how to grant select, different servers, same username/password different schema - oracle

I'm not a DB expert, my boss has retired and it's up to me now. He created a production database, and a test database on another server with same username/password and schema name test_SameAsOtherDB. I'm trying to pull the live data from the production table, into the test DB table, but there are no privileges for me to do so.
I tried by logging into my production DB and "grant select on mytable_name to testDB.mytable_name;" but it gives me the error "ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended".
I've tried all the combinations of user/password/schema that I could think of, but none work.
Everything I've researched says use "GRANT select on tablename to USER" but the user is the same on each DB.
Hope I made sense, any help would be appreciated.

You access a database on another server through a DATABASE LINK, not with the syntax to access an object in another schema on the same server.
You must create the DBLINK using the "CONNECT TO user IDENTIFIED BY password" syntax. (And the user used to execute "CREATE DATABASE LINK" must have the privilege to do...)
Then you will be able to "SELECT ... FROM mytable_name#DBLINK_TESTDB" assuming you named the DBLINK "DBLINK_TESTDB" with the same rights the user used in the "CONNECT TO" statement has in the target DB.
(And change that policy having the same passwords in all environment...)


DB User account Password Reset from oracle apex

Iam creating an app to change the password of selected Db user account.When an user select a particular db name and user of the db then click submit button i should call procedures that changes the password of the db user.So guide me how to connect to selected db from oracle Apex and do it.
As far as I can tell, there are two ways to change someone's password:
connect as that user
connect as a privileged user (such a SYS)
and run such a command:
alter user scott identified by tiger;
As you'd want to do that for any database you have a access to, as well as every user in those databases, I doubt that you know their passwords so I guess that you'll connect as a privileged user to all those databases. Of course, you have to know their passwords.
One option would be to
create the same stored procedure (which will modify someone's password) in every database
it'll accept username and its new password
as alter table is DDL, you'll have to use dynamic SQL (execute immediate)
create database links to those databases in a schema you use to connect to your Apex application
depending on database you choose, call appropriate procedure via database link and pass chosen username and its new password. This might also require some kind of dynamic SQL, if you want to use different DB link name
I don't know which database version you use, but - have a look at 11g's Accessing and Modifying Information in Multiple Databases, especially "Running a Stored Procedure in a Remote Oracle Database" chapter for more info.

Using Oracle "Create User" command does not automatically create an associated schema

I'm just getting started with Oracle data export and import and things worked perfectly fine the first time around. But then I came back next day repeated the exact same steps on the same systems, but get ORA-01435: user does not exist error.
System Specs for all machines:
-OS: Windows 2012 R2 x64
-Oracle Server: Oracle 11G Express x64
I'm exporting data from Oracle server 1 and importing to Oracle server 2.
Export data dump is successful from Oracle server 1.
but when importing the data dump on Oracle server 2, I follow this procedure:
-Stop IIS service
net stop WAS
Create Schema/user account and Grant privileges before import
net stop WAS
sqlplus / as sysdba;
CREATE user PIE1 identified by PASS1;
According to oracle, all goes well, but look at the first image bellow. In DBeaver, I can see that only the User account PIE1 has been created, but NO schema.
Oracle issue 1. User account created, but not the Schema
Question 1: According to Oracle, the command "Create User" IS supposed to also create an associated Schema. Anyone have an idea why this is no longer working for me? It worked once the night before.
I then continue the import procedure as follows:
imp PIE1/PASS1#xe file=c:\Backups\AVUSER2_6_7.dmp log=c:\Backups\import.log fromuser=AVUSER2_6_7 touser=PIE1;
But get the following error:
Oracle claims the User doesn't exist even though it does
Oracle claims the User doesn't exist even though it does. I repeated the entire procedure and even created an identical import/export user account and credentials, and this error still comes up.
Question 2: Any idea why Oracle "Can't find" a user account that's clearly in the database?
Additional Info:
Checked that my windows account is in admin group
Checked that my windows account is in ORA_DBA group
Opened all CMD prompt as Admin
As you implied, users and schemas as the same in Oracle, you can't have a user without a schema. No idea about DBeaver, but as there are other users that aren't listed under 'schemas' (according to your second image - ANONYMOUS, DIP, ...) that seems to be unrelated.
(Purely a guess, but perhaps the user you're connect as in DBeaver just doesn't have visibility of any objects owned by those users - maybe it only lists users it can see in all_objects, say. Pure speculation, but you could investigate that by looking at the data dictionary while connect through SQL*Plus as the same user. According to this old forum post, there is an option to hide empty schemas...)
The import is connecting successfully as PIE1 - you'd get a different error, ORA-01017, if it wasn't and you wouldn't see the 'Connected to...' banner or anything after that.
Your import command has a trailing semicolon that should not be there. The "importing ... objects into" message shows that it's trying to import into the PIE1; user and not the one you actually created, PIE1. Remove that semicolon and try again.
Incidentally, you can probably also remove the #xe TNS alias and stick to a local connection, assuming the environment is configured as it was whenyou ran SQL*Plus. You should also consider using datapump expdp/impdp rather than the legacy exp/imp.

Pl-Sql User Connection

I've been starting oracle on my job. But i've been using MS all the time. Now i have problem on User-Shema structure. I tryed a create table with sql query, but table had been created in somewhere else then i wanted. (I've already created a user named LPA) I just wrote the query, and table is in the (GeneralDatabase) Tablespaces->Users->(Here). I want to create a table in LPA schema, under the table folder. I've been searching for it but i could'nt get it. So need some help please.
PS:I found that i need to connect with user, than write to query with TS_LPA(Thats my tablespace). But i also cant connect with the user LPA.(We can say this is my first problem)
In Oracle there is no "dbo" or default schema, in case that is what you are looking for. You must specify the target user account when you connect (log in) to the database, and that account will be used as the default schema for all of your subsequent actions. (This is similar to a home directory in Linux, where if I log in as williamr and create a file, it will belong to williamr and not some generic default account.)
In your case I suspect you are connecting as SYS or similar, in which case your table now belongs to SYS (or whoever you are connected as). You'll need to drop it and try again.
If you don't want to post the connect string you used to connect initially for some reason, then execute the following query to see your current schema:
select user, sys_context('userenv','current_schema') from dual;
(Normally user and sys_context('userenv','current_schema') will be the same, but worth double-checking.)
In PL/SQL Developer you can only issue connect commands from a Command window (not a SQL window). Alternatively you can use the 'log on' menu tool, or Session > Set Main Connection from the menu, or (best if you want to reuse it later) Tools > Define Connections, which has a 'Test...' button to validate a new connection. You'll need the username, password and database service name (not just username and password).
connect with LPA user.
specify the schema name before table name.
create table LPA.tbl_name(col1 datatype1,....);

How to create a database in Oracle using JDBC?

I want to create a new database on an Oracle server via JDBC. I cannot seem to connect to the database without providing an SID: using a URL like jdbc:oracle:thin:#//[IP]:1521 results in an error of "ORA-12504, TNS:listener was not given the SID in CONNECT_DATA"
Alternatively, if I log into a specific SID, I can run most DDL commands except for CREATE DATABASE foo which fails with an error of "ORA-01100: database already mounted"
How am I supposed to create a database if I cannot connect to the server without specifying a specific database and cannot create a database if I am already logged into a specific database?
AFAIK creating a database needs an internal and direct connection which can only be done by logging in directly on the server (normally a user account called 'oracle').
One reason for that: users are stored in the database itself. No database = no user to connect to by an external client.
Please also note Justin's comment about oracles database schemas. This is probably what you are looking for
What you need are following commands:
CREATE TABLESPACE CREATE USER and few GRANT ... TO ... -- to have rights to connect and create objects, at least

Oracle Global Temporary table - Privileges for other instances

I have created Global Temporary table in oracle and inserting the data through my application, and its working fine for me when i connect to database with "system" as the username. Where as i have created one more user in the database with "user1" and have given "Grant all" privileges to this user also. Now when am connecting to database with "User1" as the username and running the application, the data is not inserting into Global temporary table.
But when i try to insert data from sql developer tool its inserting.
With system user through application also working, whereas with user1 its not inserting. Am not getting whats behind going as am not that much DB expert.
Please have any idea suggest me. I have all privileges also. Thanks in advance.
Fist, the table MUST be in other schema than SYS or SYSTEM. Create it on "User1".
Second, you must be sure that you select from the same table. Prefix the table with the schema when inserting and also when reading.
Also be sure that you are not in the situation of table created with ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS and some AUTOCOMMIT ON in Sql Developer.
