I know the Ansible fetch-module can copy a file from remote to local, but what if I only need the contents (in my case a tmp file holding the ip address) appended into a local file?
Fetch module does this:
- name: Store file into /tmp/fetched/
src: /tmp/somefile
dest: /tmp/fetched
I need it to do something like this:
- name: Store file into /tmp/fetched/
src: /tmp/somefile.txt
dest: cat src >> /tmp/fetched.txt
In a nutshell:
- name: Get remote file content
src: /tmp/somefile.txt
register: somefile
- name: Append remote file content to a local file
target_file: /tmp/fetched.txt
content: |-
{{ lookup('file', target_file) }}
{{ somefile.content | b64decode }}
dest: "{{ target_file }}"
# Fix write concurrency when running on multiple targets
throttle: 1
delegate_to: localhost
the second task isn't idempotent (will modify the file on each run even with the same content to append)
this will work for small target files. If that file becomes huge and you experience high execution times / memory consumptions, you might want to switch to shell for the second task:
- name: Append remote file content to a local file
cmd: echo "{{ somefile.content | b64decode }}" >> /tmp/fetched
# You might still want to avoid concurrency with multiple targets
throttle: 1
delegate_to: localhost
Alternatively, you could write all contents from all fetched files from all your targets in one go to avoid the concurrency problem and gain some time.
# Copy solution
- name: Append remote files contents to a local file
target_file: /tmp/fetched.txt
fetched_content: "{{ ansible_play_hosts
| map('extract', hostvars, 'somefile.content')
| map('b64decode')
| join('\n') }}"
content: |-
{{ lookup('file', target_file) }}
{{ fetched_content }}
dest: "{{ target_file }}"
delegate_to: localhost
run_once: true
# Shell solution
- name: Append remote files contents to a local file
fetched_content: "{{ ansible_play_hosts
| map('extract', hostvars, 'somefile.content')
| map('b64decode')
| join('\n') }}"
cmd: echo "{{ fetched_content }}" >> /tmp/fetched
delegate_to: localhost
run_once: true
I need to run shell module on all hosts group and copy the register variable to a file on any server.
NOTE : I don't want to copy the results in my local i need it on server
- name: date.
shell: cat /ngs/app/user/test
register: date_res
changed_when: false
- debug:
msg: "{{ ansible_play_hosts | map('extract', hostvars, 'date_res') | map(attribute='stdout') | list }}"
run_once: yes
- name: copy bulk output
content: "{{ allhost_out.stdout }}"
dest: "/ngs/app/{{ app_user }}/test"
Jinja2 loop can be helpful for your case.
Tested on ansible [core 2.13.3]
- name: date.
shell: cat /ngs/app/user/test
register: date_res
changed_when: false
- name: copy bulk output
content: |
{% for host in vars['play_hosts'] %}
{{ host }} {{ hostvars[host].date_res.stdout }}
{% endfor %}
dest: "/ngs/app/{{ app_user }}/bldall"
when: inventory_hostname == host-001.example.com
On host-001.example.com placed a file contains: host1 file content.
On host-002.example.com placed a file contains: host2 file content.
Output on host specified in the copy task:
host-001.example.com host1 file content
host-002.example.com host2 file content
I have a playbook that controls a clustered application. The issue is this playbook can be called/executed a few different ways (manual on the cmd line[multiple SREs working], scheduled task, or programmatically via a 3rd party system).
The problem is if the playbook tries to execute simultaneously, it could cause some issues to the application (nature of the application).
Is there a way to prevent the same playbook from running concurrently on the same Ansible server?
ansible [core 2.11.6]
config file = /app/ansible/ansible_linux_playbooks/playbooks/scoutam_client_configs_playbook/ansible.cfg
configured module search path = ['/etc/ansible/library/modules']
ansible python module location = /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ansible
ansible collection location = /app/ansible/ansible_linux_playbooks/playbooks/scoutam_client_configs_playbook/collections
executable location = /usr/local/bin/ansible
python version = 3.9.7 (default, Nov 1 2021, 11:34:21) [GCC 8.4.1 20200928 (Red Hat 8.4.1-1)]
jinja version = 3.0.2
libyaml = True
you could test if file exist at the start of playbook and stop the play if the file exist with meta, if not you create the file to block another launch:
- name: lock_test
hosts: all
lock_file_path: /tmp/ansible-playbook.lock
- name: Check if some file exists
delegate_to: localhost
path: "{{ lock_file_path }}"
register: lock_file
- block:
- name: "end play "
msg: "playbook already launched, ending play"
- meta: end_play
when: lock_file.stat.exists
- name: create lock_file {{ lock_file_path }}
delegate_to: localhost
path: "{{ lock_file_path }}"
state: touch
# ****************** tasks start
- name: debug
msg: "something to do"
# ****************** tasks end
- name: delete the lock file {{ lock_file_path }}
delegate_to: localhost
path: "{{ lock_file_path }}"
state: absent
but you have to have only one playbook in your play even the first playbook stops, the second is launched except if you do the same test in the next playbook.
it exist a little lapse time before test and creation of file... so the probality to launch twice the same playbook in same second is very low.
The solution will be always better than you have actually
Another solution is to lock an existing file, and test if file is locked or not, but be careful with this option.. see lock, flock in unix command
You can create a lockfile on the controller with the PID of the ansible-playbook process.
- delegate_to: localhost
lockfile: /tmp/thisisalockfile
my_pid: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'cut -d\" \" -f4 /proc/$PPID/stat') }}"
lock_pid: "{{ lookup('file', lockfile) }}"
- name: Lock file
dest: "{{ lockfile }}"
content: "{{ my_pid }}"
when: my_lockfile is not exists
or ('/proc/' ~ lock_pid) is not exists
or 'ansible-playbook' not in lookup('file', '/proc/' ~ lock_pid ~ '/cmdline')
- name: Make sure we won the lock
that: lock_pid == my_pid
fail_msg: "{{ lockfile }} is locked by process {{ lock_pid }}"
Finding the current PID is the trickiest part; $PPID in the lookup is still the PID of a child, so we're grabbing the grandparent out of /proc/
I wanted to post this here but do not consider it a final/perfect answer.
it does work for general purposes.
I put this 'playbook_lock.yml' at the root of my playbook and call it in before any roles.
# ./playbook_lock.yml
## - Uses '/tmp/' on Ansible server as lock file directory
## - Format of lock file: E.g. 129416_20211103094638_playbook_common_01.lock
## -- Detailed explanation further down
## - Race-condition:
## -- Assumption playbooks will not run within 10sec of each other
## -- Assumption lockfiles were not deleted within 10sec
## -- If running the playbook manually with manual input of Ansible Vault
## --- Enter creds within 10 sec or the playbook will consider this run legacy
## - Built logic to only use ansbile.builin modules to not add additional requirements
## Build a transaction ID from year/month/day/hour/min/sec
- name: debug_transactionID
msg: "{{ transactionID }}"
filter: "{{ ansible_date_time }}"
transactionID: "{{ filter.year + filter.month + filter.day + filter.hour + filter.minute + filter.second }}"
run_once: true
delegate_to: localhost
register: reg_transactionID
## Find current playbook PID
## Race-condition => assumption playbooks will not run within 10sec of each other
## If playbook is already running >10secs, this return will be empty
- name: debug_current_playbook_pid
## serach PS for any command matching the name of the playbook | remove the 'grep' result | return only the 1st one (if etime < 10sec)
cmd: "ps -e -o 'pid,etimes,cmd' | grep {{ ansible_play_name }} | grep -v grep | awk 'NR==1{if($2<10) print $1}'"
changed_when: false
run_once: true
delegate_to: localhost
register: reg_current_playbook_pid
## Check for existing lock files
- name: find_existing_lock_files
paths: /tmp
patterns: "*_{{ ansible_play_name }}.lock"
age: 1s
run_once: true
delegate_to: localhost
register: reg_existing_lock_files
## Check and verify existing lock files
- name: block_discovered_existing_lock_files
## build fact of all lock files discovered
- name: fact_existing_lock_files
fact_existing_lock_files: "{{ fact_existing_lock_files | default([]) + [item.path] }}"
loop: "{{ reg_existing_lock_files.files }}"
run_once: true
delegate_to: localhost
- reg_existing_lock_files.matched > 0
## Build fact of all discovered lock files
- name: fact_playbook_lock_file_dict
fact_playbook_lock_file_dict: "{{ fact_playbook_lock_file_dict | default([]) + [data] }}"
## E.g. lockfile => 129416_20211103094638_playbook_common_01.lock
var_pid: "{{ item.split('/')[2].split('_')[0] }}" ## extract the 1st portion = PID
var_transid: "{{ item.split('/')[2].split('_')[1] }}" ## extract 2nd portion = TransactionID
var_playbook: "{{ item.split('/')[2].split('_')[2:] | join('_') }}" ## Extract the remaining and join back together = playbook file
{pid: "{{ var_pid }}", transid: "{{ var_transid }}", playbook: "{{ var_playbook }}"}
loop: "{{ fact_existing_lock_files }}"
run_once: true
delegate_to: localhost
## Check each discovered lock file
## Verify the PID is still operational
- name: shell_verify_pid_is_active
cmd: "ps -p {{ item.pid }} | awk 'NR==2{print $1}'"
loop: "{{ fact_playbook_lock_file_dict }}"
changed_when: false
delegate_to: localhost
register: reg_verify_pid_is_active
## Build fact of discovered previous playbook PIDs
- name: fact_previous_playbook_pids
fact_previous_playbook_pids: "{{ fact_previous_playbook_pids | default([]) + [item.stdout | int] }}"
loop: "{{ reg_verify_pid_is_active.results }}"
run_once: true
delegate_to: localhost
## Build fact is playbook already operational
## Add PIDs together
## If SUM =0 => No PIDs found (no previous playbooks running)
## If SUM != 0 => previous playbook is still operational
- name: fact_previous_playbook_operational
fact_previous_playbook_operational: "{{ ((fact_previous_playbook_pids | sum) | int) != 0 }}"
- reg_existing_lock_files.matched > 0
- reg_current_playbook_pid.stdout is defined
## Continue with playbook, as no previous instances running
- name: block_continue_playbook_operations
## Cleanup legacy lock files, as the PIDs are not operational
- name: stat_cleanup_legacy_lock_files
path: "{{ item }}"
state: absent
loop: "{{ fact_existing_lock_files }}"
run_once: true
delegate_to: localhost
when: fact_existing_lock_files | length >= 1
## Create lock file for current playbook
- name: stat_create_playbook_lock_file
path: "/tmp/{{ var_playbook_lock_file }}"
state: touch
mode: '0644'
var_playbook_lock_file: "{{ reg_current_playbook_pid.stdout }}_{{ reg_transactionID.msg }}_{{ ansible_play_name }}.lock"
run_once: true
delegate_to: localhost
- reg_current_playbook_pid.stdout is defined
## Fail & exit playbook, as previous playbook is still operational
- name: block_playbook_already_operational
- name: fail
msg: 'Playbook "{{ ansible_play_name }}" is already operational! This playbook will now exit without any modifications!!!'
run_once: true
delegate_to: localhost
when: (fact_previous_playbook_operational is true) or
(reg_current_playbook_pid.stdout is not defined)
A file has the following contents
I need to fetch a43019cc-d4a4-4acb-83dd-defd76443c6a and write it to a variable using an Ansible task. This value need to be passed to other tasks in the same Ansible file.
Can someone show me the required task to achieve this.
If your file is on the controller, you can use the file lookup to get its content.
If the file is on the node, you will have to use something like the slurp module.
Then, when you have the file content, you can use the regex_search filter to extract your required text.
With the file on the controller:
- set_fact:
com_dkr_container_id: >-
lookup('file', '/path/to/file')
| regex_search('com\.dkr\.container\.id=(.*)', '\1')
| first
With the file on the node(s):
- slurp:
src: /path/to/file
register: file_content
- set_fact:
com_dkr_container_id: >-
| b64decode
| regex_search('com\.dkr\.container\.id=(.*)', '\1')
| first
This is the job for the ini lookup plugin. See
shell> ansible-doc -t lookup ini
For example, given the file
shell> cat container.properties
The playbook
- hosts: localhost
- set_fact:
id: "{{ lookup('ini', 'com.dkr.container.id
file=container.properties') }}"
- debug:
var: id
id: a43019cc-d4a4-4acb-83dd-defd76443c6a
The lookup plugins work on the controller only. If the file is at the remote host fetch it, e.g. given the file
shell> ssh admin#test_11 cat container.properties
The playbook
- hosts: test_11
- fetch:
src: container.properties
dest: /tmp/fetched
- set_fact:
id: "{{ lookup('ini', 'com.dkr.container.id
file=/tmp/fetched/{{ inventory_hostname }}/container.properties') }}"
- debug:
var: id
gives the same result
id: a43019cc-d4a4-4acb-83dd-defd76443c6a
The playbook above is idempotent. The file will be stored at the controller
shell> tree /tmp/fetched/
└── test_11
└── container.properties
I have created playbook which will run on a remote host and check whether the files exist or not. I want to extract the only files which are not present on the remote host. But my playbook giving all paths whether they are present or not.
- name: Playbook for files not present on remote hosts
hosts: source
gather_facts: false
Filepath: /opt/webapps/obiee/oracle_common/inventory/ContentsXML/comps.xml
- name: Getting files location path
shell: grep -i "COMP NAME" {{ Filepath }} |sed 's/^.*INST_LOC="//'|cut -f1 -d'"' | sed '/^$/d;s/[[:blank:]]//g' // extract files from comps.xml
register: get_element_attribute
- name: check path present or not
path: "{{ item }}"
- "{{ get_element_attribute.stdout_lines }}"
register: path_output
- name: path exists or not
path_item: "{{ item }}" # here i am getting the output as expected that's files not present on remote host
with_items: "{{ path_output.results }}"
register: final_output
when: item.stat.exists == False
- debug:
var: final_output # giving both output i.e. files present and absent
- name: Create a fact list
paths: "{{ final_output.results | map(attribute='item.item') | list }}" # i have add this condition " item.stat.exists == False' inside this stmt
- name: Print Fact
var: paths
The issue resolved by using below command:
- name: Create a fact list
paths: "{{ final_output.results | selectattr('item.stat.exists', 'equalto', false) | map(attribute='item.item') | list }}"
register: config_facts
The following query should get all the file names which don't exsist on the remote host and store them in the fact 'paths':
- name: Create a fact list
paths: "{{ final_output | json_query(query)}}"
query: "results[?(#._ansible_item_label.stat.exists==`false`)]._ansible_item_label.item"
I have multiple .json files on local host where I place my playbook:
json-file-path/{{ testName }}.json
{{ testName }}.json are: testA.json, testB.json, testC.json ... etc.
All .json files have same keys with different values like this:
“a_key”: “a_value1”
“b_key”: “b_value1”
“a_key”: “a_value2”
“b_key”: “b_value2”
“a_key”: “a_value3”
“b_key”: “b_value3”
I need to access the key-value variables from all .json files and if the values meet some condition, I will perform some task in target host. For example, I have:
I go through my .json file one by one, if a_key[value]>3, I will copy this .json file to target host, otherwise skip the task. In this case, I will only copy testC.json to target host.
How would I achieve this? I was thinking of re-constructing my .json files using {{ testName }} as dynamic key of dict like this:
“testName”: “testA”
“a_key”: “a_value1”
“b_key”: “b_value1”
So I can access my variable as {{ testName}}.a_key. So far I haven’t been able to achieve this.
I have tried the following in my playbook:
- host: localhost
- name: construct json files
a_key: “{{ a_value }}”
b_key: “{{ b_value }}”
with_dict: “{{ testName }}”
content: “{{ my_vars | to_nice_json }}”
dest: /json-file-path/{{ testName }}.json
My updated playbook are:
- hosts: remote_hostName
- name: load json files
json_data: “{{ lookup(‘file’, item) | from_json }}”
- name: copy json file if condition meets
src: “{{ item }}”
dest: “{{ /remote_host_path/tmp}}/{{item | basename }}”
delegate_to: “{{ remote_hostName }}”
when: json_data.a_key|int>5
- hosts: localhost
local_src_ dir: /mypath/tmp
remote_host: remote_hostName
remote_dest_dir: /remote_host_path/tmp
- name: looping
include: include.yaml
- “{{ local_src_dir }}/*json”
All json files on localhost under /mypath/tmp/.
Latest version of playbook. It is working now:
- name: loafing json flies
file: “{{ item }}”
name: json_data
- name: copy json file to remote if condition meets
src: “{{ item }}”
dest: ‘/remote_host_path/tmp/{{item | basename}}’
delegate_to: “{{ remote_host }}”
when: json_data.a_key > 5
- hosts: localhost
local_src_dir: /mypath/tmp
remote_host: remote_hostName
remote_dest_dir: /remote_host_path/tmp
- name: looping json files
include: include.yaml
- “{{ local_src_dir }}”/*json”
I am hoping that I have understood your requirements correctly, and that this helps move you forward.
Fundamentally, you can load each of the JSON files so you can query the values as native Ansible variables. Therefore you can loop through all the files, read each one, compare the value you are interested in and then conditionally copy to your remote host via a delegated task. Therefore, give this a try:
Create an include file include.yaml:
# 'item' contains a path to a local JSON file on each pass of the loop
- name: Load the json file
json_data: "{{ lookup('file', item) | from_json }}"
- name: Delegate a copy task to the remote host conditionally
src: "{{ item }}"
dest: "{{ remote_dest_dir }}/{{ item | basename }}"
delegate_to: "{{ remote_host }}"
when: json_data.a_key > value_threshold
then in your playbook:
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
# Set some example vars, tho these could be placed in a variety of places
local_src_dir: /some/local/path
remote_host: <some_inventory_hostname>
remote_dest_dir: /some/remote/path
value_threshold: 3
- name: Loop through all *json files, passing matches to include.yaml
include: include.yaml
loop: "{{ lookup('fileglob', local_src_dir + '/*json').split(',') }}"
Note: As you are running an old version of Ansible, you may need older alternate syntax for all of this to work:
In your include file:
- name: Load the json file
include_vars: "{{ item }}"
- name: Delegate a copy task to the remote host conditionally
src: "{{ item }}"
dest: "{{ remote_dest_dir }}/{{ item | basename }}"
delegate_to: "{{ remote_host }}"
when: a_key > value_threshold
and in your playbook:
- name: Loop through all *json files, passing matches to include.yaml
include: include.yaml
- "{{ local_src_dir }}/*json"