What does Uppercased term inside union means in Elm? - syntax

I'm reading Elm documentation related to syntax, and stumbled upon this snippet:
type User
= Regular String Int
| Visitor String
what type Regular and Visitor is? another type that never defined before? or a function?
it does like a function call, but the parameter is a type, it doesn't look like function signature because there's no ->

This is documented in the relevant section of the Elm Guide (note that this is linked to from the section in the syntax guide that you link to in your question), but I admit it isn't quite as clear to a beginner as it should be.
Regular and Visitor are indeed functions, and not types, in your example. (In Haskell and PureScript they would be called "(data) constructors", which essentially can be used as regular functions but with the extra feature of being usable in pattern matching on the type they're defined in. Elm has quite a few differences from these 2 languages but has much the same roots, and indeed you can do pattern matching in this way in Elm too.)
This is proved by the REPL examples on the page I linked to, from which the following is a verbatim copy and paste:
> type User
| = Regular String Int
| | Visitor String
> Regular
<function> : String -> Int -> User
> Visitor
<function> : String -> User
And like all functions in Elm (again as in Haskell etc.) these functions are automatically curried, so in your example Regular "something" is a function of type Int -> User.
As you observe, "it doesn't look like a function signature" - and it's not. This isn't how you define a typical function. It's instead a definition of a custom data type, which then gives you these "constructor functions" for free.


Is F# Constructed Type syntax special?

I was curious about F#'s "constructed type" syntax. It's documented here.
type-argument generic-type-name
With the following examples:
int option
string list
int ref
Dictionary<int, string>
I was curious if there's anything special about the "backwards" syntax, with the parameter before the type, or if it's just sugar for generic types with one parameter. The following is valid:
type 'a MyOption = // MyOption<'a> also works
| MySome of 'a
| MyNone
But I could not get it to work with multiple type parameters. Why do F# developers prefer this syntax for types with one parameter? Is it possible or desirable to make it work with two?
The backwards syntax is a legacy from OCaml. Personally, I never use it. If you really want to, you can make it work with multiple type arguments like this:
type MyMap = (int, string) Map
However, this generates a pointed warning (that might soon become an error):
This construct is for ML compatibility. The syntax '(typ,...,typ) ident' is not used in F# code. Consider using 'ident<typ,...,typ>' instead. You can disable this warning by using '--mlcompatibility' or '--nowarn:62'.
Bottom line, I would recommend always using .NET syntax instead: MyOption<'a> instead of 'a MyOption.
Why do F# developers prefer this syntax for types with one parameter?
Not all of us do. I love F# and am in awe of it, but find the OCaml style distracting.
It gets especially confusing when the two styles are mixed - compare the readability of Async<Result<int,string list>> list with that of List<Async<Result<int,List<string>>>>.
Here is a thread with some arguments from both sides from fslang suggestions, which I think led to the deprecation of OCaml-style for everything but list, option and a few others.
I find it regrettable that the OCaml style is specified as the preferred option (for these types) in the various style guides, and used throughout the core libraries, while there is such a strong drive to make the language more accessible to newcomers. It definitely adds to the learning curve, as documented in this question,
and here,
Is it possible or desirable to make [OCaml style naming] work with two [type parameters]?
I think a better question is: "Is it possible to only use .NET style?".
Unfortunately the tooling shows types the way they are declared, and the core libraries consistently use OCaml style. I have asked Rider about always showing declarations .NET style in code vision, who referred me to FSharp compiler services. I have not (yet) investigated that avenue further.
In our own code we have taken to overriding the OCaml signatures of functions that ship with F# and other libraries as we come across them, for example:
module NoCaml =
module List =
/// Returns a new collection containing only the elements of the collection for which the given predicate returns "true"
let filter = List.filter : ('a -> bool) -> List<'a> -> List<'a>
/// val groupBy : projection:('T -> 'Key) -> list:'T list -> ('Key * 'T list) list (requires equality and equality) 'T is 'a 'Key is 'b Applies a key-generating function to each element of a list and yields a list of unique keys. Each unique key contains a list of all elements that match to this key.
let groupBy = List.groupBy : ('a -> 'b) -> List<'a> -> List<'b * List<'a>>
// etc.
This solves the problem in almost all cases (some exceptions like list construction using [] remain, and need to be overridden at the point of declaration).
I'm not sure what influence this has on performance at runtime - hopefully the extra function calls are optimised away.

Scheme names with * as suffix

There are some forms in the tradition of Scheme that are named the same as more primitive forms but with a * appended as a suffix.
Some examples
Now for these derived forms the explanation is that you get visibility of your previous bindings
in the later bindings kind of a letrec style but creating one id at a time instead of all at once (?).
Now this pattern extends thought to other forms and some packages have custom macros with the * symbol as a suffix (define-ratbag*). Is this some implicit convention of the Scheme tribe, is this documented somewhere?
There are several things that a * suffix might mean:
sequential scoping like let*, as opposed to independent scoping like let. Examples: with-syntax* is like with-syntax, but each right-hand side is in the scope of previous clauses.
sequential effect as opposed to independent effect. Examples: parameterize* is like parameterize, but each parameter's new value is evaluated with the previous parameters updated to their new values; with-handlers* is like with-handlers, but each exception handler is called in a context with the previous exception handlers installed.
like the other thing, but multiple times. Examples: remove* is like remove, but removes all occurrences of the given element; regexp-match* is like regexp-match, but finds all matches.
like the other thing, but the final argument acts like a rest-argument. Examples append*, list*: (append* vss) is equivalent to (apply append vss).
like the other thing, but accepts multiple arguments. Examples: hash-set* is like hash-set, but accepts multiple key-value pairs.
like the other thing, but just a bit different. Examples: write-bytes-avail* is like write-bytes-avail, except it never blocks; date* is like date except it adds nanosecond and time-zone-name fields; call-with-input-file* is like call-with-input-file except closes the input port on escapes. In this usage, you can read * as Scheme/Racket's version of a prime suffix.

How does a loosely typed language know how to handle different data types?

I was working on a simple task yesterday, just needed to sum the values in a handful of dropdown menus to display in a textbox via Javascript. Unexpectedly, it was just building a string so instead of giving me the value 4 it gave me "1111". I understand what was happening; but I don't understand how.
With a loosely typed language like Javascript or PHP, how does the computer "know" what type to treat something as? If I just type everything as a var, how does it differentiate a string from an int from an object?
What the + operator will do in Javascript is determined at runtime, when both actual arguments (and their types) are known.
If the runtime sees that one of the arguments is a string, it will do string concatenation. Otherwise it will do numeric addition (if necessary coercing the arguments into numbers).
This logic is coded into the implementation of the + operator (or any other function like it). If you looked at it, you would see if typeof(a) === 'string' statements (or something very similar) in there.
If I just type everything as a var
Well, you don't type it at all. The variable has no type, but any actual value that ends up in that variable has a type, and code can inspect that.

What does :: mean in Rust?

What does the :: syntax in Rust, as seen here, mean:
fn chunk(n: uint, idx: uint) -> uint {
let sh = uint::BITS - (SHIFT * (idx + 1));
(n >> sh) & MASK
In languages like Haskell it means a type hint, but here the compiler already has an annotation of that values type, so it seems it's likely type casting.
Please review Appendix B: Operators and Symbols of The Rust Programming Language.
In this case, the double colon (::) is the path separator. Paths are comprised of crates, modules, and items.
The full path for your example item, updated for 1.0 is:
Here, std is the crate, usize is a module, and BITS is the specific item — in this case a constant.
If you scroll up in your file, you'll see use core::usize. use adds the path to the set of items to look in. That's how you can get away with just saying usize::BITS. The core crate is an implementation detail of the façade that is the std crate, so you can just substitute std for core in normal code.
:: can also be used as a way to specify generic types when they cannot otherwise be inferred; this is called the turbofish.
See also:
What is the syntax: `instance.method::<SomeThing>()`?
Oops. I wasn't reading very clearly. In this case, it's just the normal way of referring to anything under a module. uint::BITS is a constant, it seems.

What is ...interface{} as an argument

I am referring to the source of func Printf on http://golang.org/pkg/log/
func Printf(format string, v ...interface{})
Printf calls Output to print to the standard logger. Arguments are handled in the manner of fmt.Printf.
I have two questions:
What is the '...' ?
What does ...interface{} mean?
Thank you very much
This isn't exactly specific to go, so unlike the other answerers I'll go the more general route.
On Variable Arguments (...)
... here, called "ellipsis", indicates the function can receive a variable number of arguments, often referred to as varargs (or var-args, or other spellings). This is called a variadic function.
It simply means that, according to the following signature:
func Printf(format string, v ...interface{}) (n int, err error) {}
Printf will expect a first argument of type string, and then between 0 and N arguments of type interface{}. More on that type in the next section.
While the ability to supply any number of arguments can seem very handy, and without going into too much details here for risk of going off-topic, it comes with a few caveats depending on the implementation in the language:
increase in memory consumption,
decrease in readability,
decrease in code security.
I'll leave it up to you to look up why from the resources above.
On the Empty Interface (interface{})
This syntax bit is a bit more Go-specific, but the hint is in the name: interface.
An interface (or closer to Go's paradigm, a protocol), is a type that defines a contract for other objects to comply to. According to this Wikipedia article on interfaces in computing (emphasis in bold mine and corrections in italics mine):
In object-oriented languages, **the term "interface" is often used to define an abstract type that contains no data, but exposes behaviors defined as methods. A class having all the methods corresponding to that interface is said to implement that interface. Furthermore, a class can [in some languages]) implement multiple interfaces, and hence can be of different types at the same time.
An interface is hence a type definition; anywhere an object can be exchanged (in a function or method call) the type of the object to be exchanged can be defined in terms of an interface instead of a specific class. This allows later code to use the same function exchanging different object types; _[aiming to be]_ generic and reusable.
Now back to Go's Empty Interface
Go is a strongly typed language, with several built-in types, including Interface Types, which they describe as gollows in the current (1.1) language specifications:
An interface type specifies a method set called its interface. A variable of interface type can store a value of any type with a method set that is any superset of the interface. Such a type is said to implement the interface.
Futher down, you are introduced to the construct you see in Printf's signature, interface{} (emphasis in bold mine):
A type implements any interface comprising any subset of its methods and may therefore implement several distinct interfaces. For instance, all types implement the empty interface:
This basically means that any type an be represented as the "empty interface", and thus that Printf can accept variables of any type for these varargs.
A Quick Comparison with Other Languages
Historically, the name printf comes from the C function and from the binary of the same name, printf meaning "print formatted", though there were variadic print functions in earlier languages, and variadic functions are used for many other scenarios. However, printf is often considered the prime example of such a use. It's signature in C is:
int printf(const char *format, ...);
As a result of their practicality, varargs and printf's familiar face show up in most languages...
In Java, printf exists under multiple forms, notably from the PrintStream class:
public PrintStream printf(String format, Object... args)
Some other langauges do not bother with specifying variable arguments and make it implicit, for instance in JavaScript, the arguments special variable within a function allows to access any arguments passed to a function, whether they match the prototype or not.
The console.log() method would be an example similar to printf, with the following pseudo-signature expanded for clarity (but actually simply using arguments):
console.log(obj1 [, obj2, ..., objN);
console.log(msg [, subst1, ..., substN);
The documentation directly answers to your question. Here is the link and the related part:
The signature of Printf uses the type ...interface{} for its final argument to specify that an arbitrary number of parameters (of arbitrary type) can appear after the format.
func Printf(format string, v ...interface{}) (n int, err error) {
Within the function Printf, v acts like a variable of type []interface{} but if it is passed to another variadic function, it acts like a regular list of arguments. Here is the implementation of the function log.Println we used above. It passes its arguments directly to fmt.Sprintln for the actual formatting.
// Println prints to the standard logger in the manner of fmt.Println.
func Println(v ...interface{}) {
std.Output(2, fmt.Sprintln(v...)) // Output takes parameters (int, string)
We write ... after v in the nested call to Sprintln to tell the compiler to treat v as a list of arguments; otherwise it would just pass v as a single slice argument.
The Go documentation is pretty good and the Language specification is really well written and understandable. Why not have a look?
Ctrl-F in your browser and looking for ... and interface{} will enlighten you.
