Prolog binary counter - prolog

i'm trying to do a program that counts the sequence of binary numbers, let me give an example
the input is [0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1]
The output should be [0(the first number),3(number of 0 in sequence),2 (number of 1 in sequence),3,4]
the input size is infinite and it needs to be a list, so far what I have done is this:
T = [], X is H, Y is 1.
T \= [], X is H,X1 is 1, contlist([H|T],[X1,Y]).
T \= [],
H =:= [T|_},
T1 i
X1 is X+1.
I don't know how to compare the head with the head of the tail and how to continue from there, maybe someone can help me?

This is a special case of Run-length encoding suitable for binary sequences.
You begin noting the first bit and start counting either 1s or 0s, when the bit flips you "output" the number and start counting the other bit value. Every time the sequence flips bits you output the number and start counting again until the whole sequence is processed. Note this procedure is not reversible. To make it reversible you would probably want to use clp(FD).
rle_binary([B|Seq], [B|BRLE]):-
rle_binary(Seq, B, 1, BRLE).
rle_binary([], _, N, [N]).
rle_binary([B|Seq], B, N, BRLE):-
succ(N, N1),
rle_binary(Seq, B, N1, BRLE).
rle_binary([B1|Seq], B, N, [N|BRLE1]):-
B \= B1,
rle_binary(Seq, B1, 1, BRLE1).
Sample run:
?- rle_binary( [0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1], BRLE).
BRLE = [0, 3, 2, 3, 4] ;

What you're talking about is Run-Length Encoding.
It's easy to implement. Executing the below code as
?- run_length_encoding( [a,b,b,c,c,c] , Rs ) .
Rs = [ a:1, b:2, c:3 ]
[The code doesn't care what the list contains (outside of perhaps unbound variables)]
You can fiddle with it at:
run_length_encoding( Xs, Ys ) :- nonvar(Xs), ! , rle_encode(Xs,Ys) .
run_length_encoding( Xs, Ys ) :- nonvar(Ys), rle_decode(Ys,Xs) .
rle_encode( [] , [] ) .
rle_encode( [X|Xs] , Rs ) :- rle_encode(Xs,X:1,Rs) .
rle_encode( [X|Xs] , Y:N , [Y:N|Rs] ) :- X \= Y , ! , rle_encode(Xs,X:1,Rs) .
rle_encode( [X|Xs] , X:N , Rs ) :- M is N+1 , ! , rle_encode(Xs,X:M,Rs) .
rle_encode( [] , X:N , [X:N] ) .
rle_decode( [] , [] ) .
rle_decode( [X:N|Xs] , [X|Ys] ) :- N > 0, !, M is N-1, rle_decode([X:M|Xs],Ys) .
rle_decode( [_:0|Xs] , Ys ) :- rle_decode(Xs,Ys) .

Using SWI-Prolog predicates clumped/2 and pairs_values/2:
rle([X|Xs], [X|V]) :-
clumped([X|Xs], P),
pairs_values(P, V).
?- rle([0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1], L).
L = [0, 3, 2, 3, 4].


Impossible for me to solve: Simple recursion does not take integers for indexing a list....source_sink does not exist?

This recursion should slice IL to IR out of the list Lin and hand result LOut...
slice(_,IL,IR,LOut) :-
slice(Lin,IL,IR,LOut) :-
IK is IL + 1,
Input / Output:
?- slice([1,2,3,4],2,3,X).
ERROR: source_sink `'3'' does not exist
ERROR: source_sink `'4'' does not exist
X = [] .
I m also new to Prolog, but I think this recursion must somehow work. Also I'm not really known to the error codes in Prolog, but after checking multiple times I just have to give up... I hope you guys can help me.
slice(_,IL,IR,LOut) :-
[LOut]. % <-- this line causes source_sink error.
That syntax [name] tries to load the file as Prolog source code. By the time your code gets there, LOut is [3,4] so it tries to load the files and, and they don't exist (thankfully, or else who knows what they could do).
I think this recursion must somehow work
It won't; you are appending to a list as you go down into the recursion, which means you will never see the result.
The following might be a close version which works, at least one way:
slice(_,IL,IR,[]) :-
IR < IL.
slice(Lin,IL,IR,[X|LOut]) :-
IR >= IL,
IK is IL + 1,
?- slice([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9], 2, 5, X).
X = [2, 3, 4, 5]
See how [X|LOut] in the second rule's header puts X in the result that you get, and append/3 is not needed, and LOut finishes down in the recursion eventually as [] the empty list from the first rule, and all the X's are prepended on the front of it to make the result on the way down into the recursion, which is tail recursion, so it doesn't need to go back up, only forward, since there's nothing left to be done after the recursive call.
Since the "cons" is done before the recursion, this is known as "tail recursion modulo cons" in other languages, but in Prolog it is just tail, and the list is being built top-down on the way forward, as opposed to being built bottom up on the way back:
Lin=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9], slice( Lin, 2, 5, R)
nth0(2,Lin,X2), R=[X2|R2], slice( Lin, 3, 5, R2)
nth0(3,Lin,X3), R2=[X3|R3], slice( Lin, 4, 5, R3)
nth0(4,Lin,X4), R3=[X4|R4], slice( Lin, 5, 5, R4)
nth0(5,Lin,X5), R4=[X5|R5], slice( Lin, 6, 5, R5)
R5 = [].
I think findall/3 provides a readable readable solution for your problem:
slice(Lin,IL,IR,LOut) :-
?- slice([1,2,3,4],2,3,X).
X = [3, 4].
If you expect a different outcome, use standard arithmetic comparison operators (=<,>=) instead of between/3.
I think you want:
list_elems_slice(Start, End, Lst, Slice) :-
list_elems_slice_(Lst, 1, Start, End, Slice).
list_elems_slice_([H|T], N, N, End, [H|Slice]) :-
list_elems_slice_capture_(T, N, End, Slice).
list_elems_slice_([_|T], N, Start, End, Slice) :-
N1 is N + 1,
list_elems_slice_(T, N1, Start, End, Slice).
list_elems_slice_capture_(_, N, N, []).
list_elems_slice_capture_([H|T], N, End, [H|Slice]) :-
N1 is N + 1,
list_elems_slice_capture_(T, N1, End, Slice).
Result in swi-prolog:
?- list_elems_slice(S, E, [a,b,c], Slice).
S = E, E = 1,
Slice = [a] ;
S = 1,
E = 2,
Slice = [a, b] ;
S = 1,
E = 3,
Slice = [a, b, c] ;
S = E, E = 2,
Slice = [b] ;
S = 2,
E = 3,
Slice = [b, c] ;
S = E, E = 3,
Slice = [c] ;
Assuming that the point of this exercise is to teach you to think recursively, I would approach the problem as follows.
To get what you want is essentially two separate operations:
You first must discard some number of items from the beginning of the list, and then
Take some number of items from what's left over
That gives us discard/3:
discard( Xs , 0 , Xs ) .
discard( [_|Xs] , N , Ys ) :- N > 0 , N1 is N-1, discard(Xs,N1,Ys) .
and take/3, very nearly the same operation:
take( _ , 0 , [] ) .
take( [X|Xs] , N , [Y|Ys] ) :- N > 0 , N1 is N-1, take(Xs,N1,Ys) .
Once you have those two simple predicates, slice/4 itself is pretty trivial:
% slice( List , Left, Right, Sublist )
slice( Xs, L, R, Ys ) :- % to slice a list,
L =< R, % - the left offset must first be less than or equal to the right offset
N is R-L, % - compute the number of items required, and then
discard(Xs,L,X1), % - discard the first L items, and
take(X1,N,Ys). % - take the next N items
. % Easy!
Another approach would be to use append/3:
slice( Xs , L, R, Ys ) :-
length(Pfx,L), % - construct of list of the length to be discarded
append(Pfx,Sfx,Xs), % - use append to split Xs
N is R-L, % - compute the number of items required
length(Ys,N), % - ensure Ys is the required length
append(Ys,_,Sfx) % - use append to split off Ys
. % Easy!

Definite Logic Program

The aim is to implement the predicate noDupl/2.
The first argument of this predicate is the list to analyze and second argument is the list of numbers which are no duplicate.
I could not understand code below and when I compiled it, it gave an error message that contained is undefined procedure, however as a hint it is written that we can use as predefined predicate contained and notContained. I think I need to define contained and notContained.
noDupl(XS, Res):-
help( XS, [],Res).
help(XS, [X|Seen], Res).
help(XS, Seen, Res).
help(XS, [X|Seen], Res).
Could someone please explain me the problem.
The missing definitions might be:
contained(X,[E|Es]) :-
dif(X, E),
contained(X, Es).
notContained(_X, []).
notContained(X, [E|Es]) :-
dif(X, E),
notContained(X, Es).
(I like to call these relations rather memberd/2 and non_member/2.)
The definition you gave extends the relation with an extra argument for the elements considered so far.
To understand the meaning of each clause, read each right-to-left in the direction of the arrow (the :- is a 1970's ASCII-fication of ←). Let's take the first rule:
Provided, that X is not an element of XS, and
provided, that X is not an element of Seen, and
provided, that help(X, [X|Seen], Res) is true,
then also help([X|XS],Seen,[X|Res]) is true.
In other words, if X is neither in the list of visited elements Seen nor in the elements yet to be visited XS, then it does not possess a duplicate.
What is a bit difficult to understand is whether or not the clauses you gave are mutually exclusive - this is, strictly speaking, not your concern, as long as you are only interested in declarative properties, but it is a good idea to avoid such redundancies.
Here is a case, where such redundancy shows:
?- noDupl([a,a,a],U).
U = []
; U = []
; false.
Ideally, the system would give one determinate answer:
?- noDupl([a,a,a], U).
U = [].
Personally, I do not like a lot to split things into too many cases. Essentially, we could have two: it is a duplicate, and it is none.
It is possible to provide a definition that is correct and still fully determinate for the cases where determinism is possible - such as when the first argument is "sufficiently instantiated" (which includes a ground list). Let's see if there are some answers into that direction.
I've annotated your code for you:
noDupl( XS , Res ) :- % Res is the [unique] set of element from the bag XS
help( XS, [],Res) % if invoking the helper succeeds.
. %
help( [] , _ , [] ) . % the empty list is unique.
help( [X|XS] , Seen , [X|Res] ) :- % A non-empty list is unique, if...
notContained(X,XS), % - its head (X) is not contained in its tail (XS), and
notContained(X,Seen), % - X has not already been seen, and
help(XS, [X|Seen], Res). % - the remainder of the list is unique.
help( [X|XS] , Seen , Res ) :- % otherwise...
contained(X,Seen) , % - if X has been seen,
help(XS, Seen, Res). % - we discard it and recurse down on the tail.
help([X|XS],Seen,Res):- % otherwise...
contained(X,XS), % - if X is in the tail of the source list,
help(XS, [X|Seen], Res). % - we discard it (but add it to 'seen').
Your contained/2 and notContained/2` predicates might be defined as this:
contained( X , [X|_] ) :- ! .
contained( X , [Y|Ys] ) :- X \= Y , contained( X , Ys ) .
not_contained( _ , [] ) .
not_contained( X , [Y|Ys] ) :- X \= Y , not_contained(X,Ys) .
Now, I may be missing something in your code, but there's an awful lot of redundancy in it. You could simply write something like this (using the built-ins member/2 and reverse/2):
no_dupes( List , Unique ) :- no_dupes( Bag , [] , Set ) .
no_dupes( [] , V , S ) . % if we've exhausted the bag, the list of visited items is our set (in reverse order of the source)
reverse(V,S) % - reverset it
. % - to put our set in source order
no_dupes( [X|Xs] , V , S ) :- % otherwise ...
( member(X,V) -> % - if X is already in the set,
V1 = V % - then we discard X
; V1 = [X|V] % - else we add X to the set
) , % And...
no_dupes( Xs , V1 , S ) % we recurse down on the remainder
. % Easy!
Can this be done in a pure and efficient way?
Yes, by using
tpartition/4 and (=)/3 like so:
dups_gone([] ,[]).
dups_gone([X|Xs],Zs0) :-
if_(Ts=[], Zs0=[X|Zs], Zs0=Zs),
Some sample ground queries (all of which succeed deterministically):
?- dups_gone([a,a,a],Xs).
Xs = [].
?- dups_gone([a,b,c],Xs).
Xs = [a, b, c].
?- dups_gone([a,b,c,b],Xs).
Xs = [a, c].
?- dups_gone([a,b,c,b,a],Xs).
Xs = [c].
?- dups_gone([a,b,c,b,a,a,a],Xs).
Xs = [c].
?- dups_gone([a,b,c,b,a,a,a,c],Xs).
Xs = [].
This also works with more general queries. Consider:
?- length(Xs,N), dups_gone(Xs,Zs).
N = 0, Xs = [], Zs = []
; N = 1, Xs = [_A], Zs = [_A]
; N = 2, Xs = [_A,_A], Zs = []
; N = 2, Xs = [_A,_B], Zs = [_A,_B], dif(_A,_B)
; N = 3, Xs = [_A,_A,_A], Zs = []
; N = 3, Xs = [_A,_A,_B], Zs = [_B], dif(_A,_B)
; N = 3, Xs = [_A,_B,_A], Zs = [_B], dif(_A,_B)
; N = 3, Xs = [_B,_A,_A], Zs = [_B], dif(_A,_B), dif(_A,_B)
; N = 3, Xs = [_A,_B,_C], Zs = [_A,_B,_C], dif(_A,_B), dif(_A,_C), dif(_B,_C)
; N = 4, Xs = [_A,_A,_A,_A], Zs = []

Write a recursive Prolog predicate of three arguments, called common, which returns the number of elements that belong to both lists

Write a recursive Prolog predicate of three arguments, called common, which returns the number of elements that belong to both lists.
For example:
?- common ( [a, b, c, k, h], [b,c,d,e], N).
?- common ( [b, a, c, d], [a, b, c, d, e] , N).
Preserve logical-purity!
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
First, we define meta-predicate tcountd/3 in order to discount duplicate list items. tcount/3 is similar to tcount/3, but uses tfilter/3 and dif/3 for excluding duplicates:
:- meta_predicate tcountd(2,?,?).
tcountd(P_2,List,Count) :-
:- meta_predicate list_tcountd_pred(?,?,2).
list_tcountd_pred([] ,0, _ ).
list_tcountd_pred([X|Xs0],N,P_2) :-
if_(call(P_2,X), (N #= N0+1, N0 #>= 0), N = N0),
We define common/3 based upon meta-predicate tcountd/3, Prolog lambdas, and memberd_t/3:
common(Xs,Ys,N) :-
Let's run the sample queries the OP gave:
?- common([a,b,c,k,h],[b,c,d,e],N).
N = 2.
?- common([b,a,c,d],[a,b,c,d,e],N).
N = 4.
As common/3 is monotone, we get sound answers with non-ground queries, too! Consider:
?- common([A,B],[X,Y],N).
N = 1, A=B , B=X
; N = 2, A=X , B=Y , dif(X,Y)
; N = 1, A=X , dif(B,X), dif(B,Y)
; N = 1, A=B , B=Y , dif(X,Y)
; N = 2, A=Y , B=X , dif(X,Y)
; N = 1, A=Y , dif(B,X), dif(B,Y), dif(X,Y)
; N = 0, A=B , dif(B,X), dif(B,Y)
; N = 1, dif(A,X), dif(A,Y), B=X
; N = 1, dif(A,X), dif(A,Y), B=Y , dif(X,Y)
; N = 0, dif(A,B), dif(A,X), dif(A,Y), dif(B,X), dif(B,Y).
Trivially to do using intersection/3 built-in:
common(A, B, N) :-
intersection(A, B, C),
length(C, N).
Test run:
?- common([a, b, c, k, h], [b,c,d,e], N).
N = 2.
?- common([b, a, c, d], [a, b, c, d, e], N).
N = 4.
Notice that there is no space between "common" and "(" in the queries. This is important. Queries as you stated in the question (with space between "common" and "(") will give syntax error.
This is one way, assuming you want to ensure that the result is a set (unique items) rather than a bag (allows duplicate items) :
set_intersection( Xs, Ys, Zs ) :- % to compute the set intersection,
sort(Xs,X1) , % - sort the 1st set, removing duplicates (so that it's a *set* rather than a *bag* ) ,
sort(Ys,Y1) , % - sort the 2nd set, removing duplicates (so that it's a *set* rather than a *bag* ) ,
common( Xs , Ys , Zs ) % - merge the two now-ordered sets, keeping only the common items
common( Xs , Ys , [] ) :-
( Xs=[] ; Ys=[] ) ,
! .
common( [X|Xs] , [X|Ys] , [X|Zs] ) :-
common( Xs , Ys , Zs ) .
Another, simpler way:
set_intersection( Xs , Ys , Zs ) :-
Another way:
set_intersection( Xs , Ys , Zs ) :- % compute the set intersection by
set_intersectin( Xs , Ys , [] , Zs ) . % invoking the worker predicate
set_intersection( [] , _ , Zs , Zs ) . % when we run out of Xs, we're done.
set_intersection( [X|Xs] , Ys , Ts , Zs ) :- % otherwise,
member(X,Ys) , % if X is a member of Ys,
\+ member(X,Ts) , % and we don't yet have an X,
set_intersection( Xs , Ys , [X|Ts] , Zs ) % add X to the accumulator and recurse down
. %

Prolog iterating over list

I am working with Prolog sample list programs and triying to do some operations on them. However, I am stuck at a point and couldn't find any solution or sample.
I want to write a function which takes two lists of integers and return a float value. The two lists size are equal. The float value is the result of comparison divided by list size.
The function should compare every elemen of first list to every elemen of the second list. A pair (i, j) is that i is the location of element in first list and j is the location of the element in second list. If element i greater than element j, result of comparison is incremented by 1. If element i less than element j, result of comparison decremented by 1. If equal, nothing happen. At the end of the above operation, we return the float value described above.
retVal([4,5,3], [8,2,1], Result).
should return Result = (-1+1+1-1+1+1-1+1+1) / 3 = 0.33
In object oriented language, it is as simple as printing something on the console. However, I don't have any idea in Prolog. Thank you in advance.
What you describe by words could be this snippet
retVal(L1,L2, Result) :-
findall(S, (member(X1,L1), member(X2,L2), (X1 < X2 -> S = -1 ; S = 1)), L),
sum_list(L, Sum),
length(L1, Len),
Result is Sum / Len.
Alas, the test outcome doesn't match your expectation
?- retVal([4,5,3], [8,2,1], X).
X = 1.
As liori noted in his comment, your manual calculation is incorrect...
I think this should work:
sgn(X, Y, -1) :- X<Y.
sgn(X, Y, 1) :- X>Y.
sgn(X, X, 0).
ssapd(L, R, O) :- ssapd(L, R, R, 0, 0, O).
ssapd([LI | LR], RL, [RPI | RPL], ACC, ACCL, O) :-
sgn(LI, RPI, SGN), !,
ACC1 is ACC + SGN,
ssapd([LI | LR], RL, RPL, ACC1, ACCL, O).
ssapd([_ | LR], RL, [], ACC, ACCL, O) :-
ACCL1 is ACCL + 1,
ssapd(LR, RL, RL, ACC, ACCL1, O).
ssapd([], _, _, ACC, ACCL, Result) :-
Result is ACC / ACCL.
It's a nice implementation with tail recursion done by using two accumulators, O(n²) time complexity and constant memory (except for the size of input). To execute it, try:
ssapd([4,5,3], [8,2,1], Result).
This is a tail-recursive approach:
compare_list( Xs , Ys , Z ) :-
compare_list( Xs, Ys, 0 , 0 , S , L ) ,
Z is float(S)/float(L)
compare_list( [] , [] , S , L , S , L ) .
compare_list( [X|Xs] , [Y|Ys] , A , B , S , L ) :-
A1 is A + sign(X-V) ,
B1 is B + 1 ,
Another approach, this time "head recursive":
compare_list( Xs , Ys , Z ) :-
compare_list( Xs , Ys , S , L ) ,
Z is float(S)/float(L)
compare_list( [] , [] , 0 , 0 ) .
compare_list( [X|Xs] , [Y|Ys] , S , L ) :-
compare_list(Xs,Ys,S1,L1) ,
S is S1 + sign(X-Y) ,
L is L1 + 1
The former implementation won't overflow the stack on long lists as it gets optimized away into [effectively] iteration, but requires accumulators; the latter implementation doesn't require accumulators, but will blow the stack if the list(s) are of sufficient length.

Prolog code to drop the nth element of the list

I wrote Prolog code for my assignment to drop the nth element of the give list.
I made a predicate called remove/3 which removes an element from the list by its number, and another predicate called drop2/4 which calls the remove/3 predicate by only the numbers who are divisible by N.
But there is a small logical error as it only removes 1 element from the list which is the last element which is divisible by N. I guess this is because when I call the remove/3 predicate with the list L and X it adds all the elements to X then remove element number N, however, L remains the same, so when I call remove/3 again with another N, it doesn't continue on the previous edit, so the previous element which was deleted is restored, so that's why only the last element is deleted.
Query example:
drop([a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,k], 3, X).
Result should be: X = [a,b,d,e,g,h,k]
drop(L, N, X):-
drop2(L, N, X, N).
drop2(_, _, _, 1).
drop2(L, N, X, C):-
N mod C =:= 0,
remove(L, N, X),
Z is C-1,
drop2(L, N, X, Z).
drop2(L, N, X, C):-
Z is C-1,
drop2(L, N, X, Z).
remove([_|T], 1, T).
remove([H|T1], N, [H|T2]):-
N > 1,
Z is N - 1,
remove(T1, Z, T2).
That seems complicated to me. You could just say
drop(Xs,N,Rs) :-
integer(N) ,
N > 0 ,
where your helper predicate drop/4 is
drop( [] , _ , _ , [] ) .
drop( [X|Xs] , P , N , Rs ) :-
( 0 =:= P mod N -> R1 = Rs ; [X|R1] = Rs ) ,
P1 is P+1 ,
or the equivalent
drop( [] , _ , _ , [] ) .
drop( [X|Xs] , P , N , [X|Rs] ) :- 0 =\= P mod N , P1 is P+1 , drop(Xs,P1,N,Rs) .
drop( [_|Xs] , P , N , Rs ) :- 0 =:= P mod N , P1 is P+1 , drop(Xs,P1,N,Rs) .
or even
drop( [] , _ , _ , [] ) .
drop( [_|Xs] , P , P , Rs ) :- P1 is 1 , drop(Xs,P1,N,Rs) .
drop( [X|Xs] , P , N , [X|Rs] ) :- P < N , P1 is P+1 , drop(Xs,P1,N,Rs) .
No need for writing recursive code... simply use append/3, length/2, and same_length/2!
list_nth1_dropped(As,N1,Bs) :-
Here's the query the OP gave:
?- Xs = [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,k],
Xs = [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,k],
Ys = [a,b, d,e,f,g,h,i,k]
; false.
How about a more general query?
?- list_nth1_dropped([a,b,c,d,e,f],N,Xs).
N = 1, Xs = [ b,c,d,e,f]
; N = 2, Xs = [a, c,d,e,f]
; N = 3, Xs = [a,b, d,e,f]
; N = 4, Xs = [a,b,c, e,f]
; N = 5, Xs = [a,b,c,d, f]
; N = 6, Xs = [a,b,c,d,e ]
; false.
