Getting Row Number Of A Specific Record In A Large Dataset With EF Core 6 - c#-6.0

Is there a way to get a specific row number or index of a certain record in a large data set? I came across a solution using list.IndexOf() but this will not work with large datasets as it freezes. I've tried also .Select((entry, index) => new { Id = entry.ID, Index = index }), but it gave an exception that the linq query cannot be translated. I cannot call .ToList() or .AsEnumerable() prior to getting the records as it will just freeze it for larger datasets.
Thank you.


Linq query increase performance efficient query

int mappedCount = (from product in products
from productMapping in DbContext.ProductCategoryMappings
.Where(x => product.TenantId == x.TenantId.ToString() &&
x.ProductId.ToString().ToUpper() == product.ProductGuid.ToUpper())
join tenantCustMapping in DbContext.TenantCustCategories
on productMapping.Value equals tenantCustMapping.Id
select 1).ToList().Sum();
I need to increase the performance.
When mapping product two tables each item having multiple product
If you want to increase performance, you'd need to know the volumes of data that are getting sent around. How many "products" are in your variable.
It may be quicker to update your products list to contain integers / guids and send that to your database rather than send strings that the database has to run ToUpper() on before comparing them.
something like:
var convertedList = products.Select( new {TenantId = int.parse(product.TenantId), productId = Guid.Parse(x.ProductId)}
Then sending that to your Db, and comparing them directly
I think changing "Select 1).ToList().Sum()" to ".Count()" will improve performance. Even if not, it'll help readability.

Search Multiple Indexes with condition

Here is requirement I am working on
There are multiple indexes with name content_ssc, content_teal, content_mmy.
These indexes can have common data (co_code is one of the field in the documents of these indexes)
a. content_ssc can have documents with co_code = teal/ssc/mmy
b. content_mmy can have documents with co_code = ssc/mmy
I need to get the data using below condition (this is one of the approach to get the unique data from these indexes)
a. (Index = content_ssc and site_code = ssc) OR (Index = content_mmy and site_code = mmy)
Basically I am getting a duplicate data from these indexes currently so I need any solution which should fetch unique data from these indexes using the above condition.
I have tried using boolean query with multiple indices from this link but it didn't produce unique result.
Please suggest.
You can use distinct query , and you will get unique result

how can I group sum and count with sequel ORM and postgresl?

This is too tough for me guys. It's for Jeremy!
I have two tables (although I can also envision needing to join a third table) and I want to sum one field and count rows, in the same, table while joining with another table and return the result in json format.
First of all, the data type field that needs to be summed, is numeric(10,2) and the data is inserted as params['amount'].to_f.
The tables are expense_projects which has the name of the project and the company id and expense_items which has the company_id, item and amount (to mention just the critical columns) - the "company_id" columns are disambiguated.
So, the following code:
expense_items = DB[:expense_projects].left_join(:expense_items, :expense_project_id => :project_id).where(:project_company_id => company_id).to_a.to_json
works fine but when I add
expense_total = expense_items.sum(:amount).to_f.to_json
I get an error message which says
TypeError - no implicit conversion of Symbol into Integer:
so, the first question is why and how can this be fixed?
Then I want to join the two tables and get all the project names form the left (first table) and sum amount and count items in the second table. I have tried
DB[:expense_projects].left_join(:expense_items, :expense_items_company_id => expense_projects_company_id).count(:item).sum(:amount).to_json
and variations of this, all of which fails.
I would like a result which gets all the project names (even if there are no expense entries and returns something like:
project item_count item_amount
pr 1 7 34.87
pr 2 0 0
and so on. How can this be achieved with one query returning the result in json format?
Many thanks, guys.
Figured it out, I hope this helps somebody else:
left_join(:expense_items___i, :expense_project_id=>:project_id).

How to achieve dimensional charting on large dataset?

I have successfully used combination of crossfilter, dc, d3 to build multivariate charts for smaller datasets.
My current system caters to 1.5 million txns a day and I want to use the above combination to show dimensional charts on this big sized data (spanned over 6 months). I cannot push this sized data to the frontend for obvious reasons.
The txn data has seconds level granularity but this level of granularity is not required in the visualization. If txn data can be rolled up to a granularity of a day at the backend and push the day based aggregation to the front end then it can drastically reduce the IO traffic and size of the data given to the crossfilter,dc and then dc can show its visualization magic.
Taking forward the above idea -> I decided to reduce the size of the data by reducing the granularity of the timeseries data from millseconds to day by pre-aggregating the data from various dimensions using the below GROUP BY query (this is similar to the stuff done by crossfilter but at the frontend)
Sample output of these rows:
Tuples/Rows in which aggregation is done by (TRUNC(DATELOGGED),CODE) will have a common grouping_id 1 and by (TRUNC(DATELOGGED),ACTION) will have a common grouping_id 2
//group by DTLOGGED, CODE
{"DTLOGGED":"2013-08-03T07:00:00.000Z","CODE":"144","ACTION":"", "TXNCOUNT":69,"GROUPING_ID":1},
{"DTLOGGED":"2013-08-03T07:00:00.000Z","CODE":"376","ACTION":"", "TXNCOUNT":20,"GROUPING_ID":1},
{"DTLOGGED":"2013-08-04T07:00:00.000Z","CODE":"144","ACTION":"", "TXNCOUNT":254,"GROUPING_ID":1},
{"DTLOGGED":"2013-08-04T07:00:00.000Z","CODE":"376","ACTION":"", "TXNCOUNT":961,"GROUPING_ID":1},
{"DTLOGGED":"2013-08-03T07:00:00.000Z","CODE":"","ACTION":"ENROLLED_PURCHASE", "TXNCOUNT":373600,"GROUPING_ID":2},
{"DTLOGGED":"2013-08-03T07:00:00.000Z","CODE":"","ACTION":"UNENROLLED_PURCHASE", "TXNCOUNT":48978,"GROUPING_ID":2},
{"DTLOGGED":"2013-08-04T07:00:00.000Z","CODE":"","ACTION":"ENROLLED_PURCHASE", "TXNCOUNT":402311,"GROUPING_ID":2},
{"DTLOGGED":"2013-08-04T07:00:00.000Z","CODE":"","ACTION":"UNENROLLED_PURCHASE", "TXNCOUNT":54910,"GROUPING_ID":2},
//group by DTLOGGED
{"DTLOGGED":"2013-08-03T07:00:00.000Z","CODE":"","ACTION":"", "TXNCOUNT":460732,"GROUPING_ID":3},
{"DTLOGGED":"2013-08-04T07:00:00.000Z","CODE":"","ACTION":"", "TXNCOUNT":496060,"GROUPING_ID":3}];
These rows are are dis-joined i.e. not like usual rows where each row will have valid values for CODE and ACTION in a single row.
After a selection is made in one of the graphs, the redrawing effect either removes the other graphs or shows no data on them.
Please give me any troubleshooting help or suggest better ways to solve this?
So there are a couple things going on in this question, so I'll try to separate them:
Crossfilter works with tidy data
This means that you will need to come up with a naive method of filling in the nulls you're seeing (or if need be, in your initial query of the data, omit the nulled values. If you want to get really fancy, you could even infer the null values based off of other data. Whatever your solution, you need to make your data tidy prior to putting it into crossfilter.
Groups and Filtering Operations
txnVolByCurrcode = {
if(d.GROUPING_ID ===1) {
return d.TXNCOUNT;
} else {
return 0;
This is a filtering operation done on the reduction. This is something that you should separate. Allow that filtering to occur elsewhere (either in the visual, crossfilter itself, or in the query on the data).
This means your reduceSum's become:
var txnVolByCurrcode = {
return d.TXNCOUNT;
And if you would like the user to select which group to display:
var groupId = cfdata.dimension(function(d) { return d.GROUPING_ID; });
var groupIdGroup =; // this is an interesting name
For an example of this working:

Efficient way to delete multiple rows in HBase

Is there an efficient way to delete multiple rows in HBase or does my use case smell like not suitable for HBase?
There is a table say 'chart', which contains items that are in charts. Row keys are in the following format:
Sometimes I want to regenerate chart for a given date, so I want to delete all rows starting from 'chart|date_reversed_1' till 'chart|date_reversed_2'. Is there a better way than to issue a Delete for each row found by a Scan? All the rows to be deleted are going to be close to each other.
I need to delete the rows, because I don't want one item (one content_id) to have multiple entries which it will have if its ranked_attribute_value had been changed (its change is the reason why chart needs to be regenerated).
Being a HBase beginner, so perhaps I might be misusing rows for something that columns would be better -- if you have a design suggestions, cool! Or, maybe the charts are better generated in a file (e.g. no HBase for output)? I'm using MapReduce.
Firstly, coming to the point of range delete there is no range delete yet in HBase, AFAIK. But there is a way to delete more than one rows at a time in the HTableInterface API. For this simply form a Delete object with row keys from scan and put them in a List and use the API, done! To make scan faster do not include any column family in the scan result as all you need is the row key for deleting whole rows.
Secondly, about the design. First my understanding of the requirement is, there are contents with content id and each content has charts generated against them and those data are stored; there can be multiple charts per content via dates and depends on the rank. In addition we want the last generated content's chart to show at the top of the table.
For my assumption of the requirement I would suggest using three tables - auto_id, content_charts and generated_order. The row key for content_charts would be its content id and the row key for generated_order would be a long, which would auto-decremented using HTableInterface API. For decrementing use '-1' as the amount to offset and initialize the value Long.MAX_VALUE in the auto_id table at the first start up of the app or manually. So now if you want to delete the chart data simply clean the column family using delete and then put back the new data and then make put in the generated_order table. This way the latest insertion will also be at the top in the latest insertion table which will hold the content id as a cell value. If you want to ensure generated_order has only one entry per content save the generated_order id first and take the value and save it into content_charts when putting and before deleting the column family first delete the row from generated_order. This way you could lookup and charts for a content using 2 gets at max and no scan required for the charts.
I hope this is helpful.
You can use the BulkDeleteProtocol which uses a Scan that defines the relevant range (start row, end row, filters).
See here
I ran into your situation and this is my code to implement what you want
Scan scan = new Scan();
scan.setStopRow(structuredKeyMaker.key(endDate + 1));
try {
ResultScanner scanner = table.getScanner(scan);
Iterator<Entity> cdrIterator = new EntityIteratorWrapper(scanner.iterator(), EntityMapper.create(); // this is a simple iterator that maps rows to exact entity of mine, not so important !
List<Delete> deletes = new ArrayList<Delete>();
int bufferSize = 10000000; // this is needed so I don't run out of memory as I have a huge amount of data ! so this is a simple in memory buffer
int counter = 0;
while (entityIterator.hasNext()) {
if (counter < bufferSize) {
// key maker is used to extract key as byte[] from my entity
deletes.add(new Delete(KeyMaker.key(;
} else {
counter = 0;
if (deletes.size() > 0) {
} catch (IOException e) {
