JMETER __P cannot digest the value - performance

I have a variable that I use in my API's header.
It contains many special characters in that string so JMeter cannot digest the value.
'myCode' variable I plan to use in CLI (NON-GUI) mode so I need to be able to control it.
Sometimes I see also double or single quotes ('"' and "'")in the string so it can be a case that I need to deal with this
Any ideas on how to handle this?

JMeter can "digest" the value, if you're trying to override the property via -J command-line argument - refer to your shell documentation as some characters might need escaping.
Another option is defining your property in file or in a completely separate file and using __FileToString() function to read it


How to define special characters in JMeter parameterization

I am trying to parameterize my request using CSV Data Set Config. My input includes double quotes("), colon(:) and brackets([])
Eg: fiscal_year ":["2021",2019]"
Had tried with it, but in the actual results its passing as "fiscal_year "":[""2021""
Please share your inputs on what am i missing on the input paramter.
I don't think it's due to double quotes("), colon(:) and brackets([]), CSV stands for comma-separated values so JMeter treats it as a delimiter and reads everything including to the first comma.
So you might want to change the "Delimiter" to something else:
It's hard to come up with a comprehensive solution without seeing at least couple of lines from your CSV file and the way you're parameterizing the HTTP Request with JMeter Variables
In case you have one entry per line in the CSV file it might be easier to go for __StringFromFile() function which reads next line from the file each time it's being called. See Apache JMeter Functions - An Introduction for more information.

Jmeter beanshell Encounter ";"

I am trying to execute beanshell script in jmeter for a URL parameter value. I have the following:
${__BeanShell(vars.get("query").replaceAll(" ","%20"))}
The jmeter console outputs this:
Caused by: bsh.ParseException: In file: inline evaluation of: ``vars.get("query").replaceAll(" ";'' Encountered ";" at line 1, column 33.
I can't figure out what the problem is as the character there is a , not a ;.
You're doing something ridiculous. Encoding an URL is not only about escaping spaces, looking into URLEncoder documentation you will need to handle:
All non-Latin non-alphanumeric characters
All characters apart from ., -, *, and _
Which might be very tricky.
So you basically have 2 options:
Use JavaScript encodeURIComponent() function via JMeter's __javaScript function like:
Or use aforementioned URLEncoder from __groovy() function like:
${__groovy(URLEncoder.encode(vars.get('query')\, 'UTF-8').replaceAll('\\\+'\,'%20'),)}
Performance-wise in cases of high loads Groovy is preferred option, check out Apache Groovy - Why and How You Should Use It article for more details.
See JMetrer's functions tutorial, you need to escape every comma:
If a function parameter contains a comma, then be sure to escape this with "\", otherwise JMeter will treat it as a parameter delimiter.
In your case
${__BeanShell(vars.get("query").replaceAll(" "\,"%20"))}
Also consider using __groovy function instead of __BeanShell for better performance.
Please use below code in Beanshell PreProcessor or BeanShell PostProcessor in order to replace single space character to '%20':
String myString = vars.get("query");
String new_var = myString.replaceAll(" ", "%20");
vars.put("updated_value", new_var);
You can further use 'updated_value' variable having space replaced by '%20' in next requests.
Please refer to the JMeter Knowledge Base for more information on JMeter elements.

Jmeter- How to pass Comma separated String as 1 value through parametrization

From a csv file, I need to pass
as a single value to one of the parameter in HTTP request.
I have parameterized using CSV data config. But, only 224 is getting passed.
I want 224,329,429 to be treated as a single value.
Please let me know how do I achieve this. Should I change anything in CSV config or CSV file to make this work?
Just use __StringFromFile() function instead of using CSV Data Set Config.
The __StringFromFile() function reads next line from the file each time it's being called so it seems to be a lot easier to stick to it for particular your scenario.
The syntax is as simple as ${__StringFromFile(/path/to/your/file.csv,,,)} and the function can be used anywhere in the script, i.e. directly in the request parameter section.
See Apache JMeter Functions - An Introduction to get started with the JMeter Functions concept and comprehensive information on the above and other JMeter functions.
You should change your delimiter to a not used character e.g. #
In that way you will be able to get full line for every request
Use ${__FileToString(dummy.csv,,payloadvar)} function. It makes the file independent that mean you can use any file extension example: .txt, .csv, .excel etc..
Just keep the string in dummy.csv and it will fetch the whole string.
benefit of using this function is, it will not consider comma's so in case your string has comma separated values then this is the best option.
Just use %2C in the place of comma.

Jmeter: Issue with passing an value from Command line

When I pass an integer value from command line -Jvalue = 100, Jmx script reads teh value if I use it in user defined variable like ${__P(value)} or ${__P(value,2)}
When I pass a string value -Jvalue=jmeter, JMX script does not take the value..
Can you pls help me on this?
Remove spaces around =, it needs to be
All the properties values passed via command line arguments or file are treated as strings.
Also if you set the same property twice, only last value will be considered.
See Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide for more information on the ways of JMeter properties manipulation

Will jmeter function FileToString(path) takes dynamic values

Will jmeter function FileToString(path) takes dynamic values.
I need to use around 400 json files as a input. so planning to use FileToString($fileName}) in body data. By providing the filename column in csv. But it seems Jmeter is checking filename as file instead of getting value from csv.
You need to wrap your ${fileName} into __eval() function. As per documentation:
The eval function returns the result of evaluating a string expression.
This allows one to interpolate variable and function references in a string which is stored in a variable.
So you need to change your expression to look like:
For more information on JMeter functions see How to Use JMeter Functions post series.
