I'm trying to access page, more specifically in this case Instagram, with paid and working static proxy with the following in the command line
playwright codegen --proxy-server="host:port" --username="user" --password="pass" https://instagram.com
and got the error unknown option '--username=user' I tried to search playwright development documentation but didn't find much information regarding this issue. How do you access an url with proxy with playwright codegen?
As of for now it only states the possibility of private proxy requests in the code itself but not via command line playwright codegen
I have a webapi project, and I am utilizing the swashbuckle framework to flush out api documentation.
I have followed the directions to build the documentation xml file with my controller and DTO's, and it all works great locally.
However, when generating the swagger document, a 500 error is thrown. I have confirmed if i remove my xml registration line, the swagger doc is generated and returned successfully.
here is my registration line:
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.EnableSwagger(c =>
Update: I did some additional logging, and while this lne for IncludeXmlComments runs through successfully on startup, when I request the swagger.json file from the server, I am getting a System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file 'D:\home\site\wwwroot\bin\Monetary.Scheduling.xml' exception. when I use the Kudu tools to look into this directory, I cannot find this file.
TL;DR: Why is this file showing up fine locally, but when I deploy to Azure using Kudu or a Octopus nugget package, this file is not there?
The problem is that somehow the XML file is not making it to your server...
I had this exact issue with an Azure deployment it worked fine in my local machine but not in azure
...and it was because I was missing the XML doc in the release config
I've openned an issue on their GitHub and it was marked as a feature request:
So yeah, there are no command line arguments right now.
I'm using Postman to test an ASP.NET WebAPI.
I've added Postman executable as a "browser" in Visual Studio, like this:
The problem is, it simply runs the client without browsing to the debug URL.
Is there a command line for postman.exe in which you can define the starting url?
Also, I was reading about "Newman" but it doesn't seem to be what I need.
Thanks in advance.
I managed to configure stand alone Parse server for my Android app using ubuntu server and mongoDB. And now Parse released its open source dashboard for parse server which I am able to setup but getting error in accessing it remotely.
As it says "Parse Dashboard can only be remotely accessed via HTTPS". I have almost no experience of developing web app. I have tried changing http to https in url but it didn't worked!
I have also tried adding username and password for basic auth, but it didn't worked either! Here's link for parse dashboard
Try starting the dashboard like this:
npm run dashboard
I have the same problem. I set up the parse server through heroku. I tried antsyawn's suggestion, it did not work. The github to parse-dashboard just updated a little more.
Now you should:
npm install -g parse-dashboard
parse-dashboard --appId yourAppId --masterKey yourMasterKey --serverURL "https://example.com/parse" --appName optionalName
They did suggested to add --allowInsecureHTTP=1
Nevertheless, I tried all that as well and its not working. May be you can try this too since you set up your server differently(it might work).
im working with ParseServer And ParseDashboard to Start we cant create confused about two.
For me , more important is ParseDashboard, And yes you can acess Remotely, firstly you need create a hack direct in code to do that.
To run parse dashboard without problems follow this steps.
git clone git#github.com:ParsePlatform/parse-dashboard.git
cd parse-dashboard
npm install
After this! after!...
npm run dashboard
This screen will be showed to you...
When this image is running you can acess by url your serverIp:4040 will show dashboard.
dashboard is running.
The answer from #xiaowoo worked for me. For a visual, I watched this video
Install Parse Server and Parse Dashboard to Digital Ocean
In summary, here is what I ended up running:
parse-dashboard --appId MyApp --masterKey mysupersecretmasterkey --serverURL "" --appName TestApp --allowInsecureHTTP=1
Server response:
The dashboard is now available at
Browse to your dashboard:
I followed the migration path from the parse website to Heroku.
Parse initializes but I cannot find any of my cloud code functions from my JS Angular Web App, example :-
Parse.Cloud.run('checkStats',{'id' : id }
The network tab shows POST request with a 404.
As I test I used hurl.it (http tool) and got the same results, I then changed the url and removed the /1/ and the function works.
Any ideas?
Figured it out, I had to update my Parse JS SDK to the latest version (1.6.14) on the client side. In addition, on the cloud code side, code changes were required as Parse.User.current() or Parse.Cloud.useMasterKey() are no longer supported, instead you need to use different functions for the same result... refer to
I installed dredd - API Blueprint Testing Tool and trying to test our APIary API against the implementation.
In the blueprint I have just one resource which is correctly implemented on somehost... but test fails :(
test command:
dredd apiary.apib http://somehost.de:8443/imp-endpoint
Info: Beginning Dredd testing...
I tried also with more options to get more information what is undefined.. like -l verbose and some other options. But I did not get more information about the failure :(
Does anyone have experience with it? Thank you!!! :)
Answered on Github but I'll reproduce the main points here for reference:
I wasn't able to to reproduce your "undefined" problem, but there are a few issues that, when corrected, make everything work.
At the moment, the base url can't have a path in it (see #43). This is solved in #45 but hasn't yet been merged. So your command should be 'dredd apiary.apib http://somehost.de:8443/' and then '/imp-endpoint' should be a prefix on the urls.
The URI template is incorrect in your apib file. Instead of /api/V0/Resources/CarSharing/Cars?{lat}&{lng}&{radius}, it should be /imp-endpoint/api/V0/Resources/CarSharing/Cars{?lat,lng,radius}. See RFC6750 for reference.
The line-endings should be Unix style, not Windows (\n, not \n\r). When I first ran the apib you provided, I got the error: the use of carriage return(s) '\r' in source data isn't currently supported, please contact makers (this is actually enforced by the blueprint parser, see snowcrash)
Hope that helps! I get a 401 when running the test, so you'll need to provide HTTP Basic authentication information (this can be done in the header section of the blueprint or with the -u flag on dredd, as in -u username:password)