CKEditor4.10 uploadimage callback not triggered - ckeditor

Wanting to add drag-and-drop images to CKEditor, I found the uploadimage plugin. The upload itself works fine and the server response is also correct (with content-type = application/json)
"uploaded": 1,
"fileName": "45526enton_aus_virol.png",
"url": "/[path-to-file]/45526enton_aus_virol.png"
However, the actual callback in the plugin (onUploaded) is not triggered and neither is the trigger in the parent plugin. Anyone know what the problem could be?


ckeditor 4.5 fileUploadRequest event not firing

I have a textarea with html id "id_textarea".
editor = CKEDITOR.inline( 'id_textarea', {
filebrowserBrowseUrl : 'browse_url',
filebrowserUploadUrl : 'upload_url'
editor.on( 'fileUploadRequest', function( evt ) {
console.log("This is not printing");
Whenever I try to upload a file, it doesn't print anything to console. Am I doing something wrong?
By the way, my requirement is to add csrf headers before sending a request for which I need to catch some event like fileUploadRequest.
I assume that you are trying to upload files via the Upload tab in the Image Properties dialog. It is provided by the File Browser plugin and fileButton which does not support the fileUploadRequest and fileUploadResponse events (there is already a feature request with a more in-depth description of this case).
If you would like to use these events for some custom request preprocessing, you can use the Upload Image plugin. The configuration process is described in the official docs, but keep in mind that it will work only for dropping or pasting files. Upload via the Image Properties dialog will still be handled by the File Browser plugin which does not support these events.
The important thing here is that since CKEditor 4.5.6, the File Browser plugin uses the CSRF header so it can be probably used on your server side without any modifications in the JavaScript code. So if you are using an older version I suggest updating to 4.5.6 (using e.g. CKBuilder) and trying to integrate with your backend. The CSRF header in the File Browser plugin should be sufficient for your needs.
Here is the header:

Modernizr.videoautoplay object shows true, Modernizr.videoautoplay returning undefined

I'm using a custom Modernizr build, v3.3.0. I've created a simple JSFiddle example to illustrate:
will show the Modernizr object, and when I inspect it in the JS console I can see "videoautoplay" is a property with a value of "true".
But, when I do
it returns "undefined".
I was originally seeing this issue in a WordPress theme I'm developing, but was also able to recreate in JSFiddle and a separate stand-alone HTML page. Also, Modernizr is putting the "videoautoplay" class on my HTML tag, even when I know the device does not support that feature (iPhone 5).
Update: This issue appears to be happening in Chrome (v47.0.2526.106), but not Firefox (v43.0.2).
I'm going to answer my own question in case anyone else runs into this problem. I found the solution on this SO post: How do I detect if the HTML5 autoplay attribute is supported?.
Since this is an "async" test you can't access the property using the syntax
You have to use the .on() function, as shown in the above SO post:
Modernizr.on('videoautoplay', function(result){
if(result) {
alert('video autoplay is supported');
} else {
alert('video autplay is NOT supported');

Fine Uploader Basic To S3

Does anyone know if Fine Uploader supports it's uploaderType: 'basic' mode in conjunction with an S3 endpoint?
Their documentation is a box of christmas lights and I can't make heads or tails about which options work with which versions of the uploader.
Using this code, and not including the #qq-template they provide, I get the error below:
var uploader = new qq.s3.FineUploader({
uploaderType: 'basic',
element: document.getElementById("fineUploader"),
request: {
endpoint: "",
signature: {
endpoint: "/s3/signtureHandler"
uploadSuccess: {
endpoint: "success.html"
Error: Cannot find template script at ID 'qq-template'!
However, according to their docs (Fine Uploader Getting Started) it seems as though this is the correct way to get rid of the UI and handle that myself. Except it doesn't work.
Thanks for any help.
You are confusing the jQuery plug-in workflow with the no-dependency workflow. Just like the traditional endpoint handler, you simply need to make use of the FineUploaderBasic constructor. As the documentation illustrates, all S3 endpoint handler modules are appropriately namespaced:
var uploader = new qq.s3.FineUploaderBasic({...
Fine Uploader supports a wide variety of workflow, endpoints, and features. It's tough to fit that all into the documentation in a way that is intuitive for 100% of our users. However, for the most part, the current setup has been well received. If you have a specific suggestion for improvement, please open up an issue in the GitHub project's issue tracker. We will soon make it easier for users to edit the documentation as well.

Debugging Content Scripts for Chrome Extension

General Questions
Hello! I'm delving into the world of Chrome Extensions and am having some problems getting the overall workflow down. It seems that Google has recently switched to heavily advocating Event Pages instead of keeping everything in background.js and background.html. I take part of this to mean that we should pass off most of your extension logic to a content script.
In Google's Event Page primer, they have the content script listed in the manifest.json file. But in their event page example extension, it is brought in via this code block in background.js: chrome.tabs.executeScript(, {file: "content.js"}, function() { });
What are the advantages of doing it one way over the other?
My Code
I'm going forward with the programatic way of injecting the content script, like Google's example.
"manifest_version": 2,
"name": "Test",
"description": "Let's get this sucker working",
"version": "",
"permissions": [
"background": {
"scripts": ["background.js"],
"persistent": false
"browser_action": {
"default_icon": "icon.png"
chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(function() {
console.log("alert from background.js");
chrome.tabs.executeScript({file: "jquery-2.0.2.min.js"}, function() {
console.log("jquery Loaded");
chrome.tabs.executeScript({file: "content.js"}, function() {
console.log("content loaded");
console.log('you\'r in the world of content.js');
var ans = {};
ans.createSidebar = function() {
return {
init: function(){
alert("why hello there");
I am able to get the first 3 console.log statements to show up in the background page's debugger. I'm also able to get the alert from content.js to show up in any website. But I'm not able to see the console.log from content.js, nor am I able to view any of the JS from content.js. I've tried looking in the "content scripts" section of the background page debugger's Sources tab. A few other posts on SO have suggested adding debugger; statements to get it to show, but I'm not having any luck with anything. The closest solution I've seen is this post, but is done by listing the content script in the manifest.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Content scripts' console.log messages are shown in the web page's console instead of the background page's inspector.
Adding debugger; works if the Developer Tool (for the web page where your content script is injected) is opened.
Therefore, in this case, you should first activate the Developer Tool (of the web page) before clicking the browser action icon and everything should work just fine.
I tried to use the debuggermethod, but it doesn't not work well because the project is using require.js to bundle javascript files.
If you are also using require.js for chrome extension development, you can try adding something like this to the code base, AND change eval(xhr.responseText) to eval(xhr.responseText + "\n//# sourceURL=" + url);. (like this question)
Then you can see the source file in your dev tool (but not the background html window)
manifest v3
You can add console.log statements to your content scripts.
This is one of the best ways to debug an application.
Let's say you want to access a DOM node from the content script.
const node = document.querySelector("selector")
node will be Element instance if it exists else it will be null
If you can see the node in the Elements tab but not able to access it via content script then the node might have not been loaded at the time you accessed it.
Follow this answer to fix this issue.

Chrome extension AJAX/XHR request handling

Couple questions about the implementation of the XHR request:
I am trying to make a form in popup.html that allows for the filling of a box with text (in popup.html) and submits that to a remote website using get and replaces the contents of the box with the return of the php (json).
Heres the code so far:
Any idea why when I click submit nothing happens?
Also the manifest permissions:
"permissions": [
forms don't need permissions at all to do a cross domain post (in theory). That being said, the popup.html never reloads in a browser action (or page action) when a form is submitted.
An easy thing to do is to capture onsubmit on the form and simply do an XMLHttpRequest attaching the form as per the Mozilla MDC site.
Which in summary is (copied from mozilla):
var formElement = document.getElementById("myFormElement");
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", "submitform.php");
xhr.send(new FormData(formElement));
