Why new categories not shown in list in Joomla? - joomla

I have a site using joomla with phoca cart plugin.
When I create new category, it is not shown in category view. This is where the catogory should appear:
I already make sure the category is the same setting as other category. I use phoca cart v3.0.0 RC6 and Joomla 3.9.25.


updating configarable option in magento cart page

How can we add configuration option on cart page in magento and update it automatically , including price change, when selected option get change.
I want to know how can we update price and whole cart on selecting configurable options on cart page itself.
Is there any extension or we can do using core coding?
refer cart for configurable product in this site http://www.wehkamp.nl/Winkelmand/Winkelmand.aspx

joomla virtuemart customization

Is there any possible solution to develop this http://www.tailorstore.co.uk/tailor-made-shirts
kind of functionality in joomla virtuemart like any component or module available for this attributes ?
There is any possible solution with Joomla. Simply create a component that has the buttons and javascript to edit the image on the page you've shown there - and pass it all across into a virtuemart cart.
In terms of clicking on a button and changing the image - this is pretty basic javascript. See this How to add product to virtuemart Cart without saving to darabase? About adding a product into the virtuemart cart outside of virtuemart
Or use a simple shopping cart module like this: http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/e-commerce/shopping-cart/10116
In terms of an existing component changing the images like on your site the answer is no it almost certainly doesn't exist - but that's the beauty of Joomla - being able to build it easily.

How to shows featured products in product page by category in magento?

I need to show featured products in product page by category, I created attribute to set featured product in admin panel, It working fine in admin panel,I need to get all the featured products by corresponding category in products page.
I am novice to magento , so please help me.
You can find detailed tutorial from Magento Wiki to create featured product.

Magento: Order of categories doesn't reflect on the frontend

I'm on Magento The order of categories doesn't reflect on the frontend on a certain categories.
I order categories by draging-and-dropping categories right in category tree at the left-hand side of the "Manage Categories" page.
Please advise.
Well i can advise to try to update to last version 1.7.0 if community and you can have some custom made categories template, if that's the case you will never see the changes in your ordering.
Have you re-index the catalog, on the frontend are you the default magento code for category listing?

how to get all reviews of new products on home page

I need to show new products on home page with all reviews. I got new products by adding new product widget on home page cms. Can anybody suggest me how to get reviews of these products by editing new product widget file?
You may want to checkout Alan Storms post about extending Magento's widgets it won't directly help you but give you some insight on how to add such functionality to the widget you're using: http://alanstorm.com/widgets_at_magento_imagine_unconference
