Can CustomListItems explore a tree? - visual-studio

I would like to use a .natvis file to display all of the elements in a tree structure as a flat list.
I'm aware of the TreeItems expansion described in the .natvis documentation, and have tried to use that, but it seems a bit limited, and difficult to get to work in my situation (Templated node types, nodes which don't contain the actual data, need to cast the nodes to other templated types to get the data, lack of ability to do Exec entries or multiple Items per tree node, etc.)
The CustomListItems expansion is a lot more flexible in terms of being able to assign variables and execute commands which are evaluated in a loop. But I'm struggling to figure out whether there's a way to explore a tree in CustomListItems. Basically there would have to be some way to maintain a stack of some kind so that I could explore the entire left branch and then pop back up and explore the right branch. Is there any way to do this in CustomListItems?


Data structure that shares nodes with an existing tree

Basically, if I remember correctly, it's a tree. Then, if you apply a transformation on the tree, the unchanged nodes are shared, and new ones are created.
However, due to the way it is made, one can still access the data before each transformation, and so with the least memory used.
I think this is applicable in a context like git, and I specifically remember that git was the example used for this structure, but I can't seem to remember its name. Anyone help?
I've tried searching for tree variants, and I just can't seem to find it.

Understanding thread-safety

Let use as example standard Binary Search Tree, its nodes having an encapsulated value and pointers to the left and right children and its parent. Its primary methods are addNode(), removeNode() and searchNode().
I want to understand how to make my data structure safe. I however do not know much about thread-safety and want to ask if what I am thinking is correct or not.
My first problem is one of decision: what I want to happen when I have concurrent methods? Let us say I am using my BST to manage a map in a game: the position of the character of a player is represented by an array of doubles, I store the player's positions in my BST in lexicographic order. One player destroyed a target (and his thread want to remove it from my map), but another player is initiating an attack and needs a list of all possible targets inside a certain distance from him, including the target just removed (and his thread want to execute a search that will include the target). How I manage the situation? What about other situations?
My second problem, (I think) my biggest, is one of actuation: how I make happen what I want to happen. I read about things like atomic-operations, linearity, obstruction-free, lock-free, wait-free. I never found out in a single place a simple definition for each, the advantages of that strategy, the disadvantages. What are those things? What am I doing if I am locking the nodes, or if i am locking the pointers to other nodes, or the values encapsulates in the node?
Am I understanding correctly the problematics of thread-safety? Do you have suggestions on problems I should think about, or on written papers and pdfs I should read in order to better understand the problems and their many solutions?

Best practice about detecting DOM element exist in D3

In D3, it often uses .data().enter().append() to reuse existing elements rather than remove everything and add them, but on the other hand, when the DOM structure is very deep, it will involve a lot of this detect(one for every level), I wonder if there is a good way to detect until which level, I need to start use .enter() rather than from the top level?
The way I understand your question, you could be asking about one of two possible things. Either:
you're asking about how to use d3's .data() binding method to compute the three sets (enter, update, exit) at multiple levels of a dom hierarchy; or
you already know how to do #1, and are asking about how to NOT do it (i.e. skip calling .data()) in certain cases in order to really optimize performance.
If the question is #1, then check out this tutorial on working with nested selection by passing a function into the first argument of .data().
If the question is #2, then you're taking a risk. By that I mean that you're risking spending a whole lot of time and effort to optimize an aspect of your code that's probably far from being the slowest part of the program. Usually, it's the browser's rendering that's the slowest, while the data binding is quite fast. In fact, following the nested selections pattern from #1 is likely the most effective way to optimize, because it eliminates unnecessary appending to - and re-rendering of - the DOM.
If you really want to do #2 anyway, then I think the way to start is by implementing it using nested selections from #1, and then adding some sort of if statement at every level of the hierarchy that decides whether it's ok to skip calling the .data() method. For that, you have to examine the incoming data vs the outgoing data and deciding whether they're still equal or not. However, since deciding whether things are still equal is roughly what d3's .data() method does, then your optimization of it would have to do even less. Perhaps one way to achieve that level of optimization would involve using immutable data structures, because that's a way to quickly test equality of two nested data structures (that's basically how things work in React.js). It sounds complicated though. That's why I say it's a risk....
There may be another approach, in which you analyze the incoming vs outgoing data and determine which branches of the data hierarchy have changed and then pinpoint the equivalent location in the DOM and use d3 .data() locally within those changed DOM nodes. That sounds even more complex and ambiguous. So to get more help with that on, you'd have to create something like a jsFiddle that recreates your specific scenario.

Zipper like data structure with more than one cursor

The Zipper data structure is great when one wants to traverse a tree and keep the current position, but what data structure one should use if they want to track more then one position?
Let me explain with examples:
Someone on the #haskell channel has told me that zippers are used in yi editor to represent
the cursor position. This is great, but what if you want to have two
cursors. Like if you want to represent a selection, you need to know the beginning and
the end of the selection.
In the Minotaur example on wikibooks, they use Zipper to represent Minotaur's position inside the labyrinth. If I wanted to add enemy into the labyrinth, representing their position with a Zipper would make as much sense.
Last one is actualy from my mini project where it all started: As part of learning Haskell I'm trying to visualize a tree structure using cairo and gth2hs. This has gone well so far but now I would like to select one or more of the nodes and be able to e.g. move them around. Because there can be more then one of the selected nodes I can't just use
the Zipper as defined in text books.
There is a trivial (naive?) solution, similar to the one they had used in early versions of XMonad which involves finite maps as explained here.
That is, e.g. in case of my example project, I would store the selected nodes in an indexed map and replace their representation in the main structure with the indices. But this solution has plenty of disadvantages. Like the ones explained in the link above, or say, again in case of my example, unselecting all the nodes would require searching the whole tree.
Oleg's work on "concurrent" zippers via delimited continuations is the main reference.
See this paper . I seem to recall reading somewhere that the second derivative has two holes, which is probably what you want.

Stack and Queue, Why?

Why and when should I use stack or queue data structures instead of arrays/lists? Can you please show an example for a state thats it'll be better if you'll use stack or queue?
You've been to a cafeteria, right? and seen a stack of plates? When a clean plate is added to the stack, it is put on top. When a plate is removed, it is removed from the top. So it is called Last-In-First-Out (LIFO). A computer stack is like that, except it holds numbers, and you can make one out of an array or a list, if you like. (If the stack of plates has a spring underneath, they say you "push" one onto the top, and when you remove one you "pop" it off. That's where those words come from.)
In the cafeteria, go in back, where they wash dishes. They have a conveyor-belt where they put plates to be washed in one end, and they come out the other end, in the same order. That's a queue or First-In-First-Out (FIFO). You can also make one of those out of an array or a list if you like.
What are they good for? Well, suppose you have a tree data structure (which is like a real tree made of wood except it is upside down), and you want to write a program to walk completely through it, so as to print out all the leaves.
One way is to do a depth-first walk. You start at the trunk and go to the first branch, and then go to the first branch of that branch, and so on, until you get to a leaf, and print it. But how do you back up to get to the next branch? Well, every time you go down a branch, you "push" some information in your stack, and when you back up you "pop" it back out, and that tells you which branch to take next. That's how you keep track of which branch to do next at each point.
Another way is a breadth-first walk. Starting from the trunk, you number all the branches off the trunk, and put those numbers in the queue. Then you take a number out the other end, go to that branch, and for every branch coming off of it, you again number them (consecutively with the first) and put those in the queue. As you keep doing this you are going to visit first the branches that are 1 branch away from the trunk. Then you are going to visit all the branches that are 2 branches away from the trunk, and so on. Eventually you will get to the leaves and you can print them.
These are two fundamental concepts in programming.
Because they help manage your data in more a particular way than arrays and lists.
Queue is first in, first out (FIFO)
Stack is last in, first out (LIFO)
Arrays and lists are random access. They are very flexible and also easily corruptible. IF you want to manage your data as FIFO or LIFO it's best to use those, already implemented, collections.
Use a queue when you want to get things out in the order that you put them in.
Use a stack when you want to get things out in the reverse order than you put them in.
Use a list when you want to get anything out, regardless of when you put them in (and when you don't want them to automatically be removed).
When you want to enforce a certain usage pattern on your data structure. It means that when you're debugging a problem, you won't have to wonder if someone randomly inserted an element into the middle of your list, messing up some invariants.
Fundamentally whenever you need to put a reverse gear & get the elements in constant time,use a Stack.
Stack follows LIFO it’s just a way of arranging data.
Achieving the undo operation in notepads.
Browser back button uses a Stack.
Queues are implemented using a First-In-Fist-Out (FIFO) principle
In real life, Call Center phone systems will use Queues, to hold people calling them in an order, until a service representative is free.
CPU scheduling, Disk Scheduling. When multiple processes require CPU at the same time, various CPU scheduling algorithms are used which are implemented using Queue data structure.
In print spooling
Breadth First search in a Graph
Handling of interrupts in real-time systems. The interrupts are handled in the same order as they arrive, First come first served.
Apart from the usage enforcement that others have already mentioned, there is also a performance issue. When you want to remove something from the beginning of an array or a List (ArrayList) it usually takes O(n) time, but for a queue it takes O(1) time. That can make a huge difference if there are a lot of elements.
Arrays/lists and stacks/queues aren't mutually exclusive concepts. In fact, any stack or queue implementations you find are almost certainly using linked lists under the hood.
Array and list structures provide a description of how the data is stored, along with guarantees of the complexity of fundamental operations on the structures.
Stacks and queues give a high level description of how elements are inserted or removed. A queue is First-In-First-Out, while a stack is First-In-Last-Out.
For example, if you are implementing a message queue, you will use a queue. But the queue itself may store each message in a linked list. "Pushing" a message adds it to the front of the linked list; "popping" a message removes it from the end of the linked list.
It's a matter of intent. Stacks and queues are often implemented using arrays and lists, but the addition and deletion of elements is more strictly defined.
A stack or queue is a logical data structure; it would be implemented under the covers with a physical structure (e.g. list, array, tree, etc.)
You are welcome to "roll your own" if you want, or take advantage of an already-implemented abstraction.
The stack and the Queue are more advanced ways to handle a collection that the array itself, which doesn't establish any order in the way the elements behave inside the collection.
The Stack ( LIFO - Last in first out) and a Queue (FIFO - First in First out ) establish and order in which your elements are inserted and removed from a collection.
You can use an Array or a Linked List as the Storage structure to implement the Stack or the Queue pattern. Or even create with those basic structures more complex patterns like Binary Trees or priority queues, which might also bring not only an order in the insertion and removal of elements but also sorting them inside the collection.
There are algorithms that are easier to conceptualize, write and read with stacks rather than arrays. It makes cleaner code with less control logic and iterators since those are presupposed by the data structure itself.
For example, you can avoid a redundant "reverse" call on an array where you've pushed elements that you want to pop in reverse order, if you used a stack.
I think stack and queue both are memory accessing concepts which are used according to application demand. On the other hand, array and lists are two memory accessing techniques and they are used to implement stack(LIFO) and queue(FIFO) concepts.
The question is ambiguous, for you can represent the abstract data type of a stack or queue using an array or linked data structure.
The difference between a linked list implementation of a stack or queue and an array implementation has the same basic tradeoff as any array vs. dynamic data structure.
A linked queue/linked stack has flexible, high speed insertions/deletions with a reasonable implementation, but requires more storage than an array. Insertions/deletions are inexpensive at the ends of an array until you run out of space; an array implementation of a queue or stack will require more work to resize, since you'd need to copy the original into a larger structure (or fail with an overflow error).
Stacks are used in cache based applications, like recently opened/used application will comes up.
Queues are used in deleting/remove the data, like first inserted data needs to be deleted at first.
The use of queue has always been somewhat obscure to me (other than the most obvious one).
Stacks on the other hand are intrinsically linked to nesting which is also an essential part of backtracking.
For example, while checking if in a sentence brackets have been properly closed or not, it is easy to see that
sentence := chars | chars(chars)chars | chars{chars}chars | chars[chars]chars --- suppose cases like (chars) is not valid
chars := char | char char
char := a | b | ... | z | ␢ --- ignored uppercase
So now, when checking a given input is a sentence, if you encounter a (, you must check whether the part from here to ) is a sentence or not. This is nesting. If you ever study about context free languages and the push down automata, you will see in detail how stacks involved in these nested problems.
If you want to see difference between the use of stacks and queues, I recommend that you look up Breadth-First Search and Depth-First Search algorithms and their implementations.
