Get path after dragend event in polyline - angular-google-maps

I am using angular google map npm ( for mapping page. Now I try to get new polyline path after polylineDragend event. The polylineDragend event is perfectly triggered, but I didn't get path while using getPath(). How to get path after polylineDragend event.
I am getting getPath() is not a function error.


How to get LabelActionData of a Label

I'm trying to see how to get Labels that does not have any action data for encryption. I see in the SDK it lists LabelActionData as a class, but I can't see anything in the Labels themselves that lets me get the ActionData of that label. Is there anyway to get it via fileEngine to get the labelActionData of each label after getting all the labels with listLabels?

Get reference to Root element in custom element using svelte

When debugging svelte component compiled as a custom control I can see in the compiled code function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) where $$self is the actual "root" element of the component.
Trying to get this $$self in the code leads to an compile time error..
What should I do to get the reference to the shadowRootNode in Svelte, I need it when I want to dispatch a custom event from my custom control e.g 'PersonPicked'

Issue in generating D3 chart in angular2 component

I tried creating a angular2 service which would read the json file and return the contents which would be consumed by the component and draw a bubble-chart using D3.
The http service is returning me the json contents but there is some issue in generating D3 bubblechart. I am not able to get the exact error for not generating the chart in plunker. My plunker url
But when I tried in my localhost, the chrome browser gives me the error as below
angular2-polyfills.js:487 Unhandled Promise rejection: EXCEPTION: Error in :0:0
ORIGINAL EXCEPTION: ReferenceError: d3 is not defined
ReferenceError: d3 is not defined
at new BubbleChartComponent (http://localhost:55568/appScripts/BubbleChartComponent.js:18:22)
at AppView._View_BubbleChartComponent_Host0.createInternal (BubbleChartComponent_Host.template.js:20:36)
at AppView.create (
at ComponentFactory.create (
at ZoneDelegate.invoke (
at Object.onInvoke (
at ZoneDelegate.invoke (
at (
any idea what is it I am missing?

The getButton method is returning undefined

attempting to call $(this).fineUploader("getButton", id); in the submit event handler and getting undefined as a result.
I assume the buttons are being tracked since access to the button is available within the validate and upload events. However, I really would like to know which button was clicked during the submit event so I can set parameters for the specific file upload. The validate event has no file id present to associate specific parameters
In Response to Comments, additional information:
Fineuploader Version 4.1.1
I have tried the scenario in many configurations and getButton method call never works in the submit handler
myfineuploader.on('submit', function(event, id, name) {
var button = $(this).fineUploader('getButton', id);
console.log(button); // Button always shows undefined here
The buttons are defined as spans outside of the template, setup like this in the config:
button: $("#button1"),
extraButtons: [
element: $("#button2")
The button is not associated with the file until after the submit event callback has completed. This was done to ensure that mappings were created only for files that passed all possible validation steps, since it is possible to reject a file in your "submit" handler as well. After some thought, it may be best to create this button to file mapping as soon as we have created an ID for this file internally. I've created an item in our issue tracker to deal with this.
If you move your logic into a "submitted" event handler instead, you should be good to go.

jQuery error - Uncaught Error: can't load XRegExp twice in the same frame

I have a button, onclick of which I'm doing an AJAX call to one of my pages (which contains jqplot elements).
Now, the AJAX req/res works fine for the first click of the button.
When I click my button for the second time, I get an exception saying,
Uncaught Error: can't load XRegExp twice in the same frame
And it points to the jQuery-min file. Any idea on how I can solve this issue?
I have tried this solution and it does not work.
I think the handler is getting "attached" before the DOM element in question actually exists.
Try using jquery.on().
