I am not able to figure out what is wrong with my top down knapsack dp approach, its failing testcases on below link, need help.
Question link:
Here is my code:
int fin(int i,int wt,int curprofit,vector<int>&A,vector<int>&B,int C,int n,vector<vector<int>>&dp)
return curprofit;
return dp[i][wt];
int ret=0;
return dp[i][wt]= ret;
int Solution::solve(vector<int> &A, vector<int> &B, int C) {
int n=A.size();
return fin(0,0,0,A,B,C,n,dp);
Here's the fix, but I'd suggest you brush up on your recursion knowledge.
Calculate the max profit on the fly, not passing as the parameter. Otherwise, you'll need to put curprofit also in the dp state which will be costly. You may also see the output by removing the dp[][] caching. Just put up a correct recursive solution & memoize it.
int fin(int i,int wt,vector<int>&A,vector<int>&B,int C,int n,vector<vector<int>>&dp)
return 0;
return dp[i][wt];
int ret=0;
ret=max(ret,fin(i+1,wt+B[i],A,B,C,n,dp) + A[i]);
return dp[i][wt]= ret;
int Solution::solve(vector<int> &A, vector<int> &B, int C) {
int n=A.size();
return fin(0,0,A,B,C,n,dp);
i faced a paradox to analyse this function, Why the time complexity of this function is N^2 and not N?
public void union(int a, int b) {
int aid = ids[a];
int bid = ids[b];
for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
if (ids[i] == aid) {
ids[i] = bid;
Its an implementation of eager approach, to solve dynamic connectivity problem , complete code is:
// Union method has N^2 time complexity!!
class EagerApproach extends UnionFind {
protected int[] ids;
EagerApproach(int[] input) {
ids = new int[input.length];
System.arraycopy(input, 0, ids, 0, input.length);
public boolean connected(int a, int b) {
return ids[a] == ids[b];
public void union(int a, int b) {
int aid = ids[a];
int bid = ids[b];
for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
if (ids[i] == aid) {
ids[i] = bid;
public int[] getIds() {
return ids;
Provided your array access ids[x] is in constant time O(1), the time complexity of the union method is linear in the length of the array ids. So
or O(n) if we define n as ids.length.
Be careful with the definition of n and ids though. If, in your specific application, n was defined as ids.length = n * n, then this is obviously O(n^2) with n being sqrt(ids.length).
I had implelmented the rod cutting using memoization technique in java and here is the code that i have come up so far:
public class RodCutMemo {
public static int [] memo;
public static void main(String args [])
{ int [] prices = {0,2,3,5,8,6,4,9,10,12,15,16,17,18,20,22,31,50} ;
int n=5;
memo = new int [n+1];
for(int i =1;i<=n;i++)
{ memo[i]=-9999;}
System.out.println(maxProfitRodCutMemo(prices ,n));
public static int maxProfitRodCutMemo(int [] prices,int n)
{ if(memo[n]>=0)
return memo[n];}
//else if(n==0)
// return 0;
{ int q = -9999;
for(int i =1;i<=n;i++)
{q=Math.max(q,prices[i]+maxProfitRodCutMemo(prices, n-i) );}
return q;}}}
I have two questions here...
Q1)I have commented out one of the base conditions..if(n==0).Is that required in code.Am i missing some corner case without that??
The simple answer to your question comes out when you consider i=n(in the for loop in the function maxProfitRodCutMemo), which will lead to calling of maxProfitRodCutMemo(int [] prices,0), which wont give you a correct result
according to your code (as you dont have any condition to check it)..
I'm looking at all different sorts. Note that this is not homework (I'm in the midst of finals) I'm just looking to be prepared if that sort of thing would pop up.
I was unable to find a reliable method of doing a quicksort iteratively. Is it possible and, if so, how?
I'll try to give a more general answer in addition to the actual implementations given in the other posts.
Is it possible and, if so, how?
Let us first of all take a look at what can be meant by making a recursive algorithm iterative.
For example, we want to have some function sum(n) that sums up the numbers from 0 to n.
Surely, this is
sum(n) =
if n = 0
then return 0
else return n + sum(n - 1)
As we try to compute something like sum(100000), we'll soon see this recursive algorithm has it's limits - a stack overflow will occur.
So, as a solution, we use an iterative algorithm to solve the same problem.
sum(n) =
s <- 0
for i in 0..n do
s <- s + i
return s
However, it's important to note that this implementation is an entirely different algorithm than the recursive sum above. We didn't in some way modify the original one to obtain the iterative version, we basically just found a non-recursive algorithm - with different and arguably better performance characteristics - that solves the same problem.
This is the first aspect of making an algorithm iterative: Finding a different, iterative algorithm that solves the same problem.
In some cases, there simply might not be such an iterative version.
The second one however is applicable to every recursive algorithm. You can turn any recursion into iteration by explicitly introducing the stack the recursion uses implicitly. Now this algorithm will have the exact same characteristics as the original one - and the stack will grow with O(n) like in the recursive version. It won't that easily overflow since it uses conventional memory instead of the call stack, and its iterative, but it's still the same algorithm.
As to quick sort: There is no different formulation what works without storing the data needed for recursion. But of course you can use an explicit stack for them like Ehsan showed. Thus you can - as always - produce an iterative version.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#define MAXELT 100
#define INFINITY 32760 // numbers in list should not exceed
// this. change the value to suit your
// needs
#define SMALLSIZE 10 // not less than 3
#define STACKSIZE 100 // should be ceiling(lg(MAXSIZE)+1)
int list[MAXELT+1]; // one extra, to hold INFINITY
struct { // stack element.
int a,b;
} stack[STACKSIZE];
int top=-1; // initialise stack
int main() // overhead!
int i=-1,j,n;
char t[10];
void quicksort(int);
do {
if (i!=-1)
printf("Enter the numbers <End by #>: ");
if (sscanf(t,"%d",&n)<1)
} while (1);
printf("\nThe list obtained is ");
for (j=0;j<i;j++)
printf("\n %d",list[j]);
printf("\n\nProgram over.");
return 0; // successful termination.
void interchange(int *x,int *y) // swap
int temp;
void split(int first,int last,int *splitpoint)
int x,i,j,s,g;
// here, atleast three elements are needed
if (list[first]<list[(first+last)/2]) { // find median
else {
if (list[last]<=list[s])
else if (list[last]<=list[g])
interchange(&list[x],&list[first]); // swap the split-point element
// with the first
i=first+1; // initialise
while (i<j) {
do { // find j
} while (list[j]>x);
do {
i++; // find i
} while (list[i]<x);
interchange(&list[i],&list[j]); // swap
interchange(&list[i],&list[j]); // undo the extra swap
interchange(&list[first],&list[j]); // bring the split-point
// element to the first
void push(int a,int b) // push
void pop(int *a,int *b) // pop
void insertion_sort(int first,int last)
int i,j,c;
for (i=first;i<=last;i++) {
while ((list[c-1]>j)&&(c>first)) {
void quicksort(int n)
int first,last,splitpoint;
while (top!=-1) {
for (;;) {
if (last-first>SMALLSIZE) {
// find the larger sub-list
// push the smaller list
if (last-splitpoint<splitpoint-first) {
else {
else { // sort the smaller sub-lists
// through insertion sort
} // iterate for larger list
// End of code.
taken from here
I was unable to find a reliable method of doing a quicksort iteratively
Have you tried google ?
It is just common quicksort, when recursion is realized with array.
This is my effort. Tell me if there is any improvement possible.
This code is done from the book "Data Structures, Seymour Lipschutz(Page-173), Mc GrawHill, Schaum's Outline Series."
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <math.h>
#define SIZE 12
struct StackItem
int StartIndex;
int EndIndex;
struct StackItem myStack[SIZE * SIZE];
int stackPointer = 0;
int myArray[SIZE] = {44,33,11,55,77,90,40,60,99,22,88,66};
void Push(struct StackItem item)
myStack[stackPointer] = item;
struct StackItem Pop()
return myStack[stackPointer];
int StackHasItem()
return 1;
return 0;
void ShowStack()
int i =0;
for(i=0; i<stackPointer ; i++)
printf("(%d, %d), ", myStack[i].StartIndex, myStack[i].EndIndex);
void ShowArray()
int i=0;
for(i=0 ; i<SIZE ; i++)
printf("%d, ", myArray[i]);
void Swap(int * a, int *b)
int temp = *a;
*a = *b;
*b = temp;
int Scan(int *startIndex, int *endIndex)
int partition = 0;
int i = 0;
if(*startIndex > *endIndex)
for(i=*startIndex ; i>=*endIndex ; i--)
//printf("%d->", myArray[i]);
//printf("\nSwapping %d, %d", myArray[i], myArray[*endIndex]);
Swap(&myArray[i], &myArray[*endIndex]);
*startIndex = *endIndex;
*endIndex = i;
partition = i;
*startIndex = *endIndex;
*endIndex = i;
partition = i;
else if(*startIndex < *endIndex)
for(i=*startIndex ; i<=*endIndex ; i++)
//printf("%d->", myArray[i]);
//printf("\nSwapping %d, %d", myArray[i], myArray[*endIndex]);
Swap(&myArray[i], &myArray[*endIndex]);
*startIndex = *endIndex;
*endIndex = i;
partition = i;
*startIndex = *endIndex;
*endIndex = i;
partition = i;
return partition;
int GetFinalPosition(struct StackItem item1)
struct StackItem item = {0};
int StartIndex = item1.StartIndex ;
int EndIndex = item1.EndIndex;
int PivotIndex = -99;
while(StartIndex != EndIndex)
PivotIndex = Scan(&EndIndex, &StartIndex);
return PivotIndex;
void QuickSort()
int median = 0;
struct StackItem item;
struct StackItem item1={0};
struct StackItem item2={0};
item.StartIndex = 0;
item.EndIndex = SIZE-1;
item = Pop();
median = GetFinalPosition(item);
if(median>=0 && median<=(SIZE-1))
item1.StartIndex = item.StartIndex;
item1.EndIndex = median-1;
item2.StartIndex = median+1;
item2.EndIndex = item.EndIndex;
Is there any known data structure that provides O(1) random access, without using a contiguous block of memory of size O(N) or greater? This was inspired by this answer and is being asked for curiosity's sake rather than for any specific practical use case, though it might hypothetically be useful in cases of a severely fragmented heap.
Yes, here's an example in C++:
template<class T>
struct Deque {
struct Block {
enum {
B = 4*1024 / sizeof(T), // use any strategy you want
// this gives you ~4KiB blocks
length = B
T data[length];
std::vector<Block*> blocks;
T& operator[](int n) {
return blocks[n / Block::length]->data[n % Block::length]; // O(1)
// many things left out for clarity and brevity
The main difference from std::deque is this has O(n) push_front instead of O(1), and in fact there's a bit of a problem implementing std::deque to have all of:
O(1) push_front
O(1) push_back
O(1) op[]
Perhaps I misinterpreted "without using a contiguous block of memory of size O(N) or greater", which seems awkward. Could you clarify what you want? I've interpreted as "no single allocation that contains one item for every item in the represented sequence", such as would be helpful to avoid large allocations. (Even though I do have a single allocation of size N/B for the vector.)
If my answer doesn't fit your definition, then nothing will, unless you artificially limit the container's max size. (I can limit you to LONG_MAX items, store the above blocks in a tree instead, and call that O(1) lookup, for example.)
You can use a trie where the length of the key is bounded. As lookup in a trie with a key of length m is O(m), if we bound the length of the keys then we bound m and now lookup is O(1).
So think of the a trie where the keys are strings on the alphabet { 0, 1 } (i.e., we are thinking of keys as being the binary representation of integers). If we bound the length of the keys to say 32 letters, we have a structure that we can think of as being indexed by 32-bit integers and is randomly-accessible in O(1) time.
Here is an implementation in C#:
class TrieArray<T> {
TrieArrayNode<T> _root;
public TrieArray(int length) {
this.Length = length;
_root = new TrieArrayNode<T>();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
TrieArrayNode<T> Insert(int n) {
return Insert(IntToBinaryString(n));
TrieArrayNode<T> Insert(string s) {
TrieArrayNode<T> node = _root;
foreach (char c in s.ToCharArray()) {
node = Insert(c, node);
return _root;
TrieArrayNode<T> Insert(char c, TrieArrayNode<T> node) {
if (node.Contains(c)) {
return node.GetChild(c);
else {
TrieArrayNode<T> child = new TrieArray<T>.TrieArrayNode<T>();
node.Nodes[GetIndex(c)] = child;
return child;
internal static int GetIndex(char c) {
return (int)(c - '0');
static string IntToBinaryString(int n) {
return Convert.ToString(n, 2);
public int Length { get; set; }
TrieArrayNode<T> Find(int n) {
return Find(IntToBinaryString(n));
TrieArrayNode<T> Find(string s) {
TrieArrayNode<T> node = _root;
foreach (char c in s.ToCharArray()) {
node = Find(c, node);
return node;
TrieArrayNode<T> Find(char c, TrieArrayNode<T> node) {
if (node.Contains(c)) {
return node.GetChild(c);
else {
throw new InvalidOperationException();
public T this[int index] {
get {
return Find(index).Value;
set {
Find(index).Value = value;
void CheckIndex(int index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= this.Length) {
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index");
class TrieArrayNode<TNested> {
public TrieArrayNode<TNested>[] Nodes { get; set; }
public T Value { get; set; }
public TrieArrayNode() {
Nodes = new TrieArrayNode<TNested>[2];
public bool Contains(char c) {
return Nodes[TrieArray<TNested>.GetIndex(c)] != null;
public TrieArrayNode<TNested> GetChild(char c) {
return Nodes[TrieArray<TNested>.GetIndex(c)];
Here is sample usage:
class Program {
static void Main(string[] args) {
int length = 10;
TrieArray<int> array = new TrieArray<int>(length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
array[i] = i * i;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
Well, since I've spent time thinking about it, and it could be argued that all hashtables are either a contiguous block of size >N or have a bucket list proportional to N, and Roger's top-level array of Blocks is O(N) with a coefficient less than 1, and I proposed a fix to that in the comments to his question, here goes:
int magnitude( size_t x ) { // many platforms have an insn for this
for ( int m = 0; x >>= 1; ++ m ) ; // return 0 for input 0 or 1
return m;
template< class T >
struct half_power_deque {
vector< vector< T > > blocks; // max log(N) blocks of increasing size
int half_first_block_mag; // blocks one, two have same size >= 2
T &operator[]( size_t index ) {
int index_magnitude = magnitude( index );
size_t block_index = max( 0, index_magnitude - half_first_block_mag );
vector< T > &block = blocks[ block_index ];
size_t elem_index = index;
if ( block_index != 0 ) elem_index &= ( 1<< index_magnitude ) - 1;
return block[ elem_index ];
template< class T >
struct power_deque {
half_power_deque forward, backward;
ptrdiff_t begin_offset; // == - backward.size() or indexes into forward
T &operator[]( size_t index ) {
ptrdiff_t real_offset = index + begin_offset;
if ( real_offset < 0 ) return backward[ - real_offset - 1 ];
return forward[ real_offset ];
half_power_deque implements erasing all but the last block, altering half_first_block_mag appropriately. This allows O(max over time N) memory use, amortized O(1) insertions on both ends, never invalidating references, and O(1) lookup.
How about a map/dictionary? Last I checked, that's O(1) performance.