Spring boot Jpa is not working with Spring batch and spring integration - spring-boot

I am working with spring batch. I needed to add some jpa repositories. So previously i was using JDBCTemplate which was working fine.
But when I started working with JPA, the spring boot application could not find the repos. Which were there.
ClassLevelConfigRepo clcr;
I checked these things as the best practices.
Added #EnableJpaRepositories in springBoot application class.
Added #Repostiories to the repository interfaces.
extended the interfaces with JpaRepository<Account, String>
Added #Entity to the entity classes and defined the #Table and # Column annotations properly.
But I am still getting below error.
Field clcr in com.cloudtask.batchconfig.util.LhmUtility required a bean of type 'com.cloudtask.batchconfig.repo.ClassLevelConfigRepo' that could not be found.
I tried checking all the dependencies in pom.xml it was as per recommended. And I have all the tables defined properly in data base.
I was expecting the application to return the Autowired clcr object propely.
Edit 1 : spring boot application annotations
#EnableIntegrationManagement(defaultLoggingEnabled = "true")
public class imclassApplication ```

When you work with Spring Data Jpa with those basic points you should also keep track of below points.
you have added spring-boot-starter-data-jpa in your pom.xml
you have added the entity and repo package below one level of the application package.
If you the package is at same level you should specify the exact package details in the annotation. in your case it should be like :
#EntityScan(basePackages = {"com.cloudtask.batchconfig.entity"})
Happy programming!


#EnableJpaRepositories/#EntityScan annotations mandatory in spring data jpa configuration setup?

I was going through this tutorial where the instructor was configuring Spring Data JPA. He had created the Entity classes and Repository interfaces and then added the #EnableJpaRepositories and #EntityScan annotations on the main application as follows:
#ComponentScan({"com.test.controller", "com.test.services"})
public class MainApplication{
public static void main(String args[]){
SpringApplication.run(MainApplication.class, args[]);
I was creating the same project on the side, which had the same Entity classes and Repository interfaces but my main application didn't have these annotations. Instead, I added only #SpringBootApplication. Despite the absence of the said annotations, I found the code to be working well and fetching data from the db without issues. So my question is, what is the advantage of adding these annotations to the code ? Is it just for specifying the package where you can find the corresponding files, or are there any other advantages ?
By default, Spring searches for entities and repos in package where you placed your main class (and below this package). For example having these packages:
Spring won't be able to find AnyEntity automatically. In this situation you need to specify where the entity is using #EntityScan. When it comes to repositories, you deal with it similarly using #EnableJpaRepositories.

Should I annotate Spring Data Repositories with #Repository [duplicate]

I'm using Spring Data JPA repositories (like MyRepo extends JpaRepository) and it works without #Repository and without #EnableJpaRepositories annotations. Could someone explain why?
Probably you are using Spring Boot.
Spring Data repositories usually extend from the Repository or CrudRepository interfaces. If you use auto-configuration, repositories are searched from the package containing your main configuration class (the one annotated with #EnableAutoConfiguration or #SpringBootApplication) down.
Please check the Spring Boot Reference Documentation (v2.7.2) for more details.
you don't need #Repository to make use of Spring Data JPA.
The Interface extending the CrudRepository or JPARepository would work even without annotating it with #Repository.
The Core reason why you need to have this annotation in place is it makes unchecked exceptions thrown in the DAO layer eligible to be translated into Spring DataAccessException. Which in turn would be easier to work with. This is the important aspect of using #Repository
More details see this -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2re1MfWtz0&list=PLO0KWyajXMh4fGMvAw1yQ1x7mWayRcmX3&index=8&t=0s
For more information look into these class which is used to auto-configure Spring Data JPA Repositories:
Docs : http://www.atetric.com/atetric/javadoc/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-autoconfigure/1.2.0.RELEASE/org/springframework/boot/autoconfigure/data/jpa/JpaRepositoriesAutoConfigureRegistrar.html
private static class EnableJpaRepositoriesConfiguration {

why do we need componentScan in spring

This question might be trivial but still i'm unable to find a good reason or best practice towards #ComponentScan in Spring
DI works just by self annotating the class then why do we need #ComponentScan
What is the best practice towards this?
#ComponentScan tells Spring in which packages you have annotated classes which should be managed by Spring.
Spring needs to know which packages contain spring beans, otherwise you would have to register each bean individually in(xml file). This is the use of #ComponentScan.
Take a simple example, you have a class and annotated with #Controller in a package package com.abc.xyz; , you have to tell the spring to scan this package for Controller class, if spring didn't scan this package, then spring will not identifies it as a controller class.
Suppose if your dealing with configuration file,
<context:component-scan base-package="com.abc.xyz">
like this,
When spring loads the xml file, this tag will search the all the classes present in the package com.abc.xyz, so any of the class containing #controller, #Repository #Service etc.., if it found then spring will register these annotated class in the bean factory.
Suppose if your using spring boot application,
Then your spring-boot application is annotated with The#SpringBootApplication.
#SpringBootApplication annotation is equivalent to using #Configuration, #EnableAutoConfiguration and #ComponentScan with their default attributes.
One more point if you didn;t specify the base package name in #ComponentScan,
it will scan from the package, where the #Springbootapplication present

Why AutoConfigurationPackages not consider #ComponentScan?

Spring Boot's support for Spring data configuration is generally by org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.data.AbstractRepositoryConfigurationSourceSupport, and this class use the follow code to determine what packages to scan for repositories:
So, basically Spring Data with Spring Boot only scan the package which contains the #EnableAutoConfiguration or #ImportAutoConfiguration, but not consider the #ComponentScan, Is this correct ?
The #ComponentScan annotation is a core Spring Framework feature to search for classes annotated with #Component. Since Spring Data repositories are interfaces (and not annotated), the #ComponentScan annotation won't pick them up.
If you are using Spring Data outside of Spring Boot, you can scan for Spring Data repositories using #EnableJpaRepositories with the basePackages attribute set.
When it comes to Spring Boot, there's usually no need to use either #ComponentScan or #EnableJpaRepositories. If you structure your code as suggested, both components and repositories will be picked up.
To get back to your original question about AbstractRepositoryConfigurationSourceSupport. If you look at the source of #SpringBootApplication you'll see it's annotated with #ComponentScan (to find #Components) and #AutoConfigurationPackage (via #EnableAutoConfiguration). The #AutoConfigurationPackage sets up AutoConfigurationPackages with the value that's later retrieved.
If you want to override the packages the Spring Data searches for repositories (for example in tests) you'll need to use #EnableJpaRepositories to completely override auto-configuration. I usually don't do this, but instead use #DataJpaTest and pick up my main configuration.

Spring Boot Scanning Classes from jars issue

In my sample spring boot application, i have added a dependency of a custom jar. My sample application has a support for web and jpa.
The jar which i've created contains a Spring MVC controller. Below is the sample code
public class StartStopDefaultMessageListenerContainerController {
private Map<String, DefaultMessageListenerContainer> messageListeners;
I haven't manually created a bean instance of this controller anywhere in my code.
Problem - When i start my spring boot application by running the main class, i get an error in console that prob while autowiring DefaultMessageListenerContainer.
My question here is, even though this class StartStopDefaultMessageListenerContainerController is just present in the classpath, it's bean shouldn't be created and autowiring should not happen. But spring boot is scanning the class automatically and then it tries to autowire the fields.
Is this the normal behavior of spring and is there anyway i can avoid this?
If the StartStopDefaultMessageListenerContainerController class is part of component scanning by spring container, Yes spring tries to instantiate and resolve all dependencies.
Here your problem is #Autowired on collection. Spring docs says,
Beans that are themselves defined as a collection or map type cannot be injected through #Autowired, because type matching is not properly applicable to them. Use #Resource for such beans, referring to the specific collection or map bean by unique name.
And also Refer inject-empty-map-via-spring
