Quarto compilation with xelatex hanging in RStudio after update to 1.2.269 - rstudio

I'm using quarto in RStudio (windows) to compile a markdown document to pdf with xelatex. Until now I was using the quarto 1.1... version, all was working fine. Today I have updated to version 1.2.269 and now I can't compile my document, the xelatex call hangs in a 'tlmgr updating' call. It generates .tex output but the xelatex call just hangs there and never ends. However my TexLive installation is fully updated, as I have checked manually with tlmgr. Launching xelatex from TexWorks works ok and xelatex can compile this .tex file and generate the correct pdf file. Any advice about what can be wrong with quarto or xelatex call from RStudio after this quarto update? Thanks in advance


quarto file extension not recognized in rstudio

Trying to start using Quarto together with Rstudio.
Followed the instructions here: https://quarto.org/docs/get-started/hello/rstudio.html
When I run the following commands I obtain:
> quarto_version()
[1] ‘1.0.38’
> quarto_path()
[1] "C:\\Users\\jld\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Quarto\\bin\\quarto.cmd"
There are no Quarto options in the Global options.
I can't choose Quarto from File or choose it as document type, see images below.
Any ideas on what is wrong?
What I am understanding from your comment is that you are using an older version of Rstudio. From the Quarto Website it is said that to use quarto, we are required to use the RStudio (v2022.07).
So update your Rstudio version.

Compile Rmarkdown outside of Rstudio

I can use the knit button to compile an Rmarkdown file to html in Rstudio.
How can I do the same in an R console?
In an R console, you can use the following command:
The command posted by scoa
is ok, but outside RStudio you can receive error because pandoc version can be too old.
If so see https://github.com/rstudio/rmarkdown/blob/master/PANDOC.md
If you are on Linux you need just to link pandoc version from RStudio or RStudio Server.

Pandoc for Windows: pdflatex not found

I receive the error: pdflatex not found when I try to convert a .tex or .md file to .pdf. I have downloaded MikTex and have the associated LaTex packages. These don't seem to include pdflatex, although I do see pdftex. Are these not interchangeable? Can anyone guide me in figuring this out? Thank you.
I was getting the same error, this is how I solved it:
Install MiKTeX
Relogin/restart to reset the PATH for MiKTeX
At the PowerShell command line type
pandoc "my file name.md" --pdf-engine=xelatex -o "my file name.pdf"
MiKTeX now prompts you to to install several packages when you run this command at the first time, this may need several minutes.
Your pdf should now be created including the Maths converted from the Latex notation.
The command line output may include messages like:
miktex-dvipdfmx: major issue: So far, no MiKTeX administrator has checked for updates.
xelatex: major issue: So far, no MiKTeX administrator has checked for updates.
The cause is if MiKTeX was installed for all users the the system wide MiKTeX update check is pending.
To get rid of the warning message, you have to switch to MiKTeX administrator mode and then check for MiKTeX updates.
Right click C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\MiKTeX 2.9\MiKTeX Console and Run as Administrator, On Overview page click Check for updates

Emacs (AUCTex) not writing to vc.tex file when using VC bundle in LaTeX document

I'm using GNU Emacs 24.1 for Mac OS X on Lion with the latest version of AUCTeX and the VC bundle to print version information in a footer on my LaTeX documents. The problem is that when I typeset my LaTeX document, it runs the suggested shell command through \immediate\write18{./vc} just fine, but it's not writing anything to the vc.tex file when the vc script is run. I've checked the log file every time, and the following line always appears:
runsystem(./vc)...executed safely (allowed).
I've spent the better part of a day trying to figure out why the vc.tex is not being revised, and I've narrowed it down to a problem with Emacs/AUCTeX because TeXShop seems to be doing it just fine. Alternatively, I can always run the vc script in Terminal, but I'd like to figure out why the \immediate\write{./vc} line isn't working in Emacs.
Any ideas??

OpenCV 2.2 Windows XP MinGW build crashes on namedWindow, imshow

I downloaded the latest OpenCV 2.2 sources for Windows and compiled on Windows XP using MinGW 4.4.1, with the help of CMake 2.8.
Everything went smoothly and compilation (mingw32-make) and installation (mingw32-make install) completed successfully.
However, when I compile some code containing namedWindow() and imshow() functions of highgui, it compiles but the program crashes. The following single line of code crashes:
namedWindow("img", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
The sample programs coming with OpenCV, displaying images, also crash.
Have anyone experienced the same problem, and do you have a solution?
I have also compiled and am using OpenCV 2.2 on linux (Ubuntu) without any problem.
Thanks a lot.
I've the same problem. I built OpenCV 2.2 under WindowsXP, using CMake, MSYS-make and mingw.
The sollution is explained here: mingw32 SSE/SSE2 instabilities
What I have done is the following:
Use CMake (2.8.4), specify target directory and run "Configure" for MSYS's make.
Type Debug at "CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE".
Remove checkmark for "SSE2".
Run "Configure" again.
Run "Generate".
Run make at target directory.
Run make install.
This worked for me.
