Unable to find playdeveloperreporting scope mentioned in the Method: vitals.crashrate.get reference page - google-play

I am tasked to pull the data for Method: vitals.crashrate.get programatically.
Please refer to the reference document here
the required scope mentioned in the document is "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/playdeveloperreporting"
when i try to check the scope it says as below:
You are receiving this error either because your input OAuth2 scope name is invalid or it refers to a newer scope that is outside the domain of this legacy API.
This API was built at a time when the scope name format was not yet standardized. This is no longer the case and all valid scope names (both old and new) are catalogued at https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/oauth2/scopes. Use that webpage to lookup (manually) the scope name associated with the API you are trying to call and use it to craft your OAuth2 request.
when i checked the https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/oauth2/scopes
i could not find any relevant scopes that can be used to fetch the data from Method: vitals.crashrate.get
Please point me to any updated document, or the new scope that you know off.


AsyncCrudAppService Breaks Swagger When Providing TCreateInput and TUpdateInput

I recently downloaded a Single Page Web Application (Angular) from https://aspnetboilerplate.com/Templates using 3.x target version.
I just simply added a few entities and then started to follow the steps on this page https://aspnetboilerplate.com/Pages/Documents/Application-Services
Things do work well for me to Get, List, Update, and Delete entities when my app service class is just inheriting AsyncCrudAppService<Entities.PhoneBook, PhoneBookDto, long, GetAllPhoneBooksInput>, however when it is inheriting AsyncCrudAppService<Entities.PhoneBook, PhoneBookDto, long, GetAllPhoneBooksInput, CreatePhoneBookInput, and UpdatePhoneBookInput> the swagger definition will no longer load.
GitHub Repo: https://github.com/woodman231/MyPhoneBooks
(which currently does not work and will not load Swagger page).
I can get the swagger page to load by removing CreatePhoneBookInput and UpdatePhoneBookInput from
However, again I am still unable to create entities using this default implementation. Any ideas?
I have cloned your repo and run it and I figured out the error, first as I tell you in comments I verified the text log, and it said the next:
System.InvalidOperationException: Can't use schemaId "$CreatePhoneBookInput" for type "$MyPhoneBooks.SimpleCrudAppServices.Dtos.CreatePhoneBookInput". The same schemaId is already used for type "$MyPhoneBooks.PhoneBooks.Dtos.CreatePhoneBookInput"
What happenig is that you have these two classes UpdatePhoneBookInput, CreatePhoneBookInput repeated in SanokeCrudAppServices\Dtos and PhoneBooks\Dtos
You have the classes in both folders with same exact name, and thats the problem, if you change the name in whatever place the swagger definition will load without errors, I have do it like this and everything works fine!
Change the name in one of the places, and all will be working fine
Personally I don't like to use a different Dto for Create and Update for me is easier to user just one Dto for all.
Ok I figured it out. I had also made a DIY AppService and some of the DTO Class Names associated with the DIY App Service clashed with the DTO Class Names associated with the Automated Service. It was acceptable in .NET since they were in different name spaces but once the swagger definition was configured I assume that there was multiple instances of the same DTO Defition. I checked the AbpLogs table but they didn't give me much details as to the specifics of the internal server error while loading the definition. It sure would have been useful to know that.

accessing table metadata from embedded Teiid server

I have embedded Teiid 12.3 in a Spring Boot application. I want to get into the metadata of my VDB in order to generate a diagram using graphviz-java. I assume that if I have a org.teiid.metadata.Table object, I can call getIncomingObjects() to get references to tables that table depends on. I just can't figure out how to navigate from the EmbeddedServer to the Table objects.
I looked into using the administration API available via EmbeddedServer.getAdmin(). From there, I can call getVDBs(), and from there I can navigate down to getModels(), but below that level there is only the model source via getSourceMetadataText(). I also tried subclassing EmbeddedServer to make getVDBRepository() public. I can call getVDBRepository()*.getModels(), but it returns the same Model objects only get me access to the source definition of the models, not the runtime metadata model.
I tried getVDBRepository().getSystemStore() and VDBRepository.getODBCStore(), but those MetadataStores are not for the VDB I have deployed.
I haven't found any examples by Google, Teeid JIRA, Teiid forum, or StackOverflow to help me.
Take look at [1] the getSchema method on Admin API, this method returns the string form of the metadata, however you can grab Schema object for object form. If you do not want that way, Teiid also exposes system catalog using many SYS tables, you can issue SQL queries to grab the metadata of schemas and schema items in a VDB. One for internal access, another is from external access.
BTW one of users created a dependency diagram tool that may be useful if you are trying to do something similar. See [2]. Let me know if you interested in pushing that further.
[1] https://github.com/teiid/teiid/blob/master/runtime/src/main/java/org/teiid/runtime/EmbeddedAdminImpl.java#L544-L557
[2] https://github.com/teiid/metadata-catalog-ui

Getting xAPI statements from an xAPI package

I'm trying to get my head around the workings of an xAPI package authored in Rise which has been supplied to me so I can build a test PoC app.
I can see the functions built into the index.html page, and that things like progress and quiz scores are genrated, but where do I find the end-point for a LRS within the package?
I have incorporated the package into a test app I built, but rather than generate and send statements myself I would like use what comes as part of the package.
If I import and play the package in SCORM Cloud, I get generated statements returned.
The only thing I can see is an entry in the tincan.js file, this.recordStores=[] other than that I'm unsure where to go next, any suggestions?
Generally this kind of package implements a set of guidelines that were released with the 0.9 version of the specification (at the time named the Tin Can API and then later changed to xAPI). Those guidelines provide for a packaging and launch mechanism which is what Rise has implemented. The launch mechanism indicates that the endpoint and authentication credentials will be passed on the query string to the launched content where it can retrieve them. The TinCanJS library used by Rise implements functionality to digest the query string and set up objects, those you find in this.recordStores to communicate with the xAPI LRS identified in the query string parameters.
You have two primary options,
Get the query string parameters directly from the launch URL and
process it yourself, potentially using the same global library objects
(TinCan.LRS) already available to get an LRS object that you can
then interact with as you see fit,
Leverage the object already created for you via the this.recordStores list that is already prepared by the package itself
There are pros/cons to both methods and they largely depend on your familiarity with JavaScript and how flexible you need/want to be.

REST Web API URL to update a resource property

To update the resource i have exposed following reset web api url -
and request body contains the resource to be updated.
I have also exposed a seperate API to update a property of same resource. From business rule perspective this is special property and cannot be updated/retrieved along with normal resource api.
So using following url to expose separate api as below -
this does not sound good. Is there better approach?
Answer from the comments for others
PUT api/v1/{companyid}/resources/{resourceid}/{property} with the Body containing the value of the property is one way.
PUT api/v1/{companyid}/resources/{resourceid}/{property}/{propertyvalue} is another way if you want the value entirely in the URL.
Of course, http://server.com/api/v1/{companyid}/resources/{resourceid}/property?propertyKey=propertyValue is also probably fine.
As #David-Brabant mentioned don't version your API's in the URL

After creating resource on the FHIR server, how can you read its logical ID?

According to the specification here, if you create a resource the server should return a 201 created along with a Location header which contains the new Logical Id and Version Id of the created resource.
I am uploading a patient resource to http://fhir.healthintersections.com.au/open/Patient and using the Chrome debug tools I can see that a 'Content-Location' response header is returned that contains the Logical ID but I cannot access this using jqXHR.getResponseHeader('Content-Location') or jqXHR.getAllResponseHeaders().
After much searching, the problem seems to be that unless the Access-Control-Expose-Headers
header is added to server, I can't view the header within my application as it is a cross origin request.
Is there another way around this problem so I can find the logical ID after creation of a resource?
FHIR exposes it's metadata (id, version specific id, last updated) only in the headers, so you really need to get to that Location header to get a newly created resource's id. There might be a work-around, which is using the "search" operation to retrieve a feed with only this newly created resource (assuming it has identifying business keys like patient id). The resource's atom entry will have an with the id.
That said, that's truly a hack. This is not a FHIR related issue however (see for example How to get responseheader location by jquery).
To fix this problem, I'll update my FHIR server (at spark.furore.com/fhir) to include these Access-Control-Expose headers. It should be updated in the next few hours, so you can try whether that works for you.
