Youtube channel setup - Items array missing - google-api

While setting up Youtube Channel not getting the items array, when I am calling from postman using Google API Key.
Any idea how I can get that?


Why insert request got an error response via Youtube API?

I request an insert api via Youtube API for starting live streaming and I got an error such as below image.
I knew that it's available live streaming with other tools.(refer to
I have submitted their review request for using a scopes, and our project was accepted by them.
Same request with other client ID is working, but my clientId not working.
Can you explain why it happens?
To be able to live stream on mobile, your channel will need to have at least 1,000 subscribers.

Cannot delete message in IM channel as Slack bot

I'm trying to use chat.delete on a "user" channel, the same as you do with chat.postMessage, however I keep getting a channel_not_found error.
channel=userID, # Exact same value as used with chat.postMessage
Is this a limitation in their API? Is there a way to achieve this?
Turns out chat.postMessage will use the SlackBot channel when addressing a single user. The proper way of communicating via IM with a user is to use When I used that everything works as expected.

Google places, with different api keys getting "You have exceeded your daily request quota for this API."

With google places API, autocomplete.
I'm getting the same response even when I create a new project, and put new API key in fetch.
mykey = different keys
Any ideas why is google always responding with status OVER_QUERY_LIMIT?

Mailchimp - API equivalent to Lists Webhook

We can't setup a Webhook for security reasons so we would like to make a request to the Mailchimp API to get the same information that is contained in the Lists webhook (subscribes, unsubscribes, updates etc) and perform this daily.
I've been looking at the Mailchimp API docs and under the Lists section I can't see anything that would allow us to do a GET for all "list activities" similar to what is contained in the Lists webhook.
Does anyone know if it's possible to get the same information via the Mailchimp API that is contained in the Lists webhook?
I found this endpoint:
which you can call using the Query String parameter:
since_last_changed - Restrict results to subscribers whose information changed after the set timeframe
So far this is the closest that I have found.

How to get error responses from YouTube v3 API :YoutubeService

I am currently using the Google YouTube V3 API to get view counts for few videos on You Tube.
I would like to parse the response to get results when view counts cannot be retrieved. Example “This video is private” or “The uploader has not made this video available”
I need to retrieve this part “This video is private”.
Here is a snippet of my code
Using Google.Apis.Youtube.v3.YoutubeService
private YoutubeService youtube;
var YTVideo = youtube.Videos.List(ytidobj.ToString(), "statistics");
var ViewCountResponse = YTVideo.Fetch()
I am able to get view counts from this call without any issues but I can’t seem to get the error responses?
How can get the error responses back from the the call : var ViewCountResponse = YTVideo.Fetch()
I tried to access the details of my private YouTube video from two accounts, one of which is the owner of the video, via YouTube Data API v3. The owner of the video received the full properties (including "privacyStatus": "private" with no issues, but the other account received a 200 OK response without any properties or details.
It seems like only the owners of the private videos are given a response, while other users will receive an empty response as though no such videos exist. YouTube Data API - Errors does not seem to include error responses for private videos either.
If you need to inform the user should there be an empty response, I suggest a message of "This video does not exist or is made private by the uploader" or something similar.
If you need to know if a video exists but is private, without being its owner, I don't think the v3 API is capable of that.
Which is making sense. The "private" state would not be private, if anyone could see there is a video.
