What is the equivalent function in AmiBroker AFL for "ta.change" in TradingView Pine-Script? - syntax

I need to know the function from AmiBroker AFL which serves the same purpose as "ta.change" from TradingView Pine Script. "ta.change" Compares the current source value to its value length bars ago and returns the difference between the values when they are numerical. When a 'bool' source is used, returns true when the current source is different from the previous source.

In AFL you can use Ref function to calculate change:
length = 5;
change = source - Ref( source, -length );


Office Script - Split strings in vector & use dynamic cell address - Run an excel script from Power Automate

I'm completely new on Office Script (with only old experience on Python and C++) and I'm trying to run a rather "simple" Office Script on excel from power automate. The goal is to fill specific cells (always the same, their position shouldn't change) on the excel file.
The power Automate part is working, the problem is managing to use the information sent to Excel, in excel.
The script take three variables from Power automate (all three strings) and should fill specific cells based on these. CMQ_Name: string to use as is.
Version: string to use as is.
PT_Name: String with names separated by a ";". The goal is to split it in as much string as needed (I'm stocking them in an Array) and write each name in cells on top of each other, always starting on the same position (cell A2).
I'm able to use CMQ_Names & Version and put them in the cell they're supposed to go in, I've already make it works.
However, I cannot make the last part (in bold above, part 2 in the code below) work.
Learning on this has been pretty frustrating as some elements seems to sometime works and sometimes not. Newbie me is probably having syntax issues more than anyting...  
function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook,
CMQ_Name: string,
Version: string,
PT_Name: string )
// create reference for each sheet in the excel document
let NAMES = workbook.getWorksheet("CMQ_NAMES");
let TERMS = workbook.getWorksheet("CMQ_TERMS");
//------Part 1: Update entries in sheet CMQ_NAMES
//Update entries in sheet CMQ_TERMS
//-------Part 2: work with PT_Name
//Split PT_Name
let ARRAY1: string[] = PT_Name.split(";");
let CELL: string;
let B: string = "B"
for (var i = 0; i < ARRAY1.length; i++) {
CELL = B.concat(i.toString());
  I have several problems:
Some parts (basically anything with red are detected as a problem and I have no idea why. Some research indicated it could be false positive, other not. It's not the biggest problem either as it seems the code sometimes works despite these warnings.
Argument of type 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type '(string | number | boolean)[ ][ ]'.
I couldn't find a way to use a variable as address to select a specific cell to write in, which is preventing the for loop at the end from working.  I've been bashing my head against this for a week now without solving it.
Could you kindly take a look?
Thank you!!
I tried several workarounds and other syntaxes without much success. Writing the first two strings in cells work, working with the third string doesn't.
EDIT: Thanks to the below comment, I managed to make it work:
function main(
workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook,
CMQ_Name: string,
Version: string,
PT_Name: string )
// create reference for each table
let NAMES = workbook.getWorksheet("CMQ_NAMES");
let TERMS = workbook.getWorksheet("CMQ_TERMS");
//------Part 0: clear previous info
//------Part 1: Update entries in sheet CMQ_NAMES
//Update entries in sheet CMQ_TERMS
//-------Part 2: work with PT_Name
//Split PT_Name
let ARRAY1: string[] = PT_Name.split(";");
let CELL: string;
let B: string = "B"
for (var i = 2; i < ARRAY1.length + 2; i++) {
CELL = B.concat(i.toString());
//console.log(CELL); //debugging
TERMS.getRange(CELL).setValue(ARRAY1[i - 2]);
You're using setValues() (plural) which accepts a 2 dimensional array of values that contains the data for the given rows and columns.
You need to look at using setValue() instead as that takes a single argument of type any.
As for using a variable to retrieve a single cell (or set of cells for that matter), you really just need to use the getRange() method to do that, this is a basic example ...
function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) {
let cellAddress: string = "A4";
let range: ExcelScript.Range = workbook.getWorksheet("Data").getRange(cellAddress);
If you want to specify multiple ranges, just change cellAddress to something like this ... A4:C10
That method also accepts named ranges.

CountIFS with filter

CountIfS(Range1, condition1, Range2, Condition2,.... So on)
Can we use FILTER function to retrieve a value.
I am trying below function
=COUNTIFS(A2:A610, "Yes", $B$2:$B$610, FILTER(Sheet2!14:14, Sheet2!2:2=G1))
The output is not correct answer, neither the its throwing any error.
I could save the output of filter(Sheet2!14:14,Sheet2!2:2=G1) in different cell and refer that cell in 2nd condition. But for that I need make plethora cells as I need to use this countifs function in every column.
PS : filter(Sheet2!14:14,Sheet2!2:2=G1) returns the correct value.
that's not how it works. the output of your FILTER formula needs to be exactly 609 cells to match the range of your COUNTIFS formula. only then your formula will work.
in your case try:
TEXTJOIN("|"; 1; FILTER(Sheet2!14:14; Sheet2!2:2=G1))))))

If Statement error: Expressions that yield variant data-type cannot be used to define calculated columns

I'm new in Power BI and I'm more used to work with Excel. I try to translate following Excel formula:
=IF(A2="UPL";0;IF(MID(D2;FIND("OTP";D2)+3;1)=" ";"1";(MID(D2;FIND("OTP";D2)+3;1))))
in Power Bi as follows:
Algo =
VAR FindIT = FIND("OTP",Fixed_onTop_Data[Delivery Date],1,0)
IF(Fixed_onTop_Data[Delivery Type] = "UPL", 0,
IF(FindIT = BLANK(), 1, MID(Fixed_onTop_Data[Delivery Date],FindIT+3,1))
Unfortunately I receive following error message:
Expressions that yield variant data-type cannot be used to define calculated columns.
My values are as follows:
Thank you so much for your help!
You cant mix Two datatypes in your output; In one part of if, you return an INT (literally 0/1), and is second you return a STRING
MID(Fixed_onTop_Data[Delivery Date],FindIT+3,1)
You must unify your output datatype -> everything to string or everything to INT
Your code must be returning BLANK in some cells therefore PowerBI isn't able to choose a data type for the column, wrap your code inside CONVERT(,INTEGER).

How can i make my rounds() function in MATLAB, be very precised when handling around 400 values at a time?

I have made this function rounds() which rounds the values to the nearest multiple of 0.5, ie, rounds(2.685)=2.5 rounds(2.332)=2.5 rounds(2.7554)=3.0 rounds(2.245)=2.0 it works well in the way mentioned above, but while handling large number of values the precision drop. It does not give me the desired results. I have 30 functions, each of them computes 14 values which I pass in rounds() as a whole vector containing those 14 values. The results are like, for values for which it should return 3.0 such as rounds(2.7554) it only returns 2.5 and that affects my overall accuracy alot. Individually it works well for all values even 2.7554 returns 3.0 when i pass it to check its working. Can anyone tell me why this happens that while handling large number of values its performance decreases and also tell me the solution.
function [newVal] = rounds(x)
dist = mod(x, 0.5);
floorVal = x - dist;
if dist >=0.25
newVal = floorVal + 0.5;
newVal = floorVal;
The above is the rounds function and below i am showing how i have used it my functions.
if true
calc(1) = x+y;
calc(2) = x-y;
calc(3) = x*y+a;
calc(14) = a+b*c+x;
calc = calc';
final_calc = rounds(calc);
Even in a single function the rounds function handles only 14 values at once still the result is not precised, while if i pass those same values individually it gives the correct output. Please solve this issue someone. Thanks in advance.
function [newVal] = rounds2(x)
newVal = round(x/0.5)*0.5;
This was something i was struggling for a long time but here I have now a perfect answer. This was happening because i was passing the vector expression dist >= 0.25 to if...end, incorrectly thinking that the if...end will be evaluated separately for each element of x(i). Hope that it helps some others too

Need a TAN generator in source (Java, Javascript, PHP, Coldfusion, Delphi)

I am looking for someone who uses his/her high maths expertise to create an algorithm to deliver pseudo-random TAN codes. The algorithm starts off with a seed and is able to generate any n-th code. Repeatedly retrieving a code for the same position returns the same value. Repetition of the same value at different position: not before 10^12 values or better.
It is able to generate the next code based on the last one or on the position/index provided as input. The code itself is a string consisting of a set of chars.
The algorithm is able to check a given code if it is a valid code of the sequence created by seed.
The algorithm is able to save and restore its state (serializable). It does not precalculate a list of keys. Repetition of codes is ok,
Some terms:
Position: whatever needed to indicate the n-th code in the sequence. Integer, structure, whatever is needed.
Alphabet, a set of one or many of those:
Lower: all lower case chars a-z
Upper, all upper case char A-Z
Digits, 0-9
Special, non-alfanum chars
Safe, eliminates dangerous chars like ilIO0S5
I could imagine something like this in pseudo-code:
Class TANgen.
Constructor (seed, alphabet, codelength)
// this initializes the algorithm to be able to start. It shuld assume that we will retrieve one code after another, so the class memorizes how many codes have already been generated.
string function get ()
string function get (position)
// get the next code or the code at position.
string function get_next (position)
string function get_next (code)
// both functions get the next code, following the one given either by a position or a code
string[] function get (position, count)
string[] function get (code, count)
// get count codes starting with the one given by either a position or a code
position function validate (code)
// checks the code and returns its position or null if not valid
boolean function validate (code, position)
// wrapper for validate() != null
position function validate (code, position, windowsize)
// returns the position of a code if found at position, where position is the middle position of a sliding window. So like code in (code[position-windowsize],…,code[position-1],code[position],code[position+1],…,code[position+windowsize])
function save()
function load()
Maybe someone has already done that or knows where I can start off.
Any help or pointers to source is highly appreciated.
Thank you.
