g. MQ)

Whereas the corporate environment I am working in accepts the use of http(s) based request response patterns, which is OK for GraphQL Query and Mutation, they have issues with the use of websockets as needed for GraphQL Subscription and would prefer that the subscription is routed via IBM MQ.
Does anyone have any experience with this? I am thinking of using Apollo Server to serve up the GraphQL interface. Perhaps there is a front-end subscription solution that can be plugged in using IBM MQ? The back end data sources are Oracle databases.
Message queues are usually used to communicate between services while web sockets are how browsers can communicate with the server over a constant socket. This allows the server to send data to the client when a new event of a subscription arrived (classically browsers only supported "pull" and could only receive data when they asked for it). Browsers don't implement the MQ protocols you would need to directly subscribe to the MQ itself. I am not an expert on MQs but what is usually done is there is a subscription server that connects to the client via web socket. The subscription service then itself subscribes to the message queue and notifies relevant clients about their subscribed events. You can easily scale the subscription servers horizontally when you need additional resources.

Will each Graphql Subscription from same browser create one websocket connection?

I know what is graphql subscription.
My question is if each subscription will create one websocket connection?
Or all the subscription from each browser is combined to one websocket connection?
I couldn't find answer anywhere in document.
GraphQL itself purposefully does not specify a transport layer in the specification. Therfore the answer depends on the implementation that you are using but for the implementations it makes sense to have only one connection. In Apollo you can use apollo-link-ws to connect to the server. This link then creates (an keeps alive) a single socket to the server using subscriptions-transport-ws. It can also handle all GraphQL methods (not only subscriptions) using the web socket.

Reverse pusher - secret needed to receive, not send

Pusher service works as illustrated here:
Does it make sense to use it in reverse direction (and switched data channels)? My use case is as follows:
end users (actually mobile, not browser) send messages to Pusher via HTTP-based REST API
my firewalled machine is connected to Pusher via WebSockets API, subscribes channel and receives messages in realtime
This way I can work with Sandbox plan (only 1 persistent connection is used) but mobile app must contain Puser app key.
From what I understand, anyone can use this key to register subscribe same message stream via websockets. Is there a reverse mode, where receiving messages requires knowing the secret? Maybe other service would suit better?
A more secure solution would be for the mobile clients to use client events. Client events can only be triggered on private channels where the subscription to the channel has to be authenticated.The authentication requests should got to an HTTP endpoint that you control so that you can validate the subscription request.
You firewalled machine can either then have a WebSocket connection and receive the client events over that connection. Or it could receive the client events via client event WebHooks if it exposes an HTTP endpoint.
