How to remove decimals without rounding in Power query?
Add column, custom column
= Number.IntegerDivide([ColumnNameHere],1)
or transform the column to remove decimals
= Table.TransformColumns(#"PriorStepNameGoesHere",{{"ColumnNameGoesHere", each Number.IntegerDivide(_,1),type number}})
or transform data type of column to whole number
I have the following matrix loaded:
I need to change the font color of the BB column values when the value is below the value contained in the MIN column cell.
Being grouped columns, the MIN column will not always be in fourth place. How can I do to compare values taking into account the name of the columns?
Thank you!!
I share the output of the dataset:
I have found a solution based on our discussion in the comments:
Create a calculated field in your dataset Ref = ELEMENT + COMPONENT (concatenate the 2 colums, this will be used later)
In the Row Group properties, add a variable MinVar =lookup("MIN" & Fields!Component.Value ,Fields!Ref.Value,Fields!Value.Value,"DataSet1") (replace DataSet1 with your dataset name)
In the font expression of the value field add an expression =if(Fields!Element.Value ="BB",if(Me.Value< Variables!MinVar.value,"Red","Black") ,"Black")
I have tested this and it is working on my end.
I have a dataframe with 3 columns. The column 'machinery' represents word counts, 'cum_sum' is a rolling total count of the column titled 'machinery' and 'cum_pct' is the rolling cumulative percent total.
I have tried pd.options.display.float_format = '{:,.1f}'.format but this shows 1 decimal place for all columns.
How to I show the column 'cum_pct' to one decimal place, not changing the decimal place for the other 2 columns?
# Generate rolling total of the column machinery in data frame 'tokens_test' like above:
tokens_test['cum_sum'] = tokens_test['machinery'].cumsum()
tokens_test['cum_pct'] = ((100.0*tokens_test['cum_sum']/tokens_test["machinery"].sum()))
# Apply formatting:
cols = ['cum_pct']
tokens_test[cols] = tokens_test[cols].applymap('{:,.1f}'.format)
I have a column in my matrix table that is a varchar containing numeric values (stepName). In the report, it prints off as 1,10,11... 2,20,21,22... etc instead of 1,2.. 10, 20.
I found another question that suggested either converting the varchar values to int and then sorting, or adding a datatype numeric column and using that to sort. (sorting string numeric values in SSRS 2008)
I can't convert the varchar values to int as I have about 50/50 varchar/numeric values. I actually have a numeric sequence column, but when I tried to use this as a sort both in the query, the column tablix properties and the list tablix properties, it still didn't sort. What am I missing? Thank you!
select hrss.salaryScheduleCode, hrss.salaryScheduleName, st.stepName, st.seq, sl.laneName
from dbo.HRSalarySchedule hrss
left join dbo.HRSalaryScheduleStep st on st.hrSalaryScheduleID = hrss.hrSalaryScheduleID
left join dbo.HRSalaryScheduleLane sl on sl.hrSalaryScheduleID = hrss.hrSalaryScheduleID
order by hrss.salaryScheduleCode, st.seq, sl.seq
Change the sorting of the tablix to use an expression:
Ok, I misunderstood the 50/50 thing with varchar/numeric values, so here's a better solution.
The Val function evaluates a leading numerical value, so I suggest to create 2 sorting columns:
Expression =Val(Fields!stepName.Value)
Field stepName
This will for example create a sort order like this:
Here's a screenshot to clarify what to configure:
I have two columns and I need to extract the maximum value of those two for every row in my table. I have looked at the Max, Maxx and Maxa, but they all have input for just one column.
How would I write following expression in a Calculated column:
Actually, you should write the formula exactly as you described:
MAX function in dax exists in 2 versions: one takes a single column, the other takes 2 singular expressions.
Instead of MAX, you can just use a simple IF to achieve what you want:
= IF(Table1[Column1] >= Table1[Column2], Table1[Column1], Table1[Column2])
I want to hide the last column for matrix in SSRS.
The column is in number format.
I have try the column visibility with expression like
IIF(Fields!abc.Value = Last(Fields!abc.Value), true, false)
but it didnt work. It still show all columns.
Is it my last function use incorrectly?
Any other way to do this ?