configure firefox/brave to store webpages in safari webarchive format? - firefox

I want to configure firefox/brave to store webpages in safari webarchive format.
There used to be a plugin for firefox. But it is not available anymore.
Is there a way to do so?


PDF JavaScript support in Mac OS safari browser

This may not the the place to ask this question, but I've done a lot of searching and couldn't find any clear answer.
I have a PDF built with Adobe Acrobat DC with a lot of JavaScript (mostly changing some field value based on other fields, of just simple validation). That PDF is served from a Web Application. In MacOS, the PDF JavaScript does not seem to work when the PDF is opened in Safari or in the default MacOS preview application, but works perfectly fine when opened with Adobe Reader or chrome. However, starting Safari v11, adobe reader safari plugin has been discontinued/not supported, therefore the PDF first opens in the Safari default PDF viewer(with wrong values, because JS is not triggered I think) and only from there it can be opened in Adobe Reader, this is very bad UX.
I just wanted to make sure if PDF JavaScript is indeed not supported in Safari or am I doing something wrong?
This is usually caused by object-src in CSP.
If your pdf is self-hosted, you can set object-src: [ self ].

Deploy/Update WebExtension Firefox/Chrome

I have an extension that do the same on Firefox and Chrome that I would like to deploy / be able to update in Enterprise environment for Firefox and Chrome.
I am not wanting to use the stores and I could not find informations on how I would be able to deploy/update this extension on 200+ computers without having to do it manually.
If someone have some informations about how to do this.

Woff fonts from Google Fonts load just fine on Chrome and IE, custom Woffs from personal web server only work in Chrome?

I load custom fonts from both Google Fonts and my personal website.
The fonts hosted by Google Fonts and by my server are both .woff and are both loaded via " of the HTML.
I've tested Google's Roboto and Ubuntu CSS and my Roboto and Ubuntu CSS, and they work in Chrome, but only the Google Fonts versions work in Internet Explorer. Is this a security thing on IE's end? Seems like something M$ would do...
To be clear, the test computer is not my server, and does not have any custom fonts, including Ubuntu, installed. I am able to load and view the CSS files from my server, and download the fonts themselves.
Sounds like your server don't send the correct font mime type.
Google do send the correct mime, your server maybe not.

Google maps integrated to openlayers are not visible in firefox and internet explorer

I integrated google maps as a base layer (wms layer) with openlayers. The system was working properly and all the browsers were displaying the base layer google map properly.
Then I updated firefox. Now the firefox has stopped showing the google maps (wfs layers). But it still show the wfs features.
I tried it in google chorme and internet explorer also (newest versions). Google chrome displays everything properly. But the internet explorer has the same problem.
How could I resolve this?
New versions of IE and Firefox are not supporting map outputs if you are using local file paths in your codes. Try using url of the files you want to access or just put all your files into one folder and then use in ie or firefox. That may solve it.

Displaying PDF and website in Windows

In Windows, is there a native way to display PDF files and simple websites?
On Mac, both tasks are very simple:
[[PDFView ...] setDocument:[PDFDocument ...]];
[[[WebView ...] mainFrame] loadRequest:[NSURLRequest ...]];
Is there anything comparable on Windows? From which version?
There is nothing native in Windows for embedding a PDF document in an application. You would have to host a third-party ActiveX/COM container, such as from Adobe Acrobat, to handle that.
For a webpage, you can host Internet Explorer's WebBrowser control in your app. Some third-party browsers, like Mozilla and FireFox, also support hosting in apps.
Or, you could use the ShellExecute() function to open a given document/url in its default external application instead of hosting it inside of your own app.
