How to Disallow Concatenated Selectors - sass

I found this sass feature as hard to catch some missing styles and would like to lint my project on it. Here is the link to feature documentation:

You can configure Stylelint's selector-disallowed-list rule to disallow concatenated selectors.
For example, to disallow the suffix examples in the Sass docs you can use:
"rules": {
"selector-disallowed-list": ["/^&__/", "/^&--/"]
This will disallow selectors that start with &__ or &--, e.g.:
.foo {
&__bar {}
&--baz {}
But not:
.foo {
&::before {}
&:hover {}
& .bar {}
&.baz {}


SASS Module Error when trying to use #use rule

I am new to SCSS and having an issue using the #use rule.
$companyColor: #d60048;
#use '../sass/helpers/_variables' as variables;
.app-header {
background-color: variables.$companyColor;
I get an error:
ERROR in ./src/Header/Header.scss (./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js!./node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--8-2!./src/Header/Header.scss)
Module build failed (from ./node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js):
SassError: Invalid CSS after "...olor: variables": expected expression (e.g. 1px, bold), was ".$companyColor;"
on line 4 of C:\MyProject\Client\src\Header\Header.scss
>> background-color: variables.$companyColor;
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The #use keyword is unfortunately not supported in node-sass (yet). Lets hope that they bring support in the near future. Till then, you can use the #import syntax.
I had same problem. I had to remove node-sass and sass (global). Then I installed sass (local). And you need to replace compiler
module.exports = {
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.s[ac]ss$/i,
use: [
loader: 'sass-loader',
options: {
// Prefer `dart-sass`
implementation: require('sass'),

Importing external stylesheets globally with CSS modules

I'm struggling to add SASS with an external stylesheet (Bulma) to my React application. So far I have set up Parcel with CSS modules via postcss. This is my .postcssrc config:
"modules": true,
"plugins": {
"autoprefixer": {
"grid": true
"postcss-modules": {
"generateScopedName": "[name]_[local]_[hash:base64:5]"
I have installed node-sass and successfully added a .scss file to one of my components. External (Bulma) styles are added via #import "~bulma/bulma"; and are correctly resolved.
Unfortunately, imported styles are not applied globally and instead the class names are modified similarly to local definitions, e.g.:
/*! v0.8.0 | MIT License | */
#-webkit-keyframes container_spinAround_28_Bz {
from {
transform: rotate(0deg); }
to {
transform: rotate(359deg); } }
#keyframes container_spinAround_28_Bz {
from {
transform: rotate(0deg); }
to {
transform: rotate(359deg); } }
Note the added prefixes and suffixes.
Ideally, I would like to import the stylesheet globally and do not modify their names. I'd like to continue using CSS modules and I think I also have to use SASS in order to globally modify Bulma stylesheet by overriding SASS variables.
Anyway, things I've tried so far:
Using postcss-nested and wrapping the import with :global block:
:global {
#import "~bulma/bulma";
However, this throws an exception:
main.scss:5018:5: Missing whitespace before :global
Creating a separate scss file included directly in HTML file via <link> rather than imported in a jsx/tsx file to avoid using CSS modules.
This seems to break Parcel entirely, as it fails to link correct files in the compiled HTML files, i.e. <LONG-HASH>.css instead of generated main.<HASH>.css.
Using postcss-import.
Either my setup is incorrect or it has no effect on SASS files.
You can define regular expressions to mark matched files as global stylesheets with the globalModulePaths setting.
"postcss-modules": {
"globalModulePaths": [
The example above would mark all files with .global. in their name, e.g.
Managed to figure it out while writing the question.
The only solution that worked for me to load global CSS styles from rollup (when applying preserveModules: true) was using the 'rollup-plugin-styles' plugin and the following configuration:
// rollup.config.js
plugins: [
extensions: ['.css'],
use: ['css'],
}), …
// In the package.json you have to add the proper side effects
"sideEffects": [
"**/*.css.js" //this one is very important too
// MyComponent.tx
import '../styles/myGlobal.css';

sass — how to convert parent- to id-selector

I have this:
.a-btn {
//rules here
##{&}__label {
//more rules
so I am after such an output:
.a-btn {…}
#a-btn__label {…}
BUT That compiles to this error:
SassError: Invalid CSS after "#": expected selector, was "#.a-btn"
So I need to convert .a.btn to a-btn. Therefore I have tried to use str-slice like that:
.a-btn {
//rules here
##{str-slice(&, 2)}__label {
//more rules
But that yields:
SassError: argument `$string` of `str-slice($string, $start-at, $end-at:-1)` must be a string
Can you try this
#at-root ##{str-slice(#{&},2)}__label
height: 200px
width: 200px
background: red

scss does not compile :root

file a.scss:
file b.scss:
#import './a.scss';
//does not work
The editor sees the value of myVariable in the b.scss file. But after compiling on the page, if you look at the properties, it looks like this:
but expected:
test: /\.vue$/,
exclude: /(node_modules|bower_components)/,
use: {
loader: 'vue-loader',
options: {
loaders: {
scss: 'vue-style-loader!css-loader!sass-loader', // <style lang="scss">
sass: 'vue-style-loader!css-loader!sass-loader?indentedSyntax' // <style lang="sass">
How to fix it?
I changed the question because I found the problem, but I still do not know how to solve it
For anyone coming across this now, it was due to a change in Sass 3.5, which is explained here.
Using Sass variables when defining custom CSS variables now needs to be done slightly differently. This used to work:
:root {
--root-variable: $myVariable;
But now you should now do this:
:root {
--root-variable: #{$myVariable};

Sass variable interpolation with backslash in output

I'm creating some icon font rules for using in my site. Using Sass I wanted to list all the icons in a list variable and use #each to loop through them all.
Code looks like this:
wifi 600,
wifi-hotspot 601,
weather 602;
#each $icon in $icons {
.icon-#{nth($icon, 1)},
%icon-#{nth($icon, 1)} {
content: "\#{nth($icon, 2)}";
The problem is the backslash on the content: line. I need it for the character encoding, but it escapes the variable interpolation, outputting CSS that looks like this:
.icon-wifi {
content: "\#{nth($icon, 2)}";
Adding one more backslash like this: content: "\\#{nth($icon, 2)}"; outputs this CSS:
.icon-wifi {
content: "\\600";
Is there a way to get the Sass to output CSS with only a single backslash while keeping the variable interpolation?
I got this to work by messing with the interpolation
sassmesiter demo
// ----
// Sass (v3.4.21)
// Compass (v1.0.3)
// ----
wifi 600,
wifi-hotspot 601,
weather 602;
#each $icon in $icons {
.icon-#{nth($icon, 1)},
%icon-#{nth($icon, 1)} {
content: #{'"\\' + nth($icon, 2) + '"'}; // <------ See this line
compiles to
.icon-wifi {
content: "\600";
.icon-wifi-hotspot {
content: "\601";
.icon-weather {
content: "\602";
If you include the backslash in the actual variable, then when the sass generates the css, it will actually generate the calculated unicode character instead of outputting the unicode in the css output. This still usually works but it's hard to debug if something is going wrong and it is a bit more prone to cause issues in the browser in rendering the icon.
To output the actual unicode in the generated CSS, you can do this:
#function icon($character){
#return unquote('\"') + unquote(str-insert($character,'\\', 1)) + unquote('\"');
$icon-thing: "e60f";
.icon-thing:before {
content: icon($icon-thing); //outputs content: "\e60f";
You can add the backslash to the parameter in the $icons variable. That is,
$icons: wifi "\600", wifi-hotspot "\601", weather "\602";
#each $icon in $icons {
.icon-#{nth($icon, 1)}, %icon-#{nth($icon, 1)} {
content: "#{nth($icon, 2)}";
Generated CSS:
.icon-wifi {
content: "\600";
.icon-wifi-hotspot {
content: "\601";
.icon-weather {
content: "\602";
Use unquote and double slash
$var:123 → content:"\e123"
If you are using Gulp to compile your Sass files, installing this Gulp plugin is probably the easiest way to get around the issue:
var sass = require('gulp-sass');
var sassUnicode = require('gulp-sass-unicode');
gulp.task('sass', function(){
.pipe(sassUnicode()) // <-- This is the bit that does the magic
.pipe(gulp.dest( "css/" ));
There is no need to make any code alterations in your Sass files. Write out your Sass code how you want and the unicode characters are decoded back into regular escaped strings in the output CSS automatically.
Input SCSS
$testContent: "\f26e";
#test {
content: $testContent;
Output CSS
#test {
content: "\f26e";
Unfortunately, these solutions were not entirely working for me but I was finally able to get it working with SASS maps
//node-sass 4.11.0
//libsass 3.5.4
$hexes: (
checkmark: \2714
#function out-content($var) {
#return unquote("\"#{ $var }\"");
#each $mod, $code in $hexes {
.#{$mod}-after {
&:after {
content: out-content($code);
//.checkmark-after:after {
//content: "\2714";
